Ill ·"'n the half VOLUME XLVI * Wake Forest CoUege, Winston-Salem, North Carolina, Monday, February 6, 196f * * NUMBER 15 and I fYI­ -y de- College To. Initiate Religious the nts, J\'laster's Degrees In Emphasis Period . Arts, I An-d Sciences Wake Forest College will resume 1~o Begin oiifering the .master's degree in six deparitments in the School of By CAROL YOUNG Arts and Sciences and will, for OG&B STAFF WRITER the first time, offer the dOctorate in February 12-16 has been de­ one department in the · Bowman signated Religion-in-Life Week by Gray School of Medicine this fall, Wake Forest students. President Harold W. Tribble an­ The weeks' activities have been nounced last week. planned with the aid and sugges­ President oftibble also announced tions of students active in various the ·appointment of Dr. Henry S. phases of cacrnpus life. All person­ Stroupe, chairman of tt:he depart­ nel invited to participate on the ment of history, as director of the program were suggested to the division of graduate studies.· The Chaplain by students.· appointment is effective immedi­ The theme for the week, chosen ately.) by the students, is defined by these The faculty of the School of Arts four questions: Does the Christian and Sciences discontinued admit­ faith have revelance to the college ting candidates for the master's situation now? Is there a meaning­ DR. WILLIAM EUGENE., degree in 1949 when expanding en­ ful basis for faith? Is the rejection physics, died January 24 at his following a long r~llment increased the student­ of what we often think of as an illness. Dr. Speas retired from a'ctive teaching at Wake ramo and lowered the outdated orthodoxy a sufficient Forest in 1959. Dr. Speas, a native of East Bend in Yad­ amount of money spent on each solution .to the problem? Is there kin County', was chairman of the physics department student. However, the school was a common answer to these ques­ for 25 years. His death, Dr. Tribble said, "marks the still meeting minimum require­ tions? ments of standardizing agencies at passing of an era which we all mourn. He .was a great the tiJme. teacher and he gave much of his life for the betterment A Med School First _ of Wake Forest College." The 1957 Howler paid tribute. On the other hand, the Bowman to the contribution of.Dr. Speas to Wake Forest College Gray School 9f Medicine was able . in these words: to continue offering the master's ,Fifty years ago, in the spring~------------------------------ sunshine of tthe magnolia-studded campus of Wake Forest College, he. received his B.A. degree, a Phi Beta ,Kappa graduate. He later re­ Graduate' Director ceived .the M. A. from The Johns Hopkins UniVIersity, and then the Ph.D. from Cornell. Will Lecture Here The influence of Dr.. Speas, has been far-reaching in the realin of See related articles, Page 4. Press Attache To Tall{ Here PAGE TWO Monday Feb. 6, 1961 OLD GOLD AND BLACK ( Isbell Re-Named ,. UNC Prexy Gives On Other Campus,e~ ~ •• GSE President COX, PHARMACY, InC:. Dr. Robert Isbell, assoc'iate pro­ By KELLEY GRIFFITH university proper. "Football and all · In College Village ASSISTANT EDITOR fessor of chemistry at tile College, other athletic endeavors have a (Just Off Robin Hood Road) ':' ,;, ':'Emory Newspaper':'** place, hut must be viewed through was recently re-elected for his the mirror of perspective," it said. fourth year as national grand presi­ Founders Day Ta~l~ Advocates Integration dent of Gamma Sigma Epsilon, The Emory Wheel, student news­ ':' •:: '~ Northeastern '~ * * honorai'y chemistry fraternity. PRESCRIPTIONS -- COSMETICS paper of Emory University of At­ Trains Cops Complete Camera And Stationery Depts. _ Dr. William C. Friday, president and understand the world" and thus The gr01,1.p met at the University e of the University of North Carolina, broaden ·his interests from that of lanta, Ga. has taken jill editorial Northeastern University has de­ e Prompt Delivery Service To Wake. Fore~t Area stand for integration the Emory veloped a program by which police­ of Georgia in a pre-holiday con­ outlined evidences of the educated his own profession. O!J vention. · REGISTERED PHARMACISTS ON DUTY AT ALL TIMES man before some 2000 Wake Fores·t campus because of its "deep con­ men may achieve· a college educa­ He listed · manners as another Four representatives of the W~ke PA 3-3628 students and faculty members in a evidence, noting the educated man cern for Emory and the South." tion as part of their training as a The editorial reviewed the inte­ policeman. Forest chapter attended the con­ Founder·s Day address Thursday. must possess ". those refined vention which consisted of amend­ The address was delivered during and gentle manners which are the gration problem because of the Police chiefs will work with the recent outbursts of University of ing the' fraternity by-l~ws, set!fug Thursday's regular chapel session. expression of fixed habits of thought University in developing police '\ Georgia students due to the ad­ training programs. the budget and discussmg vanous Friday suggested that the edu­ and action.'· phases of the field of chemistry. cated man ··seck earnestly to know mission of two Negro students to Chief W. Joseph Shea said that He also noted the educated man the University of Georgia. "this new program fulfills a na­ Students who attended the con­ HAWTHORNE ROAD. must possess "a growing capacity The editorial began as follows: tional need and is long overdue in vention are Mary Stowe, senior of G1·ecnsboro; Sherrill Hege, senior for understanding and a growing "Because of the rapidly changing this state. It is one of the most Joe Hensley sense of responsibility." · circumstances s u r r o u n din g the significant steps toward police pro­ of Lexington; and Gilbert Frank, One rhust also, he said, have a integration of the University of fessionalization ever made in this senior of Greensboro. BARBER' SHOP I''sense or purpose in your work and Georgia and the possibility that the area." The campus chapter is now con­ Resigns As· life." · Negroes will attempt ;to embroil templating future discussions con­ l a·ARBERS .TO SERVE YOU Dr. Harold W. Tribble, president ~' ::: University Of Maine * ~' cerning developments in chemistry Emory in the dispute, The Wheel Adopts Honor Syste:m of the College, presided over the must review its position concern­ and traditional tours to various in­ "Specializing In All T_ypes Of Haircuts" Demon Deacon program and introduced Friday. The University of Maine has dustries in High Point and Durham. ing the University·s part in this adopted an honor system wllich 107 S. HAWTHORNE RD. PHONE PA.. 2-65(8 Also during the program, the col­ crisis.'' By BRENT l<'ILSO~ apparently is working well. lege honored three Wake For'est 'Must Face Reality' Student Union Movie ASSOCIATE EDITOR One dorm.i;tory voted to set up an -TWIN I alumni. The alumni were selected The editors say that the(Y do not The movie "10,000 Bedrooms" Joe Hensley of Greensboro walk­ for distinguished service in their honor system which governs all necessarily "advocate integration," will be shown in Room 14 of the Quattro ed out of Lhe Memorial Coliseum own field. disciplinary actions. Proctors have but have "faced reality and have been abolished and demerits are Science Building Friday and Sat­ during the half time show of the Fred Williams. president of the seen this move as the only solu­ urday al8 p. m. "10,000 Bedrooms" .ran. 7 Wake Forest-North Carolina alumni association of the College given only when a girl reports her­ tion." is in cinemascope and color and State basketball game and resign­ awarded the honors to Dr. George self. NOrthside- Shoe· Repair Emory students, they say, al­ The 'iew syspcm of being hon'?r­ will be shown on the new cinema­ A ed his post as the Demon Deacon. W. Paschal Jr., a Raleigh surgeon though the majority do not favor • bound ~,report oneself upon ill­ scope screen recently installed by "The Finest In Shoe Repairing" Hensley said he resigned from the and William L. Wyatt, a retired integration, would have too much the Student Union. , mascot position after an "accumu­ Raleigh businessman. Julius C. fringing on house rules may in­ "pride in the South," too much fluence other dormitories to adopt Principal actors in <the film are lalion of incidents which centered Smith, a Greensboro attorney, was self-respec-t and good-sense .to allow WE FEATURE A COMPLETE LINE OF not present. the honor program. Dean :Mal'!tin, Anna 'Maria Alber­ on former Wake Forest Demon a similar situation to the University ghetti, Eva Bartok, Dewey Martin, SHOE POLISH - SHOE LACES Deacon Bill Shepherd and student of Georgia riots to occur on the * * * P'eabody * * * Posies Walter Slezak, and Paul Henreid. lack of spirit for the athletic Black basketball game last fall, Emory campus. "10,000 Bedrooms" presents in Open Mon., Thu,rs., Fri. 'Til 9 P. M. teams." Hensley said it dett·acted from him Reasons Are Many An editorial in the Peabody Post of the George Peabody College for story and song 1he tale of a rich Phone PA 2-1744 ·, Northside Shopping Center Hensle:v had been the Demon (Hensley) as· the College Deacon The practical and idealogical rea­ young American ' who arrives in Deacon ~ince the beginning of the and feH people expected more from sons for Emory's integrating are Teachers, Nashville, Tenn., runs as follows: Rome to buy a hotel for his chain fall semester.
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