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The property is in need of full renovation and would be an ideal investment. $&&2002'$7,21 Ground Floor: Lounge/dining room, kitchen, bathroom First Floor: Landing, 3 bedrooms Outside: Front and rear gardens 7(1$1&,(6 To be sold with vacant possession 7(185( Advised Freehold - to be verified by solicitor 9,(:,1* &217$&7 Paul Fosh Auctions, 01633 254 044 9,(:,1* 6&+('8/( Date Time Thurs 19 Apr - Wed 25 Apr - Tues 01 May 10.40 Paul Fosh Auctions Contact: Lanleigh Payne LOT 2 88 Blaen-y-Cwm Terrace, Treherbert, Treorchy CF42 5NE Guide Price £40,000+ House For Owner Occupation/Investment '(6&5,37,21 A well-maintained mid terraced house with accommodation over three floors and wonderful views to the rear. The property benefits from UPVC double glazing and gas central heating (not tested) and offers scope to improve further internally. The village of Treherbert benefits from an excellent range of amenities and shopping facilities including train station with direct links to Cardiff and Treorchy with its wider selection of shops is easily accessible. $&&2002'$7,21 Ground Floor: Entrance, lounge Lower GF: Kitchen/dining room, bathroom First Floor: Landing, 3 bedrooms Outside Rear garden with lane access 7(1$1&,(6 To be sold with vacant possession 7(185( Advised Freehold - to be verified by solicitor 9,(:,1* &217$&7 Paul Fosh Auctions, 01633 254 044 9,(:,1* 6&+('8/( Date Time Tues 17 Apr - Mon 23 Apr - Mon 30 Apr 13.00 Paul Fosh Auctions Contact: Sean Roper LOT 3 20 Brynhyfryd, Tylorstown, Ferndale CF43 3AR Guide Price £28,000+ Owner Occupation/Investment '(6&5,37,21 A three-storey mid terraced house situated in a well established residential location. The property has previously benefited from upgrading to include UPVC double glazing, gas central heating (not tested), refitted kitchen and bathroom and has a first floor WC. The village of Tylorstown benefits from a good range of local amenities including a Lidl supermarket and the nearby towns of Ferndale and Porth are easily accessible with their wide selection of amenities and facilities. $&&2002'$7,21 Ground Floor: Entrance, lounge Lower GF: Kitchen, bathroom, utility room First Floor: Landing, 3 bedrooms, WC Outside: Rear garden with fine views 7(1$1&,(6 To be sold with vacant possession 7(185( Advised Freehold - to be verified by solicitor 9,(:,1* 6&+('8/( Date Time Tues 17 Apr - Mon 23 Apr - Mon 30 Apr 14.00 Paul Fosh Auctions Contact: Sean Roper deposit Buyers, the minimum deposit is £,000 or 10% of the maximum bid price, whichever is the greater. LOT 4 27 East Street, Newport NP20 4BR Guide Price £49,000+ Commercial Investment Opportunity '(6&5,37,21 The property is an end of terrace building comprising two storeys The property is located within Newport city centre and is situated of retail and ancillary accommodation and is currently leased at on East Street to the corner of Caxton Place. Friars Walk Shopping an annual rent of £3,900. The property provides a retail unit to Centre and Newport train station are both within close proximity. the ground floor comprising a shop area, rear office with kitchen facilities, storage area and WC facilities. The first floor provides ancillary accommodation comprising of three rooms. ACCOMMODATION Floor Description Area Sq Ft Area Sq M Ground Floor Retail Area 276 25.7 Ground Floor Office 172 16.0 First Floor Ancillary Accommodation 129 12.0 First Floor Ancillary Accommodation 133 12.4 First Floor Ancillary Accommodation 141 13.1 Total 851 79.2 TENANCIES: Leased at an annual rent of £3,900 per annum TENURE: Advised Freehold - to be verified by solicitor Date Time Thurs 19 Apr - Tues 24 Apr - Mon 30 Apr 10.50 Paul Fosh Auctions Contact: Matthew Jordan LOT 5 70 Meadow Street, Llanhilleth, Abertillery NP13 2JH Guide Price £35,000+ House For Owner Occupation/Investment '(6&5,37,21 A traditional mid terraced house offering generous accommodation over two floors. The property benefits from UPVC double glazing and gas central heating (not tested) and will be ideal for either homeowner or a landlord for buy to let. The village of Llanhilleth is ideally situated for access to the nearby towns of Abertillery, Newbridge and Ebbw Vale and there is a train station offering direct links to Cardiff. $&&2002'$7,21 Ground Floor: Entrance, lounge/dining room, kitchen, WC First Floor: Landing, 2 bedrooms, bathroom Outside: Rear yard with lane access 7(1$1&,(6 To be sold with vacant possession 7(185( Advised Freehold - to be verified by solicitor 9,(:,1* &217$&7 Paul Fosh Auctions, 01633 254 044 9,(:,1* 6&+('8/( Date Time Thurs 19 Apr - Wed 25 Apr - Tues 01 May 15.30 Paul Fosh Auctions Contact: Sean Roper LOT 6 5.3 Acres of Land to the South of Edwards Works, Llandarcy, Neath SA10 6JY Guide Price £17,000+ Amenity Land '(6&5,37,21 The property comprises a parcel of land measuring approximately 5.3 acres (2.14 hectares). The land is bordered by the Neath and Tennant Canal along the entire eastern and southern side, which we are advised is well stocked with a variety of fish. The plot is accessed via a public footpath along the canal and benefits from having its own pond. The site is mainly flat with areas of grazing and some woodland. The land is situated to the south west of the Edwards Works Industrial Estate. Junction 43 of the M4 is nearby providing links to Swansea in the south west and Cardiff and Bristol in the south east. 7(1$1&,(6 To be sold with vacant possession 7(185( Advised Leasehold - to be verified by solicitor 9,(:,1* &217$&7 Paul Fosh Auctions, 01633 254 044 Paul Fosh Auctions Contact: Matthew Jordan LOT 7 42 Brynheulog Terrace, Tylorstown, Ferndale CF43 3DW Guide Price £40,000+ House for Owner Occupation/Investment '(6&5,37,21 A well presented and maintained mid terraced house with wonderful views to the front. The property benefits from UPVC double glazing and gas central heating (not tested) and has an alarm system. The village of Tylorstown is ideally situated for access to the towns of Ferndale, Porth, Pontypridd and access to the A470 to Cardiff. $&&2002'$7,21 Ground Floor: Hallway, lounge/dining room, kitchen First Floor: Landing, 2 bedrooms, bathroom Outside: Forecourt, rear yard with steps to garden 7(1$1&,(6 To be sold with
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