Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-65878-2 - Women and Achievement in Nineteenth-Century Europe Linda L. Clark Index More information Index Aberdeen, Lady Ishbel 251–2, 265 numbers of 12–13, 83, 89–90, 98 Abitur 168, 174 organizations 86, 87, 89, 97–8 abortion 220, 260, 270–1 sculptresses 15, 84–5, 85–6, 97, 112 Académie Française 16, 18, 19, 27, training 12, 14, 83–9 59, 289 Association for Extended Women’s academies Education (Austria) 68, 175 literary and women 18, 19, 27, 59, 70–1, Association for Women’s Suffrage 78, 289 (Vereeniging voor Vrouwenkiesrecht, of art, women members 12, 13–14, 18, VVVK) 250, 261–2 27, 87, 289 Association Law, Prussia 243, 253, 255 scientific, women members 18, 190, 193, Aston, Louise 59 289 Auclert, Hubertine 193, 248–9, 250, 251, “accomplishments” lessons 82, 162 252, 255, 260, 262, 278 actresses 20–1, 28, 30, 113–21 Augspurg, Anita 231, 253, 255, 260–1 British 21, 113–16, 120, 264 Austen, Jane 47–8, 55, 64 French 28, 30, 113, 114–15, 116–17, Avril de Sainte-Croix Ghénia 147, 253 119, 120 German 113, 114 baccalauréat 168, 170, 171 Russian 115, 116, 119 Backer, Harriet 95, 113 Adams-Lehmann, Hope 217, 271 Bajer, Mathilde, Fredrik 247, 250 Addams, Jane 155, 285 Balzac, Honoré, de 53, 55, 57 ADF, see German Women’s Association Banks, Olive 263–4 Agoult, Marie d’ 52–3, 59, 162 Barat, Sophie 129 Aleramo, Sibilla 75–6 bas-bleus 9 Algeria, French women in 131, 177, 223–4, Bashkirtseff, Marie 87, 96 230, 278 Bassot, Jeanne 156 Alphen-Salvador, Gabrielle 208, 209 Bäumer, Gertrud 264, 271, 285, Amar y Borbón, Josefa 18–19, 31 287, 288 anticlericalism Bayerová, Anna 188, 217 and education policy 165, 177–8 BDF, see Federation of German Women’s and nursing 205, 207 Associations Catholic responses to 130 Beale, Dorothea 169 antislavery societies, women and 136–7 Bebel, August 272–3 Arenal, Concepión 138, 141–2, Beccari, Alaide Gualberta 147, 248 183, 232 Becker, Lydia 245, 249 aristocrats, and women’s associations 265 Bedford College 169 Arnim, Bettina von 20, 51 Beeton, Isabella 78 art, genres seen as “feminine”, Belgiojoso, Cristina 46, 59 “unfeminine” 15, 84, 85 Bequet de Vienne, Marie 150, artists, women 12–15, 26–7, 83–98, 288–9 151, 216 exhibitions 14, 15, 16, 27, 87, 89–90, 98 Bernhardt, Sarah 115, 116–17, 119, 120 government patronage 90–1, 98 Bertaux, Hélène 85, 87–8, 90, 98 292 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-65878-2 - Women and Achievement in Nineteenth-Century Europe Linda L. Clark Index More information Index 293 BFM, see League for Protection of Protestant women 133–6; see also Motherhood deaconesses Bieber-Boehm, Hanna 147, 253 Russian traditions 132, 138, 144 birth control 218, 220, 260, 268–72, 274 statistics 127 Blackwell, Elizabeth 210–11, 252 Charity Organisation Society (COS) 142–3, Blau, Tina 89, 95 144, 149, 153 bluestockings 9, 52, 90 Chartism, women and 241, 243 Bodichon, Barbara 64, 86, 211, 244, 245 Chateaubriand, François René, de 49, 128 Bogelot, Isabelle 141, 251 Chauvin, Jeanne 225–7, 229 Bondfield, Margaret 276, 287 Chenu, Jeanne 266 Bonheur, Rosa 84, 91–2, 95 Chernyshevsky, Nikolai 144, 215 Booth, Catherine 144 Chevreau-Lemercier, Eugénie 134, 232 Boulanger, Lili 112 child welfare, women and 133–4, 140–1, Bourdieu, Pierre 161 149–52 Bradlaugh-Besant trial 267 Cinti-Damoreau, Laure 101–2 Braquemond, Marie 95 classical education 10, 11, 15, 161, 168, Braun, Lily 79, 265 171, 172, 174, 176, 184, 185 Bremer, Fredrika 60–1, 250 Claudel, Camille 97 Brès, Madeleine 213, 215 clerks, women 232–3 Bright, Jacob, Ursula 249 CNFF, see National Council of French Brontë, Charlotte 46, 57, 162 Women Browne, Henriette 90 coeducation, see schools, coeducational Browning, Elizabeth Barrett 46, 55 Collett, Camilla 61–2 Brunschvicg, Cécile 262, 287 Collot, Marie-Anne 15 Bruun, Anne 183 Comédie Française 28, 30, 113, 116, 119 Burney, Fanny 20, 47, 48, 83 Comte, Auguste 64, 153 Buss, Frances Mary 169 Concordat, 1801 36, 128 Butler, Elizabeth Thompson 93 Condorcet, Marquis de 22, 24, 263 Butler, Josephine Grey 145–6, 148, 264 congresses, women’s 78, 237, 251–2 ICW 98, 145, 155, 157, 193, 234, 251, Campan, Jeanne 16–17, 29, 30, 35, 162 253, 255, 278 Candeille, Julie 26 International Congress on Women’s Capet, Gabrielle 85 Rights Carpenter, Mary 140–1, 146 Paris 1878 247–8 Cassatt, Mary 94 Paris 1900 227 Catherine II (“the Great”) 7–8, 15, 17–18, Paris 1889 252 34, 132 International Congress on Women’s Catholic Reformation, and women 11, 129 Charities and Institutions Catholic religious orders 22–3, 128–31 Paris 1889 127, 211, 252 charity 23, 128–31 Paris 1900 142, 143, 227 French Revolution and 22–3, 128 Paris 1913 149, 150, 229, 262–3 nursing 23, 199, 204, 205, 207–8 International Congress on Women’s prison staff 140 Work and Activities, Berlin 221, 253 teaching 23, 129, 133, 162, 164, 165, IWSA 255–6, 257, 267, 276–8 175, 177, 180 Polish 258 Catholic women’s associations 155, 156, Russia 257, 265, 266, 275 265, 266–7 World’s Congress of Representative Catt, Carrie Chapman 255, 257, 276–8 Women, Chicago 47, 119–20, 185, Cauer, Minna 153, 253, 255, 261 252 Cavour, Camillo di 147, 165 Conservatoire, Paris 29, 100–1, Chaminade, Cécile 111, 182 101, 103, 105, 110 Chaptal, Léonie 208 conservatories, training women 29, 100–1, charities, women’s role 125–57 110, 111 Catholic laywomen 132, 137–8, 156 consumers’ movement, women and 156 Jewish women 133, 147–8 COS, see Charity Organisation Society © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-65878-2 - Women and Achievement in Nineteenth-Century Europe Linda L. Clark Index More information 294 Index Contagious Diseases Acts 145–6 Enlightenment, and women 8, 9–10, 11, Cottin, Sophie 46 16, 18, 28, 30, 163 Coudray, Mme du 17 Épinay, Louise d’ 30 Counter Reformation, see Catholic equality in difference 4, 87–8, 240–1, Reformation 280–1 Courths-Mahler, Hedwig 78 eugenics 152, 270 Craig, Edith 115, 120 Eugénie, Empress 90, 92, 111, Curie, Marie Sklodowska 166, 189, 137–8, 187 192–3, 289 Evreinova, Anna 225, 257 Expressionists, women 95–6 Dalle Donne, Maria 210, 220 Darwin, Charles 152, 193–4 Falcon, Cornélie 100, 102 Dashkova, Princess Ekaterina 17–18, 34 Farrenc, Louise 110 Daubié, Julie 170, 171, 246 Fawcett, Henry 245 David, Jacques-Louis 14, 26, 27, 85 Fawcett, Millicent Garrett 212, 251, 258, Davies, Emily 169, 211, 249 260 deaconesses 135–6, 140, 203, 204 FE, see Feminist Association Deken, Aage 20, 30, 41 Federation of German Women’s Demont-Breton, Virginie 87, 92 Associations (Bund Deutscher dentists, women 216–17, 224 Frauenvereine, BDF) 148, 155, 174, depopulation, French concern 149–50, 269 204, 217, 252–3, 255, 260–1, 264–5, Deraismes, Maria 246–8, 250, 251, 252 271, 273, 287 Deroin, Jeanne 242–3 Femina 78, 228 Dickens, Charles 57 feminism, defined 240–1 divorce 24, 36, 50, 53, 244 nineteenth-century goals 2, 240–1 doctors, women 171, 188, 197, 210–24, term introduced 40, 71, 249–50 234, 288 Feminist Association (Feminsták associations 212, 223 Egyesülete, FE) 256, 265, 267 numbers 214, 216, 217, 224 Fénelon, François de Salignac de la Mothe Russian courses for 186, 214 9, 12, 43 Dohm, Hedwig 79, 247 Fenwick, Ethel Gordon 201–2 Donna, La 147, 248 Ferry, Jules 164, 165, 182 Droste-Hülshoff, Annette 53, 55, 72 feuilleton 58 Drucker, Wilhelmina 250, 268 Fickert, Auguste 253 Dufferin Fund 209, 222, 223 Filosofova, Anna 144, 186, 254, 257 Duras, Claire de 49 Fonseca Pimentel, Eleonora 34 Durand, Marguerite 120, 260 Fontenay-aux-Roses, higher normal school Duruy, Victor 170–1, 187 178–9 Duse, Eleonora 115, 117–19 Foucault, Michel 126 DVF, see German Union for Women’s Fouqué, Caroline de la Motte 50 Suffrage Fourier, Charles 241, 248 Fox, Eliza 86 East Indies, Dutch women in 181, 223, French League for Women’s Rights, (Ligue 277 Française pour le Droit des Femmes, Ebner-Eschenbach, Marie von 67–8, 72, LFDF) 216, 228, 250, 262–3 175 French Revolution 1, 5–7, 21–37 École des Beaux-Arts 86, 87–8 centennial 111, 149, 252 École Gratuite de Dessin 86, 91 education 24–5, 29, 161 Edgeworth, Maria 47, 48, 61 impact beyond France 5, 30–4 education at home, girls’ 11, 43, 161 impact on women 1, 5, 21–35, 37 Edwards-Pilliet, Blanche 150, 215–16 public assistance 22, 125, 128 Eliot, George 46, 57, 62–5, 77, 92 women’s clubs 22, 23, 24, 27 Ellenrieder, Maria 85, 91 French Union for Women’s Suffrage Engels, Friedrich 272 (Union Française pour le Suffrage des Englishwomen’s Journal 211, 244 Femmes, UFSF) 262–3 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-65878-2 - Women and Achievement in Nineteenth-Century Europe Linda L. Clark Index More information Index 295 French Women’s Patriotic League 266 Habermas, Jürgen 8 Fronde, La 120, 220, 227, 260 Hahn-Hahn, Ida 57, 59 Fry, Elizabeth 135, 138–40 Hainisch, Marianne 174, 253, 256 Fuà Fusinato, Erminia 182 Hamilton, Anna 206–7, 208, 215–16 Fuller, Margaret 46, 64 Hamilton, Cicely 112, 120 Harrison, Jane Ellen 191 Gahéry, Marie 156 Hensel, Fanny Mendelssohn 110 Galtier, Marie 228, 236 Herz, Henriette 9, 50, 51 Gan, Elena 56 Heymann, Lida Gustava 147, 253, 255, Garrett Anderson, Elizabeth 211–12, 213, 261 249, 268 Hierta-Retzius, Anna 143 Gaskell, Elizabeth 56–7 high culture/popular culture divide 62–3 Gasparin, Valérie 202–3 Hill, Octavia 142, 143 Gatti de Gamond, Isabelle 171–2 Hippel, Theodore von 33 Gatti de Gamond, Zoé 171, 232 Hirschfeld-Tiburtius, Henriette 216–17 Gay de Girardin, Delphine 46, 52 Holmès, Augusta 111 gender, defined 1 Huch, Ricarda 72–3, 77, 78, 289 history of ideas on
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