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VOLUME XLV NUMBER I~ = AI Smith YUGOSLAVIA'S BABY PATRIOT At a Glanc.- Dies at 70 Today's In New York l/Ow.a.n. I American tanks' plunge Ihrou.h Death After Illness ' breach in westwall. blast Ger­ ) man secondary defenses. Ends Half Century In American Politics Patton's army storms ~t. Dri­ ant, suburb of gate-city of NEW YORK (AP)-Alfred Em- , Metz. manuel Smith, t~e "happy war­ Reds within 15 miles of Yugo- rior" of American politics . died I slav capital of Belgrade. yesterday. He was 70. I Dr. Raymond P. Sullivan, at­ AI Smlth dies at 70 after halI­ Yugoslav Capital Requests Compliance Allies Blast tributed Smith's death to lung con- I century in American politics. May Fall il'1 One stra.or I(estion and heart disease. He had I With War Labor Board Secondary Defenses been in ill health since the dea th ' More Day of Battle Order Issued in June apPoint. ol his wiCe. Catherine, las t May 4. North of Aachen estate 01 • The prominent Catholic layman : Bricker Requests . LONDON, '1'hursday (AP)­ ln dis- knew he was dying "and was pray­ The Red army; now joined with WASHINGTON (AP) - After SUPREME HEADQUAR. ing all lhe llme," said the, Rev. I\lsflihal Tito 'f! partisans in Il two years of trying, lhe govern­ 'rERS, AEF (AP)- Squadrons John Healy of St. Vincent Ferrer's Sincere Campaign oalnpaign to drive the Germans ment decided yesterday that It of American tanks which had church who wa s present wh en out of Yugoslavia, gained Ban· cannot make the American Fed­ been held b8.ckfor two days Smith died at 6:30 a. m. (EWT) in Censures 'EvasiGn, atska Kraljeyicevo, 8. railway eration of Musicians sing in har­ while doughboys hacked a hole ROckefeller institute. town only 15 miles .from the mony with lhe recording compa­ in the Siegfried line north of As plans went forward to have Flippancy, Innuendo' oapital city of Belgrade yester· nles, so President Roosevelt asked A a c hen were sent charging the body lie in state in St. Patrick's In Wartime Politics 'through the breach yesterday cathedral. beginning 2 p. m. Friday day ill a 27·inile advance across the union, on a personal basiS, to to blast German secondary de­ and for a high requiem mass at 11 ST. LOUIS (AP)-Gov. Jbhn W. open country to the northeast. follow Washington's baton. i Bclgrade appeared ready to In a telegram to James Caesar fenses and help clear the path a. m. Saturday, tribute to the man Bricker , appeali.ng fOr a "sincere, known for his brown derby, cigar fall soon, perhaps in 8. day, un. Petrillo, the union's president, Mr. DEAN Paul C. Packer of Ute col­ of Lieut. Gen. Courtney H. and jovial smile came from the ANTE, the rugged mtle youngster doing his "daily dozen" on his straightforward and t l' U t h f u 1" les.'> the Germans ofter more re- Roosevelt said it would be "your le,e of education. now on lea.ve Hodges' First army to the 01 absenee with tb.e IU'lD)' 01 ihe nation's leaders in all walks of life. hospital cot at Vis, Yugoslavia, is a real scrapper and patriot. Hldln, political campaign, told a nalion­ sistance than they have put up country's gain" if the union would Rhine. United States, has been promoted President Roo s eve I t said in himself, Ante "attended" a sabotage school run by Brllish for patri­ wide radio aud ience lilst ni,ht: comply with a war labor board Pouring into a gap two and a so far against the new offensive order and drop its ban on mak­ from the rank 01 major to Ueuten­ Washington: "The country loses a otic Yugosla.vs. Then he "borrowed" a hand grenade which he hurled half miles wide in the vaunted at some chickens, nearly losing his foot in explosion. "CyniCism, innuendo, flippant on \tle capital from the north and ing recordings. The WLB order aid Colonel, It was aDllounced yes­ true pa triot." remarks, evasion and synthetic east. was issued last June 15, and the terday by ihe war. department. westwall the Yanks last night "AI Smith had Qualities of were fighting through minefields, heart and mind and soul which not humor have no part ln this war- One hundred miles southeast of union lias ignored it. only endeared him to those who Federal Jury Indicts time campaign." Befgrade other Red army forces III New York, Petrillo's oUlce p' blo h A tank traps and hastily-built rifle came under the spell of his dy­ .Allies, Hit. The Republican candidate for racing to ' smarih the raii network announced the federation leader .U IS er .CCUSeS pits more than two miles inside namic presence in personal asso­ vice-prellidcnt, speaking frl\tri Kial over whlch ~the . Germans . must ea- had telegraphed the president the border of Germany after hav4 auditorium,' after attenliing .the cape.trom·the·Balkans,outflarked that he had called a meeting of ciation but also made him the idol Philadelphia Strik~rs I D" ' C .Ott . ing thrown back three weak of the multitude," the president openin~ game of the world ,erie~, the three-way 'rail jUnction . of the union's International execu- les omml ee said in part. add cd . to a text released by hIS Zajecar' captui'ing ' the town of tive board to be held in Chicago " . enemy counterattacks in the ear17 10 Japanese' 1"';"1\ Flays Action of Union campaign staff: V . '. h~ .. Oct. 9, "at which time your re- , morning hours: Born Dec. 30, 1873, in the "Our sons are pressing,the ligbt . r:a.ta~n!cal) ne' l ~es t~ t . so~t", Quest wlll be given careful con- ., ' Oblects to P.amphlet shadow of the Brooklyn bridge, In Transportation for freedom around the wor~lI · l and penetrated' to wlthm 40 ,miles .de tI D' 'b . I ' , Lack Troops Smith entered politics at the age Many of them are s u ffe~ing' the of, t~e ' in')~ortan( junction of Nis SI ra on. IItrl uflon nqUlrles, .. Front dispatches said the Naz! of 22 as a clerk and subpoena Strife of August , asit-Ide ~J ' main railway 1rom . Petrillo told a selUlte commit~ Freighters agonies of death and dil;ellse. We Bu,aria 'Imp ·· Greece. _ . tee in January, 1943, that if the 'Gestapo M_thods' commanders, for all their desper- server for the commission er of owe it to them and to ourselVes to , president asked that the ban be . , ate need to ha'U the burgeonin" Jurors. PHILADELPHIA (AP)-A fe d- conducL lhis campai-n with the Altogether. the Russians over- • Smith reached the apex of his eral grand jury, indicting 30 men A LL lE D HEADQUARTERS, same devotion t d i nd hi h ran'l3 ' to~ns and railway stations IlIted "the l'equest would be . WASHINGTON ' (AP) - T h.e allied drive at the heart of the in~ political career in 1928 when at the New Gui nea, Thursday (AP)- Al­ spiritual I'n this thedt10wn Oft telegram said I;>ies committee,was accused yes- dustrlal Rhineland, did not have Democratic national convention in connection with P hiLad e~p h ia's purpos ~ t~a~ ~hey a~e art~a, incl~dlng gr~~~oosevelt's lied planes sa nk or damaged 10 showing on the fiele! .of bilttle." Bor, ceo; ,,1' of tue secon atges ill terday by the head of Press Re- enough first ellIS troops to throw Franklin D. Roosevelt nominated six-day transportation strike in 'o governor referred to copper d,eposlt'in EuroPe. ' aqd vll- stab 'zation Director Fred M. more J apanese freighters, pounded The Ohl . Vinson had decided that the s"arch, Inc., of applying "Gestapo against Hodgesr crack infantry di- him as the ~ocratic presidential August, observed yesterday that, the Sept. 23 speech of PtesitlAn.t Jag~s with In ten miles of the . ,. tl ds • . tl 'd tl to th J apanese airflelcL; nnd lashed at an ,. ' M ~ 'd" I k' IdfiLld umon s non-compliance with the me 10 0. 1ll mt a on e vl'sions an·d tremendous reserves standard bearer - giving him the "We have made a long step away Roosevelt Jor the first time with .u .anpe go ,,8. ' __ WT ,R d ". at l,Uldul i ' ~ nickname "happy warrior." Hoo- from the company un ion which important port In sweeps !rom the th e WO L'<I S: In their race w -cUt tM Nam- .~ or 1$ n y m- prellll." ,- or armor.
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