(.J * - Court Ruling Favors Marlboro Planners - j n ? - 1 our COVERING THURSDAY■ MATAWAN BOKUUUH Home ; A N D T H E ' ■ • ■'■■■■ m e . ' i c r i o f All Week MATAWAN, "iTARLBORO, tJWUWDEL aid MADISON M * in b f r fSHi YEAR — 19th WEEK National Newspaper AsjiocUiiou MATAWAN, N. J., THURSDAY,'NOVEMBER 9, 1967 M e m b e r . 11 zv. s . i rwy S.;;^'s vvvpy1 ien CenTS ' J r * «w > School Board Leases ildmiiiistrative Space Republicans Sweep State Legislature A relocation of tha adinl.^ra- -:i!ve cfitise: eo! f theth i M stswaa Es- giOia!i! B p oard: s r t l o l f: fc-ducation was Nighi Parking Ban rosifci effectivee f f e c t i v e MondayM o hy * vole Matawen TolSt* chid John Allen Defeats Bedell For Freeholder „«-* »j»claJ meeting 4a fcss* for ir-J* yesi 3133 sq fi. tf floor space this weeK warned baroii»h in ar, off<ce»-7{nrtii^nts cwiipl'-x teatdents that the bro>'rm all-nigK <jn the narihea=f com er o’ Broad parKing oa borough (dm -is w>!! St. «n«J Utile St. fnr $8W . The go Into effect Nov. 15 end will --structure, w as com pleted within the fsrtfnue through M ar. .11,1148, Sign UpFcr Traff ic Light G O P Slates Score Victories In 1 last yc»r by Maiawim Foursomes Cftiflf SSclna said the lu a s S t e Tnc.- .ftt^tawiut,: und. occupies the Mi-lctly tu fw .ed on > til . borough *Uu that wa* lor m?py y*an tho slret-M and urged • rooiorins (0 Borough, Township and Madison - loJti.on Q t m e TrucK 'hpvi or Ihe lind ofr-streri location* for their , Vnn Brum transwirt firm ; vehicles- delate the ban taKes Republicans swept to decisive . Tiie lease calls fnr tha taKing of e f f e c t , ; tho GO.P.column. Dem ocrats Pat­ H erbert Smith, appointed In Sep- : control of the all-new Slate Legis- - icirr *‘she-!l” offices, but Edward Warning ulgi* viready havo ricK J, M cGann »«l'.W 3!tcr H. Gch- lember to fill a vacancy, on ths : jliUuro In Tuesday's balloting taK- J . P'-uViion. b:ii>niess adr:‘r!str;>tnr been posted throughout tlia ricKe, Matawan Township, polled counci!, received 8B ■,vr>te-in VOtf'S.-,, I InR ,11 of. the 10 seat.-i in the State of the dialilcl, confirms the-own- bu. jugh anil at the entrances to 25,477 and 21,217 votes respectively. Mrs. i'homas F. Conroy,--.'who ; i.enate and -5K of the J!) seats at In the southern county district, v .fc fS :..h a v e uOTi“ !:iu i!u tn r e m o d e l t o tho bormi!>h proper. "Them can ran as a write-in in protest to a flaKe In the State Assembly. As a James M. Coleman jr. and Lou'S ; „ M i t the board's needs. There will b e n o e x c u s e s , ’ the«> chief com- school bus stop on Lloyd Rd. poll­ result, thc COP regains control of R.. AiKins, Matawan Borough At­ tf- 12 offices provided, to hnuso the m e n t e d . ed 1G write-in votes and fvelpon 01*'; thc Legislature following two years torney, wtw. scots in the Assem b'v superintendent and assistant super. sen received 17 wrHc-in votes, of Dem ocratic domination. by two-tu-oiie inat'itins over their ,...!Btcndcnt[,tl;i; lio,i > a secretary, and Republican candidates will ‘servd'' 'Ihe GO;1 scored a cleun sweep Dem ocratic opponents. the secretaries, tvoists and r.lrrK with rcmuimnj; Dem ocratic Miivnr in the race for offices on the state wno serve in thu offices of ■'rtalf Matav.r.,i Township's Albert E: W^itor H M i-w - J l i u n it- R , . ana county level in Monmouth. - I?I; Stay Order Allen, a Republican, defeated in­ Kaye-and Daniel H- Downey. ' -:r _ school .officials. ■ ■■■.■: in the race ior the State Senate. cum bent Lufiene Iiedel! in the race e rl h t iMfce calls for ocrupnni-y by Republicans R ieh'.d R. stout and lur a tone scat on the Monmouth the board af the hefdnnmp of M aiau m n Alfred N. Dc-adleston Were victors, County Bufl'd of Freeholders, re- ■■sn the area litw g evacuated by the On Tux Sale wk v intirnenng 63.',’37 and W 3IF stnrniH .;»>» I I -- ?r,'s.ifi.-f ’-ou* pjuij ut m * adminMr.Jr-r* can b" put to the Snp-rlo- Court J j J.« Ivi. in ti I respeeuvciy, i'aul J, Smith. Union dninlnation. Mr. Allen tallied SO.- ! election, mdudim* ?-»-' A i r ‘ r. M r 1? . - 1 - • H n n r b . ••••• *r;iii UM . itpn* itt v'-0” v,“'t,nBil1 •“r^ti ip iL.ne,.1 • • Cnanury• • . Uvimon, - In . Free-... .r.. m aaj'r 'jjrartecj a sm;-1 , t u b .-.L -naie n u . i t a .III..'.!)!) a n d h is On tho municipal level. Kepiib- ! mvi lh«- job of lax colleclor ai! the 1M5S-60 school year. 1 " aRamst the Corough of Matawnn 1 i running mate. Richmd Bonello- hi uns scored swccpini: viclorics in | wont to Matawan Republican cani I -1:1.4111 . P fe. U |l'-i {. ar.J Ur, collector, M rs. Murv Gin- i m > 1 -1 > > 1 * 1 . n. ..... Lrn * c ,1 ,1 ; r i ; .; Iti. tjiiiu-.ui ui iiie uaniiiiiiira- sn. uf;,iinal pumng ut ij.u iui 01 I I m ’ 1 . * {««.*> n a i y o i n m i - five offices from M atawan Gram­ properties to go up for tax sale ty-, Assembly- District Joseph Av. ,,pose atid. Principle.. -------------- Party In Mar! icuuncii wou'i be Tor M r mar School No. 2, Broad St. (tho those of the four plaintiffs against Zulirni, with jl.^31 and Chester Apy, ) horo Townsmp added the mayor's I vices A leterenduin. to determ ine- ■old M atawan Hlfili School) permit'; the boroiiph in suit3 over tho savv. who polled J0.8.M, were victors in ! post to its majority on the Town Ilf tho mavor-would lip paid $ 15"® - the remodeling of the. southeast ers assessment decided by the S h ip f~ ''tln c il A?. r,- j ar.u c.-ach oi me six counci Imen area of that building Into class­ ccjrt last April. duin for salaries for officials in IjlOOO was rejected.bv the voters,--' ; M om ;. W lnlo a definite determina- Ralph S .. Heuser sr., Matawan, Matawan Borough was rejecM . 11091 lo 730.- Thev are not piiid -nt - 1 — —........ .. ......---------------- ..•lioii.uf th e - m e -oi tne space boinfZ acting . for FredericK Mouer, I.n- Two Hunters . nuMilflV.In.. Iinu nOt ’^CS'i ' dn' ‘ St, preEidcnt cf the uor- Matauxin TownsUip ! 1 \Y \;i«c vttCe- fo r ' rhaytir, Jncjniv^ uCttledr.upnir yet. the present Indica­ .Otwh’s-linm-d-.or health;- Dr, Zdyaii | henf Iicpiihh^aa :Edvvard' E;:ilvrn 0‘ tion i« that tlicrs will bo remodel ' Ayanian, Sunset Ave., and tho de-1 Matawan Township RqntUscuns ; defeated.' bis ’D /;m ocrr4ic;opponoati- •• Jng ■ to .-eoiivert the .area to two- v«|ppers of-M iddlesex. Apartments ' Die In Area :ii;or»>d ^ s t u n n i n g - u p s e t - T m -d *v • J° hn p!lsrillfl ;^'15 tC>i!3l.-: .room s for special education class­ and of Tree Havcu-Rivino..Apart- Accidents tooK thfrllvo. of h "0 iafft * « f - it • ' • - COP .'‘"tf'Ki)v->und!aarc2r Jn;^m-' e s . <■ : ini'nt!>, called on tlie court to til:o hunters In thu ^wysnoro area last ‘JetCptinp uwMvitittio lur ptMs.jbenr Howard iiendersou and .Ste- The conver.InB' of the board M on. cocniZanre nf the failure of tho -M uiflwim low n sh lp dntf _• S&r<H<gti. rvyiuvnt^ looK | principal d the U oyd Rd. School adds HU sfpnnhire weeKend. One died of ti- gunshot on die low nship Counci! and W in-1 veoson -F.rterllne polled: 1313 and ^ ling control of the. pov^rmnp body titty to ratify the agreem ent for the sewer assessment comn’I'tr-- tn I n an pM-ou( dr!vc SntuH i'v to obtain signatures I t n nnrt rotor l unilH, co- wound in M atawnn Tnv,n>ih;-' w hi1'' •I2i7 R'SpJCtlVCJV. to D lll-dow n »>!<■ ; •* j. iho clcctxr. v,a> ;!(. fu v .... rental ran Into criticism - from Al- apply an assessm ent against Marc ao ■petition seeKing» a traffic light at1 41the intersection* chairman of I^AfAL <Light At Church Aisd Uoyd) the Second was a drowning’victim uiu ui ucfUOinilS i o^nrd C Ui1-* ithc m unicipal levol us the township (retim ed cn page fo„v) '.Voodi ind Aberdeen Apantments, of ChurcSj 2>i. and Lloyd Rd.t near tho StrAthmvrA looK on. O vw 150ft residents nltet&dy have signed the m Raritan Cay off Uuon Reach Ion.. Linn aad-U , K enneth. | since seven Democrats were r.uat* one a houslnR nnd the other a School, Booths wort* set up In various Iwattons in p e U t l o n . - - .................. 1 199. - . - Joseph Vaccarella 17, of 146 lhe borough and township. Above, William Rt‘iutir. • ed ot the fust township council oi- garden apurtments pro[ect. Mr, Wastilnpjton Avo„ Matnwsn- died Inciimhent GOP Colw cior; ^Mrs.
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