![Asteraceae: Eupatorieae) from 0Axaco, Mexico and a Key to the A](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
NUMBER 9 TURNER: THREE NEW SPECIES OF AGERATINA THREE NEW SPECIES OF AGERATINA (ASTERACEAE: EUPATORIEAE) FROM 0AXACO, MEXICO AND A KEY TO THE A. MAIRETIANA COMPLEX Billie L. Turner Plant Resources Center, The University of Texas, Austin, Texas 78712, USA Abstract: Three new species of Ageratina subg. Neogreenella are described from Mex­ ico, as follows: Ageratina mayajana, from Mpio. San Miguel Chimalapa, Oaxaca; Ageratina mazatecana, from Mpio. Santa Maria Chilchotla, Oaxaca; and Ageratina pochutlana from Districto Pochutla, Oaxaca. Although all of the taxa belong to the A. subg. Neogreenella, only the latter two relate to the A. mairetiana complex as defined by Turner (1987, 1997). A revised key to that complex is provided. Keywords: Asteraceae, Eupatorieae, Ageratina, Mexico, Oaxaca. As treated by Turner (1997), the Mex­ from or near the base, 9-15 cm long, 2.5- ican species of Ageratina number 131. The 3.5 cm wide, sparsely pubescent above and following three novelties bring the total to below to nearly glabrous, the margins re­ 134. motely serrate. HEADS numerous, arranged in terminal rounded cymes 5-15 cm across, Ageratina mayajana B. L. Turner, sp. nov. the ultimate peduncles sparsely hispidulous, (Fig. 1) mostly 2-10 mm long. INVOLUCRES broad­ ly campanulate; bracts subimbricate, 2-3 TYPE: MEXICO. OAXACA. Mpio. San seriate, the inner series ca. 3 mm long. RE­ Miguel, Chimalapa, Cerro Verde, al S del CEPTACLE convex, ca. 1 mm across, gla­ camino Benito Juarez-La Cienega, ca. 8 km brous. FLORETS 40-50 per head; corollas ca. en linea recta al SE de Benito Juarez, ca. 24 3.5 mm long, glabrous, the tubes ca. 2 mm km en liner recta al NNE de San Pedro Ta­ long, the throat with 5 deltoid lobes ca. 0.2 paratepec, 16° 39' N, 94° 05' W, "Cafiadas mm long. ACHENES brown, glabrous, ca. 1 con bosque mes6filo y Cedrela, Tapirira, Fi­ mm long; pappus a single series of ca. 20 · cus, aquacatillo y poco pino y encino. Pe­ delicate bristles ca. 2 mm long, readily sep­ dientes fuertes, suelos negros," 1500-1600. arating from a persistent basal crown. m, "Planta 1.5 m, flor blanco, color a miel de castilla; abundante, en el horde del ar­ ADDITIONAL COLLECTION EXAMINED: MEXI­ royo," 25 Mar 1986, S. Maya J. 3053 (Ho­ CO. OAXACA: Mpio. San Miguel Chimalapa, Arroyo LOTYPE: TEX). Rancho Quemado, afluente de! Rio Portamonedas, ca. 10 km en linea recta al S de Benito Juarez, ca. 28 km en linea recta al NNE de San Pedro Tapanatepec, Ageratina rubricaulis (H.B.K.) King & H. Rob. "Bosque abierto con Liquidambar, Ficus, Erythrina, similis sed differt foliis lanceolatis in petiolos grada­ Spondias, Salix, Acrocomia. Terrenos pianos con suelo tim angustatis (vs. deltoideis in petiolos abrupte con­ blanco. Planta 1.10 m; flor blanco, color a miel vir­ fluentibus), involucris late campanulatis bracteis in­ gen; escasa, en arroyo." 7 Apr 1987, S. Maya f. 4360. terioribus ca. 3.5 mm longis (vs. anguste campanu­ latis bracteis interioribus 5-7 mm longis), et acheniis glabris (vs. cilia tis). The novelty is a very distinctive species of the genus Ageratina, not likely to be con­ Suffruticose HERBS 1.0-1.5 m high. fused with another. In the treatment of STEMS purplish, sparsely pubescent. LEAVES Turner (1997) it will key to or near A. rub­ opposite throughout; petioles 2-4 cm long; ricaulis but is readily distinguished from blades lanceolate, prominently 3-nervate that species and most others by its broadly LUNDELLIA 9:1-6. 2006 2 LUNDELL!A DECEMBER, 2006 HERB ARIUM Z80.2. Cnk(llo~ POf.tgr.duedm.Mon1e:cUtot.,Mtx.Jm :r6fJ Hcrbario-llor1orlotCHAPAI CA t-~ LORA OE CH I MAL.APA 1 OAXACA, MEXI CO .,;6.. '9'1. •" ·.? Mplo. Snn Migutl Chlmalapa: Cerro Verde, Al S de! amino Bcni10JuW..S..aCifncgn.c:i. 8 Kmcn Unc:i rctllllll SE de BcnilO J~ca24Km cnUl'IQrct L1 alNNEdcS:mPt:droThp.11Utcpcc. L:n.16° 39'N, Long.94° 05'W. All. IS00-16X> m. Cllfb:bs con bmquc mcs6filo y Ctdre'la, Taplrira, Ficus. ::iau:icnrillo y Poro pi no y cncino. Pcndicntcs fucrtcs.. suck>S ncgros. Pl:inl.tt 1.5 m; nor blancn, olor a micl de castill:i; abuncbnrc, en cl iiiiniiilliini bon:lc dcl ntroyo. 00306897 Salom6n Mayo J. JOSJ 25 Ma< 1986 l'F'O)·tt10 folonl MHOlmtrlain• C'OO Apoye dtl CONACyT FIG. 1. Holotype of Ageratina mayajana. NUMBER 9 TURNER: THREE NEW SPECIES OF AGERATINA 3 campanulate involucres bearing numerous Ageratina pochutlana B. L. Turner, sp. florets with glabrous achenes. nov. (Fig. 3) The species is named for its primary collector, Sr. S. Maya J. According to Tom TYPE: MEXICO. Oaxaca. Distr. Pochu­ Wendt, Curator of the Plant Resources tla, "Puente Jalatengo," 39.7 km al N de Center, he is an astute and prolific local col­ Candelaria Loxicha ( carr. Pochutla-Oaxa­ lector of Benito Juarez, Oaxaca, of the east­ ca), 1300 m, Pine-oak forests with Alnus ern Chimalapa area. and Chiranthodendron, 20 Feb 1984, R. Tor­ res C. & P. Tenorio 4709 (HOLOTYPE: TEX; Ageratina mazatecana B. L. Turner, sp. ISOTYPE: MEXU, not seen). nov. (Fig. 2) A Ageratina pringlei (B.L. Rob.) King & H. Rob. TYPE: MEXICO. OAXACA. Mpio. Santa similis sed differt foliis ova tis (vs. triangularibus), in­ Maria Chilchotla, NE de la comunidad de volucris 5-7 mm altis (vs. 8-10 mm), et acheniis his­ Agua de Gancho. Agencia Municipal Maria pidis (vs. viscidis vel glanduli-pubescentibus). Luisa (8 km del Puente de Fierro, por la terraceria a Sta. Maria Chilchotla). 18° 11' SHRUB to 2 m high. STEMS having up­ 55.8" N, 96° 49' 50.5" W, Ladera con ex­ swept purplish hairs, with age becoming posicion W, ca. 1466 m, 1 Apr 2001, X. glabrate and corky. LEAVES 7-9 cm long, Munn-Estrada 981 [con E. Juarez y J. Jua­ 3.0-3.5 cm wide; petioles 1.5-2.0 cm long; rez] (HOLOTYPE: TEX). blades ovate, 3-nervate from above the base, sparsely pubescent, mostly along the veins, Ageratina chiapensi (B.L. Rob.) King & H. Rob. the margins serrate. HEADS arranged in ter­ extrinsecus similis sed differt foliis integris (vs. den­ ticulatus) et involucris minoribus (3-4 mm altis vs. minal congested cymes, the ultimate pe­ 6-8 mm). duncles ca. 1 cm long, densely glandular­ pubescent. INVOLUCRAL BRACTS linear­ Suffruticose HERBS or SHRUBS to 2 m lanceolate, greenish, mostly 5-6(7) mm high. STEMS densely pubescent with stiff long, ca. 0.5 mm wide. RECEPTACLE plane, spreading short brownish hairs ca. 0.25 mm glabrous. FLORETS 30-50; corollas white, high. LEAVES opposite throughout; petioles ca. 5 mm long, glabrous, the tubes ca. 2.5 stout, 1.0-1.4 cm long; blades ovate, 13-19 mm long, gradually grading into the 5- cm long, 5-7 cm wide, prominently 3-ner­ lobed throats. ACHENES brownish, ca. 4 vate from well above the base (1-2 cm), mm long, hispidulous; pappus 2-seriate, a their margins entire. HEADS numerous, ar­ weakly developed outer series of bristles 1- ranged in broad terminal cymes ca. 15 cm 3 mm long, an inner series of ca. 40 bristles across, the ultimate peduncles mostly 1-5 5-6 mm long. mm long. INVOLUCRES subimbricate, 2-3 The species is named for the District of seriate, linear-lanceolate, the inner series ca. Pochutla, where collected. 3 mm long. RECEPTACLE convex, ca. 1 mm The type, was originally identified as across, sparsely pubescent. FLORETS ca. 30 Ageratina mairetiana (DC.) King & H. Rob., per head; corollas white, 4-5 mm long, gla­ but the plant concerned is more similar to brous, the tubes ca. 1 mm long, grading into A. pringlei and will key to that taxon in my the 5-lobed throats. ACHENES linear-oblan­ recent treatment of the genus for Mexico ceolate, sparsely hispidulous along the 5 an­ (Turner, 1997). gles; pappus double, an outer series of 5-10 As already noted, both Ageratina po­ short bristles 1-2 mm long, an inner series chutlana and A. mazatecana belong to the of 20-30 fragile bristles ca. 3 mm long. Ageratina mairetiana complex as treated by The species is named for the Sierra Ma­ Turner (1997), which is largely defined by zateca, whence the type. its dimorphic pappus and the 12 species 4 LUNDELLIA DECEMBER, 2006 UNIVERSITY OF ?-HEABAAIUM FLORA DE IA SIERRA MAZATECA OAXACA O M EXICO ASTER.ACEA£ MVNICIPIO: SArITA MARIA ClllLCl-IOTLA NF. de lo comunidad de Agu.i de GlllKho. Agenda Municipal Marti:t Luls:I (8 i.m dtl Pucn1c de FiC'TfO. por l:i tcml«'rio. a Sta. Marlo. Chikh<Nla). Ladcnii coo c\positi6n \V All. 1466 msnm Vcgc18Ci6n sccundatitt dcrh-.d:l de Bosque Mes6lilo de Montlll\a. Por la \"Cttda •• llicrb4. 1.5 m: norbl4fla1 Col, X()(hhl Munn-Es1rada (981}, E. Ju.ircz & J. JuMt:z I de Abril dcl 200 I FIG. 2. Holotype of Ageratina mazatecana. NUMBER 9 TURNER: THREE NEW SPECIES OF AGERATINA 5 ~~ERBAR IU M ' Ek'\":ITOnlC C.tl.ll<>guc of ~fo 11: ic ,\n A.,h.'MCC'olC (TEX, LL) Agcr.:11in.:i. pringll'i tB. L Rob, &: Grccnm.) R. M. King & M. Hob. Ckt B I_ Tunwr. 11Nov199'7 Tho University of Texas Herbarium A~+<~-. ~· ,. ~,1c; ~ B. L. Turnor \'ii'i? PLANTAS OE MEXICO: OAXACA PROY£CTO FLORA OE OAXACA HERBARIO NACIOHAL ( MEXU) Doti J. Luis Vill Maiior R. 1986 Loe. "Puente Jola tcngo" 39.7 kg ol N de Candelario Loxicho c.orr. Poe hut lo-Ooxoca Dis tr. Poe hut lo Alt. 1300 m.s.n.m.
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