J. WVLTER THOMPSON COMPANY NEWS VOLUME XVIX, NP. 14 FOR STAFF MEMBERS ONLY April 10, 1964 4 Ad Council Projects Petroleum Group Widens Campaign Enlist Staff Support API Local Tour Promotion NEW YORK — There are four accounts handled here by JWT on which the com­ READING To Repeat Successful Format pany receives no commissions, fees or any other income. NEW YORK-During 1963, there was an indicated 15.5% increase in a special kind Despite this absence of income, these ac­ IS THE of local automobile trip promoted by the counts involve a considerable amount of American Petroleum Institute. man-hours by representatives, writers and The significance of this figure lies in the artists—and they result in a considerable KEY fact that the increase occurred only in those amount of advertising space and time in TO UNDERSTANDING markets in which the API campaign ran. media. In other closely surveyed control areas, These accounts are: where no such advertising appeared, there • American Red Cross was a decrease of 9.3% in such local travel. * Religion in American Life • U.S. Savings Bonds Tours Increased 27% * Operation Goodwill Mexico Thus, on a relative basis, the organi­ These are, of course, all projects of the zation's "See America Best by Car" cam­ Advertising Council, a non-profit public ~>NM. LIBRARY WEEK .APRIL 12 paign can be credited with a 27% increase service arm of American business. The na­ in this type of trip. As a result, beginning ture of its public service is to sell ideas. POSTER — With its golden key, white and blue let­ tering and solid black background, this is the offi­ April 19, another such campaign will be Set up in 1942 as the War Advertising cial display piece of National Library Week for launched, but on a greatly expanded basis. Council, this organization is responsible for 1964. By the time the last advertisement in this ^i estimated $225 million of advertising year's series runs on Oct. 25, there will ^Acair. It carefully selects 15 major cam- Annual Event Calls Attention have been a total of 1,309 insertions in 148 ^Bigns to conduct each year. To receive newspapers from coast to coast, having an Council backing, a project must meet these To Thompson Library Facilities aggregate circulation of 17,750,000. This criteria: Have national importance and be NEW YORK - National Library Week compares with 1963's totals of 956 inser­ non-political, non-sectarian and non-com­ starts Sunday, April 12 and will continue tions in 84 papers, with an over-all circu­ mercial. through April 18. lation of about 13 million. Over $1.25 mil­ Business executives serve as account co- This seventh annual event will be ob- lion will be invested in the new program. (Continued on page 7) (Continued on page 2) Campaigns Virtually Identical In all essential aspects, the 1964 cam­ Kraft Commercial Yields Over 45,000 Requests paign will embody the features that marked CmcAGO-Perry Como's Kraft Music Hall ment was used for the special originating last year's successful effort. Prepared by on March 5 broke all records for recipe from New Orleans. So far, more than 45,000 JWT-NY for the American Petroleum In­ requests when a unique commercial treat- requests have been received . and they stitute, the basic newspaper campaign con­ continue to pour in. sists of a series of detailed guides to local Instead of the usual six-commercial for­ tours of historic and scenic interest. Each TONIGHT! COMO SPECIAL I mat, three commercials featuring one cen­ advertisement has been written by a local Live! From Municipal Auditorium, New OrL tral theme told in three episodes were pre­ authority — newspaper travel editor, re­ sented. gional historian, local free-lance writer, Called "Tray-Gay," the commercials were etc. — to provide a close-to-home trip of built around the theme: "It's the Tray-Gay 150-200 miles. Tours are edited by JWT Way." They showed gay and modern ways and checked with state travel agencies, lo­ to simplify three familiar eating situa­ cal Chambers of Commerce, American tions—a family supper, a committee lunch Automobile Assn. executives and others. for the ladies and a teen-age gathering. Each ad, too, includes a detailed map of the suggested trip. To tie the commercials together, each carried the musical jingle: This year, in addition to the expanded If you wanta serve them the gay way, newspaper schedule, the API tour cam­ The Kraft Way's the easy and today way! paign will be tested on television in three Tray-Gay! communities. Live commercials will in each In addition, they signed off with the Tray- case promote four tours out of the selected Perry Como's Kraft Music Hall. Perry's guests are Gay theme: cities, featuring historic and scenic points Mickey Rooney • Martha Raye • Al Hirt • Jacques dAmboise It's easy to be Tray-Gay when you shop of interest within a normal week-end of o PM • Channel 00 and cook with Kraft! travel. IENCE-BUILDER — This Kraft advertisement, in Each commercial opened with one of the Careful research studies will compare tspapers March 5, called attention to special eating situations and then plunged into the tourism activity in these three cities with New Orleans Perry Como program. (Continued on page U) (Continued on page 6) Annual Event Calls Attention Do You Have The Library Habit? To Library Facilities (Continued) Questions like those which follow are constantly being asked of JWT librar­ served in all 50 states and Puerto Rico. ians . and answered by them. Learn to use your office's library facilities This year's theme, as seen in the event's when you need information. official poster, is "Reading Is the Key to Understanding." How does one address a former governor? Do you have any background on Mr. X of XYZ Co.? This continuing campaign, sponsored by What percentage of the U. S. population is employed part time? the National Book Committee in coopera­ tion with the American Library Assn., en­ Where can I find information on the number of people who traveled to lists the support of some 60 national serv­ Latin America last year? ices, educational, professional and religious Who said that he climbed a mountain "because it was there"? organizations, and stimulates widespread What is the market for sneakers in the U. S.? activities and projects created by local Would you get me some pictures of famous lighthouses? libraries and research centers. May I see some recent competitive toilet soap ads? Do you have a basic book on television commercial production? "Libraries sustain and enhance our na­ How long have we had the Chesebrough-Pond's account? tional life," said President Lyndon B. Johnson, in a statement issued in connec­ tion with National Library Week. "They tained by JWT in its offices around the the more reason to have the library habit. are a fundamental and vibrant resource world have a special interest in this an­ We have the material to 'do' with . over for human intellectual and cultural devel­ nual event, since its goal is to encourage 3,000 books, 200 consumer and trade peri­ opment. people to make increased use of such facil­ odicals, 185 vertical file drawers full of "Libraries reveal great heritages of the ities. Thompson library facilities are set information on advertising, marketing, in­ past and provide doorways to individual up so as to aid creative and research per­ dustries, JWT, travel, domestic and for­ attainments that can become great legacies sonnel find the answers to questions of all eign affairs and hundreds of other subjects. for generations of the future. They are a kinds. Here, for example, the JWT-NY in­ Competitive advertisements, clipped from fortress against intolerance and ignorance formation center cooperates with the Spe­ consumer magazines and newspapers, are and an instrument by which the unfortu­ cial Libraries Assn., and thus has contact, another valuable addition to our resources. nate poor may be helped to break their for exchange purposes, with more than We have a highly trained staff, dedicated bonds of physical and spiritual poverty. 1,000 special libraries in the New York to finding, organizing and making availa­ area alone. ble masses of information for your use. "I am proud of our American libraries and happy that there are more and more of Commenting on how JWT libraries every­ "Take advantage of our service. Come them. where can serve Thompson personnel, and browse. Get to know what is available "I ask that National Library Week be­ Terry Munger, head of the JWT-NY In­ in your field. We are always open. Prac­ come a rallying point for cooperative year- formation Center, has this to say: tically everything we have is borrowable, around efforts to provide the library serv­ "Why waste valuable time searching for from two hours to two weeks. ices necessary to meet the diverse and information that we might have at our "Get in the habit of calling on your lib­ changing needs of all the American people." fingertips? We may be small physically, rary or Information Center for anything, Libraries and information centers main- compared to a public library, but, through from verifying the spelling of a word to our excellent collection and our outside initiating a major project. Visit . wix|^ contacts, our range is tremendous. We are . phone. Your questions help too. ^V Library Week Supplement organized to give answers as well as mate­ knowing what is needed and used, your own In connection with National Library rial . and quickly. JWT librarian can constantly build and Week, a Special Supplement with this "Maybe you are a do-it-yourselfer.
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