since 1866 Living gardens XXXX XXXX XXXX Bare Root Perennials Spring 2018 XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX Dear Customer, We are pleased to introduce our new 2017 / 2018 catalogue of bare rooted perennials and summer flowering bulbs. This year we list over 700 varieties and 30 new introductions, making this one of the most updated perennial catalogues in the market. Please don’t wait too long to place an order as some varieties will sell out! You may always add on other varieties to your order later. If there are any varieties you are looking for not listed, please ask us for possibilities. Looking forward doing business with you. The Royal Park Perennial Team Rear side Pot labels: Colourful pot labels are available for all varieties. Front cover variety: Echinacea ‘Green Twister’ page 39 Rear cover variety: Rudbeckia fulgida ‘City Garden’ page 66 Actual size 63 x 146 mm Content Page Novelties ............................ 4 Eryngium . 41 Eupatorium . 41 Bulbs and Tubers: Euphorbia . 42 Canna . 8 Filipendula . 42 Dahlia . 8 Geranium . 42 Lilium . 18 Geum . 45 Arum . 22 Helenium . 46 Crocosmia . 22 Helleborus . 46 Eremurus . 22 Hemerocallis . 47 Eucomis . 22 Heuchera . 50 Gladiolus . 23 Hosta . 51 Hyacinthus . 23 Incarvillea . 55 Nerine . 23 Iris . 55 Polianthes . 23 Knautia . 57 Schizostylis . 23 Kniphofia . 57 Zantedeschia . 23 Liatris . 58 Ligularia . 58 Perennials: Lysimachia . 58 Acanthus . 24 Monarda . 59 Achillea . 24 Nepeta . 59 Aconitum . 25 Omphalodes . 59 Agapanthus . 25 Paeonia . 60 Agastache . 26 Papaver . 62 Alchemilla . 26 Persicaria . 63 Anchusa . 26 Phlox . 63 Anemone . 27 Platycodon . 64 Aquilegia . 28 Polygonatum . 64 Aruncus . 28 Potentilla . 65 Asclepias . 29 Pulmonaria . 65 Aster . 29 Pulsatilla . 66 Astilbe . 30 Rodgersia . 66 Astrantia . 32 Rudbeckia . 66 Bergenia . 33 Salvia . 67 Brunnera . 33 Sanguisorba . 67 Caltha . 34 Sedum . 67 Campanula . 34 Sidalcea . 68 Centaurea . 35 Thalictrum . 68 Chelone . 35 Tradescantia . 69 Cimicifuga . 35 Tricyrtis . 69 Clematis . 36 Trollius . 70 Convallaria . 36 Verbascum . 70 Coreopsis . 37 Veronica . 70 Cosmos . 37 Crambe . 37 Perennials in bulk: Darmera . 38 Hosta . 71 Dicentra . 38 Paeonia . 71 Dodecatheon . 39 Echinacea . 39 Echinops . 40 Epimedium . 40 Dahlia decorative ‘Babylon Flamed’ Lilium lancifolium Lilium trumpet ‘Golden Splendour’ Lilium trumpet ‘Pink Perfection’ Eremurus bungei Eremurus ‘White Beauty Favourite’ Aquilegia ‘Winky Double Blue & White´ Aquilegia ‘Winky Double Rose & White’ Astilbe chinensis ‘Spotlight’ New Additions 2018 4 Astilbe hybryda ‘Whiteberry’ Echinacea purpurea ‘Green Twister’ Echinacea purpurea ‘Lemon Drop’ Echinops gmelinii ‘Snow King’ Geranium cinereum ‘Jolly Jewel Red’ Geranium cantabrigiense ‘Karmina’ New Additions 2018 5 Geranium hybrida ‘Blushing Turtle’ Hemerocallis ‘Cheese and Wine’ Hemerocallis ‘Mike Reed’ Hemerocallis ‘Tiger Blood’ Hosta hybrida ‘Fragrant Fire’ Hosta hybrida ‘Orion’s Belt’ Iris germanica ‘Indian Chief’ Iris sibirica ‘Concord Crush’ Iris sibirica ‘Kaboom’ New Additions 2018 6 Iris sibirica ‘Paprikash’ Monarda ‘Bee-Free’ Monarda ‘Bee-Happy’ Phlox paniculata ‘Red Riding Hood’ Sedum hybrida ‘Chocolate Cherry’ Salvia nemorosa ‘Negrito’ New Additions 2018 7 Variety Description Size Month Height Per inch/cm Unit CANNA (CANNA LILY) ZONE: 8-12 FAMILY: CANNACEAE CULTIVATION: FULL SUN BUT THEY ALSO TOLERATE PARTIAL SHADE. NEEDS TO BE KEPT MOIST. USAGE: OUTDOORS IN WARM CLIMATES OR CONTAINERS IN OTHER AREAS. PLANTING WAIT UNTIL THE THREAT OF FROST HAS PASSED. ‘Black Knight‘ red flowers, maroon black leaves 2/3 06 - 10 32’’/80 25 ‘Lucifer‘ red with yellow edges, green leaves, shorter habit 2/3 06 - 10 36”/90 25 ‘Pretoria‘ orange red flowers, yellow and green striped leaves 2/3 06 - 10 60”/150 25 ‘Red King Humbert‘ large red flowers, maroon leaves, vigorous 2/3 06 - 10 60”/150 25 ‘The President‘ scarlet flowers, dark green leaves 2/3 06 - 10 60”/150 25 ‘Wyoming‘ orange flowers, maroon leaves, big bold habit 2/3 06 - 10 60”/150 25 Canna ‘Pretoria’ Canna ‘Red King Humbert’ Canna ‘Black Knight’ Canna ‘Lucifer’ Canna ‘The President’ Canna ‘Wyoming’ DAHLIA ZONE: 8-10 Family: Compositae Cultivation: Full sun or partial shade, well drained soil. Usage: Pots, border and garden. cactus ‘Alauna Clair-Obscur‘ purple flowers, white tops, striking appearance, (fl. Ø cm: 17) I 07 - 10 44”/110 25 cactus ‘Nuit d‘Eté‘ dark maroon flower spikes (fl. Ø cm: 15) I 07 - 10 28”/70 25 cactus ‘Park Princess‘ pink flowers (fl. Ø cm: 13) I 07 - 10 24”/60 25 cactus ‘Playa Blanca‘ white flowers (fl. Ø cm: 13) I 07 - 10 24”/60 25 cactus ‘Yellow Happiness’ yellow (fl. Ø cm: 11) I 07 - 10 24”/60 25 D. ‘Alauna Clair-Obscur’ D. ‘Nuit d´Eté’ D. ‘Park Princess’ D. ‘Playa Blanca’ D. ‘Yellow Happiness’ 8 Variety Description Size Month Height Per inch/cm Unit colorette ‘Night Butterfly’ burgundy with white throat (fl. Ø cm: 11) I 07 - 10 36”/90 25 decorative ‘Ace Summer Sunset’ greenish yellow to reddish orange (fl. Ø cm: 15) I 07 - 10 40”/100 25 decorative ‘Akita‘ large dark red flowers, yellow centre (fl. Ø cm: 18) I 07 - 10 36”/90 25 decorative ‘Arabian Night’ deep ruby red (fl. Ø cm: 13) I 07 - 10 40”/100 25 decorative ‘Arnhem’ blood red (fl. Ø cm: 10) I 07 - 10 24”/60 25 decorative ‘Autumn Fairy’ orange with yellow (fl. Ø cm: 13) I 07 - 10 16”/40 25 D. ‘Akita’ D. ‘Arabian Night’ D. ‘Night Butterfly’ D ‘Ace Summer Sunset’ D. ‘Arnhem’ D. ‘Autumn Fairy’ decorative ‘Avignon’ white with lilac flames (fl. Ø cm: 18) I 07 - 10 46”/115 25 decorative ‘Babylon Flamed‘ NEW bronze with red spots (Dinnerplate) (fl. Ø cm: 22) I 07 - 10 44”/110 25 decorative ‘Babylon Purple’ purple (fl. Ø cm: 18) I 07 - 10 44”/110 25 decorative ‘Babylon Red‘ huge bright red flowers (Dinnerplate) (fl. Ø cm: 22) I 07 - 10 44”/110 25 decorative ‘Barbarossa red (Dinnerplate) (fl. Ø cm: 20) I 07 - 10 40”/100 25 decorative ‘Berliner Kleene’ light pink (fl. Ø cm: 12) I 07 - 10 24”/60 25 NEW D. ‘Babylon Purple’ D. ‘Babylon Red’ D. ‘Avignon’ D. ‘Babylon Flamed’ D. ‘Barbarossa’ D. ‘Berliner Kleene’ 9 Variety Description Size Month Height Per inch/cm Unit decorative ‘Big Brother’ orange (fl. Ø cm: 20) I 07 - 10 36”/90 25 decorative ‘Blithe Spirit’ cherry red with white tips (fl. Ø cm: 20) I 07 - 10 44”/110 25 decorative ‘Bodacious’ orange with yellow tips (Dinnerplate) (fl. Ø cm: 23) I 07 - 10 36”/90 25 decorative ‘Bristol Stripe’ violet with white stripes (Dinnerplate) (fl. Ø cm: 22) I 07 - 10 44”/110 25 decorative ‘Café au Lait‘ creamy white flowers, green leaves, tall stems (Dinnerplate) (fl. Ø cm: 27) I 07 - 10 40”/100 25 decorative ‘Cambridge’ yellow with red flames (Dinnerplate) (fl. Ø cm: 20) I 07 - 10 40”/100 25 decorative ‘Diana’s Memory’ pale purplish pink with yellow centre (fl. Ø cm: 12) I 07 - 10 26”/65 25 decorative ‘Duet’ dark red with white tips (fl. Ø cm: 16) I 07 - 10 44”/110 25 D. ‘Bodacious’ D. ‘Bristol Stripe’ D. ‘Café au Lait’ D. ‘Big Brother’ D. ‘Blithe Spirit’ D. ‘Cambridge’ D. ‘Diana’s Memory’ D. ‘Duet’ decorative ‘Ellen Houston’ orange, dark leaves (fl. Ø cm: 8) I 07 - 10 20”/50 25 decorative ‘Emory Paul’ lilac (Dinnerplate) (fl. Ø cm: 27) I 07 - 10 44”/110 25 decorative ‘Eveline’ white with lilac tips (fl. Ø cm: 10) I 07 - 10 40”/100 25 decorative ‘Explosion’ yellow with red blush (fl. Ø cm: 19) I 07 - 10 36”/90 25 decorative ‘Extase’ pink with white and primrose yellow centre (fl. Ø cm: 15) I 07 - 10 20”/50 25 decorative ‘Ferncliff Illusion’ white with lilac tips (Dinnerplate) (fl. Ø cm: 22) I 07 - 10 52”/130 25 D. ‘Eveline’ D. ‘Explosion’ D. ‘Ellen Houston’ D. ‘Emory Paul’ D. ‘Extase’ D. ‘Ferncliff Illusion’ 10 Variety Description Size Month Height Per inch/cm Unit decorative ‘Garden Wonder’ vivid red with velvet glow (fl. Ø cm: 17) I 07 - 10 26”/65 25 decorative ‘Hawaii‘ large pink, yellow and white flowers (fl. Ø cm: 10) I 07 - 10 32”/80 25 decorative ‘Holland Festival’ orange with white tips (fl. Ø cm: 20) I 07 - 10 52”/130 25 decorative ‘Islander’ fuchsia salmon (Dinnerplate) (fl. Ø cm: 25) I 07 - 10 40”/100 25 decorative ‘Karma Bon Bini‘ large bright red flowers with yellow centre (fl. Ø cm: 10) I 07 - 10 36”/90 25 D. ‘Hawaii’ D. ‘Holland Festival’ D. ‘Garden Wonder’ D. ‘Islander D. ‘Karma Bon Bini decorative ‘Karma Choc’ burgundy, dark leaves (fl. Ø cm: 12) I 07 - 10 40”/100 25 decorative ‘Karma Corona’ bronze-yellow flowers with red tips (fl. Ø cm: 13) I 07 - 10 40”/100 25 decorative ‘Karma Fuchsiana’ pink (fl. Ø cm: 12) I 07 - 10 36”/90 25 decorative ‘Karma Lagoon’ violet purple (fl. Ø cm: 14) I 07 - 10 44”/110 25 decorative ‘Karma Naomi’ dark red (fl. Ø cm: 12) I 07 - 10 48”/120 25 decorative ‘Karma Yin Yang’ burgundy with white tips (fl. Ø cm: 12) I 07 - 10 36”/90 25 D. ‘Karma Fuchsiana’ D. ‘Karma Lagoon’ D. ‘Karma Choc’ D. ‘Karma Corona’ D. ‘Karma Naomi’ D. ‘Karma Yin Yang’ 11 Variety Description Size Month Height Per inch/cm Unit decorative ‘Kelvin Floodlight‘ huge lemon yellow flowers, a garden favourite (Dinnerplate) (fl. Ø cm: 25) I 07 - 10 44”/110 25 decorative ‘Kiev’ white with soft lilac tips (fl. Ø cm: 15) I 07 - 10 34”/85 25 decorative ‘Lady Darlene’ yellow with red tips (fl. Ø cm: 20) I 07 - 10 32”/80 25 decorative ‘Lavender Perfection’ lavender (Dinnerplate) (fl. Ø cm: 20) I 07 - 10 40”/100 25 decorative ‘Lilac Time‘ large decorative lilac blue flowers (fl. Ø cm: 15) I 07 - 10 40”/100 25 decorative ‘Little Tiger’ red with white tips (fl.
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