EAST AYRSHIRE COUNCIL GRANTS COMMITTEE – 8 AUGUST 2013 ANNUAL REPORT ON EXTERNAL FUNDING SECURED Report by the Executive Director of Finance and Corporate Support 1. PURPOSE OF REPORT 1.1 The purpose of the report is to advise Committee of the external funding secured in 2012/2013 by East Ayrshire Council and locally based organisations within the East Ayrshire area. 2. BACKGROUND 2.1 Members will be aware that at the first meeting of the Grants Committee on 26 February 2013 an annual report detailing the level of funding secured by the Council and other locally based organisation was requested. This report analyses the funding gains achieved by the Council and the funding secured by other organisations in the financial year 2012/2013. 3. ANALYSIS OF FUNDING SECURED BY EAST AYRSHIRE COUNCIL 3.1 The Council receives its main funding from the Scottish Government in the form of Revenue Support Grant (RSG). However this element of funding is not included in this report given that it is provided nationally to all councils based on a prescribed formula. 3.2 This report details the additional external funding which is received from partners and other organisations for specific projects and/or initiatives.These funds can arise following an applicationby the Council or an agreement to participate in specific initiatives or from collaborative working and cost sharingarrangements. 3.3 Analysis of the funding reveals that the total external funding secured by the Council in 2012/13 was £3.392m. This compares to £3.179m received in 2011/12 and details of the type of funding received are provided at Appendix 1. 4. ANALYSIS OF FUNDING SECURED BY OTHER ORGANISATIONS 4.1 The Council has a long standing system in place to assistlocal projectsin targeting specific sources of external funding by acting as a signpost and directingproject officers to relevant external funding streams. This successful arrangement has secured £5.816min 2012/2013 with 249 awards being made to a range of different projects and details are shown at Appendix 2. Information on funding awards received from BBC Children in Need and Creative Scotland in 2012/13 is awaited. 4.2 The analysis below shows the success of the collaborative arrangement the Council has with external groups and demonstrates the level of external funding which has been made within the East Ayrshire Council area over the years. YEAR NUMBER OF AWARDS £m 2005/2006 245 3.154 2006/2007 284 3.935 2007/2008 280 7.687 2008/2009 239 2.911 2009/2010 224 3.461 2010/2011 271 5.289 2011/2012 249 7.012 5. FINANCIAL/POLICY IMPLICATIONS 5.1 There are no financial or policy implications arising from the report. 6. LEGAL IMPLICATIONS 6.1 There are no legal implications arising from the report. 7. RECOMMENDATIONS 7.1 The Grants Committee is requested to: (i) note the contents of the report. Alex McPhee Executive Director of Finance and Corporate Support 31 July 2013 BACKGROUND PAPERS Nil For further information on this report, please contact Joe McLachlan, Corporate Accounting Manager, on 01563 576263 and Neil McKenna, External Funding and Sustainability Officer, on 01563 503230 Appendix 1 EAST AYRSHIRE COUNCIL EDUCATIONAL AND SOCIAL SERVICES INCOME Actual Actual Funding Source Details 2011/12 2012/13 £ £ NHS Ayrshire and Arran Older People's Change Fund (795,948) (797,000) NHS Ayrshire and Arran Alcohol, Drug & Partnership (ADP) (361,458) (452,349) Sport Scotland Alcohol Education (338,580) (338,580) Scottish Government 16+ Learning Choices & Activity Agreements (151,216) (145,870) NHS Ayrshire and Arran NHS Advocacy (94,250) (112,318) Health Alcohol Education (60,000) (75,000) Scottish Government Alcohol, Drug & Partnership (ADP) (37,671) (44,040) Police & NHS Child Protection contributions (32,000) (26,510) Strathclyde Police / NHS CPC funding contributions (38,714) (12,310) Sportscotland Top Up Swims Fund (20,248) (7,000) Creative Learning Network EDEN Trust Secondary Projects (6,500) (6,300) EDEN Trust Creative Learning Network (5,000) (5,000) British Council Comenius Project (9,097) (3,511) EDEN Trust EDEN Trust (2,500) (2,500) Creative Scotland Dance Festival (2,000) (2,000) British Council British Council (4,600) (3,090) ESOL ESOL (10,000) (1,000) (1,969,782) (2,034,378) Appendix 1 EAST AYRSHIRE COUNCIL NEIGHBOURHOOD SERVICES INCOME Actual Actual Funding Source Details 2011/12 2012/13 £ £ Activity Agreement Funding Bid for CSLA course (2,320) - ADP Award NW Boxing Club (10,000) - Armours Town Centre Trust Fund - (13,264) Artist Rooms Touring Group Award to Dick Institute - Bill Viola Exhib (7,700) - ATH Coal Maint Contribution (104,069) (139,942) Cathrine Community Trust Contribution - (7,252) Development Grant - Funky Bikes, Adapted Cycles Funding (16,000) - Creative Scotland External Grants (4,536) - Creative Scotland Creative Scotland (4,700) - Dumfries & Galloway Council Web hosting Costs EB Scotland Ltd Installation of clearmount park project (55,660) ESF CARS/THI (114,806) - Future Museum VPS hosting 2012 (1,200) (1,447) Glasgow Cycling Bikeability Grant - (4,000) Heritage Lottery Fund Grant (155,576) (76,029) Historic Scotland Grant - (292,878) NHS Ayrshire & Arran CHIP funding (32,500) (90,000) NHS Ayrshire & Arran Activity Agreements funding (28,000) - NW Kilmarnock Imp Group Footpath Project Contribution (16,313) - PACT Donation - (3,200) Prince's Trust CPP Development Programme (45,000) - Railway Heritage Trust Contribution (104,000) - Scottish Athletics Grant (1,200) - Scottish Coal Coal Maint Contribution - (149,185) Scottish Government Universal Home Insulation (146,594) Scottish Government Early Years Leisure Funding - (70,000) Scottish Government Countryside Service (6,700) - Scottish Government Recreation Partnership Funding (35,000) - Scottish Government CCTV GRANT (30,000) Scottish Government Roughsleepers Initiative funding (30,715) Scottish Resources Coal Main Contribution A70 (112,045) (105,131) Skills Dev. Scotland Empoyment Recruitment Incentive (2,000) - Skills Development Scotland Development Fund Allocation - (81,000) Skills Development Scotland Grant (54,592) (12,819) SPT Glen Road New Cumnock Contribution - (25,000) SPT Contribution Traffic Calming Scheme (12,230) - Stewart Milne Contribution (27,046) - Stustrans Grant - (2,836) Summer Community Stage EA Youth Theatre - (105) Transport Scotland Grant (170,000) - TOTALS (1,128,248) (1,276,341) Appendix 1 EAST AYRSHIRE COUNCIL FINANCE AND CORPORATE SUPPORT INCOME Actual Actual Funding Source Details 2011/12 2012/13 £ £ Scottish Government Private Water Supplies Funding (37,403.80) (37,404.00) Scottish Government Air Quality Funding (19,995.00) (19,995.00) Food Standards Agency Food Hygiene Informaion Scheme (5,500.00) (5,500.00) Food Standards Agency Imported Food Sampling Scheme (5,250.00) (5,250.00) Food Standards Agency Food Sampling (3,404.00) (3,404.00) NHS Ayrshire and Arran Community and Wellbeing Funding (9,246.00) (9,365.00) TOTALS (80,798.80) (80,918.00) Appendix 2 EXTERNAL FUNDING GAINS – ORGANISATIONS WITHIN EAST AYRSHIRE – PERIOD 1 APRIL 2012 TO 31 MARCH 2013 VALUE OF NUMBER OF COMMENTS NAME OF FUNDER AWARDS AWARDS £ BIG LOTTERY FUND 84 1,762,507 East Ayrshire Council has been the top achiever for attracting BLF support over the past five years in comparison to North and South Ayrshire Council. There were 19 more successful applications to BLF in period 2012/13 compared to 2011/12. For 2012/13 North Ayrshire received £1,669,990 with 88 successful applications and South Ayrshire received £967,921 with 71 successful applications. SCOTTISH RURAL 2 1,239,000 This funding relates to a 2 year programme DEVELOPMENT of funding with regards to Catrine Heritage PROGRAMME (SRDP) Initiative and Newmilns Snow and Ski Complex and has been divided equally over that period for the purposes of this report. COALFIELDS 8 129,065 The focus of CRT has shifted from grant REGENERATION TRUST maker to that of capacity building and an advisory role. These figures include awards made from 31 March 2012. Appendix 2 AYRSHIRE LEADER 11 220,246 East Ayrshire Council received 49.9% of Ayrshire LEADER funding for the period 2009 to 2013. 36 successful applicants in total receiving £1,500,000 of awards and levering in a further £1,800,000 for these projects. In addition EAC also benefited from the £245,000 pan-Ayrshire Rural 21 project. Comparator – 2009-2013. South Ayrshire Council had 36 successful applicants and received £876,377 (29.3%). North Ayrshire Council had 17 successful applicants and received £619,246 (20.8%). SCORE ENVIRONMENT 8 131,345 Applications increased year on year from six to eight . For the period 2011/12 grants totalling £162,472 were paid out to 6 projects. Appendix 2 PEOPLES POSTCODE 4 16,200 Successful applications were at the same TRUST level as 2011/12 however the value increased slightly from £14,157 to £16,200. LLOYDS TSB FOUNDATION 6 60,700 Same level of successful applicants as FOR SCOTLAND 2011/12 however the value of awards increased from £18,700 to £60,700 in 2012/13. CASHBACK FOR 3 12,518 Only one round of awards in period 2012/13. COMMUNITIES – YOUTHLINK SCOTLAND ROBERTSON TRUST 7 102,000 Successful applications were at the same level as 2011/12 however the grants secured totalled £200,922. Appendix 2 HISTORIC SCOTLAND 1 393,000 This forms part of a 5 year programme which is due to end in 2013 and part of a £1,964,984 Kilmarnock C.A.R.S project. 1 750,000 This is a new award and relates to the successful Galston C.A.R.S bid. HERITAGE LOTTERY FUND 1 399,000 This forms part of a 5 year programme which is due to end in 2013 and part of a £1,990,000 project. CUMNOCK AND 108 587,417 The number of successful applicants DOONVALLEY MINERALS currently exceeds the 103 awarded in TRUST 2011/2012 however due to the on-going difficulties facing the coal mining industry the value of awards has reduced from £834,338.
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