TRINITY COLLEGE BULLETIN ALUMNI NEWS ISSUE • MAY, 1952 • HARTFORD, CONNECTICUT IN THIS ISSUE General Clay to Speak at Commencement Louis W. Downes, '88 Presents Memorial Gate An American on the Mekong by Leonard Overton, '49 The Lemon Squeezer by Robert Morris, 'l6 Professor N otopoulos Receives Guggenheim Award Mrs. William G. Mather Makes Generous Gift Air Force ROTC baud practices on campus, new library in background. The Bantam Roster Herewith, the roster of roosters whose crows have been heard smce the last Alumni News issue m the 1952 Alumni Fund. They've come through. Have you? The goal is $50,000. The amount subscribed as this issue of the Alumni News goes to press totals 40,000. There's 10,000 to go, and you can help to get us there with your subscription. So do it now, please, re­ membering that to Uncle Sam it's deductible and to Trinity it's delectable. GEORGE C. CAPEN, '10, Chairman 1888- Jones, agent, Belden, Putnam. 1920- Ti/ton, agent, Priest, Whipple. 1942-Viering, agent, Bestor, Jebl, Jerome, Kloss, Ladner, Middlebrook. 1891-Pedersen. 1921 - Rausom, age11t, Ameluxen, Strong. 1943-Tyler, agent, Denny*, Dickinson, 1894-Be/de>l, age>Zt, Morrison. 19 22-deMacarte, age11t, Johnson, Nord· IIinson, Loweth, Rackemann, Tribelhorn. lund, Parker, Richman, Walsh. 1899-Morgan, age>Zt, Morgan. 194 Starkey, agent, Boardman*, Conant, 1924-Aimo11d, agent, Kennedy, Lundborg, Fay, Fearing, Hastings, Jacobs, l\foyer, 1900-Tay/or, age11t, Brooks, Clement, ~fancoll, ~1arranzini. Glazebrook, Taylor. Shera, Stevenson. 1926- Stucr, agent, Hough, Miller, Newell, 1945- Aspc/1, age11t, Cross, Fredrickson, 1901-Wales, agent, Fiske, Rudd, Van Noble, Parke, Thoms, Walsh, Whiston. de Water. Gerent, Smith, i.\L 1927- Ebe·rle, agent, Bashour, Conran. 1946- K/ickstein, agent, Asbel, Feldman•, 1902- Henderson, agent, Backus, Riggin· Eberle, Hartt. botbam, Hyde (IM), Lorenz, Steele (IM), Katz, Kaufmann, Kelly, Kligfeld, Lascbever, Stewart, Taylor. 1928- FitzGerald, Mastronarde. Mahoney, Moulton, O'Connor, Parandes, Shafer, Studwell, Washer. 1903-Hinke/, age>Zt, Goodale. 1929- Ha//strom, agc11t, Blank, Brown, Turney. 1947-Jeunings~ agent, Dubinsky, Flynn, 1905-Gooda/e, age>Zt , George*, Graham. Friedland, Godfrey, Jennings, Marggraff*, 1930--RcgJiier, agent, Keeney, Rogers, Rosenberg, Uticks. 1906---Hi>Zke/, agent, Brainerd, Haight, Slossberg*. 1948- Domte//y, agent, Barnett, Byrne, Lauderburn, Rehr*. Casey, Cogswell, Dickinson, Gottesman, 1931 - ]acobson, agent, Dann, Gooding, Lavery, 1\fcDonald, Morrell, Peseux, Rey· 1908- Reiclte, agent, Mason, Myers, Olm· Schmolze, Vogel. nolds, Shippy, Tyler, Weitzel. stead, Skilton, Wentworth. 193 2-Campbe/1 & B11rgcss, agents, Ab· 1949- Rouse, Cornell, Straley, age>1ts, bolt, Boeger, Galinsky, Kibitz, McPherson, Anderson, Bracken, DeGrandi*, Harding, 1909-Halld e11, agent, Buchanan, Claus· 1\leloy, orman, Zazzaro. sen, Dibble, Livingston, Maxson, Vaughn. Later, Surgenor, Tribelhorn, Waugh, \Vilson. 1933-Tracy, age11t, Butler, Cotter, Prut· 195D--Geiger, Avitabile, Beirne, Blum, 191Q--Capen, agent, Bassford (IM), Gil­ ting. RichardEon, Silver. dersleeve, Groves, Smith, Willard, \V right. Compton, D., Hadley, Hardtuick, Maccarone, 1934--Tuckcr, ageut, Flynn, Haring, Mullane, Sheahan, Shepard, Sherman, Van 1911- Rosebaugh) age11t, Farrow, Foster, Ho\\'ard, Tucker, Webber. Loon, agents, Beattie, Bellis, Beirne, Biddle, Grint, Rees. Blum, Bourgeois, Bunnell, Carroll, Carter, 1935- Shaw, agent, Adams, Bullock, Lane. Connolly, Cooper, Farrow, Geiger*, Good· 1912-Wessels, agent, Barnes*, Blake, year, Graham, Haselton, Hickok, Kelley, Holcomb, McClure. 1936- 0gi/vy, agent, Hanna, J ennings, Knapp, Miller, J., Miller, L., O'Connor, Kirby, Ogilvy, Piacente. Robottom, Rowney, Stephenson, Sunega, 1913-Barber, agent, McGee. Taylor, Tsu, \Vainman, Zazzaro, Ziegra. 1937- Wilson, anent, Anthony. Brooke, 1914-deRonge, agent, Baridon, Craik, Doty, Hamilton, Hull, Kelly, Lepak. 1951- Van Lauen, Blair, Bridge, Browne, deRonge*, Edgelow, Hudson, Levin, Little, Cutting, Elmes, Ferg1tson, Ka11e, Klinger, Livermore, Senay. 193 8-Peterson, agent, Benson, Clapp. Martel, A1it ..: lwll, M1tir, Ricci, Roche. agents, Goddard, Griswold, McCafferty, pring. Burke, Byers*, Daly, Dobbs Edwards, Em­ 191 6---Morris. agent, Berkman, English, Tulin, Walker, Whaples. mons, Freeman, Furey, Jenkins, Kirschner, I ves, ?t1artin, ~f axson, 'Meyer, Tiles. Lang, Laub, MacDonald, Mayo, McGill, 1939-Smith, agent, Bassford*, Hart, Nelson, Nurge, Shaw, Simpson, Single, 1917- Joues, a.gent, Creamer, Gummere, 1\fadden, Naylor, Schmuck, Schunder, Twiss, Stark, Stuart, Wack, \'leikel, Wright. Hasburg*, Kramer, Racioppi, Schwolsky. Wilcox. Honorary-Howard, Keough, Lawrence, :Me· 191 8-Pimzey, agent, James, Kates, Title. 1940- B/and, age,.t, Bengston, Crabbe, Cabe. I Mc Laughlin, Smith. V-12- Davenport. 1919- Barber, age11t, Brill*, Pressey, Tuska. 1941 - Cowwa)l, agent, Johnson. Grad.- Seaverns. • Additional. Issued eight rimes a year by Triniry College-March, April, May, July, August, September, October and November. Entered January 12, 1904, at Hanford, Connecricut, as second-class marrer, under the Ace of Congress of July 16, 1894. Accepted for mailing at special rate of postage provided for in Section 1103, Act of October 3, 1917, aMho­ rized March 3, 1919. EDITED BY JOHN A. MASON, '34 VOLUME XLIX NEW SERIES NUMBER 3 (May, 1952) 2 New Features Planned for 1952 Commencement Ken Sruer, '26, Reunion Chair­ present, and the Reunion Class with man for the One Hundred Twenty­ the best costume. The election of Sixth Commencement Weekend, Alumni Trustee and Senior Fellows June 13-15, plans ro open the fes­ will be announced, and the Eigen­ tivities with another clambake on brodt Trophy will be awarded ro the Baseball Field on Friday the the "alumnus of the year." 13th at six o'clock. This year there are sixty-two Following the successful bakes of students eligible ro receive Air the past two reunions, the Com­ Force commissions. These new mittee has again engaged the Ken­ officers will be sworn in by Colonel dall Catering Company of Fitch­ Philip Hallam at a colorful military burg, Mass., whose fame is spread­ ceremony on the campus at 3: 30 ing ro the Connecticut shore. The p.m. ladies are cordially invited. After Acting President and Mrs. the annual fraternity meetings, Hughes will be at home at 73 Open House will be held for Alum­ Vernon Street ro all alumni from ni and guests in tents on the Soccer GENERAL CLAY five ro six. Class Dinners are sched­ Field. uled for 6:30 with the Classes of General Lucius D. Clay, who Alumni body ar Northam Towers, 1902, 1907' 1912, 1917' 1922, brilliantly commanded the Berlin and the parade will continue ro th'e 1927, 1932, 1937, 1942, 1947, air lift operations, will give the Field House for the Alumni and 1951 having reunion banquets. Commencement address on Sunday Luncheon at 1: 30 p. m. Other alumni will meet at the Class afternoon in front of Northam The annual Alumni Meeting will of 1823 Dinner ar the Hotel Heu­ Towers, and the Rev. John Huess, be held immediately after luncheon. blein. newly elected rector of hisroric New national officers will be The new Library will open for Trinity Church, New York City, elected, Dean Hughes will report inspection throughout the weekend. will deliver the Baccalaureate Ser­ on the stare of the College, prizes Chairman Sruer reports that mon at the Open Air service in will be presented ro the oldest several of the reunion classes have the morning. This service will be alumnus present, the alumnus from been very active in preparation for broadcast at 11:05 by Station the farthest distance, the greatest their anniversaries and anticipates WDRC (1360 k.c.). The Gov­ percentage of a Reunion Class a big attendance. ernor's Foot Guard Band will pro­ vide the music. The new main gate on Summit Street given by Louis W . Downes, '88, will be dedicated Flame of Academic Freedom to Top after the service. Gate Given by Louis Downes, '88 The Senior Class Day exercises will be held in front of Northam Louis W. Downes, '88, has given general manager of the D and W at 11:00 A. M. on Saturday morn­ the College a main entrance gate Fuse Company in Providence. He ing with Horace "Chip" Vaile of for the Summit Street entrance to held some thirty-five electrical Highland Park, Illinois, Class Presi­ the Chapel and campus. Construc­ parents, the most famous of which dent, in charge of the program. tion began last month, and the gate was the enclosed electrical fuse. In The Alumni Parade will form at will be dedicated immediately after 1912, he was awarded the John noon by the reunion tents on the the Open Air Baccalaureate service Scott Medal by the Franklin Insti­ Soccer Field and march up Vernon on Commencement Day June 15. tute for his original work in the Street, along Summit Street ro the A memorial to the donor's wife, development of asbesros wire, and new Downes gate, and then to the late Mary Lois Seagrave in the following year Trinity con­ Northam Towers. Classes will be Downes, the gare will be seventeen ferred upon him the honorary de­ judged for several prizes enroure, feet high and twenty-six feet wide. gree of Doctor of Science. and reunion classes should therefore The main gate posts will be of Mr. Downes sold his business in have all members in the parade. A brick brownsrone trim, topped by 1918 to the General Electric Com­ new prize has been given for the a bronze flame designed by Mr. pany. He has traveled extensively, best class costume and all class Downes ro symbolize academic and became keenly interested in chairmen have been asked ro pay freedom. Each main post will be the work of early English clock­ particular attention ro secure color­ connected by six foot brick walls makers. He now has a collection of fu l uniforms. National Alumni ro two smaller piers. thirty-five antique clocks dating President, Hugh Campbell, '32, will For over twenty years Mr. back to 1640 and all restored by welcome the Seniors into the Downes was vice-president and him.
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