Index ADRs. See Adverse drug reactions Adrenergics, 419 A Adrenocorticotropic hormone, 278 Abciximab, 168 Adult day centers, 11 Abdominal assessment, 81 Adult Protective Services, 41 Absorption, age-related changes in, 68 Advance directives, 37–39, 77, 94–95 Abuse, elderly, 41 ADVANCE trial, 271 Acamprosate, 401 Adverse drug events (ADEs), 105–106, 110–112, Acarbose, 261, 267 116–117 diarrhea and, 312 medication sensitivity and, 68–69 Access-A-Ride, 96 opportunities to improve drug use and, 113–115 ACCORD trial, 270–271 reduction in, 112–113 ACCORD BP trial, 162–163 therapeutic failure and, 112 ® Accu-Check Compact , 270 transitions in care and, 118 ACE inhibitors. See Angiotensin-converting enzyme Adverse drug reaction (ADR), 105–106, inhibitors 110–111 Acetaminophen, 110, 301, 425–426, 430, 444–447 Adverse drug withdrawal events (ADWEs), 105–106, heart failure and, 177 111–112 in hospice and palliative care, 134 Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices terminally ill and, 133 (ACIP), 488, 490–491 Acetazolamide, 420 ADWEs. See Adverse drug withdrawal events Acetylcholinesterase inhibitor(s), 230, 237–238, 312, Affordable Care Act (ACA), 46–47 356 African American culture, 35, 39 Acrylic dressings, 464 Age, 4–5 Activities of daily living (ADLs), 8, 10–11, 77, 92, 341 Age strata, 5 Actos, 261 Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, 344 Acute care, 10 Age-related changes, 74 Acute Care for Elders (ACE) units, 12 Age-Related Eye Disease Research Group, 421 Acute coronary syndromes, 167–170 Age-Related Eye Disease Study, 422–423 Acute pain, 424 Age-related macular degeneration, 421 ADAGIO trial, 351 Aging theories, 58–59 Adaptive immunity, 515, 516, 517 Agitation, 13, 142–143, 342–343 ADEs. See Adverse drug events Albuterol, 142, 202, 211, 218, 540 Adenosylmethionine (SAMe), 445 Alcohol abuse/alcoholism/use, 94, 396–398, 447, ADLs. See Activities of daily living 485–486, 530 Administration on Aging, 10 binge drinking, 177 Unauthenticated | Downloaded 10/02/21 03:39 AM UTC 546 | Fundamentals of Geriatric Pharmacotherapy delirium and, 345 American Geriatrics Society, 9, 107, 268, 426, 441, dysphagia and, 299 443, 497, 525 insomnia and, 381 Panel on Improving Care for Elders with withdrawal, anxiety and, 381 Diabetes, 260 Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT), 398 Panel on the Pharmacological Management of Aldosterone antagonists, 173, 174, 176 Persistent Pain, 133 Alendronate, 449, 451, 453, 454, 455 American Heart Association, 161–163, 171–172, 177, ALF. See Assisted living facility 183, 225, 295–296 Alfuzosin, 234, 244, 245 physical activity guidelines, 93 Alginates, 462, 464 American Medical Association, 39 Alli, 262 American Pain Society, 425 Alogliptin, 268 American Red Cross, 18 Alpha agonists, hypertension and, 163 American Society of Consultant Pharmacists, 8 Alpha-1 adrenergic blockers, 164, 174 American Society for Nutrition, 272 Alpha-adrenergic agonists, 233, 243, 419–420 American Stroke Association, 172, 183 Alpha-adrenergic blockers/antagonists, 243–245 American Thoracic Society, 212, 529, 531 pharmacodynamic changes, recommendations American Urological Association, 232, 243 for, 71 Benign prostatic hyperplasia symptom score, Alpha-antagonists, hypertension and, 163 240 Alpha-glucosidase inhibitors, 263–264, 267 Symptom Index (AUA–SI), 239, 241–242, 243 Alpha-receptor agonist, 160 Aminoglycosides, 419 Alpha-receptor antagonist, 159 distribution and, 68 Alprazolam, 402 hearing loss and, 63 Alteplase, 168 Amiodarone, 228 Altered taste, 293, 295 altered taste and, 295 Altered vision, 6 atrial fibrillation and, 178 Alternative medicine, 36 dementia and, 335 Alvimopan, 309 hypothyroidism and, 275–276 Alzheimer disease, 461, 487 Amitriptyline central nervous system issues and, 337–341, central nervous system issues and, 351 344, 360 as high-risk medication, 107 TSH concentrations and, 275 pain/sensory issues and, 426–427, 429, 434 Alzheimer’s Disease Assessment Scale– Amobarbital, high-risk medication, 107 cognitive subscale (ADAS–cog), 89 Amoxicillin, 295 Alzheimer’s Disease Cooperative Study ADL (ADCS– Amoxicillin/clavulanate, 523 ADL) Inventory, 92 Amoxicillin/clavulanate plus macrolide, 523 Amantadine, 350, 490, 532 Amphetamine, toxicity, 295 Amaryl, 261 Ampicillin, 523 American Academy of Family Physicians, 340 Ampicillin/sulbactam plus macrolide, 523 American Academy of Neurology, 349, 351–352, 356 Amylin analog, 264, 267 American Academy of Pain Medicine, 425 Analgesics, 228, 345 American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists, Anastrozole, 455 449 Androgel, 282 American Association of Retired Persons (AARP), 4 Androgens, 282–283 American Board of Internal Medicine Foundation, 497 Andropause, 279–280 American Cancer Society, 81, 494–497, 500 Anemia, 480–488 American College of Cardiology, 161–163, 171–172, case, 502–503 177, 225 of chronic disease, 484 American College of Chest Physicians, 171, 177, of chronic inflammation/kidney disease, 482 185–187 of chronic kidney disease, 484, 486–487 American College of Gastroenterology, 303 of inflammation, 484, 486–487 American College of Physicians, 340 Angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitor(s), American College of Rheumatology, 444, 456–457 110, 225, 228 American Dental Association, 295 adverse drug withdrawal event and, 111 American Diabetes Association, 259, 260, 268 arginine vasopressin (ADH) and, 227–228 American Epilepsy Society, 356 chronic kidney disease and, 225 coronary events and, 168–169 Unauthenticated | Downloaded 10/02/21 03:39 AM UTC Index | 547 diarrhea and, 312 tapering of, 114 heart failure and, 173–176 withdrawal and, 131 hypertension and, 161–163 Antidiabetics pharmacodynamic changes, recommendations delirium and, 345 for, 71 See also specific antidiabetics pharmacotherapy of, 162–164, 168–170, Anti-diuretic hormone (ADH), 221, 227–228 173–176 Antiepileptics, 184, 425–426 stress incontinence and, 230 drug-disease interactions, 365–366 Angiotensin II receptor blockers, 164 Antihistamines, 140, 243, 394, 305 Angiotensin receptor blockers (ARBs), 225 Antihypertensives, 466 hypertension and, 161, 163 Antimicrobials Anorexia, 139, 141 delirium and, 345 Antacids, 447, 301 dressings, 465 Anti-aging strategies, 65–66 Antimicrobial stewardship, 515, 519 Anti-allergen, 206 Antineoplastics, 228 Antibiogram, 515, 518 diarrhea and, 312 Antibiotic stewardship, 519, 521 Antioxidants Antibiotics, 463, 517–518, 520, 530. See also specific supplements, 421 antibiotics therapy, anti-aging and, 65 Anticholinergics, 305, 310, 419, 528 Antiparkinson medications, 111–113, 228 anxiety and, 381 Antiplatelet agents/therapy, 110, 296, 447 chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and, GERD and, 304 207–208 underuse of, 109 delirium and, 345 Antipsychotics, 344, 419, 466 drug-disease interactions of, 107–108 adverse drug withdrawal events and, 111 dysphagia and, 297 agitation and, 143 functional decline and, 66 delirium and, 348 inhaled bronchodilators and, 200, 202, 211 distribution and, 69 insomnia and, 381 drug-disease interactions by, 108 nausea/vomiting and, 140, 305 dysphagia and, 297 overflow incontinence and, 231 falls and, 441 pharmacodynamic changes, recommendations functional decline and, 66 for, 71 GERD and, 303 terminal secretions and, 143 hyperglycemia and, 288 urinary retention and, 230 pharmacodynamic changes, recommendations, Anticoagulants, 110, 296, 447 71 adverse drug reactions and, 111 renal/urologic disorders and, 228, 243 diabetes and, 269 Antispasmodics, 308 Anticonvulsants, 214, 228, 427, 455 Antithrombotic therapy, 110, 157, 171 delirium and, 345 Antithrombotic Trialists’ Collaboration, 171, 184 dementia and, 335 Anti-tumor necrosis factor (TNF)–alpha, 213, 457–458 depression and, 381 Anti-vascular endothelial growth factor, 421 diarrhea and, 312 Anxiety, 137–138, 385–392 dosing of, 71 diagnostic criteria for, 387–388 drug-disease interactions of, 107, 108 Apixaban, 179–180, 182 dying patient and, 133 Apomorphine, 350, 351, 354 endocrine disorders and, 271, 282 Apoptosis, 59 falls and, 441 Appetite stimulants, 184 tapering of, 114 Apraclonidine, 420 Antidepressants, 184, 425 Aprepitant, 306 adverse drug withdrawal events and, 111–112 Aranesp, 487 anxiety and, 381 ARBs. See Angiotensin receptor blockers falls and, 441 Area Agencies on Aging, 19 insomnia and, 381 Arginine vasopressin (AVP), 221, 227–228 psychiatric disorders and, 381–382, 402 Aricept, 340 renal/urologic disorders and, 228, 243 Aripiprazole, 348 Unauthenticated | Downloaded 10/02/21 03:39 AM UTC 548 | Fundamentals of Geriatric Pharmacotherapy ARISTOTLE trial, 180 dysphagia and, 297 Armour thyroid, 262 Bariatric surgery, 273 Aromatase inhibitors, 282 Beclomethasone dipropionate, 203 Artificial nutrition, 39 Bedrails, 442 Asal, Nicole J., 221–256 Bedside assessment, 82–83 Ascorbic acid, 485 Beers criteria, 107 Aspiration pneumonia, 293, 294, 298–299, 529–530 central nervous system and, 342, 353–354 Aspirin, 110, 448, 499 pain/sensory disorders and, 428 antithrombotic therapy and, 170, 181 pharmacotherapy and, 175–176, 178, 180 bleeding and, 181 Behave-AD (Behavioral Pathology in Alzheimer’s frail elderly patient and, 54 Disease Rating Scale), 91 GERD and, 303 Behavioral therapy, 273 low dose, 260, 460 Belgeri, Myra T, 377–416 peripheral arterial disease and, 171–172 Belviq, 262 secondary prevention of coronary events with, Beneficence, 29, 30, 32 168, 169 Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BHP), 237–239, 522 STEMI, NSTEMI and, 168 dietary supplements and, 246–247 stopping, 131 surgery for, 247 stroke prevention, 178–179, 183–185 Benzodiazepine-receptor agonists, 394–395,
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