v- DEVOTED TO BASE BALL AND TRAP SHOOTING VOL. 63. NO. 9 PHILADELPHIA. MAY 2. 1914 PRICE 5 CENTS 77i£ National Commission Now in Control of All Proposed Moves, Including All Future Injunction, Damage or Conspiracy Suits The "Chief" Johnson Suit Likely to Solve Many Moot Points NEW YORK, N. Y., April 29. According sans $6000 to desert, but h« turned a cold to allegrd official information furnished the shoulder. In the Johnson suit Organized Ball New York "Sun," the fight of Organized Ball will have at least a legal ruling on, the val against the Federal League will be supervised idity of the 1914 contract. The Indian was directly in every particular hereafter by the National Commission. At its special meeting signed to the latest instrument of the National in Chicago last week the triumvirate decided League. Very fortunately, this contract em to exercise the absolute powers with which braced the much mooted ten-day clause, the it was vested at the big war conference in only existing possibility of inequity. This this city last February. The International clause, which was incorporated on the advice League and American Association will be per of the best lawyers in the country, will stand mitted to join in the many legal battles con templated only in case the actions they plan the most rigorous tests in the opinion of the are found, upon investigation by the expert National Commission. Killifer©s contract, the legal talent of the big three, to be sound in ten-day clause of which called for reasonable every particular. The supreme court of Or doubt in the mind of Judge Sessions, of Grand ganized Base Ball further went on record Rapids, Mich., was of the 1913 model. Un as favi - ble to the prosecution^ of both the less there Federal league and the offender in every sub ARE FURTHER DESERTIONS sequent case of contract-jumping. from the ranks it is not likely that any more KINDRED LINES OF ACTION suits will be permitted on the part of major league club owners. The National Commission to those taken by Messrs. Baker and Gaffney expressed an opinion that the players who dis in their suits against Seaton and Quinn are regarded reserve were in the main undesir to be pursued. Not only the Federal League ables and that Organized Ball would be better agents and promoters who interfere, but the off without them. It has been decided, how deserters themselves, will be named in suits ever, to receive back into the fold auto for heavy damages. If confidence is to be matically all athletes who may be assigned by placed in the word of President James A. Gil- the law courts to their original major league more, of the baby circuit, no further litigation employers. Now as to the contemplated suits is likely to develop after the cases now before by Class AA leagues, the triumvirate has de the courts are disnosed of. Gilmore has gone cided to drive slowly. It refused to grant per on record as willing to make no more ad mission to the International League and Amer vances to players within the pale of the or ican Association to sue promiscuously for al ganization. Against him and his backers suf- leged wrongs. It was feared that unreliable i©cicnt suits have been brought to satisfy his counsel might prompt actions prejudicial to lust for fight. The latest development in the the good of the game. In the various cases legal controversy involves pitcher Johnson, the submitted by Ed Barrow and Tom Chivington, Indian, who the National Commission©s expert attorneys JUMPED A CINCINNATI CONTRACT. will investigate thoroughly the grounds and President August Herrmann, of that club, report back to the three vested with absolute wljo is also chairman of the National Com power. mission, secured from Judge Foell, of the Su FOR MINOR LEAGUE PROTECTION. perior Court of Illinois, a temporary injunc That the National Commission is resolved to tion against the redskin©s appearance with the make the major leagues bear the brunt of the Chifeds. This injunction was served on the fight against the Federals has been shown in aborigine in the third inning of the Federal one of its most radical rulings at the recent opening in Chicago last Thursday. It was conference in Chicago. Hereafter when a immediately returnable; that is, the defence major league player is released to a minor was supposed to show at once why the in league club the major league club so disposing junction should not be made permanent. But of his services will have to stand the loss in President C. C. Madison, of the Kansas City case the player refuses to report to his new- Federals, who was sitting on the players© club or jumps to the Federal League. As an bench at the time, is alleged to have got the illustration of the working of the new release tip through the serving of Johnson that he law, take the case of Bunny Hearne, recently was named as a eodefendant. He is said to released to Toronto. If he had not reported have taken the secret passage used by the to Toronto the New York Nationals would players and successfully to have run the block have been compelled to return the purchase ade of the sheriff©s posse. Before he could be price of the player to that minor league club. intercepted, Madison had escaped without the .—————————«————————— State boundary and consequently the jurisdic tion of the Illinois courts. Johnson, however, Crawford©s View of Bat Handles was Sam Crawford refuses to believe that cork on ths HAULED OUT OF THE BOX CLAUDE R. HENDRIX handle of a bat, or any other artificial covering, aids by the process of common law. President The Pittsburgh Pitcher Who Has Signed With the Federal League the batter. Of couree, Sam makes one exception, and that is tape ou the handle, and he isn©t particularly Madison©s precipitate flight from the Windy strong for this improvement. "It is quite possible that City proved no obstacle to the progress of the corfc on the handle of a bat will relieve the srting, Johnson case. Judge Foell refused on Monday but it is not going to aid in driving the ball," says to dissolve the temporary injunction against Sam. "There i* an art to hitting, and while strength Johnson which he issued Thursday. This ac is necessary, a matter must have the knack of hitting1 tion gave Organized Base Bail a technical vic the ball at just the proper moment if hoping to win tory in the first skirmish for Johnson. How a place among the .300 batters of the major leaguers." ever, this is not the main issue from the Na tional Commission©s point of view. ©Johnson was named in a suit for conspiracy to the amount of $10,000 damages; redress to the A brand new trick for -the, manipulation for ttie amount of $20,000 being asked from Presi tantalizing spit ball has been discovered by Hy Jasper, a recruit pitcher of the Chicago White Sox. dent Madison. In the latter suit Madison according to the Chicago writers. Jasper carries a bar may be served wherever found and he will of soap In his pocket from which he lathers the ball have to answer in Illinois or run the risk of instead of taxing his salivary glands in the usual losing heavily through default. Judge Foell, THEY HAVE A CLEAR CASE that Kansas City©s agents visited the hotel fashion. Pitchers heretofore have been known to make on Monday, set Tuesday, May 5, for the trial in the Johnson rnattcr and that it will prove where the Cincinnati Nationals were stopping use of slippery elm and kindred aids to a free flow «f this ease. Representatives of the National the most important victory of the campaign. in order to bribe the Indian to break his of saliva, but it remained for Jasper to invent a braa4 Commission declare A charge of conspiracy is baaed on the fact contract. It is charged that they offered Mar- new schema. SPORTING LIFE MAY 2, 1914 TKAHCIS C. KICHTEK, EDITOR THOMAS D. KICHTKB, ASSISTANT EDITOR Arranging More Tours Contract-Breaking Evil O Brooklyn uniform. Robbie©s management to date Is IN CERTAIN PESSIMISTIC QUARTEBS TO above reproach and he still has certain things up his the battle with the Dooinites is considered one of IS ROUNDLY DENOUNCED BY sleeva to unload when the occasion requires. Out the crucial conflicts of the Spring campaign, © there standing among the players we have Raleish Aitchi are those who figure the grimes, if played, as safely CONTINENT son, Ed Reulbach, Zach Wheat, Red Smith, Jack tucked away. Nothing like those 1-0 defeats that AN IMPARTIAL CRITIC 5alton, et a], all of whom have done yoeman©s service marked the opening of the 1013 campaign, when the n gathering five out of seven games in the 1914 cam Phils nearly broke the hearts of the local fans and paign. Aitchison in particular has won a niche put the Superbas on the pan. We had to laugh over Bancroft to Take a Team to Cuba IN THE HALL OF FAME T. Rice©s exploitation of a little incident in Boston Disregard for Contracts by Players last week in which Bobbie and several of his satellites by twice trimming the Boston Braves, who were shnt got mixed up over a play at third that was right in out for 17 Innings by the Newark wizard and only front of them.
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