Urethane Color Chart

Urethane Color Chart

ARCHITECTURAL URETHANE SEALANTS Architectural Weatherproofing Products ARCHITECTURAL URETHANEARCHITECTURAL SEALANTS2-PART Architectural Weatherproofing Products Dynatrol™ II | Dynaflex | Dynatred™ URETHANE URETHANE SEALANTS2-PART Architectural Weatherproofing Products Dynatrol™ II | Dynaflex | Dynatred™ URETHANE BRITE WHITE CF26 TAN 545 STANDARD 2-PART Dynatrol™ II | Dynaflex | Dynatred™ URETHANE COLORSTANDARD TRU-WHITEBRITE WHITE CF26345 BUFFTAN 545512 BRITE WHITE CF26 TAN 545 GUIDECOLORSTANDARD OFF-WHITETRU-WHITE 345516 COLONIALBUFF TAN CF13512 TRU-WHITE 345 BUFF 512 GUIDECOLOR DOVEROFF-WHITE SKY CF14516 MOCHACOLONIAL CREAM TAN CF34CF13 OFF-WHITE COLONIAL TAN DOVER SKY CF14516 MOCHA CREAM CF34CF13 GUIDECustom colors available ANODIZED ALUMINUM 804 TOASTED ALMOND CF54 upon request. DOVER SKY CF14 MOCHA CREAM CF34 Custom colors available BRUSHEDANODIZED PEWTER ALUMINUM CF42804 NATURALTOASTED ALMONDSTONE CF54565 upon request. ANODIZED ALUMINUM 804 TOASTED ALMOND CF54 Custom colors available ALUMINUMBRUSHED PEWTER STONE CF42515 DESERTNATURAL TAN STONE 565530 upon request. BRUSHED PEWTER CF42 NATURAL STONE 565 Color Packs for Standard STONEALUMINUM GREY STONE CF53515 ADOBEDESERT ACCENT TAN CF10530 and Non- Standard ALUMINUM STONE 515 DESERT TAN 530 ColorsColor Packs are sold for inStandard 5 unit LONDONSTONE GREY FOG CF53CF44 REDWOODADOBE ACCENT TAN CF43CF10 increments.and Non- Standard Color Packs for Standard STONE GREY CF53 ADOBE ACCENT CF10 Colors are sold in 5 unit DARKLONDON GRAY FOG CF44048 BRICKREDWOOD RED TAN CF43CF16 increments.and Non- Standard Colors are sold in 5 unit LONDON FOG CF44 REDWOOD TAN CF43 LIMESTONEDARK GRAY 039048 TILEBRICK RED RED CF22CF16 increments. DARK GRAY 048 BRICK RED CF16 PUTTYLIMESTONE GREY CF20039 REDTILE ROCKRED CF22955 LIMESTONE 039 TILE RED CF22 PEARLPUTTY ASHGREY CF20CF11 RIVERRED ROCK ROUGE CF37955 PUTTY GREY CF20 RED ROCK 955 VANPEARL DYKE ASH CF18CF11 SIERRARIVER ROUGE TAN CF37CF47 This guide offers a representation of color; PEARL ASH CF11 RIVER ROUGE CF37 NATURALVAN DYKE WHITE CF33CF18 ROSESIERRA TAN CF05CF47 whenThis guide matching offers is a critical,representation a cured of or color; VAN DYKE CF18 SIERRA TAN CF47 This guide offers a SANDSTONENATURAL WHITE CF33951 TEXASROSE PINK CF05CF48 appliedwhen matching color sample is is representation of color; highlycritical, recommended. a cured or NATURAL WHITE ROSE SANDSTONE CF33951 TEXAS PINK CF05CF48 appliedwhen matching color sample is is DESERT SUN CF41 SMOKY BROWN CF45 critical, a cured or highly recommended. SANDSTONE 951 TEXAS PINK CF48 applied color sample is EGGSHELLDESERT SUN CREAM CF04CF41 BRONZESMOKY BROWN CF45314 highly recommended. DESERT SUN CF41 SMOKY BROWN CF45 MANOREGGSHELL WHITE CREAM CF08CF04 CHARCOALBRONZE GRAY 950314 PECORA CORPORATION EGGSHELL CREAM CF04 BRONZE 314 PRECASTMANOR WHITE CF08113 CHOCOLATECHARCOAL GRAY CF49950 PECORA165 Wambold CORPORATION Road Harleysville, PA 19438 MANOR WHITE CF08 CHARCOAL GRAY 950 AMARILLOPRECAST WHITE CF02113 CLASSICCHOCOLATE BRONZE CF49046 PECORA165 Wambold CORPORATION Road Harleysville,800.523.6688 PA 19438 AMARILLOPRECAST WHITE 113 CLASSICCHOCOLATE BRONZE CF49 165 Wambold Road ALMOND CF02792 GRANITE GREY CF30046 pecora.com Harleysville,800.523.6688 PA 19438 AMARILLO WHITE CF02 CLASSIC BRONZE 046 BEIGEALMOND 595792 BLACKGRANITE GREY CF30012 800.523.6688pecora.com BEIGEALMOND 792 BLACKGRANITE GREY CF30 pecora.com PRAIRIE CLAY CF07595 PATRIOT BLUE CF01012 BEIGE 595 BLACK 012 SANDALWOODPRAIRIE CLAY BEIGE CF09CF07 EVERGREENPATRIOT BLUE CF03CF01 PRAIRIE CLAY CF07 PATRIOT BLUE CF01 BEIGESANDALWOOD GREY BEIGE CF09525 AllEVERGREEN 51 Colors available for use with Dynapoxy™.CF03 6/17 SANDALWOOD BEIGE BEIGE GREY CF09525 AllEVERGREEN 51 Colors available for use with Dynapoxy™.CF03 10/186/17 BEIGE GREY 525 All 51 Colors available for use with Dynapoxy™. 6/17 ColorGuide_CC2019_crw6.indd 1 12/10/19 2:56 PM ARCHITECTURAL URETHANE SEALANTS Architectural Weatherproofing Products 1-PART URETHANE STANDARD WHITE 336 ARCHITECTURAL COLOR ANODIZED ALUMINUM 804URETHANE SEALANTS Architectural Weatherproofing Products GUIDE ALUMINUM STONE 515 1-PART URETHANE ARCHITECTURAL LIMESTONE 039 URETHANE SEALANTS Architectural Weatherproofing Products ARCHITECTURAL STANDARDCustom colors available BEIGEWHITE 595336 upon request. URETHANEARCHITECTURAL SEALANTS2-PART Architectural Weatherproofing Products Dynatrol™ II | Dynaflex | Dynatred™ URETHANE COLOR TANANODIZED ALUMINUM URETHANE804545 SEALANTS Architectural Weatherproofing Products 1-PART Pecora Deck-Seal URETHANE Minimum order quantity CLASSICALUMINUMBRITE WHITE BRONZE STONE CF26046515 TAN 545 STANDARDGUIDE 2-PART for non-standard colors: Dynatrol™ II | Dynaflex | Dynatred™ URETHANE COLORSTANDARD200 Gallons BLACKLIMESTONEWHITETRU-WHITE 039336345012 BUFF 512 BRITE WHITE CF26 TAN 545 GUIDECOLORSTANDARDCustom colors available BEIGEANODIZEDOFF-WHITE ALUMINUM 595804516 COLONIAL TAN CF13 upon request. PECORA SECURITY SYSTEMS TRU-WHITE 345 BUFF 512 GUIDECOLOR TANALUMINUMDOVER SKY STONE CF14545515 MOCHA CREAM CF34 OFF-WHITE SILYL TERMINATED516 COLONIAL TAN CF13 Minimum order quantity ANODIZED ALUMINUM TOASTED ALMOND GUIDECustom colors available DynaflexCLASSICLIMESTONE BRONZE SC POLYURETHANE039046804 Dynapoxy™ EP-1200CF54 for non-standard colors: (STPU) upon request. 2-Part Epoxy DOVER SKY CF14 MOCHA CREAM CF34 Custom200 Gallons colors available BLACKBEIGEBRUSHED PEWTER CF42595012 NATURAL STONE 565 upon request. TRU-WHITE 345 Custom colors available ANODIZED ALUMINUM 804 Dynatrol™TOASTED ALMOND II CF54 TANALUMINUM STONE 545515 2-PartDESERT Urethane TAN 530 Thisupon guide request. offers a PECORALIMESTONE SECURITY039 SYSTEMS BRUSHED PEWTER CF42 NATURAL STONE 565 ColorrepresentationMinimum Packs order for of Standardquantity color; CLASSICSTONE GREY BRONZE CF53046 ADOBE ACCENT CF10 andwhenfor non-standard Non- matching Standard is colors: Dynaflex ALUMINUM STONE SILYL TERMINATED515 2-PartDESERT Urethane TAN 530 Colorscritical,200 Gallons are a cured sold inor 5 unit BLACKLONDON FOG POLYURETHANECF44012 REDWOOD TAN CF43 Dynaflex SC (STPU) Dynapoxy™ EP-1200 increments.applied color sample is Dynapoxy™2-Part Epoxy EP-1200, Dynatrol™ II, and Color Packs for Standard STONE GREY CF53 ADOBE ACCENT CF10 highly recommended. DARK GRAY 048 DynaflexBRICK RED can be used with the 51 CF16 and Non- Standard PECORATRU-WHITE SECURITY345 SYSTEMSstandard colors represented on the Colors are sold in 5 unit LONDON FOG CF44 reverseDynatrol™REDWOOD side TAN of this card. II Custom CF43 LIMESTONE 039 TILE RED CF22 colors2-Part available Urethane upon request. Thisincrements. guide offers a LIMESTONE 039 DARK GRAY SILYL TERMINATED048 BRICK RED CF16 representation of color; DynaflexPUTTY GREY SC POLYURETHANECF20 Dynapoxy™RED ROCK EP-1200955 (STPU) Dynaflex when matching is 2-Part Epoxy LIMESTONECOVERAGE CHART (231 cu. in./gal.)039 2-PartTILE RED Urethane CF22 critical, a cured or PEARL ASH CF11 RIVER ROUGE CF37 applied color sample is TRU-WHITE 345 PECORA CORPORATION Joint Depth (in.) Linear Feet/ Joint Depth (in.) LinearDynapoxy™ Feet/ EP-1200,Joint Depth (in.) Dynatrol™Linear II, Feet/and PUTTY GREY CF20 Dynatrol™RED ROCK II 955 highly recommended. VANx WidthDYKE (in.) Gallon x Width CF18(in.) Gallon2-PartDynaflexSIERRA Urethane TAN can xbe Width used (in.) with the Gallon51 CF47 165This Wambold guide offers Road a standard colors represented on the This guide offers a LIMESTONE1/8 x 1/8 1,232.0 1/4 x 3/4039 102.7 1/2 x 7/8 44.0 Harleysville,representation PA of 19438 color; PEARL ASH CF11 reverseRIVER ROUGE side of this card. Custom CF37 representation of color; NATURAL1/8 x 1/4 WHITE 616.0 1/4 x 7/8CF33 88.0ROSE 1/2 x 1 38.5 CF05 when matching is Dynaflexcolors available upon request. 800.523.6688when matching is 1/8 x 3/8 410.7 1/4 x 1 77.0 5/8 x 5/8 49.3 critical, a cured or VAN DYKE1/8 x 1/2 308.0 3/8 x 3/8CF18 136.92-PartSIERRA Urethane TAN 5/8 x 3/4 41.1 CF47 Thiscritical, guide a cured offers or a SANDSTONE 951 TEXAS PINK CF48 pecora.comapplied color sample is 1/8 x 5/8 246.4 3/8 x 1/2 102.7 5/8 x 7/8 35.2 representationapplied color sample of color; is Dynapoxy™ EP-1200, Dynatrol™ II, and highly recommended. NATURALCOVERAGE1/8 x 3/4 WHITE CHART205.3 (231 cu.3/8 in./gal.) x 5/8CF33 82.1ROSE 5/8 x 1 30.8 CF05 highly recommended. DESERT SUN DynaflexSMOKY BROWN can be used with the 51 when matching is 1/8 x 7/8 176.0 3/8 x 3/4CF41 68.4 3/4 x 3/4 34.2 CF45 standard colors represented on the PECORAcritical, a CORPORATIONcured or Joint 1/8Depth x 1 (in.) Linear154.0 Feet/ Joint3/8 Depth x 7/8 (in.) Linear58.7 Feet/ Joint3/4 Depth x 7/8 (in.) Linear29.3 Feet/ SANDSTONE 951 reverseTEXAS PINK side of this card. Custom CF48 applied color sample is EGGSHELLx Width1/4 x 1/4 (in.) CREAM Gallon308.0 x Width3/8 xCF04 1(in.) Gallon51.3BRONZE x Width3/4 x 1(in.) Gallon25.7 314 165 Wambold Road colors available upon request. highly recommended. 1/41/8 x 3/81/8 1,232.0205.0 1/21/4 x 1/23/4 102.777.0 7/81/2 x 7/8 25.144.0 Harleysville, PA 19438 DESERT SUN CF41 SMOKY BROWN CF45 MANOR1/41/8 x WHITE1/21/4 154.0616.0 1/21/4 x 5/87/8CF08 61.688.0CHARCOAL GRAY7/81/2 x 1 22.038.5 950 1/41/8 x 5/83/8 123.2410.7 1/21/4 x x3/4 1 51.377.0 5/81 x 15/8 19.349.3 PECORA800.523.6688 CORPORATION EGGSHELLCOVERAGE1/8 x 1/2 CREAM CHART308.0 (231 cu.3/8 in./gal.) x 3/8CF04 136.9BRONZE 5/8 x 3/4 41.1 314 PRECASTJoint Depth (in.) x Width (in.) x Length (in.) x113 0.053 = GallonsCHOCOLATE Required CF49 1/8 x 5/8 246.4 3/8 x 1/2 102.7 5/8 x 7/8 35.2 165pecora.com Wambold Road 6/17 PECORA CORPORATION Joint1/8 Depth x 3/4 (in.) Linear205.3 Feet/

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