War Ends, Bengal Bags GI Tag for Rosogolla

War Ends, Bengal Bags GI Tag for Rosogolla

C M Y K Unflattering first place P16 KOLKATA, WEDNESDAY 15 NOVEMBER 2017 THUMBNAILS War ends, Bengal bags GI tag for Rosogolla West Bengal quoted 19-century history to c l a i m r o s o g o l l a w a s i nvented by Nabin Chandra Das in 1868, CM t w e e t s i t s s w e e t n e w s for us all STATESMAN NEWS SERVICE ⇢⌘⌦⇣⌅⇥⇧⌃ ⌅⇥⌅⇣⌘⌃ ,✓⇤ ⌘ ◆⇤⌅⌥⌃⌥⌅⇣⇤⌃⌦⌦⇧⌦↵ ⌘⇣⌃⌥⇥⇤⌃⌘⌥⇤⌅⌅⌦⇥+" (*⇣⌃⌥⌘⇣ $⌥⌅.⌃⌥⇤⌥⌘⌥⌥⇥⌃$⌥⌅.! KOLKATA, 14 NOVEMBER ⇣--⌥.⌃$⌦⌥⌃⌥⌅⇤⌃⌥⌃⌦⌦↵ ⌥⌃⌦⌘⌅⇧⌅⇥⌥⇣⇤⌃⌅⇥⌃2 ⌘⌅⌃⌥⇥⇤⌃⌅⌃ ⌥ ⌥⇢⇢✏⌃⌥⌃% ⌅⇣⌃⌥⌃✓⇣⇣⇥ ⇣⇣⌦⇢⌫⌃⌥⌅⇤⌃⇣⌃⇡⌧⌃⌥ ⇧⌦⌥⌃⌅⌃⇠⇣⇥⇧⌥!⌃⌅⇥⇤⌅⇧⇣⇥⌦ ⌅⇥⌅⌅⌥✏⌃ .⇥⌦ ⇥⌃ ⌥⌃ Kheer MOMENTS OF PRIDE ⇤⌦⇥⇣⌃⌦⌃⇠⇣⇥⇧⌥⌫+⌃⇣⌃⌥⌅⇤"⌃ ⌥⌃⌥⌃⌥⇢⇢✏⌃⇥⇣ "⌃(⇣⌘✏✓⌦⇤✏ ⇥⇤⌅⇥⇧⌃ ⌥⌃ ⌦↵⌥⇥⇤↵⌥↵ ⇣⇣⌃⌥⇥⇤⌃⌘ ⇣⇤⌃⌥⌃⇤⇣⇢⌅⇣ Mohona ⌥⇥⇤⌃ ⌅⌃ ⌥⇣⌘⌃ ⌦⇥ 0⇣⌃⌦⇥⇣⌅⌦⇥⌥⌘⌅⇣⌃⌅⇥⌃⇣ .⇥⌦ ⌃⌦⌦⇧⌦⌥⌃⌦⌘⌅⇧⌅⇥⌥⇣⇤ ⌥↵✏⇣⌥⌘⌃ ⌦⇥⇧⌃ ✓⌥⇣ ✓⇣⌅⇥⇧⌃⌅⌃⌥⌦ ⌘⌅⇣⌃ ⇣⇣⌫⌃⇣ ⌥⇣⌃⌦⌃✓⇣⌃.⇥⌦ ⇥⌃⌥⌃Pahala ⌥⇣⌃⌥⌘⇣⌃⌦⇢⇣ ⌃⌥⌃⇣⌃⇡⌧ ⌅⇥⌃⇠⇣⇥⇧⌥⌃⌥⇥⇤⌃⇥⌦ ⌃ ⌅⌃⇣⌃⇡⌧ ⌅⌃◆⇤⌅⌥⌃⌦⇣⌘⌃⇣ ⌅⌃ ⇥⌥✓⇣⌃⌦⌃⇣⌥⌃⌦⌦⇧⌦⌥⌃⇤ ⇣ Rosogolla"⌃⌧⇥⌃⌥⌫⌃⇣⌃◆⇤⌅⌥ ⌥⇧⌃⌥✏⌃✓⌘⌅⇥⇧⌃⌅⇥⌃⌦⌘⇣⌃✓ ⌅↵ ⌥⇧⌃⌅⌃⌥⌃✓⇣⇣⇥⌃⌘⌥⌅⌅⇣⇤⌃⌦⌘⌥✏⌫+ ⌦⌘⌅⇧⌅⇥⌃ ⌦⌃ ⌦⌦⇧⌦⌥⌫ ⌦⌃⌅⇧⌃ ⇧⌥⌘⌃⇣⇣"⌃/⇣⌃⌥⇥.⇣⇤ ⇧⌦⇣⌘⇥⇣⇥⌃⇣⇣⇥⌃ ⇣⇥⌃⌥⇣⌥⇤ ⇥⇣⌃ ⌦⌘⌃ ⇣"⌃ $⌦⌃ ⌦⌃ ⇣ ⇣⌃⌥⌅⇤" ⇠⇣⇥⇧⌥⌃⌥⌃⌅⇥⌥✏⌃✓⌥⇧⇧⇣⇤⌃⇣ ⇣⌃ ⇡⌧⌃ ⇣⇧⌅⌘✏⌃ ⌥ ⌦⌘⌅⌅⇣ ⌦⌃⇤⇣⌥⌘⇣⌃:5⌃; ✏⌃⌥⌃Rosogol- ⌘⇣⇥⌦ ⇥⇣⇤⌃ ⇣⇣⌃ ⌦⇢⌃ ⌅↵ /⌥⌅⇥⇧⌃✓⌥⇧⇧⇣⇤⌃⇣⌃⇡⌧⌃⌥⇧ ⇡⇣⌦⇧⌘⌥⇢⌅⌥⌃⌧⇥⇤⌅⌥⌅⌦⇥⌃⇡⌧ ⌦⌘⌃✓⇣⌦ ⌅⇥⇧⌃⇣⌃⌥ ⌃⌦⌃⇠⇣⇥↵ la Dibasa"⌃ ⇥⇣⇣⇤⌃⌥⇥⌃⌅⇥⌘⇣⌥⇣⌃⌅⇥⌃⇣⌃⌥⇣ ⌦⌘⌃ ⌦⌦⇧⌦⌥⌫⌃ ⌦⇣⌃ ⌦⌃ ⇣ ⌥⇧⌃ ⇣⌘⇣✓✏⌃ ⇣⌃ ⇣⇣⌃ ⌥ ⇧⌥"⌃(0⌅⌃⌅⌃⌥⇥⌃⌦⌥⌅⌦⇥⌃⌦⌃⇢⌘⌅⇤⇣ ◆⇤⌅⌥⌃⇧⌦⇣⌘⇥⇣⇥!⌃⌥⌅ ⌦⌃ ⌦⌦⇧⌦⌥⌃ ⌦⌦ ⌅⇥⇧⌃ ⇣ ⇣⇣⌃⌘⌦⌃⇣⌃⇤⌅⌘⌅⌃⇥⌥⇣↵ Three kilogram gold seized ✓⇣⇣⇥⌃⌥⇤⇣⌃✏⇥⌦⇥✏⌦ ⌃ ⌅ ⌥⇥⇤⌃%⌦✏⌃⌦⌘⌃⇣⌃⇢⇣⌦⇢⇣⌃⌦⌃⇣ ⌥⌃⌥⇣⇥⇧⇣⇤⌃✓✏⌃⌅⌃⇠⇣⇥⇧⌥ ⇥⇣ ⌃⌦⇤⌥✏"⌃ ✏⌃Monohara ⌘⌦⌃;⌦⇥⌥⌅⌃⌥⇥⇤ by police at the NSC Bose ⇣⌃⌥⇣!⌃⌅⇤⇣⇥⌅✏"⌃ ⌥⇣⌫+⌃⇣⌃⌥⌅⇤" ⌦ ⇥⇣⌘⇢⌥⌘⌫⌃ ⌦⌃ ✓⌅⇣⇤ *⇣⌃⇠⇣⇥⇧⌥⌃⇧⌦⇣⌘⇥⇣⇥ Jolbhora Sandesh ⌘⌦⌃#⌥⇥↵ International Airport in #⌅⇣⌃ ⌅⇥⌅⇣⌘⌃ $⌥⌥⌥ 0⇣⌃⌥⇥⌥⇧⌅⇥⇧⌃⇤⌅⌘⇣⌦⌘⌃⌦ ⌥⌃⇣⌃⌅⌦⌘✏⌃⌦⌃⇣⌃ ⇣⇣ � In 2016, Burdwan's mihidana and sitabhog bagged GI @ ⌦⇣⇤⌃6<↵⇣⇥ ⌘✏⌃⌅⌦⌘✏⌃⌦ ⇤⌥⇥⇥⌥⇧⌥⌘⌃⌅⇥⌃/⌦⌦⇧✏⌃⌥⌘⇣⌃⇣ Kolkata on Tuesday. � SNS ⇠⌥⇥⇣⌘%⇣⇣⌫⌃ ⌦⌃⌅⌃⌥⌃⇢⌘⇣⇣⇥⌃⌅⇥ *⇣⌃⇠⇣⇥⇧⌥⌃1⌦⌦⇤⌃2⌘⌦⇣⌅⇥⇧ ⇤⌥⇣⇤⌃ ✓⌥.⌃ ⌦⌃ 6<⌃ ⇣⇥ ⌘✏ status. ⌥⌅⌃⇣⌃⌘⌦⌦⇧⌦⌥⌃ ⌥⌃⌅⇥⇣⇥↵ ⌦⌃⌦⌦ ⌃⇣⌃⇢⌥"⌃ &⌦⇥⇤⌦⇥⌫⌃ ⇣⇣⇣⇤'⌃() ⇣⇣⌃⇥⇣ ⌥⇥⇤⌃ /⌦⌘⌅ ⌘⇣⌃ 3⇣⇣⌦⇢↵ ⇣⇥⌃⌅⌃ ⌥⌃⌅⇥⇣⇥⇣⇤⌃✓✏⌃=⌥✓⌅⇥ � In 2014-15, the tag was bagged by Joynagar moa. ⇣⇤⌃✓✏⌃=⌥✓⌅⇥⌃#⌥⇥⇤⌘⌥⌃3⌥⌫⌃⌥ $⇣⌥⇥ ⌅⇣⌫⌃⌥⇣⌃⌅⇣⇥⇣ Man injured: A 42-year-old ⌦⌘⌃ ⌃⌥"⌃*⇣⌃⌥⌘⇣⌃⇣⌘✏⌃⌥⇢⇢✏ ⇣⇥⌃#⌦⌘⇢⌦⌘⌥⌅⌦⇥⌃ ⌅⌃⌦⇣ #⌥⇥⇤⌘⌥⌃3⌥⌫⌃⌥⌃⌥⌦ ⌃ ⇣⇣↵ ⌥⌦ ⌃ ⇣⇣⇣⌥⌃⌥.⇣⌘⌫⌃⌅⇥ ⌥⇥⇤⌃⇣⇥⌦⌦⇧✏⌃⌅⇥⌅⇣⌘⌃2⌥⌘⌥ man, Sujoy Chowdhury, ⌥⇥⇤⌃⇢⌘⌦ ⇤⌃⌥⌃⇠⇣⇥⇧⌥⌃⌥⌃✓⇣⇣⇥ ⇣⌃ ⇣⌘⌅⌅⇣⇤⌃ ⌦⇢✏⌃ ⌦⌃ ⇣⌃ ⇡⌧ ⇣⌥⌃⌥.⇣⌘"⌃⇠⇣⇥⇧⌥⌃⇧⌦⇣⌘⇥↵ � In 2011-12, baluchari and Dhaniakhali sarees were includ- 6>9>"(⌧⌃⌅⌃⌥⌃⌅⌦⌘⌅⌃ ⌅⇥⌃⌦⌘⌃⇠⇣⇥↵ #⌥⇣⌘%⇣⇣⌃⌦⇥⌃⇣⌃⌅⇤⇣⌅⇥⇣⌃⌦ was injured when the ⇧⌘⌥⇥⇣⇤⌃ ⇡⌧⌃ ⌥ ⌃ ⌦⌘⌃ ⌦⌦↵ ⇢⌥⇣⇥⌃⌘⌦⌃#⇣⇥⇥⌥⌅"⌃ ⇣⇥⌃⌥⇣⇤⌃⌥⌃3⌥⌃⌅⇥⇣⇥↵ ed in the GI list, while in 2009-10 Santipur saree got it. ⇧⌥⌃ ⌥⌃ ⇣⇣⌘✏⌦⇥⇣⌃ .⇥⌦ ⌃ ⇣ ⌥⌃#⌅⇤⌘⇣⇥!⌃3⌥✏⌃⇢⌘⌦⇧⌘⌥⇣ ⇧⌦⌥"+⌃ 0⇣⌃⇧⌦⇣⌘⇥⇣⇥⌃⌦⌃⇠⇣⇥↵ ⇣⇤⌃⌦⌦⇧⌦⌥⌃⌅⇥⌃6>9>"⌃ ⌥⇣⌃ ⌅⌃ ⇣⌃ ⌘⇣⌥⌦⌘⌃ ⌦⌃ ⇣ ⌥⌅⇤'⌃(0⌅⌃ ⇧⌃⌦⌃ ⌥⌘⌃✓⇣ ⇣⇣⇥ scooter he was riding on � was hit by an onrushing ,⌃⇣⇥⌅⌦⌘⌃⌦⌅⌅⌥⌃⌦⌃⇣⌃⌅↵ ⇧⌥⌃⌥⇥⇤⌃◆⇤⌅⌥⌃⇧⌦⌃⌅⇥⌦⌃⌥⌃✓⌥↵ $⌘⌃3⌅⌥⇥⌃3⌥⌫⌃⇤⌅⌘⇣⌦⌘ In 2008-09 three varieties of mangoes namely fazli, him- ⌦⌦⇧⌦⌥⌫+⌃ ⌥⌅⇤⌃ ,⌅⌥✓⌥ ⇠⇣⇥⇧⌥⌃⌥⇥⇤⌃◆⇤⌅⌥⌃ ⌥⌃ ⇥⌘⇣⌥↵ ⇣⇥⇣⌃⌥⇥⇤⌃⇣⇥⌦⌦⇧✏⌃⇤⇣⇢⌥⌘↵ ⇣⌃⌦⇣⌘⌃⇣⌃⌦⌘⌅⇧⌅⇥⌃⌦⌃⌦⌦⇧⌦⌥ ⌦⌃ ?#⌃ 3⌥⌃ 2⌘⌅⌥⇣⌃ &⇤⌃⌥⇥⇤ sagar and lakshman bhog and Santiniketan leather goods 3⇣✏⌫⌃⌥⇥⌃⇣8⇣ ⌅⇣⌃⌦⌅⇣⇣ ⌦⇥⌥✓⇣⌃⇣⇢⇣⌅⌥✏⌃⌅⇥⇣⌃⌦⌦↵ vehicle on RB connector at got the GI tag. Siemens crossing leaving ⇣⇥⌃⌥⌅⇤⌃⌥⌃⇣⌃⇡⇣⌦⇧⌘⌥⇢↵ ⌅⇥⇣⌃4567"⌃0⇣⌃✓⌥⇣⌃ ⌘⇥⇣⇤ ⇧⌘⇣⌥⌃⇧⌘⌥⇥⇤⌦⇥⌃⌦⌃=⌥✓⌅⇥⌃#⌥⇥↵ ⇣✓⇣⌘⌃⌦⌃ ⇣⇣⌦⇢⌃⌦ ⇥↵ ⇧⌦⌥⌃⌥⌃⌥ ⌥✏⌃✓⇣⌦⇥⇧⇣⇤⌃⌦ him severely injured. He ⌅⌥⌃ ⌧⇥⇤⌅⌥⌅⌦⇥⌃ ⇣⇧⌅⌘✏⌃ ⌦ ✓⌅⇣⌘⌃⌥⇣⌘⌃◆⇤⌅⌥!⌃⌅⇣⇥⇣⌃⌥⇥⇤ ⇤⌘⌥⌃ 3⌥⌃ ⌥⇥.⇣⇤⌃ ⇣⌃ ⌅⇣ � In 2007-08 nakshikatha got the GI tag, while in 2004- ⇣⌘⌃a2⌥⌅⌃⇠⌥⇥⇧⌥⌃$⌅⌥⇥⇥⌥ ⇠⇣⇥⇧⌥"+⌃ was rushed to Ruby State ⌧⇥⇤⌅⌥⌃⌅⇥⌃#⇣⇥⇥⌥⌅⌃⌥⌃⇧⌘⌥⇥⇣⇤ ⇣⇥⌦⌦⇧✏⌃ ⇤⇣⇢⌥⌘⇣⇥⌃ ⇣ ⌅⇥⌅⇣⌘⌃⌦⌘⌃⇣⌘⌃⇣⌦⌘⌃⌅⇥⌃✓⌥⇧↵ 05, the status was bagged by Darjeeling Tea. ⇠✏⌥✓⌥⌥✏⇣⇣⌃)⌥⌅✏!"⌃/⌅⌃ ⇣⇣↵ ,⇧⌘⌅ ⌘⇣⌃ ⌅⇥⌅⇣⌘⌃ ⌥⇥⇤ General Hospital. SNS ⇣⌃⇡⌧⌃⇢⌥⇣⇥⌃⌦⌃⇠⇣⇥⇧⌥⌃⌥⇣⌘ ⇢⌃⌥⌃⌦⌅⇣⇣⌃⌦⌃⌅⇥⇤⌃⇣⌃⌦⌘⌅↵ ⇧⌅⇥⇧⌃⇣⌃⇡⌧⌃⌥ "⌃($⌅⌃⇠⌥⇥⇣⌘↵ ⌦⇢⌃a1⇣ ⌃$⌦⇤⌥.!⌫⌃ ⌅⌃ ↵ ⌦⌘⇣⌘⌃⌅⇣⇥⇣⌃⌥⇥⇤⌃⇣⇥⌦⌦↵ ⌥⌃⌦⌘⌦ ⇧⌃ ⇤✏⌃⌥⇥⇤⌃⌅⌃ ⌥ ⇧⌅⇥⌃⌦⌃⇣⌃ ⇣⇣⌃⌥⇥⇤⌃⇣⌃⌥↵ %⇣⇣⌃ ⌥.⇣⇤⌃ ⌃ ⌦⌃ ✓⌅⌃ ⌥ ⌥✏⌃⇣⌃⇣⇣⇥⌃⌦⌘⌃⇣⌅⇧⌃✏⇢⇣ ⇧✏⌃ ⌅⇥⌅⇣⌘⌃ ,⌅⌃ ⇠⌥⇥⇣⌘%⇣⇣ ⌘⇣⇣⌥⇣⇤⌃⌥⌃⇣⌃ ⇣⇣⌃⌅⇥⇤⇣⇣⇤ ⇣⌘⌃ ⌘⇣⇣⌥⇣⇤⌃ ⌥⌃ ⇣⌘⇣⌃ ⌥ ⇤⌦ ⇣⇥⌃ ⌦⌃ % ⌅✏⌃⌥ ⇤⇣⌥⇤⇣"⌃*⇣⌃⇢⌘⌦⌅⇤⇣⇤⌃⌥⌃⇣ ⌥⌅⇤⌃$⌘⌃3⌥"⌃⌃ ⌦⌃⌦⌦⇧⌦⌥⌫⌃⌅⌃⌅.⇣✏⌃⌦⌃⇣⇣ ⌥⌅⇤⌃⌥⌃⌥⌃⇣⌃⌘⇣⇣⌥⇥⌃⇤⌦ ↵ TET application: Applica- ⌦⌘⌅⇧⌅⇥⌥⇣⇤⌃⌘⌦⌃⇠⇣⇥⇧⌥⌃⌥⇥⇤⌃⇥⌦ ⇣⇥⌦ ⇧⌃ ⇣⌅⇤⇣⇥⇣⌃ ⌦⌃ ⇢⌘⌦⇣ =⌥✓⌅⇥⌃#⌥⇥⇤⌘⌥⌃3⌥⌃ ⌥⌃⇣ ⇥⇣⇣⌥⌘✏⌃⇢⌥⇢⇣⌘"⌃0⌦⇤⌥✏⌃ ⇣⌃⌥⌘⇣ ⇡⌥⇥⇧ ⌘⌥!⌃⌦ ⇥⇣⌘⌃⌥⌃;⌅ ⌥⌃⌘⌅⇣⌃⌅⇥⌃⌅⌃⌥⇣⌃⌦⇤⌥✏⌫⌃⇣⌃⌥⌅⇤" ⇣⇥⌃ ⇣⌘⇣⌃⌦⇣⇣⇤⌫⌃⇤⌦ ↵ tion for Teacher Eligibility ◆⇤⌅⌥"⌃⌃ ⌥⌃⌦⌦⇧⌦⌥⌃⇣8⌅⇣⇤⌃⌅⇥⌃⇣ ⌅⇥⇣⇥⌦⌘⌃⌦⌃⇣⌃ ⇣⇣"⌃*⇣⌃⌥⌘⇣ ⇧⌘⌥⇣ ⌃⌦⌃$⌅⌃⇠⌥⇥⇣⌘%⇣⇣⌃⌦⌘ ⌥⌅⇤⌃⌥⌃⌦⌦⇧⌦⌥⌃⌅⌃⇥⌦⌃⌦⇥✏ $⌃2⌦⇢✏⌃$⌥⌅.⌫⌃⌦⇥⇣⌃⌦ ⇣⇥⇣⇤⌃⌥⇥⇤⌃⇣⇣⇤B⌃⇣⌃⌅⌦⌘✏ Test (TET), 2017 has again *⇣⇥⌃⌦⇥⌥⇣⇤⌫⌃⌥⇣⌃⌦⌦⇤ ⌥⇣⌃⌦⌘⌃⇣⌃⇢⌥⌃955⌃✏⇣⌥⌘"⌃ ⌅⇥⌃ ⇣⌃ ✓ ⌅⇥⇣⌃ ⌦⌘⌃ ⇣⇣⌘⌥ ⌥.⌅⇥⇧⌃ ⇢⌃ ⌃⌥⇥⌃⌅⇥⌅⌅⌥⌅⇣⌫+ ⌥⌃ ⇣⇣⌃✓ ⌃⌥⌃⇢⌥⌘⌃⌦⌃(⌦ ⌘⌃ ↵ ⇣⌃ ⌦ ⇥⇣⌘⌃ ⌦⌃ ⇣⌃a⇠⌥⌥⌘⌥ ⌅⌃⌦⌘⌃⌥⌃⇣⌃⇢⇣⌦⇢⇣⌃⌦⌃⇠⇣⇥⇧⌥" been opened by the Pri- mary Education Board. Candidates will be able to apply for TET from 15 No- Dates of Higher Secondary vember. The application Repair work on Tallah tank begins, new HC asks state counsel process will continue till examination rescheduled 30 November, the primary technique to be used to stop leakages to give update on board has said. SNS STATESMAN NEWS SERVICE ⌅⇥⇣⌥⇤⌃⌦⌃E⌃,⇢⌘⌅"⌃⌃,⌦⌘⇤⌅⇥⇧ STATESMAN NEWS SERVICE ⌥⌃⌅⇤⌃⇣⇣⌃⌦⇥⇣⌃⌥⇥⇤⌃⌦⌃ ⌅⌃✓⇣ ⌘⇣⌫⌃ ⌥⇣⌃ ⌥ ⌥✏⌃ ✓⇣⇣⇥⌃ ⌥⇥ KOLKATA, 14 NOVEMBER ⌦⌃⇣⌃⇥⇣ ⌃⌘⌦ ⌅⇥⇣⌫⌃ ⇤⇣⇥ dengue deaths KOLKATA, 14 NOVEMBER ⇣⌃⌦ ⇣⌘⌃✓⌥⇣⌃⌦⌃⇣⌃⌥⇥.⌃⌦ ⌅ ⇣⌃⌥⇥⇤⌃⇥⌦ ⌃ ⇣⌃⌥⌘⇣⌃⌦⇢⌅⇥⇧ ⌅⌃⌥⇢⇢⇣⌥⌘⌃⌦⌘⌃⌦⇣⌘⌅⌥ Cows for poor: State gov- ⌥⌃⌅⌃⌥⇥⌃⌥⌃⌥⇥⌦⇣⌘⌃675 ⌦⌃⌦⇣⌃⌅⌃⌘⌦ ⇧⌃⌅⌃⇥⇣ 0⇣⌃*⇣⌃⇠⇣⇥⇧⌥⌃#⌦ ⇥⌅⌃⌦ ⌥ ⌃ ⌥⇥⇤⌃ ⇢⌘⇣⌅⌅⇥⌥⌘⌅⇣⌃ ⌦ ernment has decided to 0⇣⌃⌘⇣⇢⌥⌅⌘⌃ ⌦⌘.⌃⌦⌘⌃⇣⌃65>↵ ✏⇣⌥⌘"+ ⇣⇥⌦⌦⇧✏⌃ ⌥⇥⇤⌃ ⇢⌘⌦⌅⇤⇣ /⌅⇧⇣⌘⌃)⇣⌦⇥⇤⌥⌘✏⌃8⌥⌅⇥⌥↵ ⌥ ⇤⌅⌅⇥⇧⌫⌃ ⇢⌅⌦⌦⇢✏⌃⌥⇥⇤ STATESMAN NEWS SERVICE ⇥⌅⌥⌃⌥⇥⇤⌃⌅⌃⌘✏⌅⇥⇧⌃⌦⌃⌅⇤⇣⌃⌥⌫ distribute cows to poor ✏⇣⌥⌘↵⌦⇤⌃0⌥⌥⌃⌥⇥.⌃⌥⌃✓⇣⇧ ⇥ $⌘⌃ #⌥⇣⌘%⇣⇣⌃ ⌘⇣⌘ ⌥⌘⌦ ⇥⇤⌃c5⌃⌅⌅⌦⇥⌃⇧⌥⌦⇥⌃⌦ ⌅⌦⇥⌃*⇠#/)⌃⌥⌃⌥⇥⇧⇣⇤ ⌦⌅⌦⌦⇧✏⌃⇣8⌥⌃⌦⇥⌃<⌃,⇢⌘⌅" KOLKATA, 14 NOVEMBER ⌅⌃ ⌥⌃ ⌘⇣⌘⌃ ✓⌅⇣⇤⌃⌥⇥⇤ people as a means to ⌅⇣⌃⇣⌃?$# ⌥✏⌦⌘⌃⌥⌅⇤⌃⌥ ⌥⇤⇤⇣⇤'⌃(0⇣⌃⇣⇥ ⌘✏↵⌦⇤⌃⇢⌅⇢⇣ ⌥⇣⌘⌃⌦⌃⇣⌃⌅⌅-⇣⇥" ⇣⌃⇣⇤ ⇣⌃⌦⌃/⌅⇧⇣⌘⌃)⇣↵ ◆⇥⌃e⌃,⇢⌘⌅⌫⌃⇣8⌥⌃⌦⌘⌃⌦⌥↵ ⌥⌃⇣⌃⌦ ✓⌘⇣⌥.⌃⌦⌃⇤⇣⇥⇧ ⇣ improve their livelihood as ⌥⌃ ⇥⇣ ⌃ ⇣⇥⌅@ ⇣⌃ ⌅⇥⌦⌅⇥⇧ ⌅⌃ ⌦⇢⌘⌅⇣⌃ ⇣⌃ ⌥⌅⇥ (0⇣⌃,⌅⌥⇥⌃3⇣⇣⌦⇢⇣⇥ ⌦⇥⇤⌥⌘✏⌃ ⇣8⌥⌅⇥⌥⌅⌦⇥⌫⌃ 456> ⌅⌦⇥⌥⌃ ✓%⇣⌃⌅.⇣⌃⌥ ⌦⌦↵ 0⇣⌃3⌅⌅⌅⌦⇥⌃⇠⇣⇥⌃⌦⌃⌥⌅⇥⇧ ⌥⌃ ⌘⇣⌥⇣⇤⌃ ⌥⌃ ⇤⌅⌥⌃⇣↵ well as a steady source of ⇣⌃ ⌦⌃ /⇣⌅ ⌃ ⇧⌥⌃ ⌅⌃ ✓⇣ ⇤⌅⌘⌅✓ ⌅⌦⇥⌃ ✏⇣⌃ ⌥⇣ ⇠⌥⇥.⌃,3⇠⌃⌥⌃⌥⌦⇣⇤⌃ ⇥⇤ ⌥⌃⇣⌃⇤⌥⇣⌃ ⇣⌘⇣⌃⌦⇣⌘⌥⇢⇢⌅⇥⇧ ✓⌅⇣⌫⌃⌦⌘⇧⌥⇥⌅⇣⇤⌃⌘⇣⌥⌅⌅⇥⇧⌫⌃⇣ ↵ #⌅⇣⌃; ⌅⇣⌃;✏⌦⌅⌘⌦✏⌃⇠⌥↵ ⇥⌥⌘⌅⌦⌃⌅⇥⌃⇣⌃⌥⇣" nutrition for the rural ⌥⇢⇢⌅⇣⇤⌃⌦⌃⌘⌥.⌃⇣⌥.⌥⇧⇣⌃⌦⌃ ⇣⇣⌘⌥⌃⇣⌥.⌥⇧⇣"⌃0⇣⌘⇣⌃⌅⌃⌦⇥⇣ ⌦⌘⌃⇣⌃⌘⇣⇢⌥⌅⌘⌃ ⌦⌘.⌃⌦⌃⌥⌃ ⇣ ⌅⌃;⌦⌅⇥⌃⇥⌘⌥⇥⇣⌃8⌥⌅↵ ⌘⌅✏⌫⌃⌧0⌃⌥⇥⇤⌃⌧0)⌃ ⌅⌃✓⇣⌃⌦⇥↵ ⌥⌥⌘✏⌥⌃ ⌥⇥⇤⌃ ; ⌅⇣⌃ ,⌘⌅%⌅ &⇣⌃⇣⌃?⌦.⌥⌥⌃$ ⇥⌅⌅⇢⌥ populace. The move that ⌥⇣⌘⌃ ⌥⇣" 65↵⌅⇥⌃ ⇢⌅⇢⇣⌃ ⌥⌃ ⇣8⇣⇥⇤ ⌥⇥⌃ ⇢⇢✏⌃4C↵⌦ ⌘⌃ ⌥⇣⌘⌃⌦ ⇥⌥⌅⌦⇥⌃;⌃$⌥⌅⇥⌫⌃✓⌦⌃⌦ ⇤ ⇣⇤"⌃,⌃⇣⌅⌦⇥⌃⌦⌃⇣⌥⇣⌘ ⇠⌥⇥⇣⌘%⇣⇣⌃ ⌦⌃ #⌥ ⌥⌃ /⌅⇧ #⌦⌘⇢⌦⌘⌥⌅⌦⇥⌃?$#⌃⌥⇣⌃⌦ comes ahead of the pan- 0⇣⌃ ⌥✏⌦⌘⌫⌃ )⌦⌥⇥⌃ #⌥↵ ⌥✓⌦ ⌃ ⌦↵⌥⇥⇤↵⌥↵⌥⌃.⌅⌦↵ ⌥⌘⇤⌃⌦⇥⇣⌃⌦⌃⌅8"⌃,⇢⌥⌘⌃⌘⌦ ⌅⌃ ⌥⌘⇣⌃ ⇣⇤ ⇣⇤⌃ ⌦⌃ ✓⇣ ⇣⇣⌃ ⌥⌃ ⇣⌃ ⇣8⌥⌅⇥⌥⌅⌦⇥ #⌦ ⌘⌃⇤⌅⌘⇣⇣⇤⌃⇣⌃⌥⇣⌃⌦ ⇥↵ ⌃ ⇥⇤⌃⌅⌃⌥⌃⌥⌦⌥⇣⇤ chayat polls is at a time ⇣⌘%⇣⇣⌫⌃⌦⇤⌥✏⌃⌦⇥⌅⌘⇣⇤⌃⌥ ⇣⌘⇣⌃ ⇣⌘⇣⌃ ⌅⇥⇧⌃ ⌥⌃⇥⇣ ⌅⌫⌃ ⇣⌃⌥⌘⇣⌃⇢⌥⇥⇥⌅⇥⇧⌃⌦⌃ ⇢↵ ⌦⇥⇤ ⇣⇤⌃⌅⇥⌃,⇢⌘⌅⌫⌃456>" ⌦ ⇤⌃ ⌥⇣⌃ ✓⇣⇣⇥⌃ ⌅⇤⇣⌥✏ ⇣⌃⌅⇥ ⇤⌅⇥⇧⌃⌥⇤⌦⌥⇣⌃⇧⇣⇥↵ ⌦⌃ ⌅⇧⌃ ⇤⇣⇥⇧ ⇣⌫⌃ ) ✓⌘⌥⌥ when cow is being used as ⌥⌃⌥%⌦⌘⌃⇢⌦⌘⌅⌦⇥⌃⌦⌃⇣⌃0⌥⌥ ⇣⇥⌦⌦⇧✏⌫⌃ ⇣⌃⌥⌘⇣⌃⇧⌦⌅⇥⇧⌃⌦ ⇢✏⌃4C⌃⌦ ⌘⌃ ⌥⇣⌘⌃⌅⇥⌃⌥⌃⇢⌥⌘ 0⇣⌃#⇣⇥⌘⌥⌃⇠⌦⌥⌘⇤⌃⌦⌃)⇣↵ ⌦⇢⇣⇣⇤⌃✓✏⌃:6⌃$⌥⌘⌃⌅.⇣ ⇣⌘⌥⌃?⌅⌦⌘⌃3⌥⌥⌃⌦⇤⌥✏⌃⌦⌃✓⌘⌅⇥⇧ $ .⌦⇢⌥⇤⌥✏⌥⌃ ✓⌅⇣⇤" an effective weapon by ⌥⇥.⌃⌘⇣⇢⌥⌅⌘⌃ ⌦⌘.⌃⌥⌃⌥⌘⇣⌥⇤✏ ⇢ ⇢⌃⇣⌅ ⌃⇧⌥⌃⌅⇥⌅⇤⇣⌃⌅"⌃ ⌦⌃?⌦.⌥⌥⌃⌦⌦⇥"⌃0⇣⌃;⌥⌅⌅⇥⇤ ⌦⇥⇤⌥⌘✏⌃ ⇤ ⌥⌅⌦⇥⌃ #⇠) ⇢⌘⇣⌅⌦ ⌃ ✏⇣⌥⌘"⌃ 0⇣✏⌃ ⌥⌅⇤ ⌥⇥⌃ ⇢⇤⌥⇣⌃⌦⇥⌃⇣⌃⇤⇣⇥⇧ ⇣⌃⇤⇣↵ &⇣⌃⌥⌃⇣⇥⌅⌦⌘⌃⌦⌅⌅⌥⌃⌦⌃=⌥⌅⌦⇥↵ the BJP. State animal ✓⇣⇣⇥⌃ ⇥⇤⇣⌘⌥.⇣⇥"⌃$⌘⌃#⌥↵ (*⇣⇥⌃⇣⌃⇧⌥⌃⌘⇣⌥⇣⌃⇣ ⇢⌥⇥⌃ ⌅⌃⌦⌦⇥⌃ ⇢⇢✏⌃ ⌥⇣⌘ ⌥⌃⇤⇣⌥⌘⇣⇤⌃⌥⌃⌅⌃ ⌅⌃⌦⇥↵ ⌥⌃ ⇣⌃ ⌘⌦ ⌅⇥⇣⌃ ⌦⌃ ⌅⇧⇣⌘ ⌥"⌃ (⌧⌃ ⌦⇣⌃ ⇤⇣⌥⌃ ⌥⇣ ⌥⌃d⇣⌦⌘⌃#⌦⇥⌘⌦⌃⇧⌅⇣⌃⌃⌥⌃⌘⇣⇢⌦⌘ resources development ⇣⌘%⇣⇣⌃⌥⌅⇤'⌃(0⇣⌃⌘⇣⇢⌥⌅⌘⌃ ⌦⌘. ⌦ ⇣⌦⇤⌃ ⌅⌃⌥⌘⇣⌃⌥⌃ ⌦ ⌦⌘⌃4C⌃⌦ ⌘⌃⌦⌃⌥⌘⇣⌥⌃⇣8⇣⇥⇤↵ ⇤ ⌃⇣⌃;⌃$⌥⌅⇥⌃⇣8⌥⌅↵ ⇣⌦⇥⇤⌥⌘✏⌃⇣8⌥⌅⇥⌥⌅⌦⇥⌃⌥ ⌦ ⌘⌘⇣⇤⌃⌥⇣⌘⌃⇣⌃⌅⌅⇥⇧⌃⌦⌃⌥↵ ⌦⇥⌃⇣⌃⇢⌘⇣⌥⌅⌅⇥⇧⌃⌅ ⌥⌅⌦⇥⌃⌅⇥ minister Swapan Debnath ⌦⌘⌃ ⇣⌃ 65>↵✏⇣⌥⌘↵⌦⇤⌃ 0⌥⌥ ⌥⇥⇤⌃ ⌥⌃ ⌥⌃ .⌅⌦⇣⌘⇣⌃⇤⌅↵ ⌅⇥⇧⌃⌅⌃⇡⌥⌘⌅⌥⌃ ⇣⌘⇣⌥⌃⇣⌃;⌦.⌥ ⇥⌥⌅⌦⇥⌃ ⌅⇥⌃ ⇢⇣⇥⌃ ⌥⇥⇤⌃ ⇢⌥⇢⇣⌘ ✓⇣⇣⇥⌃⌥⇥⇧⇣⇤⌃ ⌅⇣⌃⌅⌃✏⇣⌥⌘ ⌅⇤⌥⌅⌫⌃⇣⌃⌅⌃⌥⌦⌃✓⇣⌃⇢⌥⇣⇤⌫+ ⇣⌃⌥⇣⌫⌃⌅⌃ ⌥⌃ ✓⌅⇣⇤" said cow will provide milk ⌥⇥.⌃⌥⌃⌥⌘⇣⌥⇤✏⌃✓⇣⇧ ⇥"⌃0⇣ ⌥⇥⇣⌫⌃ ⇣⌃ ⌅⌃.⇥⌦ ⌃⇣⌃⇧⌥⌃⌥ ⇢⌥⇥⌃⌦⌘⌃ ⌅⌃>55⌃⌘⌦⌘⇣⌃⌥ ⌦⌅⇥⇣⌃ ⌦⇤⇣⌃ ⌦⇥⌃ >⌃ ,⇢⌘⌅ ⌥⇥⇤⌃⌅⌃⌅⌃⌘⇣⌥⌅⇥⇧⌃⌦⇥ ⌅⌦⇥ ⇣⌃⇠⇣⇥⌃⇤⌅⌘⇣⇣⇤⌃⇤ ⌘⌅⇥⇧⌃⇣ 0⇣⌃⌦ ⌘⌃⌦ ⇤⌃⌥⌃⌦⌘ that can be sold and con- ⇤⌅⌘⌅✓ ⌅⌦⇥⌃✏⇣⌃⌘⌦⌃⌅ ⌥⇥⌥⇧⇣⇤⌃⌦⌃⌘⇣⌥⌃⇣⌘⇣⌃⌥⇥⇤ ✓⇣⇣⇥⌃ ⇢⇣⇥⌃ ⌅⌃ ⇢⇢✏⌃ 47 456>"⌃0⇣⌃⌦ ⇥⌅⌃⌥⌃⇥⌦⌅↵ ⇣⇢⇣⌅⌥✏⌃ ⌥⌦⇥⇧⌃ ⇣⌃ ↵ ⇣⌥⌘⌅⇥⇧⌃⌦⌃⌥⌃2 ✓⌅⌃⌧⇥⇣⌘⇣⌃&⌅↵ ⇣⌃⌘⇣⌦⌘⇤⌃⌦⌃⌦⇣⌃ ⌦⌃⌥⇣ sumed. CM Mamata Baner- ⌥⇥.⌃ ⌅⌃ ⇢⌘⌦⌅⇤⇣⌃ 4C↵⌦ ⌘ ⇣⌃ ⌅⌃⇣⇥⌃⌥⌘⌃⌦ ⌘⌃⌥⇥⌥✏↵ ⌅⌅⌦⇥⌃⇧⌥⌦⇥⌃⌘⌦⌃⇣⌃⇡⌥⌘↵ ⌅⇣⇤⌃⌥⌃⇣⌃⇣8⌥⌅⇥⌥⌅⌦⇥⌃⌦ ⇤⇣⇥⌃⌦⌃⌅⇣⇥⇣⌃⌘⇣⌥⌃ ⌦ ⌅⇧⌥⌅⌦⇥⌃2⌧&⌃⌦⇥⌃⇣⌃⇣⇢⌃⌦ ⇤⌅⇣⇤⌃⌦⌃⌅⇧⌃⇣⇣⌘⌫⌃&⌦.⇥⌥ jee has taken an initiative ⌥⇣⌘⌃ ⇢⇢✏⌃⌦⌃ ⌥⌘⇤⌃⌦⇥⇣⌃⌦ ⌅⌃✓✏⌃⌥.⌅⇥⇧⌃⌥⌃65⌃⌃⌦⇣ ⇤⇣⇥⌃⇣⌥⌃⇢⌥⇥⌃⌦⌦⇥"⌃1⌦⌘⌃⇣ ⌥⇣⌥⌅⌫⌃ ⌅⌦⌘✏⌫⌃ ⇢✏↵ ⌅⌃ ⌥⇢⇢⇢⇣⌥⌘⌃ ⌦⌘⌃ ⇥⌥⌅⌦⇥⌥ ⌥.⇣⌃⇤⇣⇥⇧ ⇣" #⌥⇣⌘%⇣⇣⌃ ✓⌅⇣⇤"⌃/⌥⇤ to distribute oxen, ducks, ⌅8⌃ ⇥⇤⇣⌘⌃⇣⌃?⌦.⌥⌥⌃$ ⇥⌅↵ ⌥⇣⌘⌃⇣⇣⌘✏⌃⌘⇣⇣⌃⇣⌘⇣⌃⌥⇥⇤ ⌘⇣⌃⌦⌃?⌦.⌥⌥⌫⌃ ⇣⌃⌥⌘⇣⌃ ⌦⌘.↵ ⌦⌦⇧✏⌫⌃⌥⇥⌘⌦⇢⌦⌦⇧✏⌃ ⌥⇥⇤ ⇣⇣⌃⇣⇥⌘⌥⇥⇣⌃⇣8⌥⌅⇥⌥⌅⌦⇥"⌃ (0⇣⌃ ⌥⇣⌃ ⇧⌦⇣⌘⇥⇣⇥ ⇣⌃⌥⇣⌃⇧⌦⇣⌘⇥⇣⇥!⌃⇣⌥↵ goats and hens in a bid to ⌅⇢⌥⌃#⌦⌘⇢⌦⌘⌥⌅⌦⇥⌃?$#"⌃*⌦⌘. ⇣⌃⇣⌃⇣⌥⌘⌃⌦⌃⌅⇥⇤⌃⌦ ⌃⇣ ⌅⇥⇧⌃ ⌦⇥⌃ ⌥⌃ ⇢⌘⌦%⇣⌃ ⌦⌃ ⇢⇢✏ ⌥⇧⌘⌦⇥⌦✏⌃ ⌅⌃✓⇣⌃⌦⇥⇤ ↵ 2⌘⇣⌅⌦ ✏⌫⌃⇣⌃⌥⇣⌃⇧⌦↵ ⌥⌃⇥⌦⌃⌥⇥⇥⇣8⇣⇤⌃⌥⇥✏⌃⇤⌦ ↵ ⌘⇣⌃ ✓⇣⇣⇥⌃ ⇣⇣⌅⇣⌫⌃ ⇣⇥ empower the rural popula- ⌥⌃ ✓⇣⇣⇥⌃ ⌥.⇣⇥⌃ ⇢⌃ ⌅⇥⌃ ⌦⇥⇣↵ ⌥⌦ ⇥⌃⌦⌃⇣⌅ ⌃⇢⌘⇣⇣⇥"⌃*⇣ ⌥⇣⌘⌃⌦⌘⌃⌥⇣⌥⌃64⌃⌦ ⌘⌃⌦⌘ ⇣⇤⌃⌦⇥⌃4⌃,⇢⌘⌅⌫⌃456>⌃⌅⇥⇣⌥⇤⌃⌦ ⇣⌘⇥⇣⇥⌃⇣⌥⇣⌘!⌃⌥⌦⌅⌥⌅⌦⇥ ⇣⇥⌃⌅⇥⌃ ⇢⇢⌦⌘⌃⌦⌃⌅⌃⌥⌅⇤⌥⌅ ⇤⇣⇥⇧ ⇣⌃ ⌦ ⇤⌃⇥⌦⌃⌥⇣⌃⇢⌥✏⇣⇤ tion. Birbhum TMC leader ⌦ ⌘⌃⇢⌥⌘⌃⌦⌃⇣⌃⌥⇥.⌃ ⌅ ⌅⌃⇣⇥⌃⇣⌥ ⌘⇣⌃⌅⌃ ⌅⌃⇣ ⌅⌃⌥⌃⇤⇣⌥⌅⇣⇤⌃⇢⌘⌦%⇣⌃⌘⇣⇢⌦⌘ <⌃,⇢⌘⌅⌫⌃456>"⌃ ⌥⇤⌃⌥⇢⇢⇣⌥⇣⇤⌃⌦⌃⇣⌃⌦ ⇥⌅ ⌦⇥⌃⇣⌃⇣⌥ ⌘⇣⌃⌦⌃⌦✓⌥ ⌥⌦⌃⌅⇥⌃⌥⌃⌥⇣⌃ ⇣⌘⇣⌃⇣⌃⌥⇥⌅↵ Anubrata Mondol has ⌦⌘⇣⌃⌥✓⌦ ⌃⇥⌅⇥⇣⌃⌅⌅⌦⇥⌃⇧⌥↵ ⌥⌦ ⇥⌃⌦⌃⇣⌅ ⌃⇢⌘⇣⇣⇥⌃⌅⇥ ⌅⌃✓⇣⌅⇥⇧⌃⇢⌘⇣⇢⌥⌘⇣⇤⌃⌅⇥⌃⌦⌥✓↵ 8⌥⌃⌅⇥⌃⌦⇢ ⇣⌘⌃⌅↵ ⌦⌃⌥⇥⇧⇣⌃⇣⌃⇤⌥⇣⌃⌦⌃/⌅⇧↵ ⇤⇣⇥⇧ ⇣⌃ ⇣⇣⌘⌫+⌃ ⇣⌃ ⌦ ⌘ ⇤⌦⇣⌃⌦⌃⌥⌥⌘⌅⌥⌃⌥⇥⇤⌃.⌥⌥⌥-⌥⌘ sought 2000 cows of ⌦⇥⌃⌦⌃ ⌥⇣⌘⌫⌃ ⌅⌃⌥⌃✓⇣⇣⇥ ⇣⌃⌥⌦⇢⇣⌘⇣⌃⌥⇥⇤⌃⇣⌃⇤⌅↵ ⌦⌘⌥⌅⌦⇥⌃ ⌅⌃,3⇠"⌃ ⇣⇥⇣⌫⌃ ⌦⇤⇣⌘⇥⌃ ⌦⇢ ⇣⌘ ⇣⌘⌃)⇣⌦⇥⇤⌥⌘✏⌃⇢⌘⌥⌅⌥⌃⇣8⌥↵ ⌦✓⇣⌘⇣⇤⌃ ⌅⇣⌃⇣⌥⌘⌅⇥⇧⌃⇣ ⇣⌘⇣⌃⇤⌅⌦⇣⌘⇣⇤⌫⌃⌅⌃ ⌥⌃ ✓↵ which 1000 will be handed ⇣⇢⌅⇣⇤⌃ ⇥⌦ " 0⇣⌃ ⇢⌅⌥⌘ ⇣⌘⇣⇥⇣⌃ ⌅⌃⇢⌦⌅⇥⌃⌦ ⌃⌅⌃⇣⌘⇣ (/⌦ ⇣⇣⌘⌫⌃ ⇣⌃ ⌅⌃ ⇥⌦ ⌥⇢⇢⌅⌥⌅⌦⇥⌫⌃⇣⇥⌅⌘⌦⇥⇣⇥⌥ ⌅⇥⌥⌅⌦⇥⌃ ⌦⌃ 456>"⌃ )⌥ ⇧⌥⌥ ✓⌅⌅⌦⇥⌃⌦⌃⇤⌅⇣⌘⇣⇥⌃⌦ ⇥↵ ⌅⇣⇤"⌃ over initially. The other ⌅⌃ ⇢⇢⌦⌘⌃⇣⌃⌘ ⌘⇣ ⌅⌃⌥⇥✏⌃⇣⌥.⌥⇧⇣"+ ⌅⇢⌦⇣⌃ ⌥8⌃ ✓

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