See discussions, stats, and author profiles for this publication at: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/344114217 On combinatorial optimization for dominating sets (literature survey, new models) Preprint · September 2020 DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.34919.68006 CITATIONS 0 1 author: Mark Sh. Levin Russian Academy of Sciences 193 PUBLICATIONS 1,004 CITATIONS SEE PROFILE Some of the authors of this publication are also working on these related projects: Scheduling View project All content following this page was uploaded by Mark Sh. Levin on 04 September 2020. The user has requested enhancement of the downloaded file. 1 On combinatorial optimization for dominating sets (literature survey, new models) Mark Sh. Levin The paper focuses on some versions of connected dominating set problems: basic problems and multi- criteria problems. A literature survey on basic problem formulations and solving approaches is presented. The basic connected dominating set problems are illustrated by simplified numerical examples. New integer programming formulations of dominating set problems (with multiset estimates) are suggested. Keywords: combinatorial optimization, connected dominating sets, multicriteria decision making, solving strategy, heuristics, networking, multiset 1. Introduction In recent decades, the significance of the connected dominating set problem has been increased (e.g., [43,60,62,66,124,149]). This problem consists in searching for the minimum sized connected dominating set for the initial graph (e.g., [43,60,62,66]). Main applications of the problems of this kind are pointed out in Table 1. Table 1. Basic application domains of dominating set problems No. Application domain Source(s) 1. Communication networks (e.g., design of virtual backbone in mobile networks, [16,30,43,48,68,108] connected dominating set based index scheme in WSNs) [116,121,141,149] 2. Topology design for power (electricity) networked systems, electric power [31,41,67,93] monitoring (e.g., minimum cardinality of a power dominating set) 3. Converter placement problem in optical networks [43] 4. Placement of monitoring devices (e.g., surveillance cameras, fire alarms) [70] as total domination in graphs 5. Social networks (positive influence dominating sets) [39,97,133] 6. Multi-document summarization in information retrieval [112] This paper describes some basic dominating set problems and connected dominating set problems (a brief survey) and some new problem formulations (with multiset estimates). Some relations of dominating set problems and some other well-known combinatorial optimization problems are depicted in Fig. 1. Fig. 2 illustrates the dominating set problem (communication network application). 2. Preliminaries Let graph G = (A; R) be a connected undirected graph, where A is a vertex/node set and R is an edge set. A vertex subset B ⊆ A is a dominating set if every vertex not in B has a neighbor in B. The vertices from B are called dominators. If the subgraph induced by B is connected, then B is called a connected dominating set. Two special indices are considered: (a) domination number: γ(B) (minimum cardinality of B); and (b) connected domination number: γc(B) (minimum cardinality of connected B). Clearly, γc(B) ≥ γ(B). The basic dominating set (DS) problem is the following combinatorial optimization problem: Find the minimum sized dominating set B (i.e., min γ(B)) for the initial graph G = (A; R). The connected dominating set (CDS) problem is: 2 Find the minimum sized connected dominating set B (i.e., min γc(B)) for the initial graph G = (A; R). The problems are proved to be NP-hard (e.g., [43,60,66]). Dominating set (DS) Complexity issues # Set cover problems problems (NP-hardness) ¡ (e.g., [60,66]) ¡ ¡ Connected dominating ¡ "Close relation !Maximum leaf spanning (about equivalence)- set (CDS) problems tree problems KA (e.g., [43]) AA AA Basis in approxi- Weighted DS and CDS A# Maximum independent problems mation solving set problems scheme (e.g., [16]) Capacitated DS and A "Basis for solving ! UA - Clustering problems CDS problems scheme (e.g., [146]) Other special DS and CDS problems Fig. 1. Some relations of dominating sets and other combinatorial problems Dominator Resultant two-layer usDominated network element Network Dominating set backbone, r Initial - HH¨¨ virtual ' $ ¢ B@J network ¢ su ¢B suBJ@ backbone (set of - ¢ ¢ suB B J@ ¢ B vertices/ ¢¢ ¢ B BB JJ @@ nodes) - Elements under domination (e.g.,r r terminals,r r r rend-users)r r r & % Fig. 2. Illustrationfor dominating set problem Evidently, the following basic requirements are examined for the problem (e.g., [43,60,62,66,124,149]): (a) minimization of dominator set cardinality, (b) connectivity of the dominating vertices, (c) some special properties for the connectivity and domination (e.g., as k-connectivity, m-domination). Some simplified illustrative examples of k-connected dominating networks are shown in figures: (a) 3-connected domination set example (3-connected dominating set is a clique, Fig. 3); (b) 1-connected dominating set example (1-connected dominating set is a tree, Fig. 4); (c) 2-connected dominating set example (2-connected dominating set is a ring, Fig. 5); (d) 2-connected 3-dominating example (i.e, (2; 3)-CDS problem, 2-connected dominating set is a ring, Fig. 6). In addition, some special requirements are considered as well (Table 2). Note, the requirements can be used as constraints or as criteria in multicriteria (multiobjective) problem formulations. 3 Cluster 1 HH ¨¨ ¨¨ 'H $'¨ $Cluster @@ ¨ r ¨Z Hr r 2 rrQQ r r ¨¨ Z HH QQ r u Z u r H u QQ ¨ Z H QQ ¨ r Z r r H QQ¨ r r Z ¨¨ ¨ ¨¢¢JJ ¢¢HJJ H &Z'¨ %$Cluster ¨ H &r % H r r ¢¢ uJJ ¢¢ uJJ r # A A HH 4 r uA uA r r ¢¢ JJ ¢¢ JJ r ¨ ¢¢¢ JJJ ¢¢¢ JJJ ¨ A A r r H¨ r @ ¡@ ¡@ @H Clusterr 3r r r r u@ ¡ u@ ¡ u@ u@ Hr Fig."3. 3-connected!domination& %set example Fig. 4. 1-connected domination set example r r r r r r r r r r r r r X H ¨ ¨ XX H HH @@AA ¨¨ ¨¨ XX@X@HH r ¨ r r r r Hr r r r ¨¨ HH ¡¡ A@A r u u u r ¡¡ u uAA@ r ¨r ¡¡ AA @ ¨ @@ @ @ r H¨ r u u@ u@ A ¡@ @H @ r uA ¡ u@ u@ Hr r r Fig. 5. 2-connected domination set example Fig. 6. 2-connected 3-dominationr set example r r r r r r r r r Table 2. Additional special requirements in dominating set problems No. Requirement Source(s) 1. Restricted diameter on connected dominating set [22] 2. Multipoint relays [2,116,137] 3. Routing cost constraint in networks [44,45,47] 4. Demand constraints [82] 5. Capacity constraints [82] 6. Fault-tolerance of connected dominating set [154] Two combinatorial problems are very close to the examined problems: Close problem 1. The maximum independent set problem (e.g., [12,13,15,16,60,102,125,139]): Find a maximum subset of vertices of an input graph (an independent or stable set) such that there is no edges between two vertices in the subset. This problem is often used as a preliminary one in approximation two-phase approach for the designing the minimum connected dominating sets (e.g., [16,58,101,132]): (1) to construct a maximal independent set for the initial network; (2) to connect the nodes in it. Close problem 2. The maximum leaves spanning tree problem: (e.g., [10,24,54,60,83]): Find a spanning tree of an input graph so that the number of the tree leaves is maximal. This problem is equivalent to the problem of computing γc(G), because a vertex subset is a connected dominating set if and only its compliment is (contained in) the set of leaves of a spanning tree (e.g., [24]). Generally, the above-mentioned two problems belong the class of NP-hard problems as well (e.g., [60,66]). Thus, for the problems (i.e., minimum connecting dominating set, maximum independent set, maximum leaves spanning tree) the following approaches are used: (1) exact enumerative methods (e.g., Branch-and-Bound method) (e.g., [43,54,123]); (2) approximation heuristics (e.g., [23,62,118,155]); and (3) metaheuristics and hybrid methods (e.g., [9,16,112]). For some special cases of the problems polyno- mial approaches are suggested: (a) polynomial algorithms (e.g., [74,87,109,113,114]), and (b) polynomial time approximate schemes (PTAS) (e.g., [30,59,82,105,150]). Some basic versions of connected set problems are listed in Table 3 (e.g., [43,60,62,66,124,149]). 4 Table 3. Basic dominating set and connected dominating set problems, part 1 No. Problem type Source(s) 1. Basic surveys on problems and applications: 1.1. Connected dominating set: theory and applications [43] 1.2. Connected dominating sets in wireless ad hoc and sensor networks [149] 1.3. Connected dominating set in sensor networks and MANETs [21] 1.4. Connected dominating set in wireless networks [46] 2. Basic problems: 2.1. Dominating set problem, minimum dominating set problem [43,60,77] 2.2. Independent dominating sets in graphs, [61,79,98,115] minimum independent dominating set 2.3. Dominating sets in planar graphs [50] 2.4. Connected dominating set problems (e.g., minimum connected [16,21,22,43,46,60,62,95] dominating set, i.e., minimum cardinality of the dominating set) [102,103,108,118,119,121] [123,125,136,139] 2.5. Connected dominating set problems in unit disk graphs [43,56,122,155] 2.6. Planar connected dominating set problem [99] 3. Dominating set problems with special kinds of connectivity (e.g., weakly, strongly, k-connected): 3.1. Minimum size weakly-connected dominating sets [3,13,28,29,43,148] 3.2. Strongly connected dominating sets in networks with unidirectional links [42,43] 3.3.
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