PUBLISHED DAILY under order of THE PR&EIDENT of THE UNITED STATEr by COMMITTEE on PUBLIC INFORMATION GEORGE CREEL, Chairman * * * COMPLETE Record of V. X. GOVERNMENT .Octivities VO. 3 WASHINGTON, SATURDAY, JANUARY 25, 1919. No. 521 PROCLAMATION RESCINDING All Cases of Soldiers Requiring Amputations AMERICAN FORCE SECOND CERTAIN REGULATIONS IN Treated at 7 Hospitals INSTRENGTH OF ALL ALLIED REGARD TO ALIEN ENEMIES All cases of amputations of limbs ARMIES ON WESTERN FRONT among soldiers, both from overseas and from camps in the United States, will ISSUED BY THE PRESIDENT. be concentrated, according to directions AT TIME OF THE ARMISTICE of Surg. Gen. M. W. Ireland, at the fol- MADE TO APPLY ONLY lowing hospitals: HAD PASSED General Hospital No. 3, Colonia, N. J., GREAT TO THOSE INTERNED (leg amputations only). BRITAIN; FRANCE LED General Hospital No. 6, Fort McPher- Pronouncement Is Dated at son, Ga. General Hospital No. 10, Boston, Mass. Postal Card Placed in Hands " the City of Paris, Re- General Hospital No. 26, Fort Des of Every Soldier Moines, lowa. in France, public of France," Decem- General Hospital No. 29, Fort Snelling, Gen. March Announces, Minn. ber 23, 1918-Extended to Walter Reed General Hospital, Wash- With Orders to Send It All U. S. Possessions Will ington, D. C. Letterman General Hospital, San Fran- Home to His Next of Kin. Not Affect Disposition of cisco, Cal. War Limits of Punish- Cases of Any Alien Ene- ment Suspended. mies Arrested or Interned PERMITS SOLDIERS TO REMAIN INSERVICE OF ARMY UNTIL Press interview by the Chief of Staff, for Violating Regulations. January 25, 1919: THEY FIND CIVIL EMPLOYMENT The nonreceipt of mail from the Amer- BY TTE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES ican Expeditionary Force has been a sub- oF AMERICA. NEW ORDER BY WAR DEPARTMENT ject of comment, and after some corre- spondence with Gen. Pershing he has had A PROCLAMATION. The War tment issues the fol- printed a number of post cards, so that Whereas, under and by virtue of the lowing: one can be put in the hands of every sin- authority vested in me by the Constitu- gle member of the American Expedition- Circular No. 34. ary Force-officers and men-witb orders tion of the United States and by sections WAR DEPARTMENT, to send it home to his nearest relative. 4067, 4068, 4069, 4070 of the Revised Washington, January 08, 1919. On the card will be a statement as to Statutes, I declared and established by In connection with Circular No. 23. War where the man or officer is, his condition as to health, proclamations dated April 6, 1917, No- Department, 1919, commanding officers etc., and we hope that if will take steps to insure that every en- we can not persuade the members of the vember 16, 1917, December 11, 1917, and listed man in their command understands American Expeditionary Force to- write April 19, 1918, certain regulations pre- thoroughly that the War Department does long letters home we will at least be able scribing the conduct of alien enemies; not desire to discharge any soldier who to get some information in the hands of can not secure civil employment. It will every relative in the United States, if it I, Woodrow Wilson, President of the can be done. United States of America, do hereby pro- be made clear to every soldier that in claim to all whom it may concern that place of being discharged as he would be Divisional Insignia. normally under orders for demobilization, as of Christmas Day, December 25, 1918, Some misunderstanding reiulations he may remain in the military service of an order Nos. 1 to 8, inclusive, aid that has been issued by the War regulation 11 of the proclamation of April upon his own written request until such Depart- time as he can secure employment. The ment concerning the divisional insignia 8, 1917, regulations Nos. 13 to 20, inclusive, which are worn on the sleeves of the proclamation fact that he requdsts to remain in the of men who of November 16, 1917, Army temporarily does not in any way have served with divisions in France has and all of said regulations as extended to operate arisen. These insignia are very women to compel him to remain in the different by the proclamation of April 19, service for a long period of time against In character, and the department has 1918, shall be and they are hereby abro- his taken the ground gated, annulled, and will. Any man who would normally that every man who rescinded: have been discharged belongs to a division which is to be Provided, That the abrogation, annul- had he not ex- de- pressed his desire in writing to remain mobilized, whether he comes over indi- ment, and rescission of the regulations In the vidually or whether he comes across aforesaid shall service, may thereafter be dis- with not affect the disposition charged from the service at his his division, will be allowed to retain the of the case of any alien enemy detained, own re- quest whenever he thinks ,he may secure insignia which he wore in France to indi- arrested, confined, or interned for the vio-> employment. All men who are retained cate the division to which he belonged. lation of any of said regulations, or re- temporasily under this authority will be The order as issued said that these men lease any alien enemy from the obliga- attached to the most convenient would be allowed to retain such insignia tions of a parole imposed upon him by or unit and where their services will be most useful. up to the time of their demobilization for with the authorization of the Attorney By order of the Secretary of War: the reason that the War Department General. PEYTON C. MARCH, has no control over them after demobiliza- This proclamation shall extend and ap- Chief of Staff. tion. When they are discharged they ply to all land and water, continental or Official: General, become civilians and can wear the uni- insular, to which the above-mentioned P. C. HAnIs, form by law and can wear anything oil (Continued on page 2.) The Adjutant General. (Continued on page 8.) 2 THE OFFICIAL U. S. BULLETIN: SATURDAY, JANUARY 25, 1919. 2 REVISE) SPECIAL LICENSE List of. Transports and Army Units, FOR EXPORT OF SAMPLES Sailing From France for United States Casual Company No. 222, Alabama, 2 offi- TODAY, The War Department authorizes pub- cars, 67 men. GRANTED, INEFFECT lication of the following information: One hundred and forty-two Casual 0111- The transport Coronado, with 1 medi- cers, classifded as follows: Air Service. 107 Field Artillery, 2; Engineers, 5; Marines, 1; BY THE WAR TRADE BOARD cal officer on board, sailed from Brest Medical, 15; Ordnance, 5; Quartermaster, 1; January 21, and is due at New York Feb- Adjutant General, 1; General Staff, 1; Army ruary 7. Service Corps, 1; unifanifted, 1. GENERAL PERMIT ON One ax-officer, 6 civilians. The transport Tivives sailed from Bor- Also 1 officer and 1, enlisted man of United CERTAIN GOODS GIVEN deaux January 22 and is due at New States Navy. York February 6 with the following Transport Plattsburg sailed from Brest troops: January 22 and is due at New York Post Office Department and Detachment Casual Company No. 18, 10 January 80 with the following troops: men, New York. Three hundred and twenty-third Machine Customs Service Author- Forty-five casual officers classified as fol- Gun Battalion, complete, 12 officers 484 men. lows. bental Corps, 1; Infantry, 21; Medical, Three hundred and thirtieth Infantry Ma- ized to Accept Packages 3; Chemical Warfare 3; Air Service,- 10; chine Gun Conipany, 5 officers, 159 men. Field Artillery, 3 En gneers 1; Transporta- Casual Company No. 220, New York, 2 of- Without Individual Appli- tion, 1; Machine Gun. 1; Navy, 1. ficers, 80 men. Bureau Risk Detachment, Camp Meade, 18 a t e m e n t of The transport Arakan sailed from Bor- officers, 77 men. cations-S t deaux January 22, and Is due at New Casual Company No. 1072, New York, 2 officers, 86 men. Contents, Shipper's Name York February 6 with the following Casual Company No. 1073, New York, 2 of- troops: fdears, 90 men. and Other Notice To Be Casual Company No. 1074, New York, 1 of- Thirteen casual officers classified as follows: ficer, 65 men. Air Service, 5; Grave Registration Service, 1; charge of above casual Indorsed on all Packages. Field Artillery, 1 - Medical, 2; Coast Artillery, Headquarters In 2; Ordnance, 1; kloter Transport, 1. companies, 5 officers. Detachment Casual Company No. 17, 6 men, Casual Compauy No. 1010, New York, 2 of- The War Trade Board announces, in New York, 2 civilians. fleers, 149 man. a new ruling (W. T. B. R. 534), that Casual Company No. 1011, New York, col- from ored, 1 officer, 37 men. W. T. B. R. 457, issued December 24, The transport Minnekahda sailed Casual Company No. 1012, New York, 2 of- 1018, and the Special Export License No. Brest January 22 and is due at New ficers, 98 men. York February 1 with the following Medical Detachment for duty, 1 officer, 2 RAC-55, described therein, have been men. withdrawn and that a revised special troops: Sick and wounded not requiring special license under the same number (RAC- Three hundred and twenty-eighth Infan- attention, 6 officers, 222 men. 25, 1919, has been try, Field and Staff, Headquarters Company, Six Casual officers classified-as follows: Air 55), effective January Machine Gun Company, Supply Company, Service, 1; Engineers, 1; medical, 3; un- issued.
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