Contents Senior Management/Heads of Department 56-59 Academic Posts 60 To place an advertisement please contact: Tel: 020 3194 3399 Email: [email protected] Booking deadline: Thursday 11am the week of publication. Your advertisement will appear on www.timeshighereducation.com/unijobs for 4weeks or until the application closing date if stated (whichever is sooner), unless specified otherwise or for technical reasons we are unable to display it. All advertisements published are subject to terms and conditions of TES Global Ltd (available onrequest). 56 Times Higher Education 30 August 2018 - Career opportunities at - KING ABDULAZIZ UNIVERSITY - in the faculty of - METEOROLOGY, ENVIRONMENT AND ARID LAND AGRICULTURE Our philosophy is to educate, train and provide the best learning environment for our students We are committed to providing our students an education that prepares them to be leaders of tomorrow - Help shape that future - APPLY FOR AN ACADEMIC POSITION AT KAU JEDDAH SAUDI ARABIA kau.edu.sa Untitled-1 1 24/08/2018 09:27 Deanofthe FacultyofLaw The ChineseUniversity of Hong Kongnow invites applications from andnominationsofdistinguished legal scholars for the position of Dean of the Faculty of Law. Foundedin1963,The Chinese UniversityofHong Kong (CUHK)isaforward-lookingcomprehensive researchuniversity with aglobal visionand amission to combine tradition with modernity,and to bring together China and the West. TheUniversity is hometonearly 17,000 undergraduate and 3,600 postgraduate students from around the world.Asatop university in Hong Kong andAsia, CUHK aims to nurturestudents with bothspecialized knowledge andwisdomfor life.The educational experience at CUHKisdistinguished by aflexible credit unitsystem, aCollegesystem,bilingualism and multiculturalism. CUHKoffers general education courses to broadenstudents’ perspectives and developinthem the ability to face the challenges of contemporary society.Members of the university community undertake awide range of researchprogrammes in many subject areas, and the University strives to provide scope for all academic staff to undertake consultancy andcollaborative projects with industry. TheUniversity's insistence on the highest standards of researchhas won it an enviable research reputation. With ateam of over3,000full-time teaching and research staff, the University offers abroad spectrumofprogrammesuptothe PhD level in various disciplines across its eight Faculties (Arts, Business Administration, Education, Engineering, Law,Medicine, Scienceand SocialScience). Further information about CUHK may be foundonline at http://www.cuhk.edu.hk. The FacultyofLaw at The Chinese University of Hong Kong is one of Asia’smost successful law schools. Since admittingits first studentsin2006, it has developed as amajor regional force in legal education. Amongst globallaw schools,the CUHKFaculty of Law is ranked 27th by the 2018 Times HigherEducation World University Rankings by subjectand 40th by the 2019 QS WorldUniversity Ranking by subject. The 2014 Research Assessment Exercise by the Hong Kong University GrantsCommitteeratedthe CUHK Faculty of Law first among Hong Konglaw schools,with 64% of its research ranked as "world leading"or"internationally significant". With morethan 1,300 students enrolled in its programmes (LLB, LLM, JD, PCLLand MPhil/PhD), the CUHK Faculty of Law is the largest provider of legal educationinHong Kong. Further information on the Faculty is available at http://www.cuhk.edu.hk/law. The Role Hong Kong is an internationalcity whose legalsystem is rooted in the Common Lawtradition.Itiswell placed both geographically and culturally to play apreeminentrole in meeting the educational needsofthe fast-growing and increasingly globalizedAsia-Pacific Region. Hong Kong demandsawide knowledge base andrange of skills from its lawyers, whoare locally,regionally and globally engaged. Thenew Dean will takeonthese opportunities to develop innovative teaching and research structuresthat catertothe needsofHong Kong andthe Asia-Pacific Region. The Deanwill haveproven administrativeand strategic leadership experience. He/she will be responsible for leading the Faculty and further strengtheningits position as aglobally leading law school. He/she will be amember of the University senior management team, reportingtothe University Council via the Vice-Chancellor/Presidentorthe Provost. Candidates should be legalscholars with international standing, qualified for appointment at senior professor level. They should have the requisite experience,interest andleadership qualities,including excellent interpersonal and communication skills. Salary andfringebenefits for thepostwillbehighlycompetitive, commensurate with qualifications and experience. Applications and Nominations CUHKwelcomes applications from andnominations of qualified candidates for the role of Dean. Applications andnominations should be sentunder confidentialcover to the Search Committee for the Deanofthe FacultyofLaw,c/o Mr.Kieran Pollentine, Perrett Laver,via email: [email protected] details aboutthis position can be obtained by visiting https://candidates.perrettlaver.com/vacancies/ and enteringsearchreference 3699.The University’sPersonal Information Collection Statement willbeprovided upon request.All enquiries,applications and nominationswill be treatedinstrict confidence. Considerations of applications will begininSeptember 2018 and willcontinue until the post is filled. TheUniversity reserves the right to fill the post by invitation. 58 Times Higher Education 30 August 2018 DEPUTY VICE-CHANCELLOR (Research &Innovation) The University of Wollongong is aglobal leader in discovery and learning, working totransformpeople and the world we livein. Located 80km south ofSydney, Australia in the thrivingcoastal city of Wollongong, we rank among thetop 2% of universities in theworldwith an outstanding reputationfor both research and teaching. We are ayoung andvibrant universitywithundiminished ambitions.From 3D bioprinting, materials engineering and medicinal chemistry to social transformation,UOW’s major research facilities worktirelessly to solvecomplex, real-world problems.Our spirit of inquiry drives ourresearch andlearning environments and ourobjective of earning aplace in the top 1% of the world’s universities.Reportingdirectly to the Vice-Chancellor,the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research and Innovation)will play amajor role in deliveringagainst thisambition, forthe benefit of our society. The successful candidatewill be an outstandingresearchleader with aglobal reputation forexcellence. Youwillbring expertise in identifying and delivering major new partnerships, whilstinspiring and embedding auniversity-wide culture that promotesinnovation,creativity and collaboration.Asthe Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research &Innovation) you willshare our passion to driveour researchcapability that delivers real-world impact. To obtain full details and foraconfidential discussion, please contact Libby Hackett (Partner)atPerrett Laver on [email protected] or on +61 (0)2 8354 4000.Applicationsclose 18 September 2018 and interviews will be held on 10 October 2018. The University of Wollongong iscommitted to workplaceequity, diversity and inclusion. We value and acknowledge the importance of our people’sdiverse experiences,talentsand cultures thattheybring to work with themeach day.Embracing diversityand creating inclusion is akey componentofattracting andretainingtalentinour workforce. The creation of adiverse and inclusive workforce is central to our ability to unlockpotential,enhance our successand achieving our vision of being in the Top1%ofuniversities globally. Stands for purpose 30 August 2018 Times Higher Education 59 BIRMINGHAM BUSINESS SCHOOL: RESPONSIBLE BUSINESS WITH GLOBAL IMPACT CHAIR/READER OPPORTUNITIES Therehas neverbeenabettertime to join recognised researchersand educators. Chair/ReaderinBusinessEconomics BirminghamBusinessSchool–atriple We areseeking outstanding individuals or Organizational Economics– accredited Business School at theheart of forthe followingposts: reference59718 an institution with oneofthe most compelling Chair/ReaderinStrategicManagement/ Successful candidateswill have the andambitious agendasinHigher Education. InternationalBusiness–reference 59722 opportunitytothriveacademicallyand make Establishedasthe UK’sfirstSchoolof acontribution to adynamic, growingSchool, Commercein1902, we have beendelivering Chair/ReaderinMarketing – whichisincreasingly recognisedglobally for excellentbusinesseducation forover reference59720 thequality of itsresearchand programmes. 100years. Chair/ReaderinEntrepreneurship and We arehappy to discussflexible working. This is an importanttime in our development. Innovation –reference 59719 Closing date:30September2018 Benefitting from asignificant multi-million Chair/ReaderinProcurementand SCM pound investment,weare nowseeking to or Operations Management– extend our community of internationally reference59721 To download thedetails andsubmit an electronic VALUINGEXCELLENCE; SUSTAININGINVESTMENT. application online visit: www.hr.bham.ac.uk/jobs 60 Times Higher Education 30 August 2018.
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