tm – Technisches Messen 2019; 86(S1): S2–S6 Leander Claes*, Lars Moritz Hülskämper, Elmar Baumhögger, Nadine Feldmann, René Spencer Chatwell, Jadran Vrabec, and Bernd Henning Acoustic absorption measurement for the determination of the volume viscosity of pure fluids Messverfahren für die akustischen Absorption zur Bestimmung der Volumenviskosität reiner Fluide DOI 10.1515/teme-2019-0038 sität reiner Fluide über eine Messung der akustischen Absorption durch Puls-Echo-Messungen ermitteln lässt. Abstract: A realistic description of fluid mechanical and Die Herausforderung bei der Realisierung eines derartigen acoustic processes requires the volume viscosity of the Messverfahrens liegt in der Trennung der unterschiedlichen medium to be known. This work describes how the vol- dissipativen Effekte, welche der Absorption im Fluid über- ume viscosity of pure fluids can be determined by mea- lagert werden. Beugungseffekte endlich großer Schallwand- suring acoustic absorption with the pulse-echo method. ler bedingen zum Beispiel eine Dissipation der akustischen The challenge in realizing such a measurement method Energie im Raum. Im Gegensatz zur klassischen Methode lies in the separation of the different dissipative effects über das Amplitudenverhältnis, wird die Absorption über that superimpose on absorption. Diffraction effects ulti- die Momente des Amplitudenspektrums bestimmt. Als mately cause a dissipation of acoustic energy and acoustic Messsystem dient dabei ein Aufbau, welcher zur präzisen reflector surfaces have a small, but finite transmission coef- Messung der Schallgeschwindigkeit über die Laufzeitdiffe- ficient. Further, influences of the transducer (in particular renz zweier akustischer Signale ausgelegt ist. its frequency response), as well as the system’s electrical components have to be taken into account. In contrast to Schlüsselwörter: Akustische Absorption, Volumenviskosi- the classical approach relying on the amplitude ratio, the tät, Ultraschall. absorption is determined by the moments of the amplitude spectrum. The measurement system applied is originally 1 Motivation designed for precision measurements of the sound veloc- ity by means of the propagation time difference of two Despite the fact that the volume viscosity is one of the acoustic signals. thermodynamic properties of the Navier-Stokes equation, Keywords: Acoustic absorption, volume viscosity, ultra- there is only a very limited amount of experimental data sound. available for a few selected fluids. Acoustic absorption measurement is the most widespread method to sample the Zusammenfassung: Eine realitätsnahe Beschreibung strö- volume viscosity. If acoustic absorption 훼 can be measured mungsmechanischer wie akustischer Vorgänge setzt voraus, experimentally, the volume viscosity 휇 can be determined, dass die Volumenviskosität des Mediums bekannt ist. In v given that several other quantities of the fluid are known diesem Beitrag wird gezeigt, wie sich die Volumenvisko- and the angular frequency 휔 is sufficiently small [22]: 2 (︂ 푐 − 푐 )︂ 2 *Corresponding author: Leander Claes, Measurement 휔 4 p v 휔 훼(휔) = 3 휇s + 휇v + 휈 = 3 휇, (1) Engineering Group, Paderborn University, Warburger Straße 100, 2휌푐 3 푐p · 푐v 2휌푐 33098 Paderborn Lars Moritz Hülskämper, Nadine Feldmann, Bernd Henning, where 휌 constitutes the density of the fluid, 푐 the sound Measurement Engineering Group, Paderborn University, velocity, 휇s the shear viscosity, 푐p and 푐v are the isobaric Warburger Straße 100, 33098 Paderborn and isochoric specific heat capacities and 휈 the thermal Elmar Baumhögger, Thermodynamics and Energy Technology, conductivity of the fluid. Losses caused by shear and Paderborn University, Warburger Straße 100, 33098 Paderborn volume viscosity as well as thermal conductivity are sum- René Spencer Chatwell, Jadran Vrabec, Thermodynamics and marised in the acoustic loss therm 휇. Acoustic absorption Thermal Separation Processes, Technische Universität Berlin, 2 Ernst-Reuter-Platz 1, 10587 Berlin in pure fluids has a quadratic frequency dependence 휔 , L. Claes et al., Acoustic absorption measurement S3 Reflector can be described by 푧1/2 Δ푡 푈(휔, 푧) = 푈 (휔)e−훼(휔)푧 , (2) Transducer Time 푡 0 Fluid 푧2/2 where 푈0(휔) is the spectrum of the signal generated by the transducer [8]. For the presented method 푈0(휔) can Reflector be arbitrarily chosen without altering the result. Thus, it may even contain the transfer function of the receiving Fig. 1: Schematic of the precision sound velocity measurement set-up [7] with two reflectors and the propagation of acoustic transducer and the electrical transmission. By putting no signals over time. restrictions on 푈0(휔), other than to be linear and inde- pendent of the distance 푧 the acoustic wave has travelled, restricting the applicability of Equation 1 to monochro- the influence of the transducer on the result of themea- matic acoustic waves. A method to determine acoustic surement can be eliminated. This is important because absorption is presented that relies on reference absorp- the measurements need to be performed over wide tem- tion data and experimental signals from high precision perature and pressure ranges that influence e.g. the trans- speed of sound measurements [7]. The challenge in real- ducer’s resonance frequency. To find a relation between izing acoustic absorption measurement lies in separating a frequency-dependent absorption mechanism (훼 = 푎휔2) the effect of absorption in the fluid from diffraction ofthe and the changes in the signal’s amplitude spectrum, the ultrasonic wave, the influence of the frequency dependence zeroth raw moment of 푈(휔, 푧) is evaluated of the absorption mechanism and the ultrasound trans- ∞ ducer’s transfer function. While some of these effects can ∫︁ −푎휔2푧 be treated by means of signal processing, others require 푚0(푈(휔, 푧)) = 푈0(휔)e d 휔. (3) comparison with reference data. In a fluid-independent −∞ calibration approach, a model is devised to describe the An expression for the change in that raw moment is found systematic measurement deviation correcting the mea- by forming the derivative of 푚0(푈(휔, 푧)) with respect to sured acoustic absorption values. The parametrisation of 푧, which then shows the following relation to the second the model is supported by acoustic field simulations, while raw moment the identification of the model function is performed using ∞ present measurements and reference data. This approach ∫︁ 2 −푎휔2푧 allows for the set-up for precision sound velocity mea- 휕푧푚0(푈(휔, 푧)) = −푎휔 푈0(휔)e d 휔 surement to remain unchanged, while absorption can be −∞ ∞ determined as a second property using the same signals. ∫︁ 2 −푎휔2푧 = −푎 휔 푈0(휔)e d 휔 (4) −∞ 2 Signal processing = −푎 · 푚2(푈(휔, 푧)). While Equation 1 shows how acoustic absorption is related Consequently, if the derivative of the raw moment of to several properties of the fluid, it also shows that the zeroth order and the raw moment of the second order absorption mechanism depends on the acoustic’s wave are known, the absorption parameter 푎 can be deter- frequency. Thus, the approach of observing the different mined. However, while raw moments of arbitrary order signal intensities of the two echoes received when using the can be calculated straightforwardly from given signals, measurement set-up as depicted in Figure 1 is only applica- their derivatives are not trivial. The objective is to eval- ble if the acoustic signal is assumed to be monochromatic. uate only two signals and consequently 푚0(푈(휔, 푧)) is While geometric dissipative effects, such as diffraction, are only available at two different distances 푧. Observations as well as theoretical considerations for Gaussian spectra not treated by means of signal processing, the influence 2 ^ 휔−휔0 of the transducer can be eliminated and the frequency- (푈0(휔) = 푈 exp (−( 푏 ) )) show that 푚0(푈(휔, 푧)) de- independent absorption parameter 푎 = 훼/휔2 can be de- cays exponentially with 푧, if bandwidth 푏 and absorption 2 termined directly [5]. Since the absorption mechanism is parameter 푎 are small (푎푏 푧 ≪ 1). Thus, an exponential −푛푧 frequency-dependent, the spectrum of the acoustic signal expression for 푚0(푈(휔, 푧)) (e.g. 푚0(푈(휔, 푧)) = 푚e ) changes during transmission through the medium. The can be assumed. Because 푚0(푈(휔, 푧)) can be determined influence on the amplitude spectrum 푈(휔, 푧) = |푈(j 휔, 푧)| at two spatial positions 푧1 and 푧2, 푚 and 푛 are calculated by inserting 푚0(푈(휔, 푧1)) and 푚0(푈(휔, 푧2)) at 푧1 and S4 L. Claes et al., Acoustic absorption measurement 푧 . The resulting expression for 푚 (푈(휔, 푧)) can then be 2 0 휇 = 0 mPa s 휇 = 5 mPa s 휇 = 10 mPa s derived analytically. After substitution into Equation 4, mPa s / this yields an expression for the absorption parameter 푎 15 meas (︂ )︂ 휇 1 푚0(푈(휔, 푧1)) 푚0(푈(휔, 푧1)) 푎 = ln . (5) 10 푧2 − 푧1 푚2(푈(휔, 푧1)) 푚0(푈(휔, 푧2)) This equation can be used to determine the absorption 5 parameter 푎 directly, without making assumptions about 1200 the signal other than assuming its bandwidth to be suf- 0 1000 1000 1200 1400 1600 ficiently limited. Further aspects of this method canbe 1800 800 Density Sound velocity 푐/m s−1 휌/kg m−3 found in reference [5]. Measured acoustic loss Fig. 2: Acoustic loss determined from simulation signals for differ- ent thermodynamic conditions. 3 Reference data reference measurements that can be used to identify a func- tion that models the systematic measurement deviation, Some effects that may distort acoustic absorption measure- a simple function with few parameters is preferred as it is ments can be rectified by means of signal processing (see expected to result in a more stable and reliable solution. section 2). Others, such as dissipation of acoustic energy As an approach to parametrise such a function, acoustic caused by diffraction of the acoustic wave and non-ideal field simulations based on finite differences are performed reflectors, are modelled as systematic measurement devia- in pyfds [4].
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