Miscel.lania Zooloqica 21.1 (1 998) 101 Description of Atelura valenciana n. sp. (Insecta, Zygentoma) and distribution and myrmecophilic relationships of Proa telurina pseudolepisma in the lberian peninsula R. Molero-Baltanás, M. Gaju-Ricart, C. Bach de Roca & L. F. Mendes Molero-Baltanás, R., Gaju-Ricart, M., Bach de Roca, C. & Mendes, L. F., 1998. Description of Atelura valenciana n. sp. (Insecta, Zygentorna)and distribution and rnyrrnecophilic relationships of Proatelurina pseudolepisma in the lberian peninsula. Misc. Zool., 21.1 : 101 -1 18. Description of Atelura valenciana n. sp. (Insecta, Zygentoma) and distribution and myrmecophilic relationships of Proatelurina pseudolepisrna in the lberian peninsu1a.- The description of a new species, Atelura valenciana n. sp., adds to the knowledge of the family Ateluridae in the lberian peninsula and the Balearic lslands and a large nurnber of new data about the second species of this farnily found in the studied area, Proatelurina pseudolepisma (Grassi, 1887). is reported. This is the first time that the genus Atelura has been reported in Spain and significant eco-biological data are included. The possibility of parthenogenesis in sorne FI pseudolepisma populations and their distribution are analysed, and the rnyrrnecophilous relationships in both species are studied. Key words: Ateluridae, Thysanura, Spain, Atelura valenciana n. sp., Proatelurina pseudolepisma, Myrrnecophily. (Rebut: 16 VI 97; Acceptació condicional: 30 X 97; Acc. definitiva: 10 11 98) Rafael Molero-Baltanás & Miguel Gaju-Ricart, Depto. de Biología Animal (Zoología), Fac. de Ciencias, Univ de Córdoba, E-14005 Córdoba, España (Spain).- Carmen Bach de Roca, Dept. de Biología Animal, Vegetal i Ecología, Fac. de Ciencias, Univ Autónoma de Barcelona, E-08 193 Bella terra, Espanya (Spain).- Luis F: Mendes, Centro de Zoologia do Instituto de Investigac20 Científica Tropical, R. da Junqueira 14, P- 1300 Lisboa, Portugal. This work has been supported by Fauna Ibérica III SEUI-DGICYT PB92-0121 ISSN: 021 1-6529 O 1998 Museu de Zoologia 102 Molero-Baltanás et al. lntroduction In this work, a third species that inhabits a limited region of Spain is described: A. Most Ateluridae species are myrmecophilous valenciana n. sp. or termitophilous. They are mainly found throughout warm regions of the world, spe- cially in humid tropical and equatorial cli- Material and methods mates. The palearctic region is poor in repre- sentatives of this family. Until now only one All material studied in this work was ob- species was known in the lberian peninsula, tained from the Spanish peninsular and the Proatelurina pseudolepisma (Grassi, 1887). In Balearic Islands. The specimens were col- this paper the genus Atelura Heyden, 1855 is lected with an entomological aspirator; then reported for the first time in the aforemen- fixed with 70" alcohol. When taken from tioned area. ants'nests, some Formicidae specimens were According to previous data about the dis- also collected. tribution of the genus Atelura, it occurs in The taxonomic studies were carried out Central and Eastern Europe and is represented as usual: the specimens were dissected and by two species: A. formicaria Heyden, 1855, mounted in Tendeiro medium for micro- widespread from France to Crimea and A. scopic observation. montana (Stach, 1922). from the Balkans. Some antennal features were studied un- ' Distribución de Atelura valenciana sp. n. en la península ibérica: @ Localidades donde se encontró en hormigueros; Localidades donde fue encontrada sin hormigas. Miscel.lania Zooloqica 21.1 (1998) der Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM); acteristic sexual dimorphism: in males this arti- the specimens were dehydrated with abso- cle shows a digitiform apophysis (figs. 2B-D, 6). lute alcohol, critica1 point dried and coated This process is slightly bent and thumb-shaped with gold. in a lateral view of the head; frontally the apical part is clearly thinner than the basal portion, but the bending can not be ob- Results served (fig. 28). There is an elliptical to oval pit in the basal region of the apophysis, show- Atelura valenciana n. sp. (figs. 1-6) ing a modified integument where 10-12 small setae are inserted. There are 5-8 macrochaetae Studied material (fig. 1) on the basal, one on the apical and two in Type material. Holotype (d), allotype (9) and the external-medial part. The top of the proc- paratypes (Id + 29) from Mogente (Valen- ess widely exceeds the pedicellus, reaching 314 cia), road to Navalón, pine-tree forest, in a of the first segment of the flagellum in big nest of Camponotus sylvaticus, 26 IV 92, Ref. specimens (in young males it is shorter but 21374. Deposited in Museo Nacional de the chaetotaxy is typical). Galea having one Ciencias Naturales in Madrid, Collection single apical cone (fig. 2E). Last article of the number: 12263. maxillary palp clearly longer than the others, Paratypes. All in the authors' collection apically provided with several papillae. Labial in the University of Córdoba except: CZ. L. F. palp with elongated last article (fig. 2F). show- Mendes; UAB. C. Bach de Roca. Alicante, ing six papillae in a triangular arrangement Calpe, 13 IV 92, 19 in a nest of Messor (3+2+1). barbarus, with Neoasterolepisma foreli, N. Thorax. Without special features. Hind legs gauthieri and N. spectabilis, Ref. 21 357; as in figure 2G. Medial claw of the praetarsus Jávea, 13 IV 92, 19 with Aphaenogaster (empodium) smaller than the lateral ones gibbosa, Ref. 21 382; Pego, 13 IV 92, 1d + (fig. 2H); these bearing a membranous pro- 19, Ref. 21346 (UAB). Valencia, Ayora, trusion reaching the basal half of the claw. 26 IV 92, 1d with Lasius niger, Ref. 21 359; Abdomen. lnfralateral areas of urotergites Barx, 49 with C. sylvaticus, Ref. 21361; Bicorp, 1-VIII provided with 2+2 strong isolated 26 IV 92, 29 with M. barbarus and N. macrochatae (the interna1 macrochatae usu- spectabilis, Ref. 21348; Estubeny, 26 IV 92, ld ally longer) and 2-5 tiny, shorter, externa1 with Tetramorium semilaeve, Ref. 21 501 (CZ); setae of variable relative length and thickness Montroi, 27 IV 92, 1 juvenile with A. gibbosa (fig. 3). The distance between the lateral and and N. curtiseta, Ref. 21473. infralateral macrochaetae is also variable. Moreover, each tergite has very small hairs on Description the medial part of the hind border. Tergite Body. Typical shape, oval-fusiform (atelu- lXth only with 1+1 long and strong setae on riform), thorax wider and slightly shorter than the infralateral part. The shape of the Xth the abdomen. Body length: holotype, urotergite is trapezoidal but strongly exca- 5.75 mm; allotype, 6 mm; maximum observed. vated posteriorly (figs. 4A-4D). longer than in 6.2 mm. The females are usually slightly big- other species of the genus (its length, meas- gerthan males. Thorax length: 2-2.2 mm. Tho- ured from the basis to a posterolateral corner, rax width: 1.6-1.9 mm. Maximum conserved is equal or slightly longer than half the basal length in the antennae: 1.7 mm. Terminal width of the tergite); the concavity is also filaments very short, rnaximum length taken deeper. Its lateral margins are slightly conver- in a cercus: 0.8 mrn; 1.2 mm in the paracercus. gent, nearly parallel if compared with A. Epidermal pigment nearly absent, sometimes montana and A. formicaria. It is provided with a yellowish tonality. Typical golden scales with 1+1 strong macrochaetae on its postero- (fig. 2A). giving the insect a uniform yellow- lateral corners. In males it also bears 1+1 fields ish colour, sometimes lighter ventrally. of 20-30 pegs, fewer in young specimens. The Head. Without special features, nearly lack- shape of this field is very elongated (more ing setae except in the clypeus, labrus and than four times longer than wide) and rela- the frons in the part close to the clypeus. tively variable but never as ovoid as in the Antennae short, pedicellus showing a char- other Atelura species. 104 Molero-Baltanás et al. A ura otow e. 5. owt.n. tse apop tontotyle lateral urea t0:rfie t .arat ististu lamo pisytory as re:509::145 gote; aoi tOtatspl ate uta valgittoanos gama: ly 1:0 mostrandoapfisis, vvista rronta un parara vi la ra! Girada o 001 fmt ::antortori rtOyosi; p$: reyarso: $100:: Miscel.lania Zoologica 21.1 (1998) 105 Fig. 3. Urotergal chaetotaxy of Atelura valenciana n. sp., Allotype: A. Urotergite 1; B. Urotergite II; C. Urotergite V; D. Urotergite VII; E. Urotergite VIII. Holotype: F. Urotergite 1; G. Urotergite 111; H. Urotergite V (only the setae sockets figured). Paratype: l. Urotergite 1; J. Urotergite V. (Scale: 0.1 mm.) Quetotaxia urotergal de Atelura valenciana sp. n., Alotipo: A. Uroterguito 1; B. Uroterguito 11; C. Uroterguito V; D. Uroterguito VI/; E. Uroterguito VI//. Holotipo: F: Uroterguito 1; G. Uroterguito 111; H. Uroterguito V (~610son visibles las inserciones de las sedas). Paratipo: l. Uroterguito 1; J. Uroterguito V: (Escala: O, 1 mm.) Molero-Baltanás et al. Urosternites Il-IX with a pair of stylets, posterior excavation in A. montana is not so those of the second urosternite placed deep as in the new species (fig. 7D) and the very close to the sagittal line, only sepa- lateral margins are not so parallel. This exca- rated by the eversible vesicles. The number vation in A. valenciana n. sp. is similar to A. of setae inserted in these vesicles ranges formicaria but slightly deeper; in addition, from one to three (figs. 4E-G), sometimes the lateral margins are more convergent in showing an asymmetrical pattern (1+2 or the latter (fig. 7C). The lengthlwidth ratio of 1+3); there are also 1+1 setae inserted this tergite is usually higher in both sexes of above the vesicles. lnfralateral part of the A. valenciana n. sp. urosternites as in figure 4H.
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