./.■V’-»i'<i-’~^. f- . ^ ■ ArerRire Daily Net Prem Rob I'Vrr tHt Wnek IM la g Tit* Wenther PAGE TWESTTY-EIOmr THURSDAY. NOVEMBER *0, 19N Nov. 15, MSS . iEanrlfPSitrr lEopnittg Ifpralb Fnreeaat of O. & WwttMT O f ■■■ 12,829 PYOr, ooUkr tovlglrt. Lww la $«■. la eroaolwg ffioadlaMo, efeaaeo oC cum laude) of Wheaton Collegej mintrsJs, and give pointers fori Member nf the Audit I Illinois I. His me^l'.cal degree U Miiseutn Fealureti eollectors. 04)eaaloaal rain late gala* May. BDgfe Doctor Essau Borean nf Omilatinn. About Town Girl Scout ISoics from Albany Medical College, Al­ Each afternoon from 3 to 6 p.m.; WINDOW SHADES la 4*a. bany, S.Y. lI9,Y2|. Thereafter hla Farragut Display two girls from Gln^Scout Troops, Manche$ter-—-A Gty of Village Charm ’2-year residence in psychiatry was Th*' first ChrtsLntas workshop of ; Girl Srout Troop 9ft, which mePtR Heads Clinic 20 and 2 are aaaisting at the mus- WASHAILE thr Manchester Garden Club wilt i ftl tlic Buncp t >ntcr for Rpiarrlpfl spent at Marcy State Hospital, •The Luta Junior Museum. In its : eum, While this work, gives credit j VOL. LXXVm, NO. 45 i followed by two yeara of speclallK- INTERSTATE (TWENTY-I''0UR p a g e s — t w o SECTIONS) M ANCHESTER. CONN., FR ID A Y, NOVEMBER 21,1958 be held at the home of Mrs, Doug- . Cliildrcn, plnyccl IiorI yrstfrday to I toward their service badges, th«i (UlaaaUled Advertising ea Page $» PRICE FIVE CENTS las Roberts In Bolton tomorrow) i Dr. Truman G. Ksau, of Marcy, Ing in child paychiarty at the-New exhibit for November, la featuring girls are helping the miiaeum ataffi AQUA SHADES Girl ScfHjl Troop 7 of Andover. I N.Y., near Utica, has been »n- afternoon from 1 to n o’clock Mrs. Tlio visiting Rirl.'^ were j;rcclP<l York State Psychiatric Institute items and pictures concerning Ad­ I repairing exhibits, typing labels, j M f P Made to Order Dav-id Toomey will demonstrate, |)y tlic rcl.aidrd youn*j»lciR of 1 gaged a s director of the Commu­ snd the Brooklyn Juvenile Guid­ miral Farragut and his ship, the and assisting the children in mu-! nity Child Ouldanc* Clinic of Man- 9wtw3 with Tour Kellers and materials will be distributed Troop ftft Hin;»inc Ihc .Smut “ Hello” ance Center. Since September, U.S.S. Hartford, Inclutiing a real seum games. j for later workshops. ! C h e s t e r , 19,67, Dr. P>a'i has Iteen organic- Ront'. Thr liUlr ;:lrlR of the An­ porthole from this famous ship, Full Line of C.uatom dover troop tlion focsented rUihc- Adam Rhodes;- prcskleni of the ing snd directing a psychiatric The Past Mistress Club of tivc nflioc piMR ifi cfti.di of the j^irlR Clinir Board of Directors, made sjr'vice for children at Marry State and some excellent pictures of the VENETIAN ILINDS Daughters of Liberty .N'o I2.^, will in 'I'loop ftft, nn « token of fnenrl- I Ihe atino'incement today. HosnitaJ. Battle of Mobile Bay. RUMMAGE SALE ; Dr, Ksau. who is a child psy- APEditor, meet tomorrow si R p m at the R)up. Krr,,rts are now being made by Charles "Prewitt, a geologist SATURDAY, NOV. *2 to Give Berlin Back home of Miss Florcnre Hughes, I'histrisl. will sssiime his duties 'I’lie Andover voun;:RlcrR tnu^hl Dr, Ksnii and the eiinic board til from Wlllimantlc. will be at the 10 A.M. E. A. JOHNSON ■ S' PI Ridge St ninny roiictr and ;;anir^ tf» tlir re- ' oil ,'an. 1, complete the elinie staff require-' Community Baptist Church The Commii .lly Child GuKlancc Museum on Saturday at 10:1.5 a.m. iBidrd voungMera wnd ninny r.ienis of a full-time p.sycmalrio This will he an open meeting of 59,1 East Center Rf.’' Dies at 59 (tliiiic will provide psy''’iia Hie Benefit Boy .Scouts No. 12.3 PAINT CO. The newly formed Phi Dieta pnnir.'t were p.aycd. soc ,il worker, clinlesl paycholog- the Natural Science Club and Chapter of Bela .Sigiiia Phi Mill, t’ c.almcnt sci".'lcos for children and For Pickup Phone MI 9-B704 72.1 Main St„ Tel. MI 9-4501 In a brief ceienionv, Mf.^, f);?lore leal serviees and elinle secretary. Prewitt will Identify rocks and Lincoln, Neb., Nov. 21 (iP) New Rochelle, N. Y., Nov. hold its first tnforiiiHl mrrtmg to­ While pre«irnted nn Amrrirnn relnled services for the comriiunl- — A jury today convicted morrow night al fi ■in at Ihr home Kin;: loTioop ftft. on iieonlf of the ly St large. Its priniary f-inctlon 21 (A*)— Paul R. Mickelson, of the president. Miss ,^,indra VFW Auxilinry of Mnii< lie«tei. 'Plie i*rn ‘l he the n-vchfa*rh- d’acnosis Caril Ann Fugate of first de­ 59, general news editor of the Doutt, 746 Center .SI, afternoon rnnie to avflo'e wPh the gree murder as accomplice to Associated Press, died today To Germans by Christmas Plll|f| «4-t 111 Dl-'IO l'.•.•o troopn RihiiMig in[m. mass killer Charles Stark-. in New Rochelle Hospital. The Hartford Cliapler of the ’Weather and ordered life Kiwi Club, a naliomcide nrgamss E n fid fled He was stricken ill yesterday. tion of former Ameinan Airlines imprisonment. Starkweather The nature of his ailment was not siexaarde,sse.'., hohl its innnlli- AnnoMnirmrnl of thr rnzagr- liioiis .Seek r'uiids has been sentenced to death immediately ascertained. Iv meeting at Ihe home of .Mrs mrnt of Mia.a Namy Hru it t to HALE’S Self Serve and Meat Dept for the same killing. Last week Mickelson attended a U.S. Ready Poberl A I 'alv IT Walton Pi ^ HonaM f ’linatophrr la marr hy lirr k'or Kve (ii'iilrr "^ e 15-year-old youngster broke meeting of the Associated Press Ease Fears West Hanford .Moiida,\' evening al pairnM. Mr and Mra, Albrrt (i Into sobs. Managing Editors organization at 6 n'eloi'k Mo wit 1, 77 Wr.ft St, ‘ 'Plir Manchf.Mtrr l.iona ( ’liih ),*< BRINGS YOU She buried her face against the French Lick. Ind. Returning to his Hrr fiamr \n thr .uon of Mi ami ■houlder of defense lawyer Merrill desk In the New York general of­ To Maintain ninrntly condiutin;:; a campa Kii Of Civilian aMul! proRpri In <' nirnihrr- Mr,< Raymopfl <'hn.atophri Rl ft to raia'’ liirulH f<»r it.i p\r cf>n.**rr- Reller, seated beside her and c it­ fices of the AP, he had worked Rhip rla.s.t uill mrrl lliiR r\rnmc Willi man I ir yatmn piojri i m thr I'uiimiimty. ing racked her 91-pound, 5 foot one through Wednesday. At K 30 jn Zion Chun li «ivl Die A .lunr uoddiMK la plailii'-'l Tlir fiinda air h^'inj; rai.arrl fm Inch frame. Mickelson had spent his entire Occupation rnnfirmalinn rla.^R Sntiirrl-TV Rt 10 l\s»i piifpo’^ra; III to hrlp mam Her sobbing could be heard career as a newsman with the AP, Trade Bars till) ,Sroiit Irmlora who havr R m tain tlir r;yr Rraraich (Vulri at throughout the courtroom, as could which he joined in Chicago in nrflrrrrl ralrrulaia for thru |iimi|).k Yflir Uim’rr.ajty to fiml Ihr cauar^* the weeping of relatives ' sitting March, 1922. He served in a num­ Augu.sta, Ga„ Nov. 21 (JP)— r arr a*kr<I to pu'k thrrn iii> «l thr iaiiiiiaURKe/fi!^ By AEYMOI'R TOPPINO Mr Rnd M»* Fo.«trr Knn |rr of and curra for ^flaumnia and olhri among the spectators. ber of A P bureaus, as a sports p: .lohnfl. N>’-v RrunR'A'irk. ( ’Rrm- tJirl .^roiil offUr, 923 Mam .St writer, general newsman and exe­ Pre.sident Eisenhower’s head- Berlin, Nov. 21 (I'P)— The ryr d sriiHr.a, and i2i to providr As jurors filed out of the court­ (juarters toda.v asserted the f\-A RTF \v»-rk<Ti'1 gur.RlA of Mr inrdical cair and purcha-^r j:lHa.-«r,« cutive, before being named general Russians hint«d today they Al thr wrrUly iiiorlinj: of thr room which for nearly four weeks nnd Mr.R H P f-fliriR. ft DmUin foi‘ nord\ chiklrrn and nfhilt.a In has been the scene of Carll's trial, news editor on April 7, 1944. United States’ ‘tirni inten­ will clear out of Berlin by St Mta. Kowlri R RiRtri of Roy MA3'KS laal rvcniMR it war an- for SffmtkHgtmttg! Associates and others in the tions’’ to maintain 4-power nounrrrl that Ihn avrrngr loaa wa.i Mamdirrlri relatives rushed up to the girl. Christmas, foreshadowing a KRrnR. And hrr huRbanrt 1r r tr- (iror^r H VVillaMi la ryr rr- profession knew him as a man of occupation of Berlin in the tirfd fxrriiliv^ of ihR f'aniidiAn onr pound Onr rnrmbrr "God will be with you,” said holiday crisis for the western ararrh chairman of Dir Mamhra- Mrs. Pansy Street, Carll’s grand­ keen news judgment as well as the Panflr Railroad They arr* rn pound and hnrl In pay thr "Ka! W ITH A L L face of Russia’s move to drive garri.son in the old Germany trr dull and doiiatlona may hr mother. Caril and her only sister, possessor of an engaging person­ rniitR to St rpl<»rRbiirK. Kla . ! Boy” ' }>i>;gy innki 2.'» M-nta. arnt i«i him DOUBLE S & H GREEN STAMPS TODAY CASH SALES ality and rai’e wit.
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