Bigsby, Christopher. "Index." Staging America. London: Methuen Drama, 2020. 235–239. Bloomsbury Collections. Web. 1 Oct. 2021. <>. Downloaded from Bloomsbury Collections, www.bloomsburycollections.com, 1 October 2021, 16:24 UTC. Copyright © Christopher Bigsby 2020. You may share this work for non-commercial purposes only, provided you give attribution to the copyright holder and the publisher, and provide a link to the Creative Commons licence. I N D E X Abbie’s Irish Rose , 7 Bechdel, Alison, 97 Adjmi, David, 2 Beckett, Samuel, 103, 107, 120, 151 Adventures of the Barrio Grrr!! (Hudes), 79 Beautiful Mind, A , 37 Afghanistan invasion, 135, 177, 178, 180–4, 200 Betrayal (Packer), 164 Against (Shinn), 189, 210–12 Between Riverside and Crazy (Guirgis), 74–6 Akhtar, Ayad, 1, 6 ‘Big Two-Hearted River’ (Hemingway), 136 American Dervish , 10, 13–16, 17 Billington, Michael, 29, 68, 100, 154, 165, 171, 179, Disgraced , 6, 13, 16–20, 55–6 182–3, 188, 212 Invisible Hand, Th e , 6, 13, 20–2 bin Laden, Osama, 21, 22 Junk: Th e Golden Age of Debt , 6, 26–30 Birth of Tragedy, Th e (Nietzsche), 127 early life and family infl uences, 10–11, 15 Blood and Gift s (Rogers), 2, 6, 178–83, 184 War Within, Th e , 11–12 Blue Bonnet State (Norris), 132 Who & the What, Th e , 7–8, 9, 13, 22–6 Bond, Edward, 190 Albee, Edward, 149, 169, 186 Boom Boom Boom Boom (Guirgis), 59 Alexie, Sherman, 106 Bosch, Hieronymus, 103 Als, Hilton, 124, 128 Brantley, Ben, 29, 64, 68, 71, 177, 188, 196, 203, 207, 215 Alsop, Joseph, 47–53 Breasts of Tiresias, Th e , (Apollinaire), 103 Altan, Ahmet, 80 Bright Shining Lie: John Paul Vann and America in Amateurs (Auburn), 31, 46–7 Vietnam, A, (Sheehan), 49 American Dervish (Akhtar), 10, 13–16, 17 Broken Glass (Miller), 44 Angels in America (Kushner), 55, 68, 90, 193 Buchwald, Art, 50 anti-Semitism, 7, 14, 41–5 Bug (Letts), 2 Apollinaire, Guillaume, 103 Bush, George W., 114, 139, 151, 184, 199, 200, 202 Appeal, Th e (Lee), 108, 110–11 Byron, Lord, 108, 110–11 Are You Ready (Auburn), 33 Artaud, Antonin, 103 Cabaret , 7 Aspern Papers, Th e (James), 201 Camus, Albert, 43, 44 Assassin’s Gate: America in Iraq, Th e (Packer), capitalism, 20–22, 26–30, 151–4, 196 164 Catholicism, 57–8, 59, 75 Auburn, David, 1, 6 Cato Institute, 151 Amateurs , 31, 46–7 Chang, Kathy, 97, 98 Are You Ready , 33 Children of Killers (Hill), 164 Columnist, Th e , 47–53 Christianity/Christians, 106–7, 114–16, 137, 203 Damage Control , 32–3, 46, 155 Church (Lee), 104, 114–16 early life and family infl uences, 31–2 Churchill, Caryl, 29, 172, 190 Fift h Planet , 33 Civilisation and Its Discontents (Freud), 157 Girl in the Park, Th e (fi lm), 54 Clementi, Tyler, 207, 209 Gun Show , 53–4 Clinton, Bill, 151, 155, 172–6, 184, 193, 204, 207 Journals of Mihail Sebastian, Th e , 6, 31, 40–6, Clybourne Park (Norris), 6, 132, 144–8, 162 47, 48 Cold War, 48, 180–3 Lake House (fi lm), 53, 54 Coleridge, Samuel Taylor, 108, 110–11 Lost Lake , 31, 53 Coll, Steve, 181 Miss You , 33 Collateral Damage: America’s War Against Iraqi Proof , 31, 32, 35–40, 42, 47, 52–53 Civilians (Hedges), 146 Skyscraper , 32, 33–5 Coltrane, John, 90–2 Th ree Monologues , 33 Columnist, Th e (Auburn), 47–53 We Had a Very Good Time , 33 Coming World, Th e (Shinn), 193, 198 What Do You Believe About the Future? , 33 Conrad, Joseph, 171–2 Aucoin, Don, 116 Cool Million, A , (West), 152 August: Osage County (Letts), 90, 127, 139 Cote, David, 121, 128 235 Index Count of Monte Cristo, Th e (O’Neill), 1 Green, Jesse, 64 Cross Purpose (Camus), 44 Groundwork of the Metaphysic of Morals (Lee), Cummings, E.E., 103 108–9 Guirgis, Stephen Adly, 1 Dale, Jim, 56 Between Riverside and Crazy , 74–6 Damage Control (Auburn), 32–3, 46, 155 Boom Boom Boom Boom , 59 Daphne’s Dive (Hudes), 97–101 Den of Th ieves , 59 Day, Dorothy, 59 early life and family infl uences, 55–9 de las Casals, Bartolom é , 77 Francisco and Benny , 59 de Tocqueville, Alexis, 20 In Arabia, We’d All Be Kings , 59–61 Death in the Aft ernoon (Hemingway), 138 Jesus Hopped the ‘A’ Train , 56, 58, 61–4 Death of a Salesman (Miller), 100, 127, 144 Last Days of Judas Iscariot, Th e , 57, 66–8 Democracy in America (de Tocqueville), 26 Little Flower of East Orange, Th e , 68–71 Den of Th ieves (Guirgis), 59 Moonlight Mile , 59 Derrida, Jacques, 23 Motherfucker with the Hat , 72–4 Diary of Anne Frank, Th e (Goodrich), 5 Our Lady of 121st Street , 64–6 Disgraced (Akhtar), 13, 16–20, 55–6 Race, Religion, Politics , 59 Doll’s House: Part 2, A (Hnath), 188 Gun Show (Auburn), 53–4 Domesticated (Norris), 155–8 Do ñ a Lisha’s Island (Lopez), 77 Halberstam, David, 49 Downstate (Norris), 160–1 Hamilton , 129 Drama Desk Award, 5, 35, 86 Hansberry, Lorraine , 132, 144–5 Drama League Award, 188 Happiest Song Plays Last, Th e (Hudes), 90, 94–7 Duberman, Martin, 84 Hardy, G.H., 36, 40 Dying City (Shinn), 201–3 Hare, David, 1, 3, 29, 144, 172, 174 Dykes to Watch Out For (comic strip), 97 Harry Potter and the Cursed Child, 2 Heart of Darkness (Conrad), 171–2 Edgar, David, 172, 177 Hedges, Chris, 146 Elective Affi nities (Adjmi), 2 Heilpern, John, 66 Elliot: A Soldier’s Fugue (Hudes), 6, 79, 80–5, 90 Hemingway, Ernest, 136, 138 Emperor Jones, Th e (O’Neill), 103 Hill, Katori, 164 Engels, Friedrich, 21 him (Cummings), 103 Eno, Will, 2, 108 Hnath, Lucas, 188 Enron (Prebble), 29 Hoff man, Philip Seymour, 56, 58, 64 Eurydice (Ruhl), 4 Holocaust Memorial Museum (US), 41, 44 Eyre, Richard, 1–2 Holocaust, 41, 44, 150, 173 Home Ground (Shamsie), 8 Fiddler on the Roof , 7 homophobia, 114, 199, 204, 207–10 Fift h Planet (Auburn), 33 How I Learned to Drive (Vogel), 88 fi nance. See capitalism Hudes, Quiaia Allegr í a, 1, 6 Fleshler, Glenn, 58 26 Miles , 88–90 for colored girls who have considered suicide when the Adventures of the Barrio Grrr!! , 79 rainbow is enuf (Shange), 79, 81 Daphne’s Dive , 97–101 For Two Th ousand Years (Sebastian), 41 early life and family infl uences, 77–80 Fornes, Maria Irene, 5 Elliot: A Soldier’s Fugue , 6, 79, 80–5, 90 Four (Shinn), 2, 191, 193–6, 197 Happiest Song Plays Last, Th e , 90, 94–7 Francisco and Benny (Guirgis), 59 In the Heights , 79, 80, 85–8 Freud, Sigmund, 157, 159, 192 Miss You Like Hell , 79, 90 Fringe First Award, 64 Water by the Spoonful , 77, 78, 83, 90–3 Yemaya’s Belly , 79–80 Ghost Wars: Th e Secret History of the CIA, Afghanistan and Bin Laden (Coll), 181 Iceman Cometh, Th e (O’Neill), 59, 75 Gittings, James, 3 Illis, Mark, 2 Glaspell, Susan, 1, 103, 192 immigrants, 6, 7, 9, 13–14, 85, 86–7 Glass Menagerie, Th e (Williams), 69 In Arabia, We’d All Be Kings (Guirgis), 59–61 Glynn, Tom, 10–11 In the Heights (Hudes), 79, 80, 85–8 Goodrich, Frances, 5 In White America (Duberman), 84 Gorky, Maxim, 59, 61, 63 Indecent (Vogel), 188 Great Game, Th e (Rogers), 177–8 Infi del, Th e (Norris), 132, 133–5, 137 236 Index Iraq War, 47, 79, 80, 81, 81–4, 92–4, 134, 146, 166, 172, Lower Depths, Th e (Gorki), 59, 61, 63 179, 202–3 Lucille Lortel Award, 35, 76 Isherwood, Charles, 19, 96, 100, 118, 119, 122, 124, 141, Lukowski, Andrzej, 138 179, 183, 201 Macbeth , 103, 210 James, Henry, 201 Madagascar (Rogers), 169–70 Jarry, Alfred, 103 Mamet, David, 10, 15, 55, 61, 160, 167–9, 192 Jesus Hopped the ‘A’ Train , 56, 58, 61–4 Mann, Emily, 83–4 Jewish culture, 7–8, 12–15, 16–19, 40–5, 55 Marisol , 193 Jones, Chris, 29, 96, 171, 208 Marks, Peter, 35, 65, 114, 148 Jones, Jeff rey M., 107–8 Marx, Karl, 25, 27, 153 Journals of Mihail Sebastian, Th e (Auburn), 6, 31, 40–6, Mask of Fu Manchu, Th e , 108–9 47, 48 Mathematician’s Apology, A (Hardy), 36 Junk: Th e Golden Age of Debt (Akhtar), 6, 26–30 McNally, Terrence, 144 Merton, Th omas, 67–8 Kafk a, Franz, 44 Miller, Arthur, 15, 35, 41, 89, 125, 127, 144, 165, Kahn-Din, Ayub, 164 190, 192 Kaufman, Mois é s, 207 Miranda, Lin-Manuel, 79, 85, 88, 129 Kellaway, Kate, 210 Miss You (Auburn), 33 Kelly, Guy, 57 Miss You Like Hell (Hudes), 79, 90 Kennedy, Edward, 207 money. See capitalism Kennedy, John F., 49–50 Moonlight Mile (Guirgis), 59 Kennedy, Robert, 51 Motherfucker with the Hat (Guirgis), 72–4 Keyes, Alan, 203 Mud, River, Stone (Nottage), 164 Killer Joe (Letts), 2 Muslim culture, 7–9, 10–19, 22–6, 181–2, 204–5 King Lear , 109, 107, 118, 121 My Name Is Asher Lev (Potok), 88 King, Martin Luther, Jr., 51 Kipling, Rudyard, 177 ‘Nana roja para mi hijo Lin Manuel’ (Santiago), 85 Koch Brothers, 151 Nash, John F., Jr., 37 Koran. See Quran Nelson, Richard, 2, 3 Kushner, Tony, 55, 165, 167, 192, 193, 195–6, New York Drama Critics Circle Award, 5, 76, 144, 188 New York Drama Critics Circle, 4, 5 La Ronde , 159 Nietzsche, Friedrich, 127, 131 ‘Lady of Larkspur Lotion, Th e,’ 75 9/11 (September 11), 7, 9, 11–12, 13, 59, 143, 150, 180, Laramie Project, Th e (Kaufman), 207–8 182, 199–200, 202 Last Days of Judas Iscariot, Th e (Guirgis), 57, 66–8 No Exit (Sartre), 197 Lear (Lee), 103, 118–20, 121, 122 No Passion Spent (Steiner), 66 Lee, Young Jean, 4, 6 Nobel Prize, 37, 198, 204, 205 Appeal, Th e , 108, 110–11 Norris, Bruce, 2, 131 Church , 104, 114–16 Blue Bonnet State , 132 early life and family infl uences, 104–9 Clybourne Park , 6, 132, 144–8, 162 Groundwork of the Metaphysic of Morals , 108–9 Domesticated , 155–8 Lear , 103, 118–20, 121, 122 Downstate , 160–1 Pullman, WA , 111–12 early life and family infl uences, 103–9, 131–2 Shipment, Th e , 116–18 Infi del, Th e , 132, 133–5, 137 Songs of the Dragons Flying to Heaven , 6, 106, Low Road, Th e , 2, 151–5 112–14, 129 Pain and the Itch, Th e , 6, 139–42 Straight White Men , 104, 125–9 Parallelogram, A , 149–51, 154 Untitled Feminist Show , 121, 122–4 Purple Heart , 6, 133, 135–8 We’re
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