ANNUAL REPORT ANNUAL REPORT 2011–2012 2011–2012 7 September 2012 ABN 87 537 598 625 Level 6, 8 Nicholson Street East Melbourne VIC 3002 The Hon. Ryan Smith MP PO Box 500 East Melbourne VIC 8002 Minister for Environment and Climate Change T: 03 9637 9642 PO Box 500 F: 03 9637 8024 EAST MELBOURNE VIC 3002 [email protected] www.arcc.vic.gov.au Dear Minister ALPINE RESORTS CO-ORDINATING COUNCIL 2011–12 ANNUAL REPORT In accordance with the Financial Management Act 1994, I am pleased to present the Annual Report of the Alpine Resorts Co-ordinating Council for the year ending 30 June 2012. The attached 2011–12 Annual Report highlights the key activities and programs undertaken by Council during the past year, and outlines the progress made on the tasks and projects outlined in our current Corporate Plan. I trust that you find the enclosed report informative and useful. Yours sincerely Des Powell Chairperson Encl. REFERENCE: NP/24/3041 ALPINE RESORTS CO-ORDINATING COUNCIL Contents CHAIRPERSon’s reporT 3 SUMMARY OF ACHIEVEMENTS IN 2011–12 4 Key Activities and Programs 4 Performance Indicators 9 THE COUNCIL 12 ORGANISATIONAL STRUCTURE AND CORPORATE GOVERNANCE ARRANGEMENTS 14 OTHER INFORMATION 20 RISK MANAGEMENT ATTESTATION 24 FINANCIAL REPORT 25 Comprehensive operating statement 26 Balance sheet 27 Statement of changes in equity 28 Cash flow statement 29 Notes to and forming part of the Financial Statements 30 AUDITOR-GENERAL’s reporT 41 APPENDIX 43 DISCLOSURE Index – REPORT OF OPERATIONS 48 DISCLOSURE Index – FINANCIAL REPORT 50 In accordance with the relevant provisions of the Financial Management Act 1994, this report covers the period 1 July 2011 to 30 June 2012. 2 ANNUAL REPORT 2011–2012 Chairperson’s report Victoria’s alpine resorts are visited by more Other key activities this year have been Council’s work than 1.2 million people per year and in 2011, they on an integrated alpine industry solution to the financial contributed over $600 million and 6,200 jobs to the sustainability of Lake Mountain and Mount Baw Baw Victorian economy in winter alone. Throughout the Alpine Resorts and finalising the winter component 2011–2012 year, Council has focused on activities that of the economic significance study, being conducted provide strategic advice, foster industry co-operation by the National Institute for Industry and Economic and expand our knowledge and understanding of Research, for the Australian Alpine Resorts. This study Victoria’s alpine resorts. is an interstate partnership with the Alpine Resort Management Boards, ski lift companies and other In June 2012, Council released the draft Alpine Resorts government and private industry partners. It builds Strategic Plan 2012 (draft Plan 2012) for public upon a successful study conducted in 2005–2006 and consultation. Since its release, the plan has been is great example of the benefits gained by acting in a well received. The draft Plan 2012 draws on research, co-operative and co-ordinated manner. knowledge and insight gained from the review of the previous plan (the Alpine Resorts 2020 Strategy) and I wish to acknowledge the contribution of all Council extensive consultation undertaken with stakeholders Members and staff to the successful operation of during its development. This review and the release the Council, particularly in the development of the of the draft Plan 2012 for public consultation was draft Alpine Resorts Strategic Plan 2012, as well as the the dominant activity in 2011-12. Finalising and then contribution of Boards and their staff to Council projects. implementing the plan will remain a priority for In the coming year I look forward to working with the Council, as it establishes the framework for investment, Council, the Boards, DSE and our other industry and promotion, management and use of Victoria’s alpine government partners, in finalising the Alpine Resorts resorts. This framework is critical towards ensuring that Strategic Plan for consideration by the Minister Victoria’s alpine resorts remain vibrant and sustainable for Environment and Climate Change, then, once places, and continue to contribute to the economic approved, commencing its implementation. Together development of regional Victoria. we can ensure that Alpine Resorts continue to be vibrant, growing and sustainable places. Des Powell Chairperson 3 ALPINE RESORTS CO-ORDINATING COUNCIL Summary of achievements in 2011–12 Key Activities and Programs In the longer term, the success of Council’s activities The Council provides a focus for co-ordinated in contributing to its stated outcomes and objectives, discussion, advocacy and consultation on issues of as well as to the broader objectives of the Act, can be broad concern to Alpine Resort stakeholders, an assessed using a series of proxy indicators. A set of avenue through which co-ordinated action can occur outcome performance targets based on the strategic and a mechanism for consultation with the Minister directions of the current Alpine Resorts 2020 Strategy, for Environment and Climate Change and through are also reported on. which the Minister may seek advice and refer matters for consideration. Strategic Positioning Throughout the 2011–12 year, Council has been This work area is focused on the review of the focused on delivering the projects and tasks outlined Alpine Resorts 2020 Strategy and release of the in its business plan, as endorsed by the Minister, while draft Alpine Resorts Strategic Plan 2012 for public undertaking other tasks requested by Government consultation. Other ‘high level’ strategic activity has and responding to particular opportunities as they been focused on the positioning of the Victorian arise. A number of significant initiatives, activities Alpine sector and its functioning as an integrated and programs were completed, including the review industry with advocacy and communication that of the Alpine Resorts 2020 Strategy and release of enable the interests of the Victorian Alpine sector to the draft Alpine Resorts Strategic Plan 2012 for public be recognised. consultation. Alpine Resorts Strategic Plan With respect to its 2011–12 business plan and priority (Alpine Resorts 2020 Strategy) Review tasks and projects, Council adopted an approach The ‘Alpine Resorts Strategic Plan’ is the key statutory based around three key areas where it considered document and sets out the framework for the that it can really add value, together with a fourth development, promotion, management and use of area covering required governance tasks. These Victoria’s six alpine resorts: Mount Baw Baw, Lake areas being: strategic positioning; co-ordination Mountain, Mount Stirling, Mount Hotham, Falls Creek and co-operation; knowledge and understanding; and Mount Buller. The Alpine Resorts (Management) and corporate governance. A number of significant Act 1997 requires Council to conduct a five-yearly initiatives, activities and programs were completed. review of this plan and submit a proposed amended These achievements are grouped in accordance with plan to the Minister. In October 2011, as directed by these key areas. The performance indicators are those the Minister, Council assumed sole responsibility to included in the Council’s corporate plan, 2011–12 to complete the Alpine Resorts 2020 Strategy review 2013–14. and to submit a draft suitable for public consultation Council has again worked closely with the five by 30 March 2012. Following this direction, Council Victorian Alpine Resort Management Boards (the established a Project Control Board with membership Boards), the Department of Sustainability and from Council and DSE. Professor John Stanley was Environment (DSE), as well as with other key alpine appointed to manage the review, after his term on industry bodies. Emphasis has been placed on Council finished on 27 October 2011. publishing Council’s strategic, research and project work to ensure that it is available for the information and use of all. 4 ANNUAL REPORT 2011–2012 In order to reinvigorate the review and develop a Monitoring of Board Strategic Management Plans more robust draft Alpine Resorts Strategic Plan for In line with its legislative responsibility to monitor the public consultation, Council conducted extensive development and implementation of Board Strategic consultation between November 2011 and March 2012, Management Plans (SMPs), Council prepared a report with the Boards, lift companies, government agencies analysing and comparing the actions contained in the and other key stakeholders. The review of the Alpine endorsed SMPs to actions recorded in Resort 2010–11 Resorts 2020 Strategy identified areas where the Annual Reports. It is published as the Appendix of alpine resorts can do better, including paying more this Annual Report. Council also agreed that a more attention to their long term financial viability, focusing uniform reporting method would improve and make on the winter economic ‘engine’ and building on the SMP reporting more robust and enable Council to competitive strengths of individual resorts. In April better discharge its responsibilities. 2012, Council’s Executive Officer presented a broad Indigenous Participation overview of the work undertaken at the whole-of- Council has continued its involvement with Parks industry conference in Sydney. Following submission Victoria to progress Indigenous employment of the draft Alpine Resorts Strategic Plan 2012 (draft and respect for culture aligning with the Boards’ Plan 2012) to the Minister on 30 March 2012, Council Social KPI requirements.
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