116Th Congress: Representatives Twitter Handles

116Th Congress: Representatives Twitter Handles

116th Congress: Representatives Twitter Handles State Name Twitter Handle AK - At Large Don Young @repdonyoung AL-01 Bradley Byrne @RepByrne AL-02 Martha Roby @RepMarthaRoby AL-03 Mike Rogers @RepMikeRogersAL AL-04 Robert B. Aderholt @Robert_Aderholt AL-05 Mo Brooks @RepMoBrooks AL-06 Gary J. Palmer @USRepGaryPalmer AL-07 Terri A. Sewell @RepTerriSewell AR-01 Eric A. "Rick" Crawford @RepRickCrawford AR-02 J. French Hill @RepFrenchHill AR-03 Steve Womack @rep_stevewomack AR-04 Bruce Westerman @RepWesterman AZ-01 Tom O'Halleran @RepOHalleran AZ-02 Ann Kirkpatrick @RepKirkpatrick AZ-03 Raúl M. Grijalva @RepRaulGrijalva AZ-04 Paul A. Gosar @RepGosar AZ-05 Andy Biggs @RepAndyBiggsAZ AZ-06 David Schweikert @RepDavid AZ-07 Ruben Gallego @RepRubenGallego AZ-08 Debbie Lesko @RepDLesko AZ-09 Greg Stanton @RepGregStanton CA-01 Doug LaMalfa @RepLaMalfa CA-02 Jared Huffman @RepHuffman CA-03 John Garamendi @RepGaramendi CA-04 Tom McClintock @RepMcClintock CA-05 Mike Thompson @RepThompson CA-06 Doris O. Matsui @DorisMatsui CA-07 Ami Bera @RepBera CA-08 Paul Cook @RepPaulCook CA-09 Jerry McNerney @RepMcNerney CA-10 Josh Harder @RepJoshHarder CA-11 Mark DeSaulnier @RepDeSaulnier CA-12 Nancy Pelosi @SpeakerPelosi CA-13 Barbara Lee @RepBarbaraLee CA-14 Jackie Speier @RepSpeier CA-15 Eric Swalwell @RepSwalwell CA-16 Jim Costa @RepJimCosta CA-17 Ro Khanna @RepRoKhanna CA-18 Anna G. Eshoo @RepAnnaEshoo CA-19 Zoe Lofgren @RepZoeLofgren CA-20 Jimmy Panetta @RepJimmyPanetta CA-21 TJ Cox @RepTjCox CA-22 Devin Nunes @RepDevinNunes CA-23 Kevin McCarthy @GOPLeader CA-24 Salud O. Carbajal @RepCarbajal CA-25 Katie Hill @RepKatieHill CA-26 Julia Brownley @RepBrownley CA-27 Judy Chu @RepJudyChu CA-28 Adam B. Schiff @RepAdamSchiff CA-29 Tony Cárdenas @RepCardenas CA-30 Brad Sherman @BradSherman 116th Congress: Representatives Twitter Handles CA-31 Pete Aguilar @RepPeteAguilar CA-32 Grace F. Napolitano @gracenapolitano CA-33 Ted Lieu @RepTedLieu CA-34 Jimmy Gomez @RepJimmyGomez CA-35 Norma J. Torres @NormaJTorres CA-36 Raul Ruiz @CongressmanRuiz CA-37 Karen Bass @RepKarenBass CA-38 Linda T. Sánchez @RepLindaSanchez CA-39 Gilbert Ray Jr. Cisneros @RepGilCisneros CA-40 Lucille Roybal-Allard @RepRoybalAllard CA-41 Mark Takano @RepMarkTakano CA-42 Ken Calvert @KenCalvert CA-43 Maxine Waters @RepMaxineWaters CA-44 Nanette Diaz Barragán @RepBarragan CA-45 Katie Porter @RepKatiePorter CA-46 J. Luis Correa @RepLouCorrea CA-47 Alan S. Lowenthal @RepLowenthal CA-48 Harley Rouda @RepHarley CA-49 Mike Levin @RepMikeLevin CA-50 Duncan Hunter @Rep_Hunter CA-51 Juan Vargas @RepJuanVargas CA-52 Scott H. Peters @RepScottPeters CA-53 Susan A. Davis @RepSusanDavis CO-01 Diana DeGette @RepDianaDeGette CO-02 Joe Neguse @RepJoeNeguse CO-03 Scott R. Tipton @RepTipton CO-04 Ken Buck @RepKenBuck CO-05 Doug Lamborn @RepDLamborn CO-06 Jason Crow @RepJasonCrow CO-07 Ed Perlmutter @RepPerlmutter CT-01 John B. Larson @RepJohnLarson CT-02 Joe Courtney @RepJoeCourtney CT-03 Rosa L. DeLauro @rosadelauro CT-04 James A. Himes @jahimes CT-05 Jahana Hayes @RepJahanaHayes DE - At Large Lisa Blunt Rochester @RepLBR DC Delegate Eleanor Holmes Norton @EleanorNorton FL-01 Matt Gaetz @RepMattGaetz FL-02 Neal P. Dunn @DrNealDunnFL2 FL-03 Ted S. Yoho @RepTedYoho FL-04 John H. Rutherford @RepRutherfordFL FL-05 Al Lawson, Jr. @RepAlLawsonJr FL-06 Michael Waltz @RepMichaelWaltz FL-07 Stephanie N. Murphy @RepStephMurphy FL-08 Bill Posey @congbillposey FL-09 Darren Soto @RepDarrenSoto FL-10 Val Butler Demings @RepValDemings FL-11 Daniel Webster @RepWebster FL-12 Gus M. Bilirakis @RepGusBilirakis FL-13 Charlie Crist @RepCharlieCrist FL-14 Kathy Castor @USRepKCastor FL-15 Dennis A. Ross N/A 116th Congress: Representatives Twitter Handles FL-16 Vern Buchanan @VernBuchanan FL-17 W. Gregory Steube @RepGregSteube FL-18 Brian J. Mast @RepBrianMast FL-19 Francis Rooney @RepRooney FL-20 Alcee L. Hastings @RepHastingsFL FL-21 Lois Frankel @RepLoisFrankel FL-22 Theodore E. Deutch @RepTedDeutch FL-23 Debbie Wasserman Schultz @RepDWStweets FL-24 Frederica S. Wilson @RepWilson FL-25 Mario Diaz-Balart @MarioDB FL-26 Debbie Mucarsel-Powell @RepDMP FL-27 Donna E. Shalala @RepShalala GA-01 Earl L. "Buddy" Carter @RepBuddyCarter GA-02 Sanford D. Bishop @SanfordBishop GA-03 A. Drew Ferguson @RepDrewFerguson GA-04 Henry C. "Hank" Johnson Jr. @RepHankJohnson GA-05 John Lewis @repjohnlewis GA-06 Lucy McBath @RepLucyMcBath GA-07 Rob Woodall @RepRobWoodall GA-08 Austin Scott @AustinScottGA08 GA-09 Doug Collins @RepDougCollins GA-10 Jody B. Hice @CongressmanHice GA-11 Barry Loudermilk @RepLoudermilk GA-12 Rick W. Allen @RepRickAllen GA-13 David Scott @repdavidscott GA-14 Tom Graves @RepTomGraves HI-01 Ed Case @RepEdCase HI-02 Tulsi Gabbard @TulsiPress IA-01 Abby Finkenauer @RepFinkenauer IA-02 David Loebsack @daveloebsack IA-03 Cynthia Axne @RepCindyAxne IA-04 Steve King N/A ID-01 Russ Fulcher @RepRussFulcher ID-02 Michael K. Simpson @CongMikeSimpson IL-01 Bobby L. Rush @RepBobbyRush IL-02 Robin L. Kelly @RepRobinKelly IL-03 Daniel Lipinski @RepLipinski IL-04 Jesús "Chuy" García @RepChuyGarcia IL-05 Mike Quigley @RepMikeQuigley IL-06 Sean Casten @RepCasten IL-07 Danny K. Davis @RepDannyDavis IL-08 Raja Krishnamoorthi @CongressmanRaja IL-09 Janice "Jan" D. Schakowsky @janschakowsky IL-10 Bradley Scott Schneider @RepSchneider IL-11 Bill Foster @RepBillFoster IL-12 Mike Bost @RepBost IL-13 Rodney Davis @RodneyDavis IL-14 Lauren Underwood @RepUnderwood IL-15 John Shimkus @RepShimkus IL-16 Adam Kinzinger @RepKinzinger IL-17 Cheri Bustos @RepCheri IL-18 Darin LaHood @RepLaHood 116th Congress: Representatives Twitter Handles IN-01 Peter J. Visclosky @RepVisclosky IN-02 Jackie Walorski @RepWalorski IN-03 Jim Banks @RepJimBanks IN-04 James Baird @RepJimBaird IN-05 Susan W. Brooks @SusanWBrooks IN-06 Greg Pence @RepGregPence IN-07 André Carson @RepAndreCarson IN-08 Larry Bucshon @RepLarryBucshon IN-09 Trey Hollingsworth @RepTrey KS-01 Roger W. Marshall N/A KS-02 Steven Watkins N/A KS-03 Sharice Davids @RepDavids KS-04 Ron Estes @RepRonEstes KY-01 James Comer N/A KY-02 Brett Guthrie @RepGuthrie KY-03 John A. Yarmuth @RepJohnYarmuth KY-04 Thomas Massie @RepThomasMassie KY-05 Harold Rogers @RepHalRogers KY-06 Andy Barr @RepAndyBarr LA-01 Steve Scalise @SteveScalise LA-02 Cedric L. Richmond @RepRichmond LA-03 Clay Higgins @RepClayHiggins LA-04 Mike Johnson @RepMikeJohnson LA-05 Ralph Lee Abraham @RepAbraham LA-06 Garret Graves @RepGarretGraves ME-01 Chellie Pingree @chelliepingree ME-02 Jared Golden @RepGolden MD-01 Andy Harris @RepAndyHarrisMD MD-02 C. A. Dutch Ruppersberger @Call_Me_Dutch MD-03 John P. Sarbanes @RepSarbanes MD-04 Anthony G. Brown @RepAnthonyBrown MD-05 Steny H. Hoyer @LeaderHoyer MD-06 David Trone @RepDavidTrone MD-07 Elijah Cummings @RepCummings MD-08 Jamie Raskin @RepRaskin MA-01 Richard E. Neal @RepRichardNeal MA-02 James P. McGovern @RepMcGovern MA-03 Lori Trahan @RepLoriTrahan MA-04 Joseph P. Kennedy @RepJoeKennedy MA-05 Katherine M. Clark @RepKClark MA-06 Seth Moulton @teammoulton MA-07 Ayanna Pressley @RepPressley MA-08 Stephen F. Lynch @RepStephenLynch MA-09 William R. Keating @USRepKeating MI-01 Jack Bergman @RepJackBergman MI-02 Bill Huizenga @RepHuizenga MI-03 Justin Amash @justinamash MI-04 John R. Moolenaar @RepMoolenaar MI-05 Daniel T. Kildee @RepDanKildee MI-06 Fred Upton @RepFredUpton MI-07 Tim Walberg @RepWalberg MI-08 Elissa Slotkin @RepSlotkin 116th Congress: Representatives Twitter Handles MI-09 Sander M. Levin @RepAndyLevin MI-10 Paul Mitchell @RepPaulMitchell MI-11 Haley Stevens @RepHaleyStevens MI-12 Debbie Dingell @RepDebDingell MI-13 Rashida Tlaib @RepRashida MI-14 Brenda L. Lawrence @RepLawrence MN-01 Jim Hagedorn @RepHagedorn MN-02 Angie Craig @RepAngieCraig MN-03 Dean Phillips @RepDeanPhillips MN-04 Betty McCollum @BettyMcCollum04 MN-05 Ilhan Omar @Ilhan MN-06 Tom Emmer @RepTomEmmer MN-07 Collin C. Peterson N/A MN-8 Pete Stauber @RepPeteStauber MO-01 Wm. Lacy Clay Jr @LacyClayMO1 MO-2 Ann Wagner @RepAnnWagner MO-03 Blaine Luetkemeyer @RepBlaine MO-04 Vicky Hartzler @RepHartzler MO-05 Emanuel Cleaver @repcleaver MO-06 Sam Graves @RepSamGraves MO-07 Billy Long @USRepLong MO-08 Jason Smith @RepJasonSmith MS-01 Trent Kelly @RepTrentKelly MS-02 Bennie G. Thompson @BennieGThompson MS-03 Michael Guest @RepMichaelGuest MS-04 Steven M. Palazzo @CongPalazzo MT - At Large Greg Gianforte N/A NC-01 G. K. Butterfield @GKButterfield NC-02 George Holding @RepHolding NC-03 Walter B. Jones @RepWalterJones NC-04 David E. Price @RepDavidEPrice NC-05 Virginia Foxx @virginiafoxx NC-06 Mark Walker @RepMarkWalker NC-07 David Rouzer @RepDavidRouzer NC-08 Richard Hudson @RepRichHudson NC-09 Vacant NC-10 Patrick T. McHenry @PatrickMcHenry NC-11 Mark Meadows @RepMarkMeadows NC-12 Alma S. Adams @RepAdams NC-13 Ted Budd @RepTedBudd ND - At Large Kelly Armstrong @RepArmstrongND NE-01 Jeff Fortenberry @JeffFortenberry NE-02 Don Bacon @RepDonBacon NE-03 Adrian Smith @RepAdrianSmith NH-01 Chris Pappas @RepChrisPappas NH-02 Ann M. Kuster @RepAnnieKuster NJ-01 Donald Norcross @DonaldNorcross NJ-02 Jefferson Van Dress @CongressmanJVD NJ-03 Andy Kim @RepAndyKimNJ NJ-04 Christopher H. Smith @RepChrisSmith NJ-05 Josh Gottheimer @RepJoshG NJ-06 Frank Pallone, Jr. @FrankPallone 116th Congress: Representatives Twitter Handles NJ-07 Tom Malinowski @RepMalinowski NJ-08 Albio Sires @RepSires NJ-09 Bill Pascrell, Jr. @BillPascrell NJ-10 Donald M. Payne, Jr. @RepDonaldPayne NJ-11 Mikie Sherrill @RepSherrill NJ-12 Bonnie Watson Coleman @RepBonnie NM-01 Debra Haaland @RepDebHaaland NM-02 Xochitl Torres Small @RepTorresSmall NM-03 Ben Ray Luján

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