PRESS VOL XX. DICKINSON, STARK CO.. NORTH DAKOTA. SATURDAY. DEC. 27, 1902. NO. 40 The Con Oil.. ;;iill and lumber 6. Pei\son:;l: ioj'c Loo co!cbiatod Sporting: Tennis Champion William A. Leslie A. Simpson, yard burned at Q'jincy, 111.; loss, $360,- the IMlh anniversary oi' his coronation. Larned of America successfully de­ 000. Aguinuldo at liberty. fended his title by defeating R. F. 1902 DECEMBER 1902 Weather Phenomena: Hot and cold 7. Fires: Jn riaitwburg. X. V.; lo»s, $125,- Doherty, England, at Newport. R. I. one* in First National Bank Block, waves i:i tho t: thermometer 000. Cur.'V.iLiv.v: liour m!l's at O.swtvjo, Convention: American Bar association Fifty Years the Standard Su. Mo. ranged from 32 to 102 in Nebraska. N. Y., s'.mrk by lightning «nd burned; met at Saratoga. N. Y. Tu. We. Th. Fr. Sa. 91 Obituary: Gen. Egbert L. VIele, noted lO^S, 28. Obituary: George Douglas Brown, officer in the Mexican and civil wars, Convention: Th? National Educational English novelist, author of "The DICKINSON, NORTH DAKOTA. In New York city; aged 77. Rs.<c. iai.oa ^ jiiinneapclis. House With the Green Shutters," in 1 2 3 4 5 6 Convention: 12th annual reunion of the 9. Weather: 11 persons killed hy heat in London; aged 33. C. E. GREGORY, Notable Events From Janu­ Confederate Veterans at Dallas, Tex. Pitt:«burg. 29. Sporting: Dan Patch, second horse to 24. Fires: In central Pennsylvania $1,500,- Obltrary: ?!rs. Charles Godfivy l.eland, pace a mile in less than 2 m'nutes, Attorney at Law, 7 8 9 SO li 12 IS 000 worth of property destroyed by wlfo of celebrated author, at i'lcrcnce. went that distance in 1:5ju.';. within a ary to December. burning forests. At Croghan, N. Y., Italy: a:;..-! 7!. quarter of a second of the world's rec­ States Attorney for Stark County. 23 buildings burned; loss. 5300,000. 10. Accidents: K::p*r,sion of fir?:ianip in ord. held by Star Pointer. 95. Hurricane: I people killed and many mir*o of < l.r:.i Si.el Co.. iu"r Johns­ Fire: Wood's Opera House at Bay City, Office Dak. StateIfcink Bl'k, Dickinson. 14 15 16 17 13 19 20! inj: rwd at Joplin, Mo. town, l:a.: r.iutv ;h;:n 1JT, mino/s killed. Mich., burned: $100,000 damage. St. Obituary: J. Sterling Morton, ex-sec­ Obituary: ( api. W ill-am W. Kci.singcr. 30. Volcanic Eruption: Mont Pelee, on the We can insure farm property. retary of agriculture and the ''Father V. S. N.. ror.K.-v.mJin;; ernisor Phila- island of Martinique, again erupted; RECORD DAY BY DAY 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 of Arbor day." in Chicago; aged 70. dti'.hia. his -h-p. Annie more than 1.0CO lives lost. Fire: At Glens Falls, N. Y.. loss of $500,- All :• iieccr ;Mrs. Alexander). Sporting: Futurity, richest slake of the McBride & Baker 000 by flames in the business section. En&ikh ncv'^!.:t: ajrrtl "7. year, won by Savable at Sheepshead 28 29 30 3! 38. Obituary: Sol Smith Russell, the actor, Convention: I.j-.t Y-.untf I'cople's un­ Pay. New York. Lawyers, Startling Volcanic Upheavals In in Washington; aged 54. ion :Mi»t :h vi' vhl. '.K-e, R. 1, Railroad Disaster: Train on Chicago and (.if* JO. Fire P»nie: t killed during a fire 12. Obituary: : hi v. 7'a:i:eU A. !•>> Northwestern R. R. lifted from the IT. Convention: 7*ic !2f*i J r.ntml wtan o: alarm In th» American Tobacco Co.'s han. In-' >•*' -'nMioIie r.ivhhfshop of track by a cyclone near Owatonna, r.'r«.i.. > Insurance, the West Indies. the National fcocicty \>. A. R. oponud works, riiiladelphia. CkVng-... ui-.d il. a : V'-l. Minn.; " killed and tlO Injured. In Watriiington. 13. J'rrson::!: / : oi irtiS i-.iuiry re- 31. Storm: More than IS vessels and many t. iWt'ut. ; - IS. Obituary: Albert Iiicrsir.dt, wied 3WA\. sign*, d a: - \. J. I'ali'our becamu pro- lives lcf>t in a gale at Port Elizabeth. American landmen jv.* In Ncvr I Volcanic Eruption: A flow of lava fol­ m>r or • 4< Jrita);i. South Africa. Real York city; ascd 73. R<-\. v. lowing an eruj tion of Mont Pelee, Obituary: i . .}. ruorj;au, noted Army and Navy Maneuvers: Beginning WORK OF THE GRIM REAPER Hall, noted Co:vrr«• -i minister, island of ITartiniqin', buried 150 people war vole (V- ^umV Fu"ni*li»*d. : N. Y.; a&od of the mimic war between ships and in London; aged SC. Charles L. Tiffany, and causcd grout destruction of prop­ G3. MI-K. i i:v r.rii!;'actress, forts on the Atlantic coast. ri:»' NatiiiMftl KTi Hldg, D'ICK 'NSON. N. D not*! Kwmr York ;*v,cl«r, in that city; erty on the outskirts of Si. Pierre. who or'".: iteil roi • of Creieh-'n in aged M. SEPTEMBER. Losses of Iilfe and Treasure by Sporting: Arsc;:al wen the Metropolitan Jefferson's "iilp Van Winkle." at Kan­ Fire: At Battle Crook. Mich., Seventh Handicap at Morris park. New York. sas City, Mo.: agrd 7-1. I. Volcanic Eruption: Over 200 persons DR. O. N. BA&KER. Flames, Accident, Storms and Day Adventist sanitarium burned; loss. 4. Storms: A cloudburst at Foss, Okla., 14. Foreign: ';%h»» e;-!ebrn';»d earnpanllo, or killed by explosions of Mont Pelee, drowned 9 persons and damaged the Martinique. Shipwrecks—Personal Items, Polit­ 1500,000. beli tower, of V<. nice ;>!!. IS. Kiot: 57 killed and 100 wounded In a town to the amount of $200,000. A 16. Fire; In Guayaquil, Ecuador; loss, $2,- Accident: 20 negroes killed and many DENT 1ST, ical, Sporting and Miscellaneous strikers' melee at Barcelona. Spain. windstorm caused damage of $300,000 in OOOJJOO. injured in a wreck on the Southern St. Louis. R. R. near Berry. Ala. •CB M in Stnlt". Hldu.. oppnpitu McOinley Hotel, Obituary: John Moran, pioneer photog­ Obituary: Rev. John S. ISrmvn. oldest Affairs—A Chronological Review. rapher and a noted landscape painter, Obituary: Potter Palmer, noted multi­ Unitarian minister in Tniiecl States, at 1 Obituary: William F. Howe, noted DICKINSON. N. D. In New York city; aged 73. millionaire of Chicago, in that city; Lawrenee, i\an.; atrcd %». criminal lawyer, in New York city; JANVART. aged 76. ag»d 71. Edward Egglcston, author, •act kauri 9 «. m. to 5 |i. m. SL Storm; A blizzard of snow followed 17. Boating Airi.U-nt: 1-1 drowned off isle I. Shipwreck: Steamship Walla Walla by rain and sleet raged throughout 5. Political: The first Cuban congress as­ of Shu;'Is near Lake George, N. Y.; aged 65. sunk In a collision near Cape Mendo­ the country; telegraph and railway sembled at Havana. 20. Tornado;:': Kalinr.ui-e visited by a 8. Accident to the President: President cino, Col.; 4t people drowned. communications interrupted. Fire: In New Mllford, Conn.; loss, $400,- heavy storm; U killed and much dam­ Roosevelt's carriage struck by a trol­ L. A. OA VIS & SON, S. Shipwreck: The Alaskan steamer Fire: At Lafayette, Ind.. offices of the 000. age done. 7.'{ persons drowned in Rus­ ley car near PiUnlleld, Mass.; Wil­ Bristol wrecked on Green island; the Call and the Journal, with other jprop- 1 Shipwreck: The British steamer Ca- sia. liam Craig, the president's guard, Furnishing Undertaker captain and 6 sailors lost. ertles. destroyed; loss. $200,000. morta foundered during a cyclone in Obituary: John \V. Maekay, American killed and the president and Secretary 4. Shipwreck: The British steamer Al­ a. Obituary: Hilly Emerson, an old time the bay of Bengal; over 700 people lost. capitalist, in J.onAon: aned 72. Cortelyou injured. A full line of cofflu*, caskets, trimmings *pd fonso and the Spanish steamer Vllelva minstrel, in Uouton; aged 56. Obituary: Rear Admiral William T. 21. Marine Disaster: More than 100 excur­ Volcanic Disturbance: Another eruption Awarded sunk in collision off Aveiro, Portugal; Sampson, U. S. N„ retired, in Wash­ of Mont Pelee, Martinique; 2,000 re­ loppliM on hand. Personal: Miss Helen M. Stone, the mis­ sionists drowiud hy sinking of Iho ported <lead. 19 sailors drowned. sionary held for ransom by Bulgarian ington; aged 62. F. Bret Hartc, the Elbe river steamer Primus at Ham­ 5. Obituary: J. B. Polk, a veteran actor, Sporting: Running record for mile and DICKINSON, NORTH DAKOTA. bandits, released. author, at Camberley, England; aged burg. Honors World's Fair. in Baltimore; aged <1. Fire Disaster: IS killed and many in­ 63. 22. Obituary: Cardinal Lcdochowj-kl, dis­ three-sixteenths broken by Scintillant T. Obituary: Elbrldge S. Brooks, writer jured in a fire which gutted the Park \ Obituary: Paul Leicester Ford, the tinguished Unman Catholic prelate, in at the Harlem race tra«lt, near Chi­ of popular books for boyn. at Somer- Avenue hotel. New York city. Rome; aged SO. cago; time, 1:57 2-5. novelist, killed by his brother, Malcolm 4. Fire: The Cincinnati Music hall dam­ Tests II. S. Gov't Chemists Doctor Charest ville, Mass.; aged 55. Baron Jean d* K. Personal: Prince Henry of Prussia ar­ Ford, in New York city; aged 37. 23. Fire: At Camden. S. C.; leys, $100,000. , Vn»|>ri«-tor »>f th« Bloch, author of "The War of the Fu­ rived at New York. Volcanic Disasters: St. Pierre, island of 25. Fire: At Albany. N. Y.; $250,000 loss. aged and the Odeon theater destroyed Electro-Medical Institute ture." the book which led to the peace 85.
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