totaled $423 ,000,000, nineteen ing 1951-52, with favorable prices 162,000 acres; and Cochise, 32,950 times that of 1932, and $44,000,000 during the 1951 fall lettuce season acres. Once that old debbil Colo­ greater than in 1951. W ho says Ari­ r esulting in the increased value of rado Ribber is allowed to flow mer­ zona is all desert and scenery? Old these crops. That, translated into rily through the center of the state, King Cotton was the leader with a salad, is a lot of salad. and we don't have to depend so crop of $208,000,000. No wonder Approximately 1,300,000 acres much on the crazy rains that seldom folks around Eloy, one of our big were in crops in Arizona during come, we'll really be in as a farming cotton farming centers, refer to the 1952, an increase of 18 per cent state. FARMING BUSINESS: From the Cadillac as the Eloy Jalopy. Cattle over 1951. Maricopa County, the Agricultural Experiment Station, and calves sold in Arizona last year second richest agricultural county SUNNY ROAD SOUTH: We University of Arizona, we have re­ were valued at $81,000,000, which, in the United States, totaled 560,- learn that work is progressing on ceived the following interesting sta­ translated into beef steak, is a lot 000 acres under cultivation with the great International Highway tistics about Arizona's farming: in of beef steak. Vegetable crops re­ other leading farm counties as fol­ from Nogales to Guadalajara, state 1952 Arizona's cash farm income turned $62,200,000 to Arizona dur- lows: Pinal, 315,500 acres; Yuma, of Jalisco, Mexico. When the road is completed, w hich should be toward the end of 1954, we pre­ dict 300,000 cars a year will clear Nogales, making it by far the busi­ est international port-of-entry in the country. Right now the road is paved a short distance south of Navajoa, in Sonora, some 42 2 miles south of the border. The road is also paved from Mazatlan, on the Pacific in Sinaloa, northward to Culiacan, the state's capital city, and south of Guadalajara. The bad part re­ maining is between Navajoa and Culiacan, about 35 0 miles. YVh ile the road is used these days, we would not recommend it for other than the rugged driver in the rugged car. Our amiable host of the historic Hotel Belmar in Mazatlan, a charming gentleman by the name of Jack Verrey, predicts that the completion of the road is going to cause an unprecedented travel boom along Mexico's west coast. Even now Mazatlan is crowded with visitors, for the fishing is good and the living is easy. Hermosillo and Guaymas, in Sonora, joined to the border with a fine paved road (and one that is kept in repair) are en­ joying busy travel seasons and have, in the past four years, developed accommodations to care for the visitors. Nothing like good roads to make folks know each other better and become friendlier. ROAD SIGNS: N ot only has the road development program on Mex­ ico's west coast attracted Ameri­ cans southward but it has also brought our Mexican friends north­ ward to the extent that on the highway from Nogales to Tucson road signs are now in Spanish as well as English. And always re­ member "Despacio" means "Slow." N EW CITY N OTE: We men­ tioned last month in this corner that a new city of San Manuel, to people 7,000 souls, is to be built by D el Webb in connection with a "We're New" BOB TAYLOR $ 100,000,000 mining development at San Manuel mine. We are pleased OPPOSITE PAGE FRONT COVER to report further it is not going to be a hodge-podge mining camp. "HORSE COUNTRY" BY BOB MARKOW. "WATER SYMPHONY" BY ALLENS. REED. Seward Mott of Washington, D.C., The photographer took this picture near Sedona From the deepest bass of the largest falls to the nationally known city planner, has in July on a trip north. The horses, placidly highest treble ripple each cluster of West Clear been hired to plan a truly model munching the short grass, seemed to emphasize the Creek cascades is an organ of musical beauty to the community. What a challenge a quietness and peace of the scene. The horses paid eye as well as to the ear. Camera data: Speed completely new community will be no attention to the photographer; result: an un­ Graphic on tripod, 4x5 Ektachrome, 1/ 5oth second for a builder and a planner. Time posed picture. at f.8. Photo taken from rock in midstream. will tell the story. OF HIDDEN PLACES We think these pages wm be of irnte.rest to those who, g·oai: and deep sea diver but you'H be amply .repaid for your likg e to et off the main roads, follow fancy's bidding t o, effo rt:s" H ere fa scenic beauty that wm be a challenge to hidden places, explore for themselves what i.s so·se questered the photographer and the.re are a few wise old trnut in and tantalizing just ove.r the hlU or just around the bend of the deeper w ater holes that will prove worthy op,p«ments the lonely and infrequently used road. T ravel for these for the most skilled fisherman. people becomes an adventure. We think it w ould be hard to If you like to travel around and see what is happening find a place in the W est of ours which has never been in what has been described as this amazing Arizona, you'll visited before. We are always on the watch for such places be surprised at the developments in Mohave V alley, along and hope to make them known as they, in turn, are made the Colorado, in Mohave County. W ith the Colorado finally known to us. We deal this month wi.th subjects known to gend ed by dams (latest Davis) agriculttura! devefopments · some but unknown to many. ff we can guide a few people in the valiey are ocrupying the attention of many of the to these places their enjoyment in visiting them wm be fine folks in that neck of the woods. ample compensation to us for getting the material together. Early in May, if you're down in s011:nthem Arizom, We have from time to time presented various pictorial inquire of the N ogales Chamber of Commerce w hen the studies of Oak Creek Canyon country, but we'll bet not one Sonoita Q uarter H orse Show will be held and then follow of a hundred people visiting that enchanted area has evel!!i the road toward Patagonia and then to Sonoita and set in heard of West Clear Creek, a subject with which we are with the folks for a spell. T he country is real pleasant and much concerned this issue. N o wide and smooth highway the event .i.tself is real .informal, truly a w estern evel!!!t in leads to West O ear Creek. It is at the end of a rugged trip, the finest sense of the wo.rd, and y l(J)u'H see some of the and if you propose to explore its path from the Rim to the finest horseflesh in the country Ol!!i display. T ake your fonch Verde you have to have some of the qualities of a mountain and water and make yrnillrnelwes at home • . • R...C L E G END RADO OPENS FA.RMING AREA IN M OHAVE COUNTY. " WATER S YM PHONY" . FRONT C OVER P HOTOGRAPHER ALLEN R EED CAPTURES THE THE FrnsT S ix-G u N M AN • • . 36 SPARKLE OF A SPOT ON W EST CLEAR CREEK. HISTORICAL ACCOUNT OF ARMY OFFICER'S INSPIRATION TO INVENTOR OF REVOLVER. So NOITA Q UARTER H oRsE SHow • 4 H ERE'S A REAL WESTERN SHOW PUT ON BY Y OURS SINCERELY . REAL COW FOLKS IN A WESTERN SETTING. V oL. XXIX No. 4 APRIL 1953 A COLUMN OF POETRY WITH SOME LETTERS DEVOTED TO SUBJECTS OF TIMELY INTEREST. ARIZONA'S FRESH W ATER SWAM P . 8 RAYM O N D C A R LSON , E d it o r W HERE THE COLORADO IS SLUGGISH YOU'LL ARIZONA H IGHWAYS is published monthly by the G EORG E M . A VEY, Art Editor FIND ANAR EA FULL OF NATURE'S CREATURES. Arizona Highway Department a few miles north of the confluence of the G ila and Salt in Ari­ H O WARD P YLE BARBECUE BILL . I 2 Governor of A rizona zona. A ddress: ARIZONA HIGHWAYS, Phoenix, AN OLDTIMER WITH KNOW-HOW SHOWS Arizona. $3.00 per year i n U.S. and possessions; ARIZONA HIGHWAY C O MMISSION US HOW TO GET BEST RESULTS FROM BAR­ $3.50 elsewhere; 35 cents each. Entered as sec­ BECUE PIT. C. A. C alhoun, Chairman . Mesa ond-class matter N ov. 5, 1941 at P ost Office in Phoenix, under Act of M arch 3, 1879. C opy­ John M. Scott, Vice-Chairman . Show Low L ITTLE CREEK W ITH B IG M AGIC • 16 righted, 1953, by Arizona H ighway Department. Fred D. Schemmer, Member . Prescott A VISIT TO W EST CLEAR CREEK TAKES us Frank E . Moore, Member . • D ouglas TO A PLACE FULL OF SPORT AND BEAUTY. Allow five weeks for change of a ddresses. Be Duff, Member . Tucson Grover J .
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