www.ssoar.info Integration and integration policies: IMISCOE network feasibility study Heckmann, Friedrich Veröffentlichungsversion / Published Version Forschungsbericht / research report Zur Verfügung gestellt in Kooperation mit / provided in cooperation with: SSG Sozialwissenschaften, USB Köln Empfohlene Zitierung / Suggested Citation: Heckmann, F. (2005). Integration and integration policies: IMISCOE network feasibility study. Bamberg: europäisches forum für migrationsstudien (efms) Institut an der Universität Bamberg. https://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:0168- ssoar-192953 Nutzungsbedingungen: Terms of use: Dieser Text wird unter einer Deposit-Lizenz (Keine This document is made available under Deposit Licence (No Weiterverbreitung - keine Bearbeitung) zur Verfügung gestellt. Redistribution - no modifications). 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Sie dürfen dieses Dokument document in public, to perform, distribute or otherwise use the nicht in irgendeiner Weise abändern, noch dürfen Sie document in public. dieses Dokument für öffentliche oder kommerzielle Zwecke By using this particular document, you accept the above-stated vervielfältigen, öffentlich ausstellen, aufführen, vertreiben oder conditions of use. anderweitig nutzen. Mit der Verwendung dieses Dokuments erkennen Sie die Nutzungsbedingungen an. ® INTEGRATION AND INTEGRATION POLICIES IMISCOE NETWORK FEASIBILITY STUDY efms INTPOL TEAM european forum for migration studies Institute at the University of Bamberg Katharinenstraße 1 D-96052 Bamberg fon +49-951-932020-0 fax +49-951-932020-20 [email protected] http://www.efms.de August 06 Director Prof. Dr. Friedrich Heckmann Integration and Integration Policies Abstract The feasibility study INTPOL has developed a conceptual frame for the analysis of integra- tion processes and research. The social integration of individual migrants into the institu- tions of the receiving society is differentiated from the effects of social integration on the social structure of the receiving society and effects on the societal integration or cohesion of the receiving society. Social integration is understood as inclusion of individual migrants into the core institutions of the receiving society, with structural, cultural, interactive and identificative integration as dimensions of that process. Integration in relation to the social structure is defined as the decrease or absence of ethnic stratification and decrease or eventual absence of ethnic or immigrant status related forms of social differentiation. So- cietal integration is understood as absence of immigration related severe group conflict and as cohesion among major social groupings. The feasibility INTPOL has continued to make a comparative analysis of the terms “inte- gration” and “assimilation”. It has further specified which groups are being studied in in- tegration research. Starting from the general assumption that there cannot be a unified theory of integration of migrants that applies to the major areas of integration INTPOL has suggested a conceptual basis for analysing determinants of integration processes in a multi-level approach. One of the main tasks of the INTPOL study was to find new lines of strategic research. A precondition for fulfilling this task was to identify gaps in existing integration research. For this purpose a mapping exercise was done on integration research as it is represented in leading journals. On the basis of a further differentiation of the conceptual frame for inte- gration analysis a reporting scheme with 31 categories was developed and applied. Arti- cles from the following journals were analysed as to major research topics, research ques- tions and procedures: Sociological Abstracts, International Migration, Ethnic and Racial Studies, International Migration Review, Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, Migra- tions Societé and Revue Européenne des Migrations Internationals. The time period ana- lysed for Sociological Abstracts was 1995-2004, for the four English language journals 1999-2004, for the French language journals 1999-2005. It was found that the very large majority of studies are in the area of social integration. Only small percentages relate to changes of the social structure and to social cohesion as effected by immigration and inte- gration. These areas are clearly underresearched. Within the area of social integration about half of the studies found are on structural integration with integration into the la- bour market and ethnic entrepreneurship clearly dominating the area of structural integra- tion. From a perspective of integration policy this focus seems justified, since structural integration is integration into the core institutions of society. At the same time a serious FH.INTPOL Final Paper.doc © efms 2006 2/277 Integration and Integration Policies shortcoming was found in this area of research on structural integration: an almost com- plete lack of studies on measures of structural integration policies. Another serious short- coming of the studies analysed was the neglect of cross – national studies. Cross – national studies can show what is general and what is specific about a particular phenomenon. On the basis of these results INTPOL has developed a programme for new lines of strate- gic research in the area of structural integration measures and policies in Part C of the feasibility study. FH.INTPOL Final Paper.doc © efms 2006 3/277 Integration and Integration Policies Table of contents Introduction: The Task of the INTPOL Feasibility Study ........................................................ 6 Part A: Development of an analytical frame for integration research.................................. 8 1. Integration as a formal concept and as a general concept in sociological theory ...... 8 2. Integration as a concept in migration research .......................................................... 9 3. Integration or assimilation? ...................................................................................... 11 4. Groups studied in integration research .................................................................... 13 5. An analytical frame for research on migrant integration .......................................... 14 5.1. Social integration of individual migrants into the institutions of the receiving society...................................................................................................... 15 5.1.1. Definition and dimensions of social integration....................................................... 15 5.1.2. Social integration as a learning and socialization process ....................................... 18 5.1.3. Barriers to social integration: the role of discrimination and prejudice.................... 19 5.2. The consequences of social integration of immigrants for the social structure of the receiving society............................................................................................ 20 5.3. Immigration and societal integration of the receiving society .................................. 21 6. Analytical Scheme for report on integration research and its policy implications.... 22 6.1. Dimensions and sources of analytical scheme......................................................... 22 6.1.1. Dimensions..............................................................................................................22 6.1.2. Sources .................................................................................................................... 23 6.2. Identifying research areas and topics ....................................................................... 24 6.2.1. Social integration into institutions of receiving society ............................................ 24 6.2.2. The consequences of social integration for the social structure of the receiving ......... society ..................................................................................................................... 25 6.2.3 Immigration and societal integration of receiving society ........................................ 25 7. Determinants of integration processes: conceptual foundations for a multi-level analysis.................................................................................................................... 25 7.1. Macro level determinants ........................................................................................ 27 7.2. Meso level determinants.......................................................................................... 28 7.3. Micro level influences ............................................................................................. 29 8. Concluding remark.......................................................................................................... 30 References..........................................................................................................................
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