h \\ :lnl" pi Jgr IIll :\Iflnd I) no II II Jl()II)JSll ilIon \\<I~ dc\otl"d t( group ~ll1gJng I( d by ~ red HI III Jqn !·h yd md!if.-' ffiLin Ha.hr Sgl In! Lutgrh 01 M\r1\slo (al \ I .l. gursl 01 DI S ,\ J ulgr'n l!rmlln Bachl 1-:1\ i ~hDrt till, '1bml! th( triP lJl Hay Br)an ,\ V 1('crt Plnf () H Bowen an I he made to Alhum last \\eek Mon d I} ('\( nmg 10 plesent Prof Bow (I) JI('u!rnant gn\ernm of P'\'H.lh crOSSlalld~Piles For Sate Seidite flus week Se atar Wm Cross- land of Wayne representmg PROGRAM PLANNED th0m wlllie they learn Its work mgs ;;e::nf~le~u;,~':n c:n~~,~~:~a~oc~~~: AT 'I1WO SCHOOLS 1I1t!lr ha,., tUlmd all IllS follow­ Cf'ed himself He has served two Soli conservaJ:lOn service- "'Ill ers to paranOiacs Only nme peT show maHan plctUr.es and tE0unty cent Q1 the Germans are pure Teu­ ;;;·~~~IN~IC-H-l~M-NEY t~n~o;';, t~J~~';fng\:~' J'~kB~G tOniC, but Hll1er has preached su~ CAUSES NO LOSS. school A "mdal' p>-ogram ,s plan- pCllor rac~ unUl they believe It d~artment ChIldren kneel btfore a picture of Wayne [Ire went to ned at Hoskms slhool FrrUay at I-lltier e~ch tnormng and repeat the Otto Heltho farm two mJies 3 15 this, I'Thank I yoU Lord that yoq east and t\'.o d one-half mIles ~O sent Adokf HItler to J'l'lqtke Ger~ north of Wayne about 7 Mon- 1 Battle Scene .shown many gre~t 9-nd powe~'ful and to day mortlIng when the chm;mey The battle of RUSSll! war crush our( em~l:nles NP.ZlS 8J;"e so burned out anctf'i-t was f~ared the OllentatlOn fJlm. part qf th re-gu­ flames would sp ad to t11e roof or Jar schedule for aViatIon 5t dents~ accustometIl,tQ b~!ng told wha.t ti'.lt think' ~nd dOl Ulat they lJke It b bwldmg No damage was .....as shown t6 C(i)l1egc faculty ~~~b. Y I Tuesday mght. (cunt.tlluld QI" Ptl,i;e r~) I I L \ 1 \; r 1,.1 -~---- -"- -"I~ . sen of Ponder, were Sa llrpay ci).IJ- Mrr>. Itlerrilan IBrUllLga~ 1~,_( ('r~ ""1 Geo. BuskIrk's n'thl'lr re. LOIS, Mr. C\nd Mrs.. Ceq. IIabf.<Jt<,;1 turn from \Vd}nt' • dnd son, Mr. and Mrs. O! 10 :rfs Ml'S L, ~reSSif'r VljltC'd ~chool and JUI1l0I', MI ~ AW DOIPh'l~l In dlslr~t I TU('Rcll1 aftprnoon ,md Mts. Al1gUS.t Bruc!lgan, I dnd ,lltl'ncle f' ~T A at Wako- and M,s Herman nclker dnd J:l. \\ !Ieltl 111 tlll' o\en1l1g 1 nez had u l'lI dnd DflrJpn~, 1\11' and Mr!l Lou JldJl 10. lhl' !Jfogram, IS 'fest and llLnry ,ll1d Dan.n M.rs CICllf' Buskl k sllrtC'd Fl}nn VlsllOl"sl during the \\-40e { It Hhmg 1t'1 111' P:IIll; Hlll school \VPIP AW Dblph Arf Long(' q; 4 J'hurs(1dv 'Ill' o11H'P t'dl.'h(,' r;' f('sJ lnd Rf''- IJ F \V St':hpl Sli~l1('(l TillS {hool IS I tht' ('oun 1~I,ttylouls(' rind 1< lo)-d C"irmen 1ll'lp~( l y oI ])Ixon {al I Inert PHktr" Long(' tf!l1(iIllLHI' !leI IJltl)! UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE WE WILL 1 PAY ','I i .5dl, " 5 ,I , C~Sh for -. 11:1 Sweet '1'1, , , III Cream 'II ; II .. f:j Graham's· WAYNE ITodergdt"S O))eMlition. ~~ ;m't~ Vlrgmia, daughtcr of Ben Voh ~ '" !J""'''>-':''';'~'1r Seggern. und~rwent an operation fell' appendlcltlc, III a lw};pltal here ~j EdwardslCoffee ;~-~~. 24c ~~~ last 'Wednesday. .......... ..... 1'0'\11 11011<;('; : MICKEY MOUSE, mspued bY the WU!$ ~-"---~f--~-- :~l-I~z. , Mr DlSney, puts It IthlS way; ~ Juice (;K.\PEFIO I1j 3I!t ~~;k hk~'~b~~~~~~tif~=s:~:~Ila~~ :'~~:: 30c Honey BP('\'i1~", "traill~'lI~' I;:II~'. 56c RRY AT SER,VIj:;E :.,g::ki~ Jt::~q:S:th~~ dO;yf ar~ IN WAYNE SA1URDAY ~:~ :~~:~7" CO-ED 14c Postum (Jere'al ' 21c What kind of breakfast WIll YQUlr A S Arc-hI(' W Bufllngton ;wd ('llIhs in ~~f't1ng. t f\iroily start the day With, t?morrolW? MIC;,~ Vn..glnl<l R. Chnkt' of Syhan- Wuoly \Vilburs <lrtd" \VrHlIlg Flour ~~~~~~;~;Hr~~\~FFr!.F. :~~h. 18c ;t:~" 29cp~," Wl11lt kpep them strong nght up to THEATRE la. Uhlo. wert' married "t the Bap- \Vor~('l'" 4-!I~ duhc; mf't ;l! \Vm. b~~~ht~~t?-or j:llllt be a sparr(Jws~ tl!'t parc;omBgt' Satul'd,lY by He\' JIan"(ln'~ Fn by ('\f'nlng It \\a~ ~ 1=0;======01====== uWh .. I',I, 1'1'""II-oz" 12c ~ What, No Time" If H. HazzaH! AIS a~l Mrs. Vv' 'd('('lIh't! Ilh,ll l'llal'~lll' mt'('llng.." bt, Shre'u e "lit' If it's lack of tIme that's worrying L. Morris \\-f'I'i:' atl0 anls Thl,llwld f(JI" Ill<' l\\,o groups_ \\J1lmi,4 ~;~ )IOU, remember that yuu can gel a (,()I-I\VOI'l{t'I'~ Yuun~ Popped Whea 1;"JIi'" 6c mlll~ young TlWtl are f'adt:'h fl1 1ht' (,It'l'!p(l Alll1ul' good breakfast together In ten li:'gf" di:'la('hnwnt h('t'p, It'i!<!Pr, Augul',l !)orrn,l,ll ac;sl:.,tant l1tes-the tIme It takes to make a ,;,(~;Z ~ereals -I -- It'ddt'l'. Fl-lye I Bpckman presn!L'nl, okay Wheat Flakes 6c CUp of coffee' Modern are qUIck and easy as opernhg a pack- MORE OATS TES1!ED 1,ILl ~Jpdtll !)orman \1('1' pre~ldenl, , :;L-~; ~~~~a;~ut~:~~h':ke~~:~~k vaa:'I~~J FOR SPRING SEASON ~~~::l~~:;'~:I, 1~~~:la Y~')c~lt),l\O~~~l'~~,I:~ .Gtape- Nuts Flakes 13c the cereal breakfast fopds of 1944­ Morp oals ,Ill' !lPlng t('sh'd for n'pOl'I('r, Jo Anll Bpckman song, 'Itke "",vie- llc .o~ KeIIogg S or I{rulllhk:.; I·k~. natural. whole-gram, restored rl~~:'~l }u~~~\ g~~~~~~a~;~~ ~~~1~~:~1 ~~I~ :~:~::;:::: a~t;; Il~'~lrn~~,<:l~I~~:~~a~,]~'~~t'(;~ enriched With 'l.-itarruns _Llhd mln~ I ;1~:~~l'::':~I: r('~ullir ~{,-,~i. erals- m:lke fln tmport~nt contnbu~ Oats 22c tlOn to the dudy requirement!! ojl rli:'IH.'s, brought 111 frtlnr lU\\:l, :lrlJ cal'rylllg OWr'0W Hnd !lllt'r prOjectl , ~~l;~ld S;(~:;'PI~'~I\(~:')J t~~IS ~~:~'a.)~~~:~ ~ ~:~ /Pf~\l::m~~~(' t:,:~~~~~:',1 \r;~S~9~~ f~~tf~8~nl~~~~t.ammsJ mH~erab an I' '" wlshll1g 1('sl nwt!c sl~ould setH1 l-Ians('n atl(1 Mrs. \Nlll Evans, with You can serve a big bowl of cpreal samples to th(' slat~' latoral0ry <It glfls 01 appH'Iclallnn f01" lhf-'ll' With [rUlt and ffi\llk and sugar In It, and havt' a breakfast H'l thllt smgle LlI1coln 01' In Ing l~l~l,m, 10 County work Mrs Hansen sel'vl'd The Ag('nt_W.~~~ ]lanjp '--t _ group mt;('ISI Fell1uary 18 a,t F't'('4 ~~~ll aAfe~g~~~u~s~ea~~artol~~k~~1 bread or toast and. but~er [or mar'" Mr, al1u Mrs Fm k LtH'::;en, Mrs. B('('klllan:s. «' I , ~tfO\\ II stam(IS R-S-T-t' ~\m ~xlJir~ ganne) add to the scorel L~a\;:-f~r G]pnn 9ranqulst [11(! f<aren 1 and - -Ala!ika. I ' ; I Satlll,'thl} nig-hf. Look Aheadll IMrs. Mat"lOH Schul I' ~('rp. 'lju"s~ MISS Jlplcl MauboU loft fo~ Or irit's tHat's s.toppmg you~ I BrO\\'Il·.stallll) valid nrn, /lull vanety day last wpek dinner awl lune/won Kt'1('!1lkan, 13SI«1, Monday to 'as~1 ''J:'i I, throllg'h l'I'h. 2fi. ~~t~eA~\ ~t7~~~j~~~;d~o;iJ~od~~~: guests In 0-1.1.' H~,ymolld Florine ~l1mC' a positionj :.l.S assistant office n~anag( 1 " out breakfaRt menus for a (ul' weeJt, nday ,home at Wakefll'lt\.llo honor of Mr. r anU hookkccper [oz' a , in advance Thenlptn them up o\le'~. CO~PJlnY. and Mrs. r'lonhe's 4th weddIng padung She and hfltl or~ Chops ,~t;~t,:; "'lIs 1"." 34cp;s" YOllr tange or kltJh~n Sink, and rUzll .~~=~;~=~~i~~~a~n~n~,v~,e~r.~"a~\oY~"~~~~1iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~ltnolhl'l"' ~I' through the P3ttler:J- Hard to do~, .. P. L Mahbotl, tIl' Eu$Y! \ 1 1 from Nt''''-' fjl'k .Monday, the for· r "b Frl'sh, ]~~). Zlc P~1 Ilwaty, !l0rl. i .. nwl' 10 seajllC artd lhe latter to, parerl S First make yourse a list of tihEl'i Chl<'ago, v.t prp ,shp vIsited the l TOI) CJUllHt~, a frmt,s your famdy l::e.q and whicH. ..:... ~ ~"'II{pd, 34c are on the market (or<.lnges, grape7 ~ I yIp Mahh( Ill' MIS P. L. Mah· HalUs \\ h. ur l' sldn1d Lb. Pt". ~~dt'red~~~b~~u~~:y~~~le~~ ~~~;d bftt at'rJ\('l home tbl' nlllldio of Sli~ed ~;~;'''::f~' ~-,:~J CI~s.· i No :2 tlls Wt'~'lt, ' BacJn .. 7 alone or on cereal. Put opposite eadiJ,1 , ,-"----"--- I' (im:l" ,\; bl~"" 25 7 one. thE" way 'you want to prePllrel 'uc oast or rount! hOl\t' Lb. (Pts. ~~~:~~~e~:t,~1~~~':;;:U1tt~:e~i!, Soldier: "SaY, you pamt you Wtll be ('oal pilei dlf;~ppear Ch kR thmk you'rf' a pre1­ ncedll1g, And don't .sprmg Hil::; not al­ juice ,alone'?--;-mmmIJuu!).
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