PAGE SIXTEEN - EVENING HERALD. Tues.. April 10, 1978 Frank and Emaat EDUCATIONAL TV DINNERS T H f t Y ' P E *'epueArioN AL" i B c n u s B Police Malting Plans Panel Passes Measure Residents Not in Tune Caldwell Stops RSox, r- 1 IF y o u BAT O N E, For the Energy Crisis To Create Gaming Czar To Song of the Rails Jackson Sparks Yanks Page 3 Page 10 Y o u 'L l S e Page 12 Page 13 N B x r t i m b . Strv/CM O lltr td 31 S » n lc 0M OUtrad 31 Painting-Papering 32 Building Contracting 33 E X P E R T PAIN T IN G and INCOME TAX .) P. LEWIS & SON- Interior LEON CIESZYNSKI LANDSCAPING Specializlnf; and Exterior painting, paper BUILDER- New Homes. Ad­ THW/ti 4-10 Haudipfitpr PREPARATION in Exterior House Painting. hanging, rcmcxieling. carpen­ ditions. Remodeling. Rec Tree pruning, spraying, try. Fully insured 649-9658. Rooms. 'Garages, FHtchenq Fair Tonight, mowing, wcemng. Call 742- Remodeled. Ceilings. Bath Dogs-BIrdt-Pelt 43 Apaifmentt For Bant 53 Wanted to Bent 57 Autos For Sale 61 ftliSINESS A INDIVIDUAL 7947. ' PERSONAL Paperhanging Tile. Dormers, Roofing Sunny Thursday INCOiME TAXES For particular people, by Residential or Commercim, COCKER SPANIEL THREE BEDROOM USED GAR SPECULS Dick. Call 643-5703 anytime, 649-4291. PUPPIES - AKC Registered. DUPLEX- Stove, I’HEPAHKD - In the com- 1975 nyMOUTH D U tm Details on page 2 Inrl of your home or office, Have shots. Great Easter refrigerator, dishwasher. I'/z TEACHERS- Experienced baths. Yaril. Garage. Nice Sport Coup*. 316 •nglr>«. tuto. CHILD CARE - For ages 2 gift! Coll 528-8648 after 5:30 Uant.. ex. cond. ,';ill (Hfr763:i. for an appoint- BRICK. FIELDSTONE. neighborhood. Manchester. DOCKSPACE or MOORING - thru 8. in my State Licensed Exterior Pa inters now pm. iiicnl BLOCK, PLASTERING. Available first week of May. For .small sailboat, on lake •2395- Home. Hours: 7 to 6 daily. Hot b(X)king for spring / summer jobs. Free Estimates. Fireplaces, chimneys, walls, $325 monthly, plus gas heat near Manchester. Evenings, 1974 CHEVY IMPALA lunch, laundry and overtime PONY FOR SALE- Large 6468775. Reasonable rates 649-5873. veneer. New, repair. E. Pony. Good personality and and utilities. References WABON Chemical Fire INCOME TAX Preparation- .services offered Excellent Richardson 643-0889. required. CaW 646-8165;’ One owner. 350 V-6. auto., power Experienced, At your home, references, 643-9677, habits. Rides Western or RETIRED COUPLE wishes a steering, air. .Vol. XCVm, No. 162 — Manchester, Conn., Wednesday, April 11, 1979 f'ail Dan Mosler, 649-3329 or PROFESSIONAL PAINTING English. $150. firm. Call 742- SPRINGFIELD, Mass. (UPI) » A Family NEWSpaper Since 1881 » 20it Single Copy » 15t Home Deliver^ - Interior and Exterior. 9841. 5 room Town House, East Side •1295 525-8263. HOME GARDENS ROTO- ,of Town. 875-4426. — More than 30 lamilids were TILLED- Manchester. Bolton. Commercial and Residential No place to store your 1974 AMC BREMLIN temporarily evacuated Tuesday Free Estimates. Fully In­ Rooflng-Sldlng-Chlmney 34 HORSE FOR SALE- 15.2 bicycle? Sell It for extra 6 cyl., manual trans., excellent Vernon. Coventry and An­ cond.' night as firefighters struggled to INCOME TAX dover areas. Call 742-9015. sured. 646-4879 hands. Saddle bred. Beautiful cash with a low cost PREPAHATION - Your home BIDWELL HOME Improve­ •1595.00 keep an explosive chemical blaze Blinding Contracting 33 animal. Well trained. Easy Classified Ad. or mine. Dan Wade, Tax Con­ ment Co Expert Installation personality. Rides Western or 1970 PLYMOUTH from spreading to a lOO.OOO-gallon sultant, 871-9554. ol aluminum siding gutters English. $700 firm. 742-9841. WES RdlilHNS Carpentrv □ AUTOMOTIVE SATEUTE gasoline storage lank yards away. and trim. Roofing installation •••••••••••••••••••••••••• BIRCH STREET - Four room 318 engine, auto., P/s, air cond., Spectators crowded streets Tornadoes ri’modeling specialist Ad­ FREE JUNK CAR and repairs 649-6495 , 871-2.323. Musical Instruments 44 apartment, second floor, heal 4 dr., excellent condition. ditions. rcc roftms. dormers, near the Hampden Color and ALLAN T, KEELER'S TAX REMOVAL! Call 649-7243. and appliances not included. Autos For Sale 61 •1295- SF:RVICE. Tax Returns done built-ins. bathrooms, SPECIALIZING cleaning and 1 2 PRICE ON GUITARS and No pets, security. $175 . 646- Chemical Co. as firefighters, in the privacy of your home. ROTOTILLING LAWN AND kitchens, 649-3446 repairing chimneys, roofs, other instruments. Rivers 1189 m m m m s M is using foam trucked in from WE PAY $10 for complete tSEIVKE Call 871-1781. for annointment GARDENS with rear tine new riKits Free estimates. 30 Music. 7 Main Street, New junk cars. Call Joev at Tolland Westover Air Force Base in Trov Built Tiller Call CUSTOM Carpentry - homes. years Experience. Howlev. Britain 225-1977. ONE ROOM FURNISHED Rt. 8, Andovtr Additions. Repairs. Cabinets. Auto Body. 528-19W. Chicopee hnd the Air National Rip Path ACCURATE. , 8791 643-5361 APARTMENT. Near Vernon 742-6744 Call Gary Cushing 345-2009. Guard, smothered flames that EXPERIENCED TAX Boats-Accessorlet 45 Circle I Route 831. Utilities in­ MONTE CARLO 1973, Power REFINISIIED .KITCHEN ROOFER WILL Install roof, cluded $55 per week. Securi­ shot 60 feet in the air. IIEI.I’-Your home Um cost. TIMOTHY .1 CONNELLY steering, power brakes, CABINETS & COUNTER - siding or gutter for low dis­ 1 974 F U R Y - 16'z-foot ty. 875-4141. No one was reported injured. Small Ipisine.ss? .Sold Home? Carpentry and general con­ automatic. $1,575. Call 649- 1977 BUICK SKYLARK - Woodwork, Floors for homes count price Call Ken at 647- fiberglass, tilt trailer, with Ilciiiizcd (Icdiiclions 633 1267 tracting Residential and 1149 anytime. Small V-8. Excelleni on gas. and apartments Call 667-.3643, 1566 1975 55-horsepower outboard commercial Whether-it be a Low mileage. Very sharp! ask for Ken. Chevy engine 2 tanks, $2,500. SUPER 1972 MERCURY Frontier Clash Of Death $3400. 742-6286. after 5 p.m. small repair job, a cu.stom TRACY BROTHERS- Also 50 horse Johnson out­ r& M TREE SERVICE - Free built home or anything in Homes lor Bent 54 CAPRI - 2 door, 4 speed, stan­ Palestinians in southern eslirnatcs. discount senior MISCELLANEOUS TYPING- Rooling. Flat Roof. Hot Tar. board. $300 228-0475 or 228- dard transmission, radial WICHITA FAI.LS, Texas (UPI) - Prolcssional quality. Phone between, call 646-1379 Gravel., Built-Up Roofing BANK REPOSSESSIONS Lebanon launched rockets at two "We have legs cut off, a guy with citizens Company 9550 WANTED- 2-3 single male tires, very clean, extra good 742-9502, a m or alter 6 p m Commercial & Residentiai, FOR SALE - 1975 Oldsmobile A line of howling tornadoes ripped a his chin nearly gone and a lot of head Manchester-owned and engineers. Share large house. gas mileage. Must be seen. Vista Cruiser Station Wagon, northern Israeli towns today and Pick up and delivery service. NEWTON SMITH- Free Estimates. 872-6269 1971 18 FOOT LYMAN BOAT path of death along the "Texas- injuries and a lot of broken bones," operated. Call 646-1327, Remodeling. Repairs, and Bolton. June 1. I^ase. 1 vehi­ 633-8863 keep trying. needs body work $2100; 1973 Israel returned artillery fire in & TRAILER With 105 HP OklahomS border late Tuesday, said a weary Billy HoberLson, ad­ WATERPROOFING Rec-Rooms. ,No job to small. cle each. No children, Ford Country Sedan Station the first frontier clash since the REW EAVING hum holes. 649-3144 Chrysler Engine, also, .J971. animals, pets. 643-2880 1970 PONTIAC- One owner. Wagon $900; 1973 Chevrolet smashing homes and businesses to ministrator of Vernon's Wilbarger Hatchways. Foundation Good condition, Two.cariopies. signing of the Egyplian-Israeli Zippers, umbrellas repaired. Heeling-Plumbing 35 Clean. Air conditioning. 2 Bel A ir $900; 1972 Ford kindling and killing dozens of per­ General Hospital. Window shades. Venetian ' Cracks, 'rile Lines, Sump •Many extras! Sacrificing for Door Hardtop. $750, or best peace treaty. Pumps. Window Wells, Gravi- CARPENTRY & MASONRY - Maverick $900; 1970 Chevrolet The salvos of Soviet-made sons. Others were trapped under Jack Hales, a severe storm blinds Keys. TV FOR RENT, SEW ERLINES, sink lines, Li(|uidation $1200. or best offer, 633-3802. Malibu $700; 1970 Chrysler I IV Fe e d s. 30 Y e a rs ' Additions and Remodeling. offer, 643-6900. piles of twisted debris. forecaster with the Weather Service Marlow's. H67 Mam .St. 649- Free estimates. Call Anthony cleaned with electric cutters, New Yorker $650 The above Katyusha rockets directed 5221 Experience' 643-4953. 242- Ottices-Stores lor Bent 55 FORD 1972 CUSTOM- Good At least 50 people — 34 of them in in Kansas City, Mo., said Tuesday’s 5915 Squillacote 649-0811 by professionals McKinney may be seen at the Savings against Kiryat Shmona and TROMBONE- In excellent condition. New tires, power Bank of Manchester. Mam this oil city of 11)0,000 — were killed slorms produced the deadliest Bros., Sewage Disposal Com- condifion Buescher, with MANCHESTER- Main Street coastal Nahariya came in retalia­ Sticky Afternoon ODD .lORS DONE - Cellars., CARPENTER - Repairs, steering power brakes. Phone Street. Manchester. by the twisters that wantonly skipped twisters since April 3, 1974, when 300 pany 643-5.308, oversized case $250. Call 649- moderriooffice available. 400 633-2147. tion for a punitive Israeli strike allies, garages, yards' remodeling, additions, gar­ along the border, strafing a half c 1 e a n e d . m o vin g , 7085 anytime. sq. ft. Heat, AC included. Call against Palestinian strongholds in Tuesday afternoon was, a sticky one for Community Development moratorium. Both persons were killed in Ohio, Ken- ages. 'rooting Call David NO JOB TOO H MALL-Toilet 646-2469ior 646-2755.
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