."TrOM CAU!NDAJI "AT"! PAT8, !&ed .'ompo, AI tllr•• , .. ZI .D4 A8 ,. III n"d ....,1a11,17l P&001l:881D 1'00D8, BIOI .I... po, A8 I, za IDGJasln ... A5 k ""&$ h ..luI." Fair nlld I.dorlllll.ly: 8VOAJl e •• p ... II, SI, II .Dd IS • ...,.. , •• 4 for II.. , ..... nlld III.flblnelYI OA80· J.1lB "A" ••• po•• N •• 13 ..lid ..... 8epl. n !lar ...... IOWA: Fair, IIIIlcla oooIer ill ead .,••. tu .. VaL OlL ...p ... '.r ..rlod ·t ••• I ., lot, DAILY IOWAN .... 8Mth wtUa Dear freeliD.r .aUe, .e•••• &lUI (loa pOD. I.r pert•• 1 of aew beaL .. THE ... _" ftIld Ill •••", Aa,. 81, 1M.. .sUOII:8 ..... • .,......... Dlmlp"'nr win... ... 1 ad Z alr.I.... "ap "an ....011.11.1,. Iowa City', Morning Newspaper ~~~C~EN~;r~S~==============~======~nu~~~~~=~~=="~~======~=============I~O~W~A~~C~ITY~,~I~O~W~A~~TH~URSD~~A~Y=,~OC~T~O~B~ER~1~9,~19~«~=================ftD==A=g=o=~==ftW==="*-===--=~===7.V~O~L~UNm===XL==V===NUMB==~~~2~2 Dewey Says Yanks 'Pay in Blood . :British Push Past VenraYi f For New Deal Failure' iOflS IUch <II Attributes European I wool qlOV1e Chaos to FOR ' t nes. Sw~ep 'luzon 8WIIClIera, U.S. rta, Pia 'Secret Diplomacy' ar~l needs to I NEW , YORK (AP)-GI. -------------------------------------. ;eij OccCrsion. Hitler Orders- Thomas E. Dell'ey declal'ed lJl~ Destroy 19 night Hint Alllel'icnns al'e "Pb J ·Berlin Admils iJlg in blood" 011 the batliefield of Germany for what he . c scribed as the Roosc\'clt admil Jap Planes 10tal Nazi Defense Aachen's Loss, istration's failme to have a ---------------- "intelligent pl'ogl'am fot' deB LONDON (AP) - Old men and Then Heinrich Himmler, com­ boys - and "i( need be women mander in chief of the home front, , , ing ",ith inyudeu Gel'many," Fleet Termed American Army The Rcpnblicllll prcsiu.cntit and girls" - were ordered to de­ addressing the nat Ion from a 'Defeated' by Japs lend Gel'many with guns, slYords, Yolkssturm barracks in Ea.tPrus­ nominec, adore 'sillg' a non-pI Beats Off Nazi . Carry Out Raids pitchforks, scythes and clubs as sia, ordered the defense of Ger­ , . liticlil but appJuuJinl-( gat.hcI·il1, Adol f liitler proclaimed last night many by "every village, every Counterattack ut the New York Herald '1'1' , Bj TUB ASSOCIATED P&ESS the formation of an armed home house, every farm, every ditch, bUll e s annual forullI of cltl'l'en AIUt'ri<:a' · ul'l'iul invasion 01' guard for a last-ditch defense oC every forest and every Hush." LONDON (AP)--Bri ti iih l jiffy• . ~y events also attributed to Presiden Hlmmler wal followed by East ily, always I 11lellortllcl'U l'hilipJ)iu('s l)y the Reich. force with Amerielln armor on Roosevelt's "personal secret dipI0. cltrl·jcl'-bllsed 1) I !L II ij of the Wit h allied armies beating Prussian Gauleiter Erich Koch, Fun. ' lugth who fanatically pledged Hitler the right flank and rocket-Ciring msney" chaos in France and hun· mig-Illy. 'rhit·u fleet coutinlled against the Reich from the west, Int, adi~. without let-up, Admiral Chel>tel' east, southeast and soutb, Hitler "We in East Prusslll will not re­ typhoons 0 v e r h e a d pushed, ger and degradation in Italy. [n~ liY'e, W. Nimitz rcpOI.teu WeunesdllY established by decree the "Yolks­ treat an Inch." through the Duteh rail and road .. Terrifies Germans ltf'te1'l1001l as lie uiscloscu. lIew sturm" (people's army) composed The Nazi leaders asked for a of every able-bodied German man "fanatical hatred" of Germany's junctjon of Venray yesterday 1lrst FloOr. He dcclared: SWCC"~I' ,. UCJ'O~~ J,uzon, IJlIIJ'OI' i~-., d b J 6 and captured two more tOWllS J. That Nazi propaganda minis­ an oy from to 60 and pro- "dirty Jewish international ene­ 18n(1 of the 1t1'<:IJlpelago. cl~lmed tbem part of the German mies resolved to totally destroy ter Goebbels has seized upon thE beyond, cutting deep into the '!'he aum;"1I1's cOlJlmunique army under international law. us." elu'my's Meuse river salient absence of any official American ~ / of the destruction of ] ~JtltJ'-4"" ~_ ...... _ ----...... --n ---0- . _______ . _~_..t. .. ... .... fII,. ••fArs. told 9/ with II steady advance toward plan for 'Germany to "tel'1'iiy the Virgil M. Hancher to sen her the tint Homecoming badge ot 1944. Pictured are. left, to riKbt. Abbie Mor· JliplUHlIlC planes aud the siuking 6 k 6 Germans into fanatical resis­ rison, Kappa Ka!lIla Gamma; Vlrdnla Gray, Delta Gamma: Mrs. UnBcner; Racbel Upderraf', PI Beta 0\' setting' afire of sevell ships ree overnment II New -Russian. ::hrG:~le~~ border and the tance." Phi; aad ))orothy Goldapp, Alpba Chl Omen. T.Lal ....1III from tbe ftrat cia,. ef the eamPa.. JJ _ .. 'Ill Tucsday, Uuiteu 'tate time. Tho American First army 2. That President Roosevelt's :In tu:!.e record wtt..h I.UI badaee beIn.r lIN. He said "action is continuing." I . beat, off a 81nall German coun· refusal to recognize the French Tl}e Japanese-controlled Manila Returns to Athens .... - --- - ......... ------ --~- terattack at Aachen to the south De Gaulle government "is con­ j radio, bearing out the Pacific fleet 'en'I Traps and st(enlltbened Its encirclement tributing to the increasIng chaos Sall ellicf's' statement, reported raids British Seize Scarpanto • • ", ' of t\le ~~at . q~rman border city, behind our lilles at a crHical per­ FDR 10 Tour,Four c-- a-G-la-nc-e-----c"11 Badge Sellers Break wJ:aleh Berlin radio commentators ioa of the war." At TUPsda~ night, t,Tllited States time, Wi~h No 0f1position, " ,"" 3. That Rooscvelt has failed to ~y 80 camel' planes on the Man- Strafe Enemy Colum'ns azi· roops :. ~c;; ~t:~o~~ t.i~e publicly wrote win Russian recognitlon of "those New'York Boroughs ' First Day Records N T lla area. It also !)nno".need new A great raln fell all along the whom we consider to be the true I strikes ' agains~ Clark field, bIg ATHENS (AI') - The Greek _.;,..._~I,- . western front from Holland to the govel'llment oI Poland," despite Alpha Chi Omega ail',depot 40 miles northwest of government headed \:,Iy Premier LONDON, Thursday (AP)-The I Swiss borde.\'; turnin, the groul)d his personal talks with Premiel' Trip to Cover Area Ma!11la, and Legaspi, imporlant Red army has plubged across the I into mud and making al1ie~ ad­ Stalin. Of Democratic Favor; Leads With 3,072 seaport on southe;Jstern I Luzon. Geol'ge Papandreou returned to Carpathian mo~nfalns ' sOuth d I vances difficult, but everywhere 4. That a Soviet emissary signed Dewey 'Praises' Plan Of 8,148 Total rr~ J!)pancse claimed their fighter newly Ji\;)erated Athen~ yes~erday • t ,'. ~ar tQe.re was evicien~e of a bulld-up last month's peace tJ'eaty with piunes . and al\tI-ab'cl'aft lIunti amid the tuinuH~lOus cheering of into Cucho-Slovakla on a 1?0- for a vast allied offell8ive which " :. Rumania in behalf of the United First day !.ales of Homecoming knocked dOWlI 16 of the raiders. citizens who had suffered griev- " ~' .. Stales, before the state deparL- NEW YORK ,(AP) - A day- mile Iront, cutting clear .aCi'oSs the a British .lCond army ilpokesman ~., •. h' * * * badges have broken all records Tije planes attacking the Phll- ously during they ears of axis oc- ea~tern tip of the country and said "yesterday may lead to one of ment had a chance to study it. time tour by President Roosevelt British push past Venray; Ber- ippJnes were definitely of! Third eupation . Duke, Duchess Present through four of New York City's lin radio reports first German with 8,148 badges sold and Alpha 1lect carriers-tl,te fleet that the' Since the liberation of the city placing the Germans in ... dan- ~he war's great decisive battles WOol - acknowledgment of loss of within the next ten weks. Tbe Dew,ey spoke before a crowd I five boroughs was in prospect Chi Omega forority is ieading tile Japanese pictured several days last Sunday· a committee or three gerous 100-mlle d~1? salient from Gennans were said to have no !hat Jammed the Waldorf-As- . Aacben as Yanks repulse coun­ contest. with sales 01: 3,072 buttons, ago as badly deteated and limping headed by Philip Manouilidis had ~ , : torla's plushy ballroom. Among yesterday as a prelude to hiS ad- terattacks in doomed city. which they must flee quickly or strategic reserve. left. I according to Prot. Louis C. Zopt away. after a battle with Nippon governed the country pending the those who came to hear him were I dress Saturday !"light beiore the be · annihilated, Marshal Stalin For the seventh consecutive day warships. Nimitz, previously list-I arrJval -of the premier. disclosed last night. American heavy bombers attacked the Duke and puchess of Windsor. I foreign policy association here. Third 1'l eeL canler planes of (he college of pharmacy, chall'- fng two of llls mediuJl\.. men-of- Manoullldis, In reviewing hard- 71"\O , ~ sweep Luzon in ncw thrusts iu at Declaring the German people! Pemocratic National Chairman man of tile Homecoming commit- Wllr as d/lmaged" has said the ships surCered by the Greeks dur­ Moscow remained absolutely 111-' the great German city of Cologne. .at!'\Jllllir all' invQl)ion ot PlIil!ppines. Elsewhere along. the front Can­ l'laln coICill have been told II program of de- Robert E. Hannegan tqld e press lee.
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