Best of the Web for the Zohar

Best of the Web for the Zohar

Best of the Web for the Zohar: lectures, interviews, conferences & courses (rev.5/11/20) Judy Barrett a) Lectures and Talks דניאל אברמס / Daniel Abrams (2019) [27:11@1:10] The Problem of Multiple Kabbalistic Manuscripts (Hebrew) (2017) [22:10] An Unknown Manuscript Source of Sefer Hasidim (2017) [21:29] Sefer Hasidim and Mysticism: audience questions (2016) [26:09] Kabbalah Research and Shocken Publishing (Hebrew) (2015) [25:46] Conversation: Ronit Meroz, Daniel Abrams, Moshe Idel (Hebrew) (2015) [30:15] A Chapter in the Critical Textual History in Germany of the Cremona Zohar (Hebrew) (2012) [1:04:26@38:02] Inside Jerusalem: Gershom Scholem and Sefer ha-Bahir (Hebrew) Rachel Adelman (2012) Rhapsody in Blue: The Origin of God's Footstool in the ... Targumim & Midrashic Tradition (2011) Jonah ...: Pirqe de-Rabbi Eliezer's Portrait of an Apocalyptic Prophet (2008) The Poetics of Time and Space in the Midrashic Narrative — ... Pirkei deRabbi Eliezer אדם אפטרמן / Adam Afterman (2019) Devekut: Intimacy with God in Rabbinic, Philosophical and Mystical Texts Source sheet (scroll down to #2) (2017) [7:17] The rise of the “holy spirit” in medieval Judaism (2016) [23:17] What is different between Prophecy and Mysticism in Medieval Jewish Thought? (Hebrew) (2015) [31:33] Mystical Union in the Zohar: a reexamination (Hebrew) (2015) [30:25] ...New Directions in Research on Jewish Mysticism (Hebrew) (2012) [1:55:00 @58:15] Mystical Union in Judaism: Between Theology and Mysticism (Hebrew) Robert Alter (2019) [53:17] The Hebrew Bible: A Translation with Commentary (2018) [1:11:45] The Hebrew Bible (2015) [1:20:07] The Challenges of Translating the Bible (2013) [58:45] Found In Translation (2013) [47:09] A Life of Learning. The Charles Homer Haskins Prize Lecture. (2010) [1:21:54@10:00] Translating the Hebrew Bible: The Challenges and the Pleasures (2008) [1:26:10] The Bible Through Literary Eyes (1987) [58:33] Literary Language and the Dilemma of Mimesis Alexander Altmann / (2016) [40:44] .... Alexander Altmann and the Mendelssohn Forschung (n.d.) [1:00:50] Professor Alexander Altmann, Perspectives on the Holocaust מור אלטשולר / Mor Altshuler (2019) [25:25] The Book of the Magid of Joseph Karo: the first autobiography at the start of modernity (Hebrew) (2019) [2:50:09@45:05] The Maggid Meisharim by Maran Joseph Karo (Hebrew) (2017) [21:00] The Life of Maran Rabbi Joseph Karo (Hebrew) (2008) Tikkun Leil Shavuot of R. Joseph Karo & the Epistle of Solomon ha-Levi Elkabetz (2003) The Guide – Rabbi Joseph Karo and the Golden Age of Kabbalah in Safed (Hebrew) (12-part tv series on T’chelet; see: Courses) דוד אסף / David Assaf (2018) [20:23] What’s ”New” in Hasidism Research in the 19th century? (Hebrew) (2016) [17:21@3:02] The Hasidic Soul (Hebrew) (2015) [27:23] On Bequeathing Leadership in Hasidic Courts (Hebrew) שפרה אסולין / Shifra Asulin (2019) [1:02:45] ... On Understanding and Faith in the Zohar (Hebrew) (2018) [1:13:38] Jacob and Esau and what’s between them in the Zohar (Hebrew) (2017) [1:06:20] Parashat be-Shelah - Stories about Water: between nature and miracle (Hebrew) (2017) [1:08:20] ... On ”New-ancient Words” in the Zohar (Hebrew) (2016) [22:39] ‘This is the Doctrine of Man -- raza de-adam’ -- its identity & mission in the Zohar (pt.1) (Hebrew) (2016) [6:47] ‘This is the Doctrine of Man -- raza de-adam’ -- its identity & mission in the Zohar (pt.3) (Hebrew) (2015) [24:23] Angelet and Cyclical Shemitot in the Zoharic circle and the circle of Ramban (Hebrew) (2015) [1:08:15] Parashat Lekh Lekha: The Elohim and the Adam (Hebrew) (n.d.) Rabbi Haim Vital and the Secret of the Seventh Day of Passover (Hebrew) (lecture transcript) Alan Avery-Peck (2019) [40:01] The Concept of Soul in Judaism אבריאל בר-לבב / Avriel Bar-Levav (2016) [1:19:49@42:54] RAMBI in the Context of Jewish Library Awareness (2012) [29:09] The End of the Universe & the End of the World in Kabbalah (Hebrew) (2012) [3:51:44@1:20:09] Customs of death (2011) [16:29] “This is the book of the generations of Adam”: Zeev Gries on books & scribes (Hebrew) (audio) (2011) [41:94] Communities of Knowledge in Jewish culture (Hebrew) שרגא בר און / Shraga Bar-On (2017) [1:54:02] When You Come to the Place of Pure Marble Stones, do not Say, 'Modim, Modim' (Hebrew) Judith Baskin / (2017) [29:14] Representations of Biblical Women in Sefer Hasidim אליעזר באומגרטן / Eliezer Baumgarten (2020) [14:42] Drawings of Kabbalistic Ilanot in the Middle Ages & Early Modernity (Hebrew) Jean Baumgarten (2018) [32:17] Imprimer le Zohar à Mantoue au XVI° siècle (French) (2012) [3:51:44@52:58] Diffusion of the Sefer Minhagim מלאכי בית אריה / Malachi Beit Aryeh (2019) [14:20@0:17] Response to In Honor of his 70th Birthday (Hebrew) (2013) [1:01] Digitization: A Bodleian / Vatican project: the Kennicott Bible (2012) [45:45@11:28] Scholem as a Collector and Bibliographer & his relation to the National Library (Hebrew) נעמה בן שחר / Naama Ben Shachar (2018) [33:17] Hasidei Ashkenaz, pt.1 (Hebrew) (2018) [32:58] Hasidei Ashkenaz, pt.2 (Hebrew) (2018) [32:20] Hasidei Ashkenaz, pt.3 (Hebrew) (2019) [34:06@2:25] The Golem Narrative according to Manuscripts: subversion & strengthening (Hebrew) (2016) [17:44] Different strata in Saadia Gaon’s Commentary on Sefer Yetsirah (Hebrew) רם בן שלום / Ram Ben-Shalom (2014) [1:15:34] Ashkenazi Hasidism in Provence: new & old in kabbalistic circles (Hebrew) Ari Bergmann (2017) [07:15] Chesed & Gevura from “Ma’aseh Merkava & the Avot: The revelation of the Middot” נתנאל ברמן / Nathaniel Berman (2019) [45:38@29:42] On his "Divine and Demonic in the Poetic Mythology of the Zohar...” (2019) [44:05] A Poetic Mythology for an Age of Anger? The Furious Construction of Subjectivity in 13th Century Kabbalah (2018) [21:20] There’s Something – Down There (2016) [28:44] ...The "Sitra Ahra" as the Vital/Fatal Other of God, the Self, Consciousness, Civilization דוד ביאל / David Biale (2019) Oxford Bibliographies: Hasidism (2018) [1:18:39] On his book ”Hasidism: A New History” (2018) [20:40] Hasidism as a modern movement and it’s roots in the 18th century (Hebrew) (2017) [51:40] Between Biography and Historiography: Writing the Life of Gershom Scholem (2011) [58:52] Jewish Secularism (2003) [47:11] Living in a Multicultural Society יורם בילו / Yoram Bilu (2019) "We Wish to See Our King": The Messianic Chabad Movement After the Rebbe English announcement (2018) [6:20] Introductory remarks to panel on ”Hasidism: A New History” by David Biale et al. (Hebrew) (2017) [6:32] On his book on the Rebbe from Lubitz, ”Itanu yoter me-tamid” (Hebrew) (2017) [1:09:46] The Cultural Design of Spiritual Disorders (Hebrew) (2017) [24:19] Why Hasidism-without-a-tzaddik flourishes in our time (Hebrew) (2016) [29:38] Religious rituals around the graves of holy persons (Hebrew) (2015) [30:17] Mt. Zion as a Center of Conflict (Hebrew) (2015) [32:00] Going up to the Graves of Tzaddikim (Hebrew) (2014) [26:16] On Jonatan Meir’s ”Kabbalistic Circles in Jerusalem (1896- 1948)” (Hebrew) (2014) [1:11:27] Examining Mashiah Akhshav: methodological & epistemological questions (Hebrew) (2013) [14:04] Remarks upon receiving the Israel Prize (Hebrew) (2013) [1:17:27] On Conspiring Witnesses / ed zommemim (BK 72b) (Hebrew) (2013) [1:55:00@27:30] Text and Context in Kabbalah Research (Hebrew) (2012) [1:39:04] The Rebbe from Lubitz in messianic Habad (Hebrew) (2011) [53:18] Opening the Week: on parashat Va-Era (Hebrew) גדעון בוהק, גידי בוהק / Gideon Bohak (2016) [37:33] On Magic and witches in the traditions of Judaism (Hebrew) (2016) [17:31] How does one comprehend magic? (Hebrew) (2015) [11:24] Aramaic Manuals of Divination from Late Antiquity, part 1 (2015) [11:24] Aramaic Manuals of Divination from Late Antiquity, part 2 (2015) [11:24] Aramaic Manuals of Divination from Late Antiquity, part 3 (2015) [9:38] Aramaic Manuals of Divination from Late Antiquity, part 4 (2014) Syllabus: Magic, Mysticism and Religion (Hebrew & English) (2012) [42:53] A 15th century Book of Jewish witchcraft (Hebrew) (2012) [1:16:54] Demons and expulsion of demons during the 2nd Temple (Hebrew) (2012) [1:04:26@3:32] Inside Jerusalem: Gershom Scholem and Jewish Magic (Hebrew) (2012) [36:05] A Short History of Jewish Demonology (2011) [1:16:54] Demons and their expulsion in the 2nd Temple Period (Hebrew) (audio) Daniel Boyarin / (2018) [2:43:51] Two Powers in Heaven and Early Jewish Monotheism (2016) [55:56] Enoch or Jesus? The Quest of the Historical Metatron (2016) [53:27] Rethinking Apocalypse; or, Apocalypse Then (2016) [54:52] The Talmudic Apocalypse: Hagiga, Chapter 2 (2015) [25:00] Daniel Boyarin reading Hagiga (1) (2015) [31:54] Daniel Boyarin reading Hagiga (2) (2015) [28:34] Daniel Boyarin reading Hagiga (3) Alan Brill (2015) [1:04:47] Varieties of Modern Orthodoxy (2008) [43:21] "Is There Still a Mystery to Mysticism after Modernity?" (2006) [1:12:13] Maharal 01 (audio) [see: Courses] (2005) [1:13:7] Introduction to Kabbalah Lecture I. (audio) [see: Courses] (2005) Dwelling with Kabbalah: Meditation, Ritual, and Study Marc Bregman (1997) Pseudepigraphy in Rabbinic Literature (Orion Center) Giulio Busi (2018) [30:14] The Mantua edition of the Zohar מאיר בוזגלו / Meir Buzaglo (2017) [1:00:31] On Parashat Emor (2017) [58:50@4:15] On Parashat be-Shalah (2016) [53:16] On Parashat Tazria (2013) [27:02] On Parashat Be-midbar (Hebrew + Hebrew subtitles) (n.d.) An Invitation to Piyut מאוז כהנא / Maoz Cahana (2019) [1:19:59] Sabbatianism: The Boundaries of Faith and Heresy (Hebrew) (2017) [58:38@] Night of Philosophy Panel: God, Mysticism and Science (Hebrew) רות קלדרון / Ruth Calderon (2014) [17:11] Aggadah in the Book of Zohar (Hebrew) (n.d.) [26:59] ha-Heder: The Parable of the Beloved in the Zohar (II.99a SdM) (Hebrew + Hebrew subtitles) Norman Cantor (1997) [1:05:32] "The Medieval Jew" (Colloquium: International Institute for Secular Humanistic Judaism) (1997) [16:44] Colloquium Panel Response מרב כרמלי / Merav Carmeli (2015) [32:25] The Role of the Companions in the Zohar..

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