UC Hastings Scholarship Repository Hastings Alumni Publications 9-1-1972 Hastings Alumni Bulletin Vol. XVII, No.1 (1972) Hastings College of the Law Alumni Association Follow this and additional works at: http://repository.uchastings.edu/alumni_mag Recommended Citation Hastings College of the Law Alumni Association, "Hastings Alumni Bulletin Vol. XVII, No.1 (1972)" (1972). Hastings Alumni Publications. 40. http://repository.uchastings.edu/alumni_mag/40 This is brought to you for free and open access by UC Hastings Scholarship Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Hastings Alumni Publications by an authorized administrator of UC Hastings Scholarship Repository. HAST NGS a x E UL1VUH (U HASTINGS COLLEGE OF THE LAW ALUMNI ASSOCIATION MYRON E. ETIENNE, JR. '52 President HENRY C. KRIVETSKY '60 Vice-President and Secretary HENRY C. TODD '37 Vice President and Treasurer ROBERT S. CROSSLAND '35 Vice President JEROME MARKS '64 Vice President HARRY B. SWANSON '53 Vice President Board of Governors: HON. STANLEY ARNOLD '48 HON. GOSCOE 0. FARLEY '37 KENNETH J. FRYER '53 HON. G. BROOKS ICE '51 KENNETH A. KUNEY '49 LESLIE G. MacGOWAN '53 HOMER L. McCORMICK '61 RENEE RUBIN '63 CHARLES A. RUMMEL '31 DWIGHT M. RUSH '53 DANIEL V. RYAN '28 JAMES K. SMITH '65 JAMIE SUTTON '71 JOHN J. VLAHOS '61 Board of Directors - Hastings College Of The Law WILLIAM C. SANFORD, Esq. HAROLD S. DOBBS, Esq. HARRY H. HASTINGS, Esq. HON. A. FRANK BRAY MAX K. JAMISON, Esq. HON. DANIEL R. SHOEMAKER RAYMOND L. HANSON, Esq. HON. DONALD R. WRIGHT LEONARD A. WORTHINGTON, Esq. HASTIINGS L6\RABfEH ID31LU~FH Volume XVII, Number 1 September 1972 TABLE OF CONTENTS Hastings Chairs Foundation........................ New Development Office Opens.................... ......... 3 Now's Your Chance, by Dean Turner................. .......... 4 Meet Christine Merkle............................. ........... 4 "Doc"Etienne Reports............................. 5 In Memoriam, Professors Madden and Prosser........ ........... 7 New Chapter Thriving, by Dennis C. Poulsen........... ........... 6 Report from the Dean............................. 8 Faculty Focus ..................................... .. ........ 11 Letter from ASH President......................... 12 Dean Riegger Sums Up........................... 13 Faculty New s ................................ .... ........... 14 Classnotes. ............. ......... ............... ........... 15 Meet Booker Williams............................. .... ... 16 Moot Court W ants You! ............................ ........... 16 The Alumni Bulletin is published four times annually by the Hastings College of the Law Office of Development and Public Affairs, 305 Golden Gate Avenue, San Francisco, California 94102. Editor HARRIET ELDREDGE Assistant Dean for Program Development WILLIAM H. TURNER V Director of Annual Giving ELOISE L. HELWIG Director of Public Affairs HARRIET ELDREDGE I ALUMNI: THIS IS YOUR MAGAZINE Write and AN EDITORS'S PLEA Until such time as we have tell us what you want to see in its pages ... what class secretaries to forward news of classmates' you want to see your Alumni Association accom- honors and activities, the editor must rely on a plish ... what you want to see happening at Has- clipping service to keep us posted on alumni do- tings College of the Law this year - and the next. ings. It would help considerably it individual alumni Your thoughts, comments and ideas will become would take time to notify us of interesting develop- a new "Letters to the Editor" feature in future ments in their careers - appointment to public Bulletins. office, judgeship or university or law school fac- ulty, honorary degrees, retirements, etc. Write: The Editor, Alumni Bulletin, Hastings College of Law, 305 Golden Gate Avenue, San Francisco, Ca. 94102. - H. E. I Hastings Chairs Foundation HARRY H.HASTINGS, Esq., great- Expressing enthusiasm for the job to the student body - to the whole grandson of the founder of Hastings ahead, Hastings says he's looking Hastings operation in fact, and that's College and a member of the Board forward particularly to working with a healthy thing. It's grand that the of Directors for the past seven years, alumni chapters and area vice chair- board is meeting with student dele- has been appointed chairman of the men. "This is probably the most ex- gations, for example. In my opinion Hastings Foundation. The founda- citing time in the history of Hastings these men and women are fine tion was established in the early College," he says. "We're in a period young people, and I think they con- 1920's to act as a non-profit organi- of tremendous growth and expan- duct themselves a heck of a lot zation concerned with the college's sion - student enrollment applica- better than students in other insti- physical and financial development. tions have tripled in the last three tutions. Hastings will head a special com- years, alumni are becoming increas- "I've talked with lots of our stu- mittee composed of members from ingly active in supporting the school, dents and they really seem to care the Board of Directors, Alumni Board and we can't, literally, contain the about correcting the mistakes of of Governors, faculty, administration faculty and administrative staff in their predecessors. They want to go and key volunteer leaders outside one building any more! out in the world and do something the Hastings "family." It will assume "In my seven years on the Board positive and good. And who can fault responsibility for master planning of Directors I've watched many that?" and long-range development. changes. The Board is much closer BAY AREA ALUMNI MEET NOVEMBER 17 Attention Bay area alumni! Now is the time marks the first time local alumni have been to get out your calendar and reserve the eve- invited to join Board members at a dinner of ning of Friday, November 17. this kind. That's the day set for the Board of Gov- Complete details are set forth in a special ernors Meeting and Alumni Dinner - and it mailing to all Bay Area alumni. HASTINGS ALUMNI BULLETIN 2 New Development Office Opens For the first time in its history, Museum of Automobiles, built to It was in 1968-69, while acting as Hasting has established a Depart- house the ex-Governor's collection volunteer public relations director ment of Development and Public Af- of antique cars. for the California Wheel Chair As- fairs. At Menlo Turner headed up the sociation, that Mrs. Helwig helped It is headed by Assistant Dean Wil- school and college's development organize the first olympic-type wheel liam H.Turner V, a member of former and annual giving programs, which chair games ever held in California. Arkansas Governor Winthrop Rocke- raised funds for a new million-dollar feller's personal staff from 1963-67, School of Business Administration MISS ELDREDGE resigned as ex- and a dormitory. ecutive director of the Philadelphia In his spare time the archeologist- Art Alliance, a unique Pennsylvania turned-fund raising director designs, cultural and educational organiza- builds and flies experimental air- tion serving all the arts, to assume craft. her Hastings post. Educated at Wellesley, the Uni- MRS. HELWIG, who started her versity of Pennsylvania and the Uni- career as a Hughes Aircraft chemical versity of Geneva, Switzerland, she engineer, comes to Hastings from started her journalistic career as a Menlo School and College where she served as Associate Director of Development from July 1969 to the present. In addition to directing the Menlo Fund, the institution's annual giving program directed to alumni, parents and friends, Mrs. Helwig planned and coordinated corporate, founda- tion and individual gift solicitation and a four-pronged personal solic- itation program that included tele- and former Assistant to the President phone and direct mail campaign. of Menlo School and College, Menlo While serving in the late 1960's as Park. Turner is assuming the post in a volunteer worker for the Commu- addition to his other administrative duties. His staff includes Eloise L. Helwig, Director of Annual Giving, and Har- riet Eldredge, Director of Public Af- copy girl at the Philadelphia Bulletin fairs. in 1944, and has since been on the A graduate of Admiral Farragut staffs of Vogue, Time-Life and the Naval Academy, Toms River, N.J. Arizona Republic. and Colgate University in New York, Before she was 30, she was Wo- Turner received his Master's degree men's Editor of the Hartford Courant, from the National University of Mex- America's oldest daily newspaper. ico, where he studied archeology, She also served as administrative specializing in Mexican culture. assistant to the warden of Connec- Since then he has concentrated ticut State Prison at Wethersfield. on fund raising and development for As a Bulletin writer before assuming colleges, museums and institutions the Art Alliance directorship she throughout the U. S. He estimates won two national awards for feature that to date he has raised $25 million, stories. including $15 million in a four-year While with the Art Alliance, Miss capital building campaign for Trinity nity Association for Retarded, Palo Eldredge also served as public rela- University in San Antonio, Texas. Alto, she planned and directed a tions director and inaugurated sev- While on Rockefeller's staff Turner $250,000 capital campaign matched eral programs including gallery talks raised $22 million to build the Ark- 2:1 by a federal government grant. by artists, special exhibitions pro- ansas Art Center and established a She also established
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