Registered with the Registrar Registered No. PY/44/2021-23 of Newspapers for India under No. 10410 Amflºƒˆ \VWÈ ∂´E>µ La Gazette de L' État de Poudouchéry The Gazette of Puducherry ∂]ÔV´D ÿ√u≈ ÿkπX| Publiée par Autorité Published by Authority ®ı Amflºƒˆ ÿƒÀkVF¬˛wÁ\ 2021 } ∏©´kˆ | 16 { No. 7 Poudouchéry Mardi 16 Février 2021 (27 Magha 1942) No. Puducherry Tuesday 16th February 2021 ÿ√VÚ·¶¬ÔD SOMMAIRES CONTENTS √¬ÔD Page Page ∂´∑ ∂§s¬ÁÔÔ^ .. 72 Notifications du Gouvernement .. 72 Government Notifications .. 72 Œ©√ ∂§s©AÔ^ .. 75 Avis d’ appel d’ offres .. 75 Tender notices .. 75 g√›>V™ WÆk™∫Ô^ .. 78 Etablissements dangereux .. 78 Dangerous Establishments .. 78 ƒVu≈§¬ÁÔÔ^ .. 81 Annonces .. 81 Announcements .. 81 [ 71 ] 78 LA GAZETTE DE L’ETAT [16 February 2021 ÔVÔVÔVÁ´¬ÔV_ ÂÔ´V‚E, ÔVÔVÔVÁ´¬ÔV_ g√›>V™ WÆk™∫Ô^ ∂§s©A ˇµ¬Ôı¶ Â√Ï ÔVÁ´¬ÔV_ ÂÔ´V‚E ®_ÁȬz^ ∏[kÚD ÿ>Va_ WÆk™›Á> ∂Á\›m¬ÿÔV^· ∂–\] ºkı|˛≈VÏ. kˆÁƒ sı©√>V´ˆ[ WÆk™D ∂Á\B c›º>E¬Ô©√‚|^· º>ÁkBV™ g‚Ôπ[ ®ı ÿ√BÏ \uÆD xÔkˆ c^· ÷¶›][ xÔkˆ WÆk™› >BVˆ©A/ t[]≈[ ®ıˬÁÔ ÿƒFxÁ≈ (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) 1 ]Ú. S. xÔD\m ∂¬√Ï ∂o, M/s. glƒV g‚º¶V ÔVÏ kV‚¶Ï ƒÏT¸ 8 z]Á´› 1 ®ı 4, ]Úk^”kÏ ÂÔÏ, ƒÏT¸ ¸º¶ƒ[, ]≈[. √flÛÏ, ÔVÁ´¬ÔV_. \Æ ∂·Ák ®ı 61/2pt., ÂÔ´ ∂·Ák ®ı 16/2, kVÏ|á E, ∏·V¬ ®ıá02, ∏·V‚ ®ıá06, ]Úk^”kÏ ÂÔÏ, √flÛÏ, >Ú\A´D kÚkVF ˛´V\D, ÔVÁ´¬ÔV_. 1973ágD gı|, Amflºƒˆ ÂÔ´V‚EÔ^ ƒ‚¶›][ JÈ\VF Amflºƒˆ Œ[§B›m g‚E©√´©∏_ ∂xÈV¬Ô©√‚¶ Amflºƒˆ ÂÔ´V‚EÔ^ (cˆ\D \uÆD ∂–\] ∂π›>_) s]Ô^, 1976, ∏ˆ° 8á[√Ω ÷›ÿ>Va_ WÆk™›Á> WÆ°k]™V_ cı¶VzD g‚ºƒ√ÁÔ^ ∞º>–D ÷ÚÕ>V_, ∂kuÁ≈ ÷Õ> ∂§s©A ÿkπBV™ º>]loÚÕm √›m ÂV‚Ô”¬z^ ÔVÁ´¬ÔV_ ÂÔ´V‚E gÁBÏ ∂kÏÔ”¬z ®ø›m JÈ\VF ÿ>ˆB©√|›mD√Ω ºÔ‚|¬ÿÔV^·©√|˛≈m. z§©∏‚¶ ÔVÈkÁ´BÁ≈¬z^ ÿ√≈©√‚¶ g‚ºƒ√ÁÔ^ ÔVÁ´¬ÔV_ ÂÔ´V‚EBV_ √ˆÊo¬Ô©√|D. ÔVÁ´¬ÔV_, 2021 }. ∏©´kˆ | 1 {, S. ∑√Vi, gÁBÏ. ———— KARAIKAL MUNICIPALITY, KARAIKAL Karaikal, the 1st February 2021. Dangerous Establishments NOTICE The undermentioned person has requested for issue of permission to set up the following industry within the Karaikal Municipal limits as detailed below : Sl. Name and address Address of the Industry Power No. of No. of the applicant industry site proposed required workers (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) 1 Thiru S. Mohamed Akbar Ali, M/s. Ayisha Auto Car water service 8 H.P. 1 No. 4, Thiruvalluvar Nagar, Service Station, Patchur, Karaikal. Re-survey No. 61/2 pt., Town Survey No. 16/2, Ward-E Block No. 02, Plot No. 06, Thiruvalluvar Nagar, Patchur, Dharmapuram Revenue Village, Karaikal. 16 February 2021] LA GAZETTE DE L’ETAT 79 In conformity with rule 8 of the Puducherry Municipalities (Grant of Licences and Permissions) Rules, 1976, promulgated in this Union Territory by the Puducherry Municipalities Act, 1973, objections, if any, to the setting up of the above industry, are invited to reach the Commissioner, Karaikal Municipality within ten days from the date of publication of this notice in the Official Gazette. The objections so received within the specified time will be considered by the Karaikal Municipality in accordance with the rules. S. SUBASH, Commissioner. ———— s_oB˚Ï ÿÔVDR[ √fiƒVB›m, Amflºƒˆ g√›>V™ WÆk™∫Ô^ ∂§s©A ˇµ¬z§©∏¶©√‚|^· Â√Ï s_oB˚Ï ÿÔVDR[ √fiƒVB›][ ®_ÁȬz^ ∏[kÚD ÿ>Va_ WÆk™›Á> ∂Á\›m¬ÿÔV^· ÷¬ÿÔVDR[ √fiƒVB›][ ∂–\] ºkı|˛≈VÏ. kˆÁƒ sı©√>V´ˆ[ WÆk™D ∂Á\B c›º>E¬Ô©√‚|^· º>ÁkBV™ g‚Ôπ[ ®ı ÿ√BÏ \uÆD xÔkˆ c^· ÷¶›][ xÔkˆ WÆk™› >BVˆ©A/ t[ ]≈[ ®ıˬÁÔ ÿƒFxÁ≈ (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) 1 ]Ú. Ekƒ∫ÔÏ, M/s. s\ÈV ∏·V¸Ω¬¸, √Vo›y[ Á√Ô^ 30 12 ®ı 34, 4-km zƬz› ÿ>Ú, \Æ ∂·Ák ®ı 250/3/A, \uÆD {k[ z]Á´› (√Ë xÁ≈áI) ∂´sÕ>Ï ÂÔÏ, \Á™ ®ıÔ^ 74 \uÆD 75, ∂flƒΩ›>_. ]≈[. xÚ∫Ô©√V¬ÔD, ƒ∫Ô´VflƒVˆBÏ ÂÔÏ, x>oBVϺ√‚, Œ]BD√‚|, s_oB˚Ï, Amflºƒˆ-605 004. Amflºƒˆ-605 110. 1973ágD gı| Amflºƒˆ ˛´V\D \uÆD ÿÔVDR[ √fiƒVB›m¬Ô^ ƒ‚¶›][ JÈ\VF Amflºƒˆ Œ[§B›m g‚E©√´©∏_ ∂xÈV¬Ô©√‚¶ Amflºƒˆ ÿÔVDR[ √fiƒVB›m¬Ô^ (cˆ\D \uÆD ∂–\] ∂π›>_) s]Ô^, 1976, ∏ˆ° 11á[√Ω ÷›ÿ>Va_ WÆk™›Á> WÆ°k]™V_ cı¶VzD g‚ºƒ√ÁÔ^ ∞º>–D ÷ÚÕ>V_, ∂kuÁ≈ ÷Õ> ∂§s©A ∏´∑´\V™ º>]loÚÕm √›m ÂV‚Ô”¬z^, s_oB˚Ï ÿÔVDR[ √fiƒVB›m gÁBÏ ∂kÏÔ”¬z ®ø›m JÈ\VF ÿ>ˆB©√|›mD√Ω ºÔ‚|¬ÿÔV^·©√|˛≈m. z§©∏‚¶ ÔVÈkÁ´BÁ≈¬z^ ÿ√≈©√|D g‚ºƒ√ÁÔ^, s_oB˚Ï ÿÔVDR[ √fiƒVB›m >M ∂]ÔVˆ ∂kÏÔ·V_ √ˆÊo¬Ô©√|D. s_oB˚Ï, 2021 } ∏©´kˆ | 4{, D. gÆxÔD, gÁBÏ. ———— VILLIANUR COMMUNE PANCHAYAT, PUDUCHERRY Villianur, the 4th February 2021. Dangerous Establishments NOTICE The undermentioned person has requested for permission to set up the following industry within the Villianur Commune Panchayat limits, as detailed below. 80 LA GAZETTE DE L’ETAT [16 February 2021 Sl. Name and address Address of the Industry Power No. of No. of the applicant industry site proposed required workers (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) 1 Thiru Sivasankar, M/s. Vimala Plastics, Printing of Polthene, 30 H.P. 12 No.34, 4th Cross Street, Re-survey No. 250/3/A, bags and woven bags. (shift-I). Aravindhar Nagar, Plot Nos. 74 and 75, Murungapakkam, Sankarachariyar Nagar, Mudaliarpet, Odaiampet, Villianur, Puducherry-605 004. Puducherry-605 110. In conformity with rule 11 of the Puducherry Commune Panchayats (Grant of Licences and Permissions) Rules, 1976, promulgated in this Union Territory by the Puducherry Village and Commune Panchayats Act, 1973, objections, if any, to the setting up of the above industry, are invited to reach the Commissioner, within ten days from the date of publication of this notice in the Official Gazette. The objections so received within the specified period will be considered by the Special Officer of Villianur Commune Panchayat. D. ARUMUGAM, Commissioner. ———— ∂ˆBV∫z©√D ÿÔVDR[ √fiƒVB›m, Amflºƒˆ g√›>V™ WÆk™∫Ô^ ∂§s©A ˇµ z§©∏‚|^· Â√Ï ∂ˆBV∫z©√D ÿÔVDR[ √fiƒVB›][ ®_ÁȬz^ ∏[kÚD ÿ>Va_ WÆk™›Á> ∂Á\›m¬ÿÔV^· ÷¬ÿÔVDR[ √fiƒVB›][ ∂–\] ºkı|˛≈VÏ. kˆÁƒ sı©√>V´ˆ[ WÆk™D ∂Á\B c›º>E¬Ô©√‚|^· º>ÁkBV™ g‚Ôπ[ ®ı ÿ√BÏ \uÆD c^· ÷¶›][ WÆk™› >BVˆ©A/ t[]≈[ ®ıˬÁÔ xÔkˆ xÔkˆ ÿƒFxÁ≈ (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) 1 ]Ú. S. \ËkÏ\V, M/s. p ´∫ÔV gı¶V^ gl_ t_, Ô¶ÁÈ ®ıÿF 11.00 z]Á´› (ÿ√Vm >/ÿ√. ∑©∏´\ËB[, \Æ ∂·Ák ®ı 70/1 B \uÆD ®^ ®ıÿF. ]≈[. √ËxÁ≈) ®ı 7, º>Ïx‚Ω T], \Á™ ®ıÔ^ 1, 2 \uÆD 3, \ÿkπ, 2ákm zƬz T], ∂ˆBV∫z©√D ∂fiƒ_, s¬º¶VˆBV ÂÔÏ, ∂ˆBV∫z©√D ÿÔVDR[, \ÿkπ kÚkVF ˛´V\D, Amflºƒˆ-605 007. ∂ˆBV∫z©√D ÿÔVDR[ √fiƒVB›m, Amflºƒˆ-605 007. 1973ágD gı| Amflºƒˆ ˛´V\D \uÆD ÿÔVDR[ √fiƒVB›m¬Ô^ ƒ‚¶›][ JÈ\VF Amflºƒˆ Œ[§B›m g‚E©√´©∏_ ∂xÈV¬Ô©√‚¶ Amflºƒˆ ÿÔVDR[ √fiƒVB›m¬Ô^ (cˆ\D \uÆD ∂–\] ∂π›>_) s]Ô^, 1976, ∏ˆ° 11á[ √Ω ÷›ÿ>Va_ WÆk™›Á> WÆ°k]™V_ cı¶VzD g‚ºƒ√ÁÔ^ ∞º>–D ÷ÚÕ>V_, ∂kuÁ≈ ÷Õ> ∂§s©A ÿkπBV™ º>]loÚÕm √›m ÂV‚Ô”¬z^ ∂ˆBV∫z©√D ÿÔVDR[ √fiƒVB›m gÁBÏ ∂kÏÔ”¬z ®ø›m JÈ\VF ÿ>ˆB©√|›mD√Ω ºÔ‚|¬ÿÔV^·©√|˛≈m. z§©∏‚¶ ÔVÈkÁ´BÁ≈¬z^ ÿ√≈©√‚¶ g‚ºƒ√ÁÔ^ ∂ˆBV∫z©√D ÿÔVDR[ √fiƒVB›>V_ √ˆÊo¬Ô©√|D. ∂ˆBV∫z©√D, 2021 } ∏©´kˆ | 8 {. ºÔV. ƒ°Õ]´´V¤[, gÁBÏ. 16 February 2021] LA GAZETTE DE L’ETAT 81 ARIYANKUPPAM COMMUNE PANCHAYAT, PUDUCHERRY Ariyankuppam, the 8th February 2021. Dangerous Establishments NOTICE The undermentioned person has requested for permission to set up the following industry within the Ariyankuppam Commune Panchayat limits, as detailed below. Sl. Name and address Address of the Industry Power No. of No. of the applicant industry site proposed required workers (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) 1 Thiru S. Manivarma, M/s. Sri Ranga Andal Oil Mill, Groundnut oil 11.00 H.P. (General S/o. Soupramaniane, Re-survey No. 70/1B, and Gingelly oil. Shift) No. 7, Carend Street, Plot Nos. 1, 2 and 3, Manavely, Ariyankuppam Post, 2nd Cross Street, Victoria Nagar, Ariyankuppam Commune Manavely Revenue Village, Panchayat, Puducherry-605 007. Ariyankuppam Commune Panchayat, Puducherry-605 007. In conformity with rule 11 of the Puducherry Commune Panchayats (Grant of Licences and Permissions) Rules, 1976, promulgated in this Union Territory by the Puducherry Village and Commune Panchayats Act, 1973, objections, if any, to the setting up of the above industry, are invited to reach the Commissioner, Ariyankuppam Commune Panchayat within ten days from the date of publication of this notice in the Official Gazette. The objections, so received within the specified period will be considered by the Ariyankuppam Commune Panchayat. G. SAVOUNDIRARAJAN, Commissioner. AFFIDAVIT Photo Identity Card under No. IBI0039974 and in my Aadhaar Card under No. 8584 6777 6215, I, Jose Johnsy Claris, daughter of Albert Johnson, my name has been mentioned as ‘Jose Johnsy Claris’, Hindu, aged about 27 years, residing at No. 04, respectively. Sowdambigai Amman Koil Street, Velrampet, In our Family Ration Card under No. 428873, my Mudaliarpet, Puducherry-605 004, do hereby solemnly name has been mentioned as ‘º¤V¸ ¤V[E ˛·Vˆ¸’. and sincerely affirm and state as follows: I do hereby declare that the names ‘Jose That I am the deponent herein. Johnsyclaris’ and ‘Jose Johnsy Claris’ are referring I humbly state that I was born on 11-08-1993 at one and the same person i.e., myself only.
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