OPINION SPARKS Judicial bias depends on the party involved YOUR COMMUNITY NEWSPAPER SINCE 1910 TribuneSERVING SPARKS SINCE 1910 Page 8 Volume 110, Number 26 Wednesday, June 27, 2018 $1.00 SPORTS cOvER story Former Sparks fire chief Andy Flock died Saturday at the age of 60. Musselman adds Utah to 2018-19 City mourns schedule Page 7 the loss of former fire chief John Byrne/Tribune City of Sparks officials cut the ribbon at a ceremony on Thursday to mark the completion By Kayla Anderson of the North Truckee Drain Realignment Project. Sparks Tribune Former City of Sparks fire chief Andy Flock died unex- Sparks celebrates completion pectedly last Saturday, June 23. He was just 60 years old. Flock began his career as of North Truckee Drain a volunteer at Sparks Fire Aces remain in in 1983, becoming a full- third despite time firefighter in 1984. He Realignment Project was promoted to Sparks rocky stretch Fire Chief in the late 2000’s Page 7 By Kayla Anderson businesses charged monthly). The Truckee before retiring from the Sparks Tribune River Flood Authority also gave an addi- department in 2013. Chief tional $4.75 million. The multi-phase project Flock also served on the The City of Sparks celebrated the comple- broke ground in February 2014, designed by Nevada Commission of INSIDE tion of the years-long North Truckee Drain HDR and built by Q&D Construction. Homeland Security and 30 Realignment Project last Thursday. This $40 Past city council members and the city years as a firefighter for the Weather...............................2 million project, consisting of a series of un- manager along with current city council Air National Guard. Flock State Briefs..........................2 derground culverts to send water from the members, Senator Julia Ratti, and Mayor also was a member of the City Council News............3 North Truckee Drain to the Truckee River Geno Martini all came together to celebrate Technical Rescue teams and Opinion..............................8 was designed and constructed to ensure that the completion of the project. Haz-Mat. Puzzles..............................11 flood waters reduce the impact it causes to “People who’ve been around since the be- “Chief Flock was truly Classified Ads..................12 lower lying properties. ginning and wanted to see it through showed a great man who put his Legals................................13 The project was first discussed in the early up,” says City of Sparks Community Rela- heart and soul into making 2000’s and then the City took a closer look tions Manager Julie Duewel. “We have all our city a better place. Our at it in 2008 after the North Truckee Drain spent hundreds of millions of dollars miti- close-knit Sparks family Alternatives Analysis came out stating that gating floods in the last several years and the will miss him terribly,” says Follow us on Sparks ranked the highest in flood insurance industrial area gets hit the hardest. We are all City of Sparks Mayor Geno Twitter: payouts in state of Nevada. Realignment of thrilled to have this in place,” she adds. Martini. @SparksTribune the Truckee River drain is expected to min- City of Sparks Utilities Manager Andy Hum- Current Sparks fire chief imize flooding in heavy storm periods- espe- mel took over the engineering design and con- Chris Maples worked with cially in the city’s industrial area. struction management of the project about 10 Flock when he was hired Sparks residents and businesses funded years ago. He helped secure funding and for in 1995 and served with the more than 90 percent of the project through the last five years has been working with prop- chief at different battalions. a $5 increase their sewage bill (residents were charged quarterly and commercial > See TRUCKEE, Page 6 > See FLOCK, Page 5 SPARKS Get the digital edition. SEE MORE sparkstrib.com Tribune News | Sports | Trending Now Your Community Newspaper Since 1910 ONLINE! 2 June 27, 2018 yOuR SEvEN-Day fOREcast WEDNESDAY THuRSDAY fRIDAY SaTuRDAY SuNDAY MONDAY Tuesday 93/55 87/54 83/56 89/57 90/64 95/60 98/52 Mostly sunny; Mostly sunny Plenty of Plenty of Plenty of sun; Plenty of sun; Plenty of very warm sunshine sunshine very warm very warm sunshine NEvaDa news bRIEfS Associated Press reality show. dents to boil drinking water as a pre- had to be amputated below the knee. The Navy veteran opened the Gold caution against contamination has Totman earlier pleaded guilty to & Silver Pawn store in Las Vegas been lifted, two days after a water driving under the influence in con- Reno Rodeo looks to become with his son, Rick. “Pawn Stars” pre- main break in the Colorado River ca- nection with the August 2017 acci- biggeR playeR in spoRt miered in 2009 and features the Har- sino resort town of Laughlin. dent. RENO — The Reno Rodeo wants to risons interacting with customers Officials said Monday that quality Sparks police tracked him down become a bigger player in the sport. who are trying to sell or pawn objects tests confirmed the municipal water hours later after they determined he The association that manages the that often are unusual or have his- supply meets safe drinking water had been working for a local property rodeo recently announced a $120 mil- toric value. standards for tourists and the com- management company dropping off lion plan to revamp the Reno Live- Services are pending. munity’s nearly 10,000 year-round sand bags in the industrial area near stock Events Center. residents. the Truckee River. A committee of the Reno Rodeo tahoe daycaRe woRkeR Clark County, Big Bend Water Dis- Prosecutors say it was his third Association says it hasn’t sorted out aRRested in child sex trict and Nevada Division of Envi- DUI offense in the past seven years. assault pRobe finances yet. But it’s looking at public ronmental Protection officials advise His sentencing is set for Aug. 6. and private partnerships. RENO — A licensed worker at a users in the Casino Drive corridor to The current arena is decades old daycare center at Lake Tahoe has flush plumbing systems by allowing Reno man, 21, gets 5 yeaRs in and can hold 9,000 people. A new been arrested as part of an ongoing faucets to run for three minutes be- pRison on child poRn chaRge area would accommodate a crowd of investigation into possible child sex- fore resuming normal water use for RENO — A 21-year-old Reno man 15,000. ual assault. cooking, drinking and cleaning. who used a social media messenger The Reno Gazette Journal re- Police say 55-year-old David Ro- Medical, dental and food service app to view more than 2,000 images ports that plans also call for a 52,000 drigues-Flores was taken into cus- establishments are being advised to and videos of child pornography has square-foot exhibit hall, more horse tody without incident on Wednesday refer to Southern Nevada Health Dis- been sentenced to five years in federal stalls and a bigger parking lot. after multiple victims reported a pat- trict guidelines . prison. Rodeo association Chairman Clint tern of abuse dating back at least two The water district says it’s unclear U.S. District Judge Miranda Du Thiesse says the old arena would be years at the Pequenos Rascals Learn- what caused the underground water also sentenced Ian Ramsey on demolished. ing Center in South Lake Tahoe, Cal- main to break on Saturday. Wednesday to 20 years of supervi- ifornia. Bottled water was made available sion upon his release from prison ‘pawn staRs’ RichaRd He was booked on one count of to resorts and residents while repairs and ordered him to register as a sex haRRison, known as ‘the old suspicion of lewd and lascivious acts were made. offender. man,’ dies with a child under 14. He was being Laughlin is about 100 miles (161 ki- Ramsey pleaded guilty earlier to LAS VEGAS — “Pawn Stars” pa- held Thursday on $500,000 bail at the lometers) south of Las Vegas. one count of receipt of child pornog- triarch, Richard Benjamin Harrison, El Dorado County Jail. raphy. who was known as “The Old Man,” The South Lake Tahoe Police De- feRnley man convicted of hit Prosecutors say he admitted he has died at age 77. partment says Rodriguez-Flores is and Run in 2017 spaRks cRash would chat online with others who Gold & Silver Pawn’s Facebook one of the licensees of the child care RENO — A 53-year-old Fernley looked at the pornography on the so- page posted Monday that Harrison facility. It’s not clear if he has a lawyer. man faces up to 20 years in prison cial media app. was surrounded by “loving family” Lt. Shannon Laney told the Reno after he was convicted of leaving the They say he often suggested engag- this past weekend and died peace- Gazette-Journal Thursday no one scene of an accident that seriously ing in child trafficking and discussed fully. else at the facility is suspected of any injured a motorcyclist in Sparks last meeting up in Las Vegas to poten- The post said that fans would re- wrongdoing. summer. tially abuse children. member Harrison as a “sometimes A Washoe County District Court The investigation was led by the grumpy (always loving, however), of- boil-wateR oRdeR lifted jury found Robert Totman guilty of U.S. Immigration and Custom En- ten wisecracking, and voice of abso- afteR tests in laughlin felony hit and run after he crashed forcement’s Homeland Security In- lute reason” on the History Channel LAUGHLIN — An order for resi- into a 33-year-old man whose left leg vestigations division.
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