'll l i t i <rIf If I Official ^The Only Marclies Appointments Reverend David M. Mangum, Archdioce* Were at Offertory’ san Vocation Director, also to be Assist­ BY .MARTY THARP youth following the death of his daugh­ ant Pastor, Presentation o f Our Lady Where else would there be more than Church. Denver. ter. told the youth to "turn on with life 4.000 teenagers assembled for a weekend to meet today’s problems head on. not Reverend Gerald J. Stremel. to be Pastor. without a single picket sign? turn away from them.” Sacred Heart Church. Cheyenne Wells, Where else would you find as the only and to be in charge o f St. Augustine’s parades, the Mass offertory processions of He addressed the youth at what is Church, Kit Carson. Iquietly serious young said to have been Denver’s largest ban­ Reverend Daniel J. Connor, to be Assist­ |students? quet — 4,000 — Saturday evening in the ant Pastor. St. Mary’s Church, Colorado That’s the picture new convention complex as the highlight Springs. lof the Catholic of the closing event which was marked Reverend William P. Murphy, to be As­ I Youth Organization with numerous award presentations. sistant Pastor, St. Paul’s Church. Broad­ iF ed eration ’s 10th moor. Colorado Springs. ibiennial convention THE C O N VE N TIO N E E R S handed THURSDAY. NOV. 27, 1969 VOL. XLiV No. 17 Reverend Patrick Costello, to be Assistant at Denver’s new out awards Saturday evening to a long line Pastor. Holy Trinity Church. Westmin­ ^Convention Complex of adults and two members. ster. |Nov. 20, 23. Named Catholic Youth of the Year Reverend Frowin Brownfield, to be As­ There were the was Glenn Speiser o f Laramie. W’yo., who sistant Pastor. Cathedral of the Immac­ 4usual shenanigans Pope Appraises ulate Conception. Denver. has been active in CYO work, particular­ ■ preceding the elec- ly in the "Search for Christian Maturity" |tion of national ofTi- DIACONATE APPOINTMENTS retreat program. The award goes to the Sicnkiewicx cers — lots of pos­ youth who shows outstanding ability and Reverend Mr. Dennis M. Grabrian. Holy ters, campaign buttons and banners, and U.S. Vietnam Policy work in the activities of the CYO chap­ Trinity Church. Westminster hundreds of funny hats. But the posters ters. Barbara Dentz of Baltimore, Md., Reverend Mr. John J. Grabrian, Church stayed on the walls and the banners national secretary of the Young Adults Compiled From News Services ly, of your illustrious President and we of the Risen Christ, Denver. hung for all to see that the teenagers’ Reverend Mr. William J. Husson, Annun­ Section, was given a similar honor by cannot but encourage him in this. message was peace and involvement. Vatican City — Pope Paul VI. ex­ "Nevertheless, we also understand that ciation Church, Denver. that section in its meeting at the Cosmo­ pressing his "fervent desire’ for a quick the right way o f ending the conflict de­ Reverend Mr. Paul R. Jennings. St. Pat­ politan Hotel. end to the Vietnam war, implied he A F T E R a hard-hitting keynote talk by mands. in present circumstances, a well rick’s Church. Denver. outgoing CYO federation president M i­ strongly anproves of President Nixon s - PAD R E OF Y O U T H awards went to thought out and responsible procedure; not Reverend Mr. Robert J. Kinkel, Cathedral chael McCk>wn.~the->delegHtes elected Dan program to achieve peace in the battered only to avoid neglecting international obfi* ^Monsignor JoHrf Kiley, former archdioce­ country. o f the Immaculate Conception. Denver. Sienkiewicz of Grosse I’oints,- Mich., the gations which honor the confi-'ence of san youth director o f Newark. N.J.. for The Pope's comments, made during an Reverend Mr. Andrew M. Klein. St. new president. one’s allies and which is not to be be-, Louis’ Church. Englewood. his 25 years of work with youth and his audience Nov. 17 with five U.S. governors, He. like McGown. charged CYO hasn’t special efforts toward leadership develop­ trayed and which also must be fulfilled, Reverend Mr. Thomas J. Stroot. St. Vin­ done enough outside its own organization were interpreted as outright praise of the but also in order that the cauae and the cent de Paul Church, Denver. ment, and to Monsignor Louis F. Meyer, Presidents controversial war policy as for other people. He hopes to set up a re< director of the youth department o f the ideal proposed to your fellow citizens, for Reverend Mr. Donald R. Thissen. Notre outlined in a nationally televised speech search committee to study whether CYO Archdiocese of St. Louis, director of the which so many have made the sacrifice oC Dame Church. Denver. in Washington Nov. 3. should get involved in community action. Missouri Regional Council of Catholic their very lives; that is, of helping a peo-;' Mr. Ronald R. Livojevich, appointed to After an obvious reference to the Viet­ Art Linkletter. TV personality who has youth. pie who are weak and deserving o f as-' serve St. Jude’s Parish. Denver. taken up a crusade against drug use by nam Moratorium demonstrations Nov. IS­ sistance to defend their right to 8elf-de-‘'i Three laymen honored for their work IS calling for immediate U.S. withdrawal termination and to the free promotion of' with youth were Mary Eileen Perks of from Vietnam, which he said he observed their peaceful development — this cause Springfield-in-lllinois diocese, for her 20 "with great interest.’’ the Pop>e said: and this ideal should not be denied.’* "We have pondered upon the wide­ ]^ew eSU Center years of work with CYO; Benjamin J. Debinski. executive secretary. Catholic spread manifestations which call for an TH E S T AT E M E N T subscribed closely Youth Department. Archdiocese of Balti­ end of the war in Vietnam, which now to the President’s own reasons for opting more: and posthumously to Hugh J. has been going on for years without any for a gradual pull-out of U.S. forces, on a Dedication Dee. 5 Bracken, former program director in the prospective solution on the military level secret and flexible schedule — depending and which is costing so much in expendi­ on military circumstances and only as Fort Collins — Archbishop James V. T H E F A C IL IT Y ha.'< been in use Philadelphia diocese w'ho was responsi­ tures of means, and above all. in human South Vietnamese troops can hold their Casey will dedicate the John X X III Cen­ since its completion in September. ble for developing the CYO program for lives. own against the Viet Cong and North ter at Colorado SUite University at ,5 The building includes three complexes: the diocese. His wife accepted the award. "We feel we can say that no one desires Vietnamese. p.m. Dec. 5. An ofllce-library-lounge. the nave; and Also honored were Msgr. Thomas Leon­ more than we do that the war, and every But if the governors — James Rhodes, The $360,000 facility was built to ac­ living and work quarters. ard. director of Youth Activities, United other war. should cease: and it is our fer­ Ohio; Frank Licht, Rhode Island; Frank L- commodate the 2.200 Catholic students on The office-library-lounge area is used States Catholic Conference, who served vent desire that it may cease .soon. Farrar. South Dakota; Calvin Rampton, campus plus the Catholic faculty and staff for daily liturgy, meetings, social activi­ as convention chairman and Philomena Utah, and Claude Kirk. Florida — heard of the college. The land for the project ties and coun.seling. Kerwin, executive secretary for the feder­ "WE NOTE with satisfaction that this praise for the Presidents Vietnam pro­ was acquired through St. Joseph’s parish (Turn to Page 2) ation. is also the resolve, newly affirmed recent- gram. they also could interpret other pa­ about 12 years ago, and the pastor. Fa­ pal remarks during the audience as criti­ ther Leonard Urban, was appointed Aug. cism of different aspects of our foreign pol­ 12. 1967. icy. The Archdiocesan Development Fund THE PO PE praised U.S. citizens for ^ allocated $350,000 for the construction of being "most generous in assisting less ft**-, the building. A committee of faculty, staff and students were involved in the plan­ tunate nations,’’ but added: ■'We trust . they will resist the ning with Architect William Robb. A.l.A. temptation to furnish such countrira with Contracts for the construction were signed armaments which menace human life and Dec. 29, 1968 security . To supply needy people with armaments instead o f food and medicine would indeed be to give them, instead^of Catholic$« Plsiii bread, a stone: instead of fish, a serp©*'*^- Within a few days, in Washington, the Vigils Using House passed a $2.19 billion foreign aid bill, which included $350 million for mili­ Peace Theme tary aid and from which had been cut $250 million in development loan funds. Local Vietnam Moratorium activities will begin on the first Sunday in Advent. Nov. 30. as groups of Catholic students and adults hold peace vigils at 15 area Official Schedule churches. a r c h b i s h o p C A S E Y The group expects to visit all the 60 Sunday, Nov. 30, 10:45 a.m. — Port parishes in the metropolitan Denver urea Morgan, Blessing o f SL Helena’s on the following Advent Sundays and will Convent. conclude their efforts with an all night 11:00 a.m.
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