News Mosaic Sports .S._House 's only black Sign language is one High school teammates ....,,.uublican rep. visits'Del. sophomore's eyes and ears meet again at UD Seepage Bl B8 An Associated Collegiate Press Pacemaker Award Winner • Non-Profit Org. ~Review Online • THE U.S. Postage Paid Newark, DE www. review. udel. edu REV IE Permit No. 26 Free 250 Student Center • University of Delaware • Newark, DE 19716 Friday Volume 125, Number 43 March 26, 1999 Two rental cap Student killed ordinances to in car accident BY APRIL CAPOCHINO Williams graduated from Delcaslle City Nell's Editor Technical High School, where he be discUssed An 18-year-old freshman died after a played lacrosse and soccer. · car accident Wednesday afternoon after Dean of Students Timothy F. Brooks his car crashed into a light pole Monday said, "I have had an opportuniry to meet The Planning Commission will night, officials said. the Williams family and express the City Council to review both the Lower Merion John R. Williams, an electrical university's profound sympathy over ordinance, which limits the number of engineering major, died at 4 p.m. at the death of their son Johnny. debate restrictions student rentals available within a Christiana Hospital, said Natalie Dyke, "My office has received a number of district, and a plan that would limit the corporate communications manager for phone calls from his friends. It was for Newark rental number of unrelated tenants in a home Christiana Care Health System. clear he was very well liked at the to two. Williams' father, John Williams, university and he was enjoying hi s properties at new The L ower Merion ordinance, said his son died of head injuries. educational experience here." according to Mayor Harold F. Godwin. ''He n~ver regained consciousness,'' Williams' father said, "He liked cars Planning stating that once a house is declared a he said. and motorcycles, but what boy · student rental, no other student rentals Delaware State Police Cpl. Walter doesn't." can be established within I 0 times the Newton said Williams was corning off He said Williams also enjoyed Commision original house's lot size. the north ramp of Interstate 95 onto spending time with his girlfriend, Route 273 east at 10 p.m., when his BY JESSICA COHEN For example, Godwin said if the listening to music and watching City N~n·.t Editor house has a 50-foot lot, the next 1991 Saturn hit a pole and careened off movies. a tree before coming to a stop by the Two ordinances which will place student rental home must be at least The freshman was living off­ side of the road. Ca1]1pus, commuting to the university further restrictions on Newark's rental 500 feet away. , Williams was not wearing a seatbelt everyday. propenies will be discussed at a special "This will severely reduce the at the time, Newton said, and the Planning Commission meeting on conversion of single family homes into Williams said hi s soli was very accident is still under investigation supportive of his fami ly. April7. rentals," he sai d, "and help concerned THE REVIEW/ Bob Weill because the police want to interview " He was staying with his City Council made this decision residents preserve their communities. Newark Mayor Harold F. Godwin talks about the Lower Merion everyone Williams had contact with after tabling the rental cap ordinance Godwin said this ordinance would grandmother a few days a week,' he ordinance and Monday night's City Council meeting. The prior to his death. during their Monday night meeting. said, "commuting back and-fonh to see PROPOSED page A8 ordinance would limit the student rentals within a specific Newton said alcohol was not a factor school because she recently lost her amount of space. in William's death. husband." DUSC election to be contested this year BY SUSAN STOCK Mayrack said she feels her parry brings a unique Swd~nr Affairs Ediror perspective to the election. For the first time in three years, the De::lware "In order for student government to go anywhere Undergraduate Student Congress election will be at this university, you have to take an objective look contested as the competition will take place between at where you are,'' she said. at least two tickets. Mayrack is joined on her ticket by: Throughout the '90s, DUSC has been controlled • vice presidential candidate Matt Abbott (current by the Greek ticket, organized by the Interfraternity Resident Student Association secretary); Council and the Panhellenic Council, according to • secretarial candidate Angelika Peacock Marilyn Prime, director of the student centers and (corresponding secretary for the Black Student DUSC adviser. Union); She said she thinks the contested election is • treasurer candidate Robin Hershowitz (SAGE inter­ excellent for the organization. group liaison); "I think every time you have a coronation instead • and faculty senator candidates Heather Kim (current of an election, that's reason to question," she said. RSA president) and Josh Templet (DUSC and This year, the Greek ticket is being challenged by Student Center Allocation Board member). the newly formed Leadership Parry. The second ticket features current DUSC Leadership Party presidential candidate Brenda Secretary Andrea Hinchey as the presidential Mayrack, current president of the College Democrats candidate. and Students Acting for Gender Equality, said she She is joined on her ticket by: "has been contemplating running for office since last • vice presidential candidate Andrew Turczyn; year. , • secretarial candidate Laurie Walter; "We'd like "to get some experienced student • treasurer candidate James Bedle; leaders into DUSC to make changes,'' she said. • and faculty senator candidate Kim Franchino. THE REV IEW/ Bob Weill Mayrack said she is not satisfied with the way At the tim e of publication, the second faculty Judge William Swain Lee recently sentenced convicted murderer Thomas J. Capano to death. DUSC is currently run because it is too casual and senator candidate position had not yet been does not adhere to the organization's constitution. announced, but Hinchey said it will be filled. "It" s really hard to get anythi!lg done when you're She said she hopes to improve upon the existing not having a dedicated group of people show up Here comes the judge every week,'' she said. see ELECTION page A4 BY JOHN YOCCA death . "I haven't lost any sleep over it," At!milli.Wrlllil'f! ~e wx Etliror After the jury recommended in a he said. UD students form anti­ GEORGETOWN, Del. ---' After 12 I 0-2 vote that Capano die for the When Lee sentenced Capano, he weeks of presiding over .th e murder of Anne Marie Fahey, Lee lashed out at the defendant in a 12- se nsational Thomas J. Capano upheld its decision. minute s peec h , calling him " a murder trial, Judge William Swain Lee, who g raduated from Duke ruthless murderer, who has Lee was faced with a decision that compassion for no one but himself," sweatshop organization University in 1957, said since his he's never encountered during his 22 decision to impose the death and attacking the former Wilmington years a-s a judge - whcther ' to sent ence, he has moved on and has BY JANET L. RUGANI sentence a convicted murderer to not questioned his choice. see LEE page A 7 · S rujf Reporter To help students realize that labor issues are sri II at the forefront of our culture, the Student Labor Action Committee was fo rmed to br.in g ·awareness on campus. Sophomore Emily Pope, who UD reacts to Kosovo crisis' founded tl}e group three weeks ago, said the implications of s weatshop labor need to be brought into the minds BY CHARLlE DOUGIELLO against the e thnic Albanians, which a lso contributed to of students. Se11 ior Etlhor NATO' s decision to begin a military campaign . "l don ' t think people are aware that Bombs have been falling in Yugoslavia since Wednesday Sen. Joseph R. Biden Jr., D-Del., expressed hi s feelings on labor issues are present o n this night with no end to aerial assaults in sight and members of the the Senate' s 58-41 vote in support of air strikes in a press campus," Pope said. "Students need to university communi ty are concerned about the ramifications of rel ease on Wednesday. be aware of how labor affects this latest foreign poli cy decision. "I fully support the President" s decision to authorize NATO themselves and others:· Air strikes were ordered Tuesday by NATO's secretary­ air st rikes again st Yugoslavia," Biden said. "Had we failed to She said the main goals of the group general after Yugos la via' s Presid e nt Slobodan Milosevic ac.t , NATO' s credibility would have been seriously damaged. are to rai s e student consciousness ·refu sed to sign aNA TO-con tructed peace plan for the Serbian regionat stability in Southeas!ern Europe would have been about current labor issues and support province of Kosovo. jeopardized and the cost of human li ves wou ld only of climbed the struggles o f students and others The ethnic Albanians, who constitute about 90 percent of higher." within th e community. the province's population, are demanding a return to Many members of the university community agree with the Pope said she got the idea for the Councsy of Emily Pope aut onomous status from Serbia. This hl!S led to a confli c t recent bombing, but some regret it took NATO so long to take Uni versity student Emily Pope marches in a between Serbs and a rebel group, the Kosovo Liberation Army.
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