r~m~ ,; -c. JUL ~ A.UG 19&·5 VOL. 3 NO'. 4 g .. "" :.. .sletter of the KAYPRO . USER.$' 'GROUP Official ,New t• . t !1 YOU ••• A·SKED FOR IT r• Things change fast in this field of high The KUG Library continues to grow, and as technology. With Kaypro making the you requested, we are offering p~ckag~ ultimate move to MS-DOS and introducing deals on special program categories. The·· the 2000 with a 3 1/4 micro diskette, Statistics Six-Pack seemed to prove you ·'.· it's time for KUG, as wel I, to move ri~ht right again. (See LIBRARY SPECIALS.) .. .. along. Because of the shift to 16 bit machine ~ NOW HOLD ON! KUG wil I not abandon our al I by the Kaypro Corporation and the fact time favorite, CP/M, nor wil I it forget that we support ALL Kaypro users, we are the many Perfect Software users. In fact, now i n the process of building an MS-DOS our recent survey shows that KUGG~Rs use I ibrary of Pub I ic Domain software. One of Perfect Writer almost 2 to 1 over the problems confronting us is the new WordStar. (See SURVEY inside.) micro disk used on the Kaypro 2000. But we're working on it. (In . fact, this is Starting with this issue, we wil I have a being written on the new 2000 lap table of contents and each article listed portable.) Any suggestions along these wil I be coded so that you wil I be able to lines wi I I be most welcome. tel I if it pertains to WordStar or Perfect or anything else. Your suggestion and request that we try to get our local Kaypro dealers to offer Inside you wil I also find two new discounts to all KUG members is finally columns. 11 STARWARES, an ongoing coming to fruition. (See MEMBER DISCOUNTS discussion and tutorial on the use of the article.) In response to a survey sent to MicroPro software that is being bundled dealers, almost 100% of the more than 100 with almost all the Kaypro computers; and who have answered as of this writing wil I 2) MS-DOS STUFF, written by the same one be offering discounts to our KUG members who brings you CP/M STUFF every issue. An upon presentation of their KUG ID Cards. easy entrance into the world of MS-DOS. When things are looking up, things are You have also asked us to separate and/or looking up. When we visited with Thorn partition KUGRAM so that Perfect and EMI at Comdex, Atlanta, we were greeted WordStar appear in different sections. by Mr. Clem Scharwath, who advised us Well, we're getting close, but it is immediately that the Perfect Software difficult to distinguish some of the protection wil I be REMOVED! In unity subtle differences. However, we wil I try there is strength. to do it with the articles pertaining to the new (MS-DOS) and the older (CP/M) We are also working with Tom Foote, of systems. REMEMBER WordStar and other Profiles, in attempting to get computer programs are used in both. Which reminds information and public domain software us, please let us know what machine you out to the third world countries. (More are using and the version of the program inside.) discussed when sending us material for the KUGRAM. Time to empty the "SUGGESTION BOX" again. A> DIR KUGRAM Box 100 BOX 1 0 0 [ G ) . • . • . 2 if ~ SPECIAL FREE OF.FER [ G). • . • . • . • . 4 Dear KUG, KUGRAM ON DISK(G) ..•••..•.•......•.. 6 NEW SOUNDS[G) ..•.....•..•........... 6 Some members have written me because they MEMBER DISCOUNTS[G) .......•••...••.. 6 were unable to use the instructions for LIBRARY SPECIALS ( G) ••....... ~ . 6 speeding up Wordstar in the May/June SURVEY RESULTS ( G) . • • . • . 7 issue. Let me try to clear up some of the CONTEST WINNERS(G) ......•..•....•..• 7 confusion. Al I of the instructions THIRD WOR LO HELP ( G) . • • . • . 7 expressly printed were for DDT only, and NOTICE(G)........................... 7 not with WINSTALL. I find DDT to be KAYPRO NEWS[G) ...............•...... 10 faster and more versatile. I realize LOCAL CHAPTERS (TC) . • • . • . • . • . • • 10 there is a similarity in the command PEOPLETALK QUARTERLYCRJ ..•..•.....•. 10 entry for the two programs~ but I was 10 COMPUSERVE(TC) ..•......••..•...•.... hoping that WINSTALL users would convert ~ 11 TRANTOR HARD DISK(R) •..••. .••...... the instructions into acceptable format SUP ERF I LE [ R ) • • . • . • • • • • • . • . • . • . • 1 4 for that program. ELECTRA-FIND ( R) . • . • . • . 18 18 CP/M STUFF .•...•.••••.........•.•... DDT (as mentioned in the March/April 19 IN RESPONSE .••......•••.••••..••.••. issue) must be loaded with some variation 20 KAYPRO UPGRADING •.•...........•..... of DDT WS.COM, and exited with a Ctrl-C 22 VENDORS. • . • . • • • • . • and then the command SAVE 69 WS.COM. The 22* MSDOS STUFF ••.•........••.......•..• "S" preceding the address given in the 24 WORDSTAR BY CHIANG ...•••..•••.....•• article is the Set command for DDT, which 25 STARWARES ( G) . • . • . means change the value at that address. 26 LIBRARY. • . • . • . • . • • •• • • . • WINSTALL asks for the address alone, or • 26 NEW LI BRA RY DISKS . • • • . the label. Concerning the actual 27 NATIONAL KUG DISKS •.•••••.•.•.••..•. addresses, WordStar recently released 28 SYSOP'S CORNER(TC) ......•.....•..... with the Kaypro has one or more of the 28 TEE-SHIRTS[G) •...•.•••.•..•••....••• delay values already reset. BEST OF KUGBB(G) ...•..•.•.•.•.....•• 29 31 CHAPTER NEWS ( G). • . • • . • . As for the commands F3CF1, 3CFC, di, and F3DmF, 3D36, di, these are also strictly interest Legend: G = general for DDT. The "F" is the Fill command, TC= telecommunications which means to fil I memory from the first R = review address to the second address with the * = MSDOS given value (zero here]. The addresses are inacessible with WINSTALL, whose patching area ends at 83A. DDT or a similar program can reach this area in NOTICE memory . If anyone has questions or solutions, It's time for some KUGGERS to renew their please write in. membership. If your KUGRAM® label has RENEW printed on it, your . membership will ex pi re after the next issue. T.F. Chiang 27 Cove Lane The renewal rate is $15.00 U.S.A. $20.00 Port Jefferson, NY 11777 CANADA ·(U.S. Funds) and should be mailed to KUG RENEWAL, Box 100, Malverne, NY 11565. [Ed. note: There is a typogra~hical error ***·*IMPORTANT**** in WordStar by Chiang, Vol. 3, no. 3, p. 20 that may have confused readers. At Please write your ID# on the face of the check. the top of column 2, the second line The number on tbe KUGRAM® is your ID should read m:imber. -F3DdlF,3D26,dl <2> Dear KUG, Now use DDT to patch a disk rest (BOOS 13 cal I) at the address you have copied The creators of Perfect Writer forgot two down. Here's how to do it. Put a spare important features which belong in the copy of PW.COM on a disk in drive 8 (it's editor (PW.COM): access to the directory safer not to experiment with either your and space remaining, and a disk reset distribution copy or working copy). Put command. You can fix the second and your CP/M disk in drive A. Log onto the 8 crudely approximate the first. (All my drive. At the B> prompt, enter "A:DDT comments apply to Perfect Writer version PW.COM'' <er>. There wi 11 be some whirring 1.20, running on a Kaypro II.) of disks and some odd words and numbers on the screen, and then you'I I get th~ To have a directory available while DDT prompt (-). Now enter "a" fol lowed editing you need to put it in a disk immediately by the address you copied file. D.COM (KUG Library Disk #105) wil I down. DDT wil I then prompt you with the do that. Its directory listing includes address you have just given it. You enter the size of each file and the amount of the assembly language· command shown space remaining on the disk. Once you below, fol lowed by a carriage return. DDT have this information in a disk file, you wi I I then prompt you with another can cal I it up into an unused buffer address, and you enter the next line of whenever you need it. The catch is that assembly language fol lowed by a return, you have to update this directory file etc. Your addresses may be different from each time you put a new file on or take a those I show below, but the assembly file off the disk. language commands must be the same. Having a disk reset available is even 5EC9 LXI B, lllllllllD <CR> more useful. This al lows you to swap 5ECC CALL lllID5 <CR> disks while editing, if you suddenly find 5ECF LXI B, lllllllllE <CR> that you haven't enough space to save 5ED2 LXI D,lllllllll1 <CR> your current work or if you want to read 5ED5 CALL llllll5 <CR> something. from another disk into an 5ED8 RET <CR> unused buffer. A disk reset is easy to 5ED9 <CR> (NOTE: the dot is a period.) program, and patching PW.COM is easy, since the patch points are a l I listed in This code assumes that you run with the B the file PW.SYM on the insta l lation disk. drive as the logBed drive. If you use the Here are instructions that anyone can A drive as the logged drive when you use fa 11 ow. PW, then you should omit the third, fourth, and fifth lines of code (or else Browse through the text of the FUNCTS.TXT 11 replace the fourth line by "LXI D,lllllllll(8 ).
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