The Magazine Of Delta Tau Delta Fraternity <;fptfmrfr 2003 VISIT THE DELT COMMUNITY ONLINE AT WWW.DELTS.ORG /^^ FeM' of us achieve any success wi tfioiit depending on others. Many ofus hold our collegefraternity experience as one of chose times that changed our lives. Whileyou can never repay those who helpedyou, you can "Pay Forward" through the Delt Foundation and help secure those same experiencesfor an entire!}' new generation, OK Johnson's sto^y speaks for many of us, "I attended, a suburban high school in the Milwaukee area and went, almosC on a fluke, Co LawTencc UniverwiCy in AppleCoii, Wisconsin. Looking back on my college experience 1 have come to realize thac my education would have been incomplete without che influence of Delta Tau Delta and the Dclcs' willingness Co accept a green, un-motiyated kid as a member. College would have been much less rewarding or fun without the influence of my fellow Delts at Delta Nu and later during law school with che men of Beta Gamma at che University of V,'iscon,sin. We were acombinacion of \'eteran,s reCurning from the second World War and chey broughc a dimension of maturity and ocher social skills ro my education that 1 can never truly repay. 1 tliink che Dele Foundation's emphasis is on target with their leadership and alcohol abu.se prevention programs. My Will contain? a sub.stancial gifc involving a racher complex plan of retirement funds and a charitable lead crust. However, the real reason 1 made chis gifc \\'as CO hoiior the men who helped me and ro reflect my confidence in che currenl leadership of che FraCerniCy and Foundation. The rax benefics meC my family'.s needs, bur 1 conid have made chis gift Co anyone and 1 cho.se the Fraternity, C!)n refleccion, 1 hope you wifl do che same," If you would like to talk to a planned gift officer, feel free to contact: Kenneth A. File, President s Delta Tau Delta Educational Foundatioii E 10000 Allisoniille Road Fishers, IN 46038 Office: 317'284'0210 Fax: 317' 284-0215 ISS ken,fOe@de]ts,net DELTA TAU DELTA EDUCATIONAL FOUNDATION As an alumnus, you have the power to shape the Fraternity through the referral of young men to fqdiow in your footsteps. name of person being recommended home address phone number school the individual will attend activities, academic honors or other achievements that you know about this individual your name chapter where you were initiated your relationship to person being recommended your address your phone number your e-mail address Complete this page and mail it to Delta Tau Delta Fraternity 10000 AUisonville Road, Fishers, IN 46038-2008 or visit delts.org and click "rush recommendations." SchrEMBER 2003 From the President VOL. 127 NO. 4 Christopher Martz Director of Com mLirica tions a man demands social Rambow Editor Being responsibility and chris.morlzSdelts. net This issue of our ThcRainbow will greet undergraduate btothers as chey return co their chapters. H. Most of our are Joseph "Jay" (.anghammer chapters pledging incoming freshmen who are experiencing college for che first Sporii and Enterl^inmenl Editor time. These reunions and First rime are a experiences loc of fun for cver>'one and frequently chac jL^/.JlutQislww^ i:,<r' means they are experienced wich participation in Lilcoholic beverages. The inclusion of alcoholic in our fun time ac beverages activities happens all age levels and for many adds to the dimension of tlie event. Officers When - I pledged Delta Tau Ddta, I was told that 1 was entering a group of men PRESIDENT Jid^ Venly that wc were che men of Delta Tau Delta, no: rhe boys of Delca Tau Delta, Thac is VP, 5lg D Industries, Jnc. 5620 SW ;9Ui Street, P.O. Boj. 81219 still true. Delta Tau Delta is a men. Ic is we fratermty of young importanc always Oklanoms City, OH 7314B-0Z19 (H) 105-752-2510 (W) 405-632-251! X112 conduce ourselves as men, noc The of alcoholic wich boys consumpcion beverages IF} 405-681-4719 jTdge^tngdind.com rhe mtention nf becoming intoxicated is not a manfy event. It is quite childish, dangetous and each yeat lesidts in injury and enormous suffering. Unfortunately. VICE PRESIDENT Car) R, eianiley sometimes this suffering visits it.scif on our undergraduate brothers It is importanc 200 Woodlarut Prime, Suite 201 Merromonee Falls. W( 53051 that wc realize that participation in che consumption of alcoholic beverages Ls an (Hf 262-252-2594 (W) 414-760-5456 (FJ 414-359-1555 adult and should be done like not hke .school actiriry men. high boys. This is the cbran tley^tevi, com reason the laws in most states onecobe 21 before requires age one drinks, lurgcyod SECOND VICE PRESIDENT Df, Kenneth L, (Rock) Clinton CO foEow rhese laws, however, if choose Co drink, remember that the you please Route 1, Box 603 actml)' is for men and not boys, Cumby, TX 75433-9797 |H) 903-386-7965 |W) 903-46B-6041 Unfottu n arc ly, whac Vi'e see mote often than not isour youngest brothers who ha\e not hada (Fl 903-468-6036 Wenneth_Clinton!^t3m4j- commerce.edu chance to grow and leam more about alcohol and its dangers (and about themselves) are frequently TREASURER chose in the zone of injury Co rhemsef\'es and others. Those closest to high school seem to cling to Travis 0 Rockey 2203 Weepoolow Trail che mistaken idea that it is �even cute or neat to be is okiiy drunk. This jtist whac 21-year cild age Charleston, SC 29407 mi B43-571-7B41 (Wl S43-937-5630 are to Wlule in a scare of one is far more to be requirements trying stop, intoxication, likely (Fl 243-937- 57B6 torockey^postandcQuner cam involved in a rape, an autoTnobilc accident, a slip and faff resulting in injur;', a light, a DUI or other type of criminal charge or any ocher of hcerahy hundreds of e\ents that have Co drunk SECRETARY happened Alan G, Brackett people that would not have happened if rliey had been sober. 650 Poydras Street, Ste, 7150 Wew Orleans, Li 70130 Often there is a perception that if wc can stop drunkpeoplefromgellingbehindche wheelof a (H)504-4fla-2B75 (W)5O4-595-3D00 (Fl 504-522-2121 we have fixed the risk of we car, being intoxicated. Sadly, have learned from experience with abrackett^miilb.cDm Delt brothers that there is no such Drunks are in undergraduate chingasasafedrunl<. danger of DIRECTOR OF ACADEMIC AFFAIRS James o, 5elzer and at a much le\'cl than sober are in of being raped commirting rape higher people. They danger 604 NESllverleif Place Lee's Summit, MO 64064 falling down stairs and causing themselves grave bodily injury. They are in of run over danger being iHl g15-47B-t315 (W) B16-691-27'1B by ears. They are in danger of being arrested for loud, umuly bcha^aor sometimes involving physical (F) 81 6-474-4703 ]sel2er@stinsonmoheck, com altercations with others. AH of chis we know because we have had to deal with all of ic as a fraternity. As we start back to school, our mocco should be, "If we choose to drink, we should drink like Division Presidents men, not like school Men sober. drimk. Have a time at high boys," scay Boys gel greac school, EASTERN DIVISION PRESIDENT those around of the men of Delta Tau Delta. enjoy youtselves andmakeyourselvesand you proud Jelf Lafuria iClatfy66-�Jaol,com NORTHERN DIVISION PRESIDENT Don Kindler ddhifiwideope nwes [ . com SOUTHERN DIVISION PRESIDENT Jody Danneman [email protected] WESTERN PACIFIC DIVISION PRESIDENT Tom Ray The Rainao/^ tISSn ISi2-S3M) is published quarterly for SIO per year bi^ Delta Can Delta Frotemlty Qt JOOOO AUisonville Hood. thomasmiay^floLcom ristieis, Indiano 46O3S.20O8; Telephone I.SOO-DCtTSXt, http:HYMW.delts.or2- Penodical Postase pold al f'ihers, Intllaiyi nnd 01 Qtiditiono! offices POSXAUSTEffj Send adi:lfeis to Delta Tau Delta 10000 AUisonville Tnolllu^ tlian^es rroternitv. Road, FJsheri, WESTERN PLAINS DIVISION Intliana 4603B-Z00S. All chapter reports, aluinni notes, alumni news storisi, chapter leporti, photographs, mcnuscripts. PRESIDENT substnptioiis and deatti notices for publication should be sent to Christopher Marti. Director of Comman'icotions. 10000 AUisonville CbEKk Safris Road. FisUeij. Indiana ^6038-IOOS. Conoda Pub A^ree 1140830557 Canada return [?: station A. P.O. Bon S4, Winttsor, 0NN^A6JH. wpd[ires@mch si , com CONTENTS ures ON THE COVER Central Office IG BETHANY EXPEDITION Director^' TTie Ddta Tau Ddta Cencial Three of the 84 Leadership Office can be reached bj- callingl'StXi-DELTS-XL Academv sraduates give Tammy Ault Accounts Receivable a at a readers first-hand look Gaith Ebethait Assistant Executive Vice President week working on personal Andy Hatnei and Director of Leadership gro\M:h de^'elopment. J f^ DeveJopment Susan Haskell Administrative Assistant 2003 LEADERSHIP ACADEMIES Jason La::ar Adminjstrati^^ Assistant Chtis Martr Director of Communications Chiistine Plantenga Administrative Assistant Nick Ptihoda Direc:tor of ExpansiOfi Lesa Purcell Administrative Assistant Diana Ray Payroll and Accounts Payable Kathy Rennet Office BOOKS BY BRCFTHERS Manager Russell Disco\"er the lite.-^ti^es ^"rittcn Jim by,^ Executis^ Vice President Delcs just in :ime to stock up ior l.c Alan Selking and winter readino. Director of Business Affairs Departments Foundation 1 0 Fraternit}' Headlines Directory AN UNUSUAL SUMMER The Delta Tau lielta 1 1 Eternal VACATION Chapter Educational Foundation can be reached by calling \isits Eighteen personal 1 2 Foundation Headlines 1-317-284-0210- with alumni were made by KenFile two 1 4 Alumni in the News undergraduates during President a three-week road trip.
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