THE CULVER CITIZEN. l a k e : maxinkuckee fecorUT, 0ffic, H ij0 ? CULVER, INDIANA, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 5, 1907. NO. VOL. V. MATRIMONIAL. CHURCH NEWS. THE WEEK PERSONAL w k,, THE FESTIVE SEASON Thanksgiving a Season cf Special Items Pertaining lo the Work of the Joy to Three Culver Couples. Local Organizations. * The Evangelical church in Cul­ IN CULVE POINTERS ver was the scene of a quiet wed­ lay school*resulted lust Sunday as (Thanksgiving Brings a Multitude of Pleasures to ding ou Thanksgiving day at noon follows: W . S. Easterday, super- when an audience of 200 persons Little Items of Local happening iutendent; Victor Elick, assistant the Cadets of the Military Academy Brief Mention of Culverites and witnessed the ceremony which uni­ Interest to People in Town superintendent; Vera Baker, sec­ Their Friends Who have ted Frank M. Jones and Bertha retary; Bessie Easterday, floor sec­ and Country Come and Gone M. Kizer, two well-known young retary; David ilemminger, treas­ To thc delight of cadets aud vis- ] Lavell, and presented with the em- people. At that hour the bride urer; Mrs. F. 15. Waimer, organ­ itors alike thc weather man decid- blenis, fi’s, which they are permit- and groom entered tho church and —Miss Fay Smith entertai ist; Mrs. Lizzie Hawk, assistant ed to give C. M. A. an installment ted to'wear upon their sweaters, Harley Davis was home over advanced to the altar where Rev. for Miss Esther Cromley Satui secretary; Arthur Zechiel, choris­ of his best autumnal weather for: As B Co. and C Co. had battled to Thanksgiving. F. B. Walmer received them and evening. ter; S. S. Smith, librarian. tho Thanksgiving festivities and a tie for the company cbampion- Mrs. Elsie Curtis has gone to impressively read tho marriage — Mrs. Stabenow enterta: Reformed church announce­ the sun shone for all his allotted *hip the cadets upon both these Chicago where sho may remain. rite. The bride was gowned in a three tables at progressive ci ments: Y.P.S.C.E. Saturday even­ hours during the stay of the visit- squads were given their respective Mrs. T. M. Hoffman has gone to brown street suit. The young Monday evening. in g a t 7:30; Sunday school at 10 ors. emblems by their captains, Clay- Berne, Ind., for a visit of several couple went from the church to thc - Sam M eel bourn took a pari a. m. Sunday; preaching service at The gala season, proper opened couib aud Young weeks. home of the groom’s father, Martin ten, most of them his emplo 11; joint consistory meeting at with the arrival of 8:30 o'clock Willard Zechiel came up from •Jones, where a dinner was served. out hunting Monday. They brot Delong Monday afternoon, Dec. C. Wednesday nighi when the glee W ith the exception of the cadets Purdue to spend the Thanksgiving The visiting relatives were the back 80 rabbits. Special services will begin Sunday club and orchestra began their and a few others who were in the vacation. bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Doug­ — David Menser has filed a i evening. Jan. 5. opening chorus behind tho curtain secret there was general wonder Flo and Leo Keller of Indian­ las lvizer, aud daughters Anna. tiou in thc Marshall circuit c Rev. F. B. Walmer will preach which slowly rose upon the min- what was coming apolis spent Thanksgiving with Marie and Ruth; Mr. und Mrs. to have Jool Menser declared a at Germany Sunday morning. Tbe strels. Interlocutor MacCarthy in­ Captain MacCarthy stepped to the Peter Keller and family. Walter Jones and Mrs. George son of unsound mind. election of Sunday school officers troduced the “merrymakers," Ma­ platform aud after a few words Zora Spencer of Mishawaka Eichler of South Bend. The bri­ —S. B. Roth of Kowanna h will take place at that time. son, Keplinger, Elliot and Pfiffner called the commandant, Major joined some of his Culver friends dal couple left in the evening for the belt for the champion catc Rev. Walker of this place will and the fun began. Pfiffner, Ma Gignilliat, to tho front. Then with in a Thanksgiving day hunt. Peru and South Bend on a week’s Bruce lake—a big-mouth b preach at tho Evangelical church son, Brown, Teare, Crothers, El­ an appropriate little speech in Misses lllma Overman and Del* trip. They will reside for the pres­ bass weighing pounds. next Sunday evening. All are in­ liott, Young, Keplinger and Ever- which he spoke of the appreciation cio Morricle of Bourbon wero the ent with Mr. and Mrs. Martin Oliver Morris moved into itt sang solos, the chorus chimed of the cadets for privileges given guests of Tillie Keller Friday. vited to attend tho service. new house this week and W ill in whenever possible anti the four to the football men in connection J°n*'8- Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Medbourn The Ladies’ Christian Union so­ bora is setting up his house blackened humorists kept things ith their military work during A t the home of tho bride’s father, and son Harry spent Thanksgiving ciety will meet Thursday, Dec. J, gods iu the pretty cottago vac heavy season MacCarthy presented moving. TheAUf solosS4SIW9 were credita ...... j ---------- - „ . John Suine, Mrs. Eva May was and the week’s end at Tiffin, O. with Mrs. Elick. by the Morrises. bly done for amateurs who suffered to the bewildered commandant a united in matrimony to William W ill Iiuger came up from La­ — Tho Vandalia changed tin1 A Delightful Concert. more or less from stage-fright; the lar^e and handsome cup with the Hinkle of Carroll county on Wed­ fayette to spend Thanksgiving Sunday and put on an addditi The program furnished by the chorus work was lively and the compliments of the battalion o f ’07. nesday of last week. The officiat­ with Mr. and Mrs. John S. Bush. train to Logausport. Tho a Time and Tunc club under the jokes were unusually good. » • * • ing clergyman was Rev. Mr. Craus Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Jennings of will be glad to give particula leadership of Dr. Wiseman at the Hustling corn blades, golden ofChicago.a personal friend of thc South Bend visited Thanksgiving you will phoue him. school building Friday evening was Garrison parade with its varied pumpkins aud waving grasses groom. W ith two exceptions the with Mrs. Mary Busart aud family. - The general improvemen worthy of the large audience which pictures of horse and foot mado tho clothed the gymnasium in autnm- guests were family relatives. The Misses Grace Voreis aud Esther the financial situation is re'lo nsteiiea wun manliest interest unu n,ost striking military feature of nal colors for the ball of Thursday out of town guests were Dr. W . L Stahl of South Bend came down in the Exchange bank whio approval to tho fifteen numbers, the Thanksgiving exercises. These night. The electric lights gleamed Northcutt and wife of Camden to visit their parents on Thanks- gradually enlarging its line of The glees sung by the clnb demon- parades were frequent during the: among the cornstalks, the musici- Mr. and Mrs. Hinkle havo gone to g iv in g . commodutious to customers. strated the care which has been summer but are new to the' winter uns were ’half ,P ‘hidden 11 • 1by - the tall Carrol county to reside on tho fine John Osborn was called to Bluff* — Weston walked into Chi< given to the important factors of j 9chool battalion, 'l he winter cos- grasses, and the chaperons were 80-acre farm of the groom. ton Tuesday by his wife whose — Weston walked into Chicago tim eand expression, and were high- J tun,c Gf dark bine overcoat with gristed across a feuco of rustic father was not expected to survive bnt left by the railroad. Mr. \Y ly creditable to the members of the; cross-belts of white with shining rails branched with dead autumn th e day. [Contribute*!.] was apparently not very auxious t club as well as to their earnest brasses, all given a dash of bril- leaves that still clung to their The marriage of Wm. Kline and Mrs. Arthur Upham has returned get there, bnt couldn’t getaway to leader », , A ., liance by the red-lined capes, makes boughs. Into t his scene the guests Effie Irwin took place ou Thanks­ to her homo in Toledo, ()., after a quickly. We don't blauie him. iho Book Agent, a number „ne of tbe mo.t picturesque effects wero welcomed by Col. and Mrs. giving afternoon at tho Evaugeli- Mrs. Sam Hessel. w^h ^ r* and which engaged tho musical and possible and enjoyed to the full by Fleet. Major and Mrs. Gignilliat cal parsonage, Rev. F. B. Walmer Only Ten More Days. Mrs. D. A. Eiick has returned comedy talent of Misses Iva Smith the visit ing fathers, mothers, sis- and Major Adams, officiating in the presence of Mrs. The Citizen’s premium of si from Logansport where she has and Mario Bus well and Messrs ters and sweethearts. At 9:30 the opening tigure was Walmer and daughter, Ira Faulk­ silver spoons to every subscribe been visiting her daughter, Mrs. Wiseman and Sam Buswell, was The cavalry gave two exhibi- bi^un by the commissioned officers ner. wifo and daughter, and the who pays up to Jan. 1, 1909. wi Frank Hendricks. one of the most popular numbers -»r i. tt , . .. I *. , , . , . j tionsnuns iorfor theme benefitoenoni oiof methe visitors andami the football men with their la- little daughter of Mrs.
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