Volume 2. No. 1. JUNE, 1963 CONWAY WILLIAMS THE MAYFAIR TAILOR 48 BROOK STREET, MAYFAIR, LONDON, W.l (Opposite Claridge's Hotel) AND 39 LONDON ROAD, CAMBERLEY Morning and Evening Wear, Court and Military Dress for all occasions. Hunting, Sports and Lounge Kits All Cloths cut by expert West End Cutters and made exclusively by hand in our Mayfair workshops by the Best English Tailors Telephones: Telegrams: Mayfair 0945— Camberley 498. “ Militaila Wesdo, London ” THE WASP AND THE EAGLE 'V W W VI/Vt/.Vty VI/ VI/ '1/ VI/.v?M ty vt i t / «t ) v.| / VI / V I / 'I / V v y t ' W / V* / v i/ .\ j THE ARMY BENEVOLENT FUND Patron : //«■ Majesty the Queen h is is t h e c e n t r a l f u n d of all military charities and the main­ T stay of the Corps and Regimental Associations to which Soldiers, past and present, can appeal for help when suffering or in general distress. In addition, the fund, administered by senior officers, makes block grants to other service organisations which give practical help, outside the scope of State Schemes, to disabled ex-soldiers, or the dependants of those who lost their lives, throughout the Empire. The need is great—the calls are many. Please remember your relatives who served in the army and make a donation, large or small, in memory of those who fought for o’ir freedom and gained it. 20 GROSVENOR PLACE SW1 Tel: SLOane 3792 p r e s i d e n t : SECRETARY : OBNBRAL SIR JAMES STEELE, G.C.B., K.B.E., D.S.O., M.C. BRIGADIER C. P. R. JOHNSTON, C.1 .1 . THIS PAGE DONATED BY W. it C , FRENCH LTD, BUCKHURST HILL, ESSEX. THE WASP AND THE EAGLE "PURITY AND QUALITY GUARANTEED” NAVAL-MILITARY Davey’s Dairy and R.A.F. Service and Dress HIGH STREET, BRENTWOOD The Reliable Milk Supply UNIFORMS • SPECIALITIES : PASTEURISED AND TUBERCULIN TESTED MILK Tailored on the premises Telephone : 40 Brentwood by expert workers • Complete outfits for all Telephone : Brentwood 104 A 654 Services for home and ARTHUR BENNETT abroad Complete Funeral Service • E. BRAGGINS & SONS t LIMITED Harpur Street and Silver Street Private Chapels of Rest Day and Night Service Only Address : BEDFORD 120 HIGH STREET, BRENTWOOD Telephone: Bedford 3292-3 MAC'S •5 . « c • J Good Country Beer MCMULLEN’S HERTFORDSHIRE ALES THE WASP AND THE EAGLE 3rd E. ANGLIAN REGIMENT 9 ct. gold and enamel I, BY APPOINTMENT TO HER MAJESTY THH Q1 Home £ 14.5.0 Export £12. 1S.O GOIDSMITHS k CROWN JEWEI.U1U, GARRARD * CO. LTD., LONDON A nne piece ot jewellery, artistically designed, makes a charming gift. Produced by the house of Garrard in gold and enamel, a badge brooch can be a token ot lasting value. Designs and estimates for gem set E. ANGLIAN BRIGADE brooches arc supplied free at 9 ct. gold and enamel Home £12.1 S.O Export £ 11.0.0 your request. Please address all enquiries to the military department. The Regimental and Brigade Badges GARRARD & CO. LTD. Crown Jewellers 112 Regent Street • London • W.I • Telephone: REGENT 3021 (11 lines) The Westbury Press PRINTERS and STATIONERS 17 and 19 KINGS ROAD BRENTWOOD, ESSEX Ttltphon* : Brtnttvood 462 light honeycomb The ileyimental crisp Association Join Your Old Comrades Association and keep in touch with the Regiment and Old Friends THE WASP AND THE EAGLE 50 Gresham Street EC2 MONarch 7451 22 Suffolk Street, Haymarket SW 1 H'Hltehall 2543 THE WASP an,. THE EAGLE The Journal o f The Pompadours, the 3rd East Anglian Regiment. (16th/44th F o o t ) P r ic e 2/6d. (postage extra) V o l . 2. N o . 1. J u n e , 1 9 6 3 Free to Regimental Association members. Colonel in Chief : HER MAJESTY QUEEN ELIZABETH THE QUEEN MOTHER C o lon el. LIEUTENANT-GENERAL SIR REGINALD F. S. DENNING, k.b.e., c.b., d.l. Deputy Colonel: BRIGADIER C. M. PATON, C.V.O., C.B.B., D.L. l>t Bn. The 3rd EAST ANGLIAN REGIMENT <16th/44th FOOT). THE POMPADOURS, ABERCORN BARRACKS. BALLYKINLER. NORTHERN IRELAND. C .O .: Lieut.-Col. C. C. NORBURY, M.B.E., M.C. REGIMENTAL HEADQUARTERS. BLENHEIM HOUSE. EAGLE WAY, WARLEY, BRENTWOOD. ESSEX. Regimental Secretary: Lieut.-Col. A. C. YOUNG (Ret. Pay.) 1st Bn. The BEDFORDSHIRE AND HERTFORDSHIRE REGIMENT (T.A.). T.A. CENTRE. 21, ST. ANDREW STREET. HERTFORD HONORARY CO LO N EL: Brigadier G. W. H. PETERS, C.B.B., d.s.o., M.C. C O .: Lieut.-Col. C. SIMMONS. 4th/5th Bn. The ESSEX REGIMENT (T.A.), T.A. CENTRE. GORDON FIELDS. ILFORD. ESSEX HONORARY C O LO N ELS: The Rt. Hon. SIR W INSTON L. S. CHURCHILL, K.O., O.M.. C.H., T.D., ll.d., d.l., M.P.; Colonel A. NOBLE, D.s.o., T.D., D.L. C O .: Lieut.-Col. R. J. RANDALL. ALLIED REGIMENTS t CANADA. The E u n and Kent Scottish Regiment, Windier, Ontario. AUSTRALIA. Awaiting Confirmation. SOUTH AFRICA. The Fint City Regiment, Grahamstowa. REGIMENTAL ASSOCIATIONS THE 3rd EAST ANGLIAN REGIMENT (16th/ S e c r e t a r y , L i e u t -C o l . A. C . Y o u n g (Ret. Pay.), Blenheim Hou»e, Bagla 44th FOOT). THE POMPADOURS Way, Warley, Brentwood, Essex. THE BEDFORDSHIRE AND HERTFORD­ S e c r e t a r y , M a j o r D. T . T e w k e s b u r y , m .b .e . (Ret. Pay.), Kempaton SHIRE REGT. ASSO CIATIO N ................... Barrack*, Bedford. THE ESSEX REGT. ASSOCIATION S ec r et ary. M a jo r T. R. S tead (Ret. Pay.), Blenheim House, Eagle Way, Warley, Brentwood, Enei. BRANCHES AND HON. SECRETARIES, i6th FOOT ASSOCIATION 8th Bn. THE BEDFS. REGT. (1914-18) ... M r . F. T . C o o p e r , The Half Moon, Wilstone, nr. Tring, H erts. LONDON1 YELLOW DEV^ (1914-18) M*. J. W ard, 83a, Colin Road, Luton, Bedi. M r . W. G. A l d r i d g e , 118, Valley Drive, Gravesend, Kent. H ERTFORD M r . C. M a n s f i e l d , 1, Gosadin Road, Bengeo, Hertford, Herts. WATFORD M r . J. V. H a c k m a n , 34, Judge Street, Wauord, Herts. ST. ALBANS M r . H. R. H o w a r d , 62, Spencer Road, St. Albans, Hens. BEDFORD ... Mr. C. C. W e l l s , 11, Hardwick Road, Bedford, Beds. HITCHIN Mr. A. Pr u t t o n , 17, The Crescent, West Mill, Hitchin, Herts. l u t o n ............................. ... ;;; M r . S. I v o r y , to, Granville Road, Luton, Beds. 6th Bn. THE BEDFS. REGT. ( 1 9 1 4 - 1 8 ) ................ I. Day, Esq., “ The Mount," 48, Westbrook Road, Weston-super-Mare. 6th Bn. THE BBDFS. HERTS. REGT. (19 3 9 -4 J ) Mr. F, G. Sugars, 5, Cowbridge Crescent, Luton, Beds. GRAVESEND ............................. M ajor R. T . S h o v e , 75, Ferndale Road, Gravesend, Kent. WARE (HERTFORDSHIRE REGT.) ........... Mr. T. E. C r a n e , 50(a), Mualey Lane, Ware, Herts. CHESHUn T (HERTFORDSHIRE REGT.) ... Mr. J. J. H a n c h e tt, 78, Franklin Avenue, Cheshunt, H erts. BRANCHES AND HON. SECRETARIES, THE ESSEX REGIMENT ASSOCIATION ASSOCIATION OF SERGEANTS ........... M r . P . C . M u n n , 180, Western Road, Billericay, Essex. 4 * ESSEX ..................................................... M r . R. G. W h e e l e r , m.M., 19, Lough ion W ay, Buckhurst Hill, Essex. 5th ESSEX ..................................................... M r . D. C h il d s , 6, Henry Road, Chelmsford, Essex. ESSEX T.A. (CEDARS) M r. G. W . L e a po r d , 7 1 , H erschell Road, Leigh-on-Sea, Essex. “ THE EAGLE AND GUN” ASSOCIATION M ajor H. J. S t a p p , 3, Knebworth Avenue, Walthamstow, E .17. 10th ESSEX (1914-1918 ) .................................... Mr L. W. Bird, M .C ., 38, Worrin Road, Shenfield, Essex. SAFFRON WALDEN AND DISTRICT ........... M r . E . W. E l s o m , 11 , Castle Cross, Saffron Walden, Essex. BRENTWOOD .......... MR- S. D. Rees, 39, Ingrave Road. Brentwood, Essex. METROPOLITAN ESSEX ... ... ... " C a p t . W. B. F a in t , 52, Roydon Close, Loughton, Essex. ROMFORD ............................. C a p t . S. C o u r t , 123, Scymer Road, Romford. Essex. SOUTHEND-ON-SEA AND DISTRICT M r. C . F . H a r r o d , 9, Wnittingham Avenue, Southchurch, Southend-on-Sea. 2 THE WASP AND THE EAGLE CONTENTS The Colonel-In-Chief The Colonel of the Regiment sent a Christ­ The C olonel-in-C hief................................. 2 mas card, on behalf of the Regiment, to Her Regimental Notes ................................. 2 Majesty Queen Elizabeth, The Queen Mother, Colonel-in-Chief. Regimental Calendar ................................. 3 The following letter was received from Her Majesty’s Private Secretary: The Brigade Week-end ....................... 4 The Brigade Golf M eetin g....................... 4 Clarence House, S.W.i. 12th December, 1962. The Regimental Dinner Club ............. 4 The Regimental Chapel ....................... My Dear General, 5 Queen Elizabeth The Queen Mother has The Shelton M a d e ls ................................. 5 bidden me write to thank you for your Christmas card, which Her Majesty has S.S.A.F.A......................................................... 5 received with much pleasure. The Gothic Line R evisited....................... 6 The Colonel-in-Chief sends to you, the Deputy Colonel and All Ranks of the 3rd Regimental Christmas Card and Diary ... 7 East Anglian Regiment, her warmest good wishes for Christmas and the New Year.
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