The Motto ■Here's Of The Week — Let’s Just “Say It With U. S. Army Flyers” CHAMPION SHOWMAN TOYNE UM' « » 6. v The Rocky Mountain Collegain ■wm* e*or Z 72 Published By The Associated Students Of The Colorado State College Of A & M. A. VOLUME LI FORT COLLINS, COLORADO — THURSDAY. MARCH 19, 1942 NUMBER 26 Judgers First With 60 Point Margin Willie WILLIE HOPPE Hoppe Rates Above 16 Others Performs Tues. In Willie of Entered Hoppe New York, Competition world's 3-cushion billiard cham- pion and generally regarded as the Members of the Colorado State College junior livestock judg- greatest all-around billiard player first 1 in of all time, will show his skill ing team of Fort Collins won among 1» teams judging March 24. betw’een 2 and 5 in the stock at the Southwestern Fat Stock Show and Exposition at Fort afternoon the Student Union, beef iiwanl from at late Land prize Rutli htnivHi ai latilr Interna- Worth. Texas. Saturday. Coach Melvin Hazaletis notified col- demonstrating the I laM Thursdaj. cue wizardry tioiutl lege officials Mondax that has won him every title in Colorado students won first *>o the the game. Aggie by points, telegram from Hazaleus stated. Student judgers from Oklahoma A and M. Hoppe stops off here on an ex- second. New Mexico and M. third. Kansas Toyne Is Showman hibition tour of the country, dur- College were A State Top ing which will he visit colleges, College fourth. Louisiana State boys’ clubs and army and navy fifth. Nebraska University sixth, His training (enters. tour is spon- and South Dakota A. and M. sev- Engineers Plan Of Little International sored by the Billiard Association enth. of America and the Association of Vernon Celebration College Unions and has been ap- Roland Vernon, a member of Tovne. animal proved and offi- Forrest husbandry major, was named irrand by army navy the Colorado State College student cials. For t'li,'million showman last Thursday nipht in ill** Little International team, was the best judge of live- March 28 Willie, be has been known as stock in the entire contest, with Livestock and Horse Show at Colorado State College, while Ger- ever since he appeared in knee 949 points to his credit. Prominent engineers from Den- ('row was declared the reserve lulil grand champion showman. breeches to the astound billiard Tom Beede of Hyde. Washing- ver and other parts of the State I Toyne showed a Shorthorn heifer in the and world as a “Boy Wonder,” will fitting showing ton County, Colo., was the sec- will attend Engineers' Day at first Crow show his audience the fundamen- politest gaining over s Hampshire ram. Norman Cari- —performs at Aggies March 24. ond best judge, with 943 points. Colorado State College in Fort tals of good billiards, give a brief of V Hereford, and Edwin Kenneth Finkner Fort Collins, on boo Perry’s Aberdeen Angus, who were Collins March 28, when the demonstration of the skill that another Aggie, was the fifth best Lise awarded Walter Cranson, three engineering students chosen trophies exhibiting a Holstein, and won for him the 3-cushion title judge with 936 Reveal points, and Johnny by their fellow students as honor Carroll Fox with a Poland China Figures “Collegian Capers” two years in a row, and open his Matsushima, another Aggie, was engineers will be honored. hog. also won trophies. of trick shots. bag sixth with 927 The oth- points. are Adventure Drama Kappa Delta Are Success With $162.00 Clear They Harry Hepting of Den- er member of the Colorado State Esther E< k'-rdt and Ruth At- ver. Murray Manley of Eads, and team was Albert Kotich of Fort Marvin Sehack of Bennett. Is Next kins riding for Kappa Delta won Retired Lyceum Engineering With all bills paid and all prizes awarded, the “Collegian Collins. it* s-'.ror-ity riding event, followed To Win Special Medal in a financial U> Jean Aggie students were first by Bluebell MeClave and Char- Capers” was definitely success, according A drama of high adventure, Head Dies gay . lotte Weigand, Delta Zeta, Sunday assistant business of tbe Mountain second Thackeray, manager Rocky by a committee of the Colorado and gallant laughter, and trium- ond in judging hogs and sheep. place and Shirley Brown and Vir- Collegian Wednesday afternoon. Engineers’ Council in Denver to love is unfolded in “So Ends phant Beede was the third best judge of ginia Kasdorf, Retired head of the Phrateres, third. mechanical receive a special medal, and the Our Night.” the Here is the financial statement of the benefit show held Lyceum feature on hogs and tbe second best judge of engineering In the fraternity riding class. department of Colo- other two will be given certificates this Friday and Saturday. March 6 to raise money for Defense Bonds: horses, while Vernon ranked third Crow, an first; rado State College, L D Crain, Independent, won of merit, said Dean N. A. Chris- Most of the action centers Total Ticket Sales $185.00 in judging horses. Mark Guffy, Sigma Phi died in Los Angeles. California Epsilon, tensen of the Aggie engineering ground the love affair which de- Three 125 Bonds at $18.50 55.00 early morning was second, and John Wilson. Sig- Sunday Mr. Crain division Thursday. velops between Ruth Holland Two $lO Stamp Booklets 20.00 (Contlnued on 2) was a pioneer resident of Fort AWS page Plans Election Plan* MMarearet Sullivan > and Ludwig Two $5 Stamp Booklets 10.00 Unique Results for lh«* Kvrnt Collins. pfern (Glenn Ford). Josef Stein- Rental of Junior High 12.00 An open house will be held He and Mrs. Crain had to gone from 2 pr, (Frederick March), a political Rental of Address System 5.00 “All-Coed” The proposed amendment to the to 4 o'clock during the aft- Band And Choir California last to Party December spend Constitution refugee and bis beautiful wife, Printing of Tickets 3.00 of the Associated Stu- ernoon. when equipment in the Christmas with their son, Captain prances I)ee contribute tense dra- Advertising in Express- dents concerning a change in the mechanical engineering, civil engi- L D Crain. Jr., who is stationed at ma to this stirring story. Present Concert Courier 3.30 Chili Supper And Varied publication! set-up was voted neering, and electrical engineering Camp Roberts. They were re- The story is unfolded in several Balance $ 7 7.70 down in the election last Thurs- departments will be exhibited to Traditional ported to have been visiting Program Replace European capitals and told The balance of $77.70 will be day. visitors. At the banquet that Two Are Original Compositions friends in Los Angeles when death Honor The amendment the through the of refu- given to the Associated Students Night for proced- night in the Student Union build- eyes political On The Featured Program came to Mr. Crain the gees who shuttle across the c-onti- of Colorado State College for the ure of submitting amendments to ing three outstanding students will and in order triumph over op- of buying a defense bond, A the student body won the approval be honored, a special jßent to Under the direction of Mr. purpose chili supper and varied en- pression. said Bill Kenney, Collegian edi- of the voters. speaker will be heard. Gregory Bueche and Mr. Paul Ga- Student Council tertainment is being planned for tor. vert the symphonic band and a the benefit of every CSC coed on “All in all, $162.70 out of the April 2, Fins Arts Series ( appella choir collaborated to pre- by members of the AWS Conclave is Here total receipts of $185.00 will have a council. This entertainment will Colorado sent varied program to Fort Col- Aggie Engine Department been spent on Defense Stamps and lins music lovers on Sunday after- replace the traditional honor night Bonds,” stated Elizabeth and Wyss, is expected to be an evening Begin Tuesday noon in the Student Union ball- Delegates From Fifty High Offers Complete Summer associate editor of the publication. of fun for Program room. every girl on this cam- Schools Meet On CSC Campus TIO. senior women's honorary said Hope Hapney, president Unique on the program were pus, *t Colorado State State College, will be- of Associated Women Students. The Engineering Department of Colorado will offer a the original compositions of Low- Approximately fifty Colorado K&i their Fine Arts Series of pro- Award Donors ell Little, former student of Mr. complete summer program for incoming freshmen, present fresh- high schools will be represented For the meager price of fifteen pping next evening at Tuesday llue< he’s, and Mr. Bueche’s color- men. and seventh will be regular sophomores, irregular juniors at the annual state con- cents chili served cafeteria in the women’s lounge of the ful fantasia, "Neons,” Other se- Visit “D” Club The freshmen, those clave of the High School Student style in the ballroom, and the incoming graduating from High School Btudent Union building. pos- lections played by tbe bund were I’aiil Council Association which will sibility of a mock style show is this spring, will he aide to enroll in the 13th G avert, music and voice an engineering major Tehaikowsky’s Marche Slave, “Tbe convene on the campus of Colo- Club Fleets New Officers being discussed for the “supper- of Instructor at Aggies, will on of June ami will graduate in 1943 speak Seafarer” by Haydn Wood, and May rado State College on March 26 time” program After the supper i subject pertaining to music.
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