MYCOLOGICAL SOCIE'I'Y OF AMERICA NXWS LET'i'Xi .DEC~~ 199 THX Al\JNUAL MEETING .199.4. Gainsville ......................,,i .. 1 OFFIC?&RS AXTI C!XiITTlBS OF THE SOCIETY FOR 1955.0 ................ 2 W3RT OF THE SZCRETARY-TREBSC?IER FOR 1954....................... 4 THE iimUfi PO= .................................................5 FINAL RZORT of tho 1953 F9UY. WISOl?.......................... 6 V1 VII INTXZUTATIONAL BOTANICAL CONGRBSS .PARIS.. ....................eW.18 XIV VACmCIES FOR 1liYGOLOGISTS ........................................27 1355 PH D'S IN I:YCaLOG'Y AVAIIABLE FOR mCHIBG OR lGSi3ARCBc .. -28 XVII XIX HONORS. EUCTIrlN TO OFFICE. F'Rm~OTIO~~S~ILXTURESe . 9 30 OTmNEWS .......................................................32 Thc 21st Annual i,icoting of thc Socicty was hcld on thc campus of tho Uni- versity of Florida, Gainosvillc, Florida on Scptcmbcr 5-9, 1954 in conJunction with thc annual mccting of thc American Institute of Biological Scinnccs. Thc mcotings mrc vcry arc11 planncd and 14~11attondcd. Thc Cornmittcc on Local Arr- angcmcnts, hcedcd by Dr. A.S. Iiillcr who was assistcd by Drs. Go F. Wcbcr, and i~rdmanT!cst, dcscrvcs our sinccrc thanks for thc hospitality and for thc splcndid arrangcmcnts mado for tho Socicty. Thc program consistcd of 55 l?ayors rctsulting from original rcsoarch, an incrcaso in thc numbcrpmntzA over last ycar. In addition thcrc !arc four special fcaturcs: Thc Yrcsidcntial Addrcss, cntitlcd "Sono Observations and Cornmcnts on thc Laboulbcnialosfl was dolivcrcd by 3rcsidcnt Loland Shnor; Thc Fifth Annual Lcctuc of thi? Socioty, cntitlcd n&gvadimus w~cologici?~~;the Symyosiwnon fli\'iicrobiological Cctcriorationtt, consistod of papcrs prcsontod by We H. Stah1 ct al., S. Dahl, R. C. Allrod, D. Iii~rnolfarb, B. Bcorstcchcr, T.A. f?Jhitc, and J. K. Ilichardson ot al, J. C. r?zavcr, H.C. Crandall, T. D. Eilcs, .- 2.d. Viclrlund ct al, S. Balmriauslras ct al, and C. H. Baylcy; and thc Symposium on nlficrobial Poplations and thz Sclcction of Antibiotic-Producing Xicro- organisms", consistod of paprs pros,?ntod by J. 1,. KcGuirc, J.T. Curtis, and Co L. Porter ct al. 30th Spqosia wcra sponsorcd by thc Socicty for Industrial Microbiology. At the busincss mccting of tho Socicty on Scptcmbcr 5, thc acting Sccrctary prcscntcd Dr. C. J. Alcxopoulos~ re-~ort~hich is found ~ls~whdroin this Nctrs Lcttor. Tho Society apyrovcd a number of rccomncndations of tho Council as prcsantcd in thc Council Rcport. e Thc Council avprovcd the rcport on Rbscarch Grants as givcn by Dr. John F. Couch far thc chairman, Dr. Pal.:~hLrnorson. Sincc $550 for rcscarch grants was lcft this ycar, thc Council aarovcd thc rccommcndation that thc remaining moncy go to tho iicmoirs fund. Tho Council rccommandcd tlmt thc policy on roinstatcmcnt of mcmbors bc as follows: "In ordcr to publish an articlc in thc Journal, a rcinstatod ncmbor must pay two (2) ycars baclc dui.,sl'. This is to yrcvcnt a mdmbcr from publishing onc articlc and dro?ying his nombcrshi;:>, thon lator rcnswing his mcmbcrship whcn hc dzsircs to publish anothcr articls. Thc Council discussod thc possibility of having a catalogue containing lists of various fungus col1c;ctions of individual mycolog~stsin thd Unitcd Statcs and appointed a comrnittcc to study thc desirability of such a. catalogyc. Thc Council discusscd thc 2ossibility of particQating with thc A.A.A.S. in Atlanta, Gcorgia, and after considcring thc small nunbcr of mycologists in thc Southcastcrn Unitr:d Statzs that vould bc particularly affcctcd, dccidcd not to participtc. Tho Socictz will m~ctwith othcr socicti~snt:xt ycar at Ivfichigan Statc Collcko, &st Lansing, :;ichigs.n undcr thc auspice of A.I.B.S. Thc Vicc Prcsidcnt prcscntod his rc:>ort on tho Foray, and thc Socicty ~asqod a rosolution thanking thc Foras- Comrnittoc for thc distinguish~dsucccss in arr- anging for rains, laboratory spacc and good lunchcs. iJcw mc.mbcrs trcro formcrly oloctcd md thc rcsults of thc dlcction of officcrs was announcod. Thc adjourn- mcnt of the busincss mccting ~vasf ollollrod by thc Prosid.cntia1 Addrcss. 11. OFFICE3S AXD C~.,iMI!CT3XSOF 'TILE SOCIETY FT)R 1955 Officers of &he Society for 1955 President - 1955 . William V. Diehl, USDA, Plant Industry Statior,. President-elect - 1955 . Ralph Emerson, University of California, Vice President - 1955 . Joaiah L. Lowe, Syracuse Uriiversity. Secretary-Treasurer - 19541956 . Ccnstantine J. Aloxopoulos, Michigan State College. (8cting Secretary-Treasurer - 1954-1955. E. S. Beneke, Eichigan State Colleger Councilors - East - 1934-1955. Lin-S, Olive, Columbia University. 1955-1956. Leland Shanor, University of Illinois. Vest - 1954-1955. A new ar~pointnentwill be made by the Presidcnt. 1955-1956. Charles G, Shaw, Washington State - College Kiatorian . Donald PI Rogors, Tho New York Botanical Garden. Official Ropresentativos and other new Appointees. Representatives on the Council of the American Assocfation for tho Advaccement of Sci~nco- 1954-1955. V. VJ. Diohl, Bureau of Plant Industry, Boltsvillo. 1955-1956. Ralgh %orson, Univcrsity of California. Represontativo on the Governing Board, American Institute of Biolcgical Scienccs - John IT. Ccuch, University cf Forth Carolina. Rcprcscntativo on the Board of Trustcos, American meCulturo Collcction - C. A. LoPc'Dvro Offico of Zm~criincntStations. Rcproscntativo to thc National Rcscarch Council - F. E. Sparrow, Univcrsity of biichigan. Boprcscntativc to tho Agricultural Rcscarch Institute - John A. ftcvenson, Bureau of Plant Industry, USDA. C. A. LcTcbvro Offico of 2~orimcntStations (~ltcrnate) Rcprcscntativc on thc Biological Stains Commiosion - L. S. Olive, Columbia Univcrsity Now Mombor of thc Xditorial Board of WYCOLCGIA (rcappointmcnt), 1955-1959) Alma J. Whiff cn Comrnittccs of thc Sccioty Committco of Nomcnclature D, P. Rogors, Chm. J. W. Couch G. V. Fischor G. N. Dcdgc F. D. Korn L. 2. Flch~cycr A. H. Smith G. B. Cummins C. ';I. Emmons, Chm. W. F. Conant Libcro Ajcllo C. W. Dodge Re FI. Benham 3. Do DcLamator A. L. Carrion Mombcr ship Comittoc C. T. Rogcrson, Chm. R. ?. Korf W. H. tJoston S. J. I?. Chilton A. J. Nix F. T. Wolf C, H. Christcnscn 1.i. B. Norrow G. I?, tlcbor Chas. Lo FQ~~US L. S. Olivo L. E. 7Jchnoycr J. W. Grovcs ;.I. -A. Potty C. 2. Yarwood R. H. Haskins 0. A. Plunket t A. 11. Zieglor G. W. Eoitt Bonc Pomcrloau C. G. Shaw Sustaining 1.icmborshi-pComnittcc E. J. Backus, Chm. C. W. Hcsseltinc L. Me Ames J. I. 1icGuiro E. S. 3onoko 3. c;. Mrak G. D. Darkcr A. 3. Prince 1. L. Dulancy 3. T. Recso J. C. Gilman John Routicn David Gottliob A. H. Smith 11. D. Gray Finance Committco 11. J. Robbins, Chm. Josoph Cr Gilman Kcnnoth Bo &per E. S, Bcncko, Acting Trcasuror, cx officio Committoo on Resoarch Grants and Publications John Ihrlich, Chm., 1954-1956 Ralph kcrson, 1953-1955 Committoo to Aid A. I. B. S. on Biological Handboolr V. M. Cutter, Chm. W. J.. Nickerson G. D* Darkcr Committoo to Study tho Dosirability of a National Culture Collection Catsloguc Konnoth B. Raper, Chm. 0. l'!, Hcsscltino V. W. Cutter C. 'A LC-Ebbvrc Committco of Publication of Memorials Edi tor-in-Chicf of IYCOLOGIA, G. W. liartin Historian of tho Society, D. P. aogcrs' Prcsidcnt of tho Socioty, tJ. W. Dichl Board of Editors for k4l&i"3IRS Committco on Prcparation of Vocational Guidance Infomation R. P. Korf, Chm. John ETlzrlich V. B. Bragonicr L. S. Olive C. ff. Christonsan V. 71. Ray During thc goriod Scptcmbcr 1, 1953 to Junc I, 1954 which this rc~ortcovcrs, t'nc following business, worthy of rcporting to YOU, was transactcd by tho Socicty: A. Channcs in thc Constitution: By mail ballot tho Society votod thrcc changcs in tho Constitution: 1. To changc Article 3 (Duos) to road: ItTho ducs.. ..shall bc scvon dollars and fifty ccnts a ycar.I1 Voto 169 for, 17 against. 2. To chango hticlc 5 (3fficcrs) to includc thc officc of "Prcsidcnt- I1cct.n and to dcsignato t&.t tho term of ofTicc (for all officcrs) shall start at the closo of tho annual mooting." Voto 175 for, 10 against. 3. To changc Articlc 7 (2lcction of ~fhecrs)to rcad: "The Sccrctary- Trcasurcr shall scnd to each mcmbor of tho Socictg throc months prior to tho Annual mocting a ballot for nomination of officcrs. The thrcc candidates for .:ach offico rccL?ivingthc highest nmbcr of nominating votes shall bo :)laced a1:fiabctically upon a final ballot to bc scnt to oach mombcr onc month bcforo thc annual meeting." Votc 172 for, 6 against. B. Joint Committcc on Intcrsocicty Coopcmtion: Aftcr studying thc rcco~~uncndationoof our rcvrcscntativc on the Joint Cornmittcc on Intcrsocicty Cooperation, Mr. John A. Stovonson, thc Council, by mail ballot, votod against participating in thc crcation @f an IlAgricultural Institute* and against appcinting a rcprcscntativc on a committee to cxplorc possibilitics af publishing actittitics by joint action of scvoral socictios. C. Financial Condition: Thc financial condition of the Socicty is gooO. On Junc 1, 1954 our checking account stood uncncumbcrcd at $2741.59. This f iguro consists of $1591.59 for operating cqcnscs, and $1150. OC from Sustaining ikicmborshij? funds. From thc lattor, thc $100.00 honorarium is to bc paid to this ycarfs annual lccturcr, and thc Rcscarch Grants Committco is te allocate a sum for rcscarch grants. No chnngo has bzcn mado in our inv~stmcntcduring thc year ctxcept for tho transfer of $650.00 to thc Savings Account at tho closo of thc last Annual Mooting. '5ur invcstmcnts consist of: 1. thc Lifc Hcmborship Fund ($800 in U. S. Qcasury Bonds) 2. thc 'i4onographs hd($955.39 in a Savings Account) 3. thc Cpcrational Rcscrvc Fund ($1300, faca valuc, in U. S. Savings Scrics F and G Bonds). D. blcmbo r shig: As of Juno 1, 1954 thc Sodcty countcd 679 mcmbcrs. This fimrc is laracr than that of Scptcrnbor 1, 1953 by 22 mcmbcrs.
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