Anexure on PQ 326 on Flowers Parchase by DHA to Office

Anexure on PQ 326 on Flowers Parchase by DHA to Office

Anexure on PQ 326 on flowers parchase by DHA to office ABCDE F G H IJ K L M N O P Q Invoice Disbursem Captured Authorise Captured Entity Received Authorised Pmnt No ent No. ID s ID date Source Doc No. Paystatus Supplier Name Number date Dte Invoice date Entuty Type Amount Flowers From Flowers To Adress 35490 19912 18838739 14618249 9/3/2009 IN128403 PAID EBT PETALS FLORIST (A WALKER) 10941 9/3/2009 11/3/2009 3/3/2009 SUNDRY HO 655.50 Minister Mapisa Nqakula Ms Musa Duma 643 Spes Bona,Moreleta park 41754 23087 18838739 14618249 21/04/2009 IN128936 PAID EBT PETALS FLORIST (A WALKER) 10941 21/04/2009 21/04/2009 15/04/2009 SUNDRY HO 883.50 Minister Mapisa Nqakula Min.Matsepe Casaburri 453 Dwyk Str,Erasmuskloof 42386 23335 18838739 14618249 30/04/2009 IN127817 PAID EBT PETALS FLORIST (A WALKER) 10941 30/04/2009 30/04/2009 24/01/2009 SUNDRY HO 655.50 Minister Mapisa Nqakula Kevin Wakeford 27 Walton Park,P.E 42386 23335 18838739 14618249 30/04/2009 IN127755 PAID EBT PETALS FLORIST (A WALKER) 10941 30/04/2009 30/04/2009 24/01/2009 SUNDRY HO 655.50 Minister Mapisa Nqakula The Gommes Family 39 Erasmus Str,Johannesburg 43671 23974 18838739 14618249 11/5/2009 IN129300 PAID EBT PETALS FLORIST (A WALKER) 10941 11/5/2009 11/5/2009 7/5/2009 SUNDRY HO 655.55 Minister Mapisa Nqakula Premier Cassel mathale 40 Hans V Rensbu,Polokwane 43671 23974 18838739 14618249 11/5/2009 IN129301 PAID EBT PETALS FLORIST (A WALKER) 10941 11/5/2009 11/5/2009 7/5/2009 SUNDRY HO 655.55 Minister Mapisa Nqakula Premier David Mabuza 7 Government Blvd,Nelspruit 43671 23974 18838739 14618249 11/5/2009 IN129310 PAID EBT PETALS FLORIST (A WALKER) 10941 11/5/2009 11/5/2009 7/5/2009 SUNDRY HO 655.55 Minister Mapisa Nqakula Premier Maureen Modiselle Garona Building,Soutg Wing 43671 23974 18838739 14618249 11/5/2009 IN129311 PAID EBT PETALS FLORIST (A WALKER) 10941 11/5/2009 11/5/2009 7/5/2009 SUNDRY HO 655.55 Minister Mapisa Nqakula Premier Hasel Jenkins Cnr Roper&Quin Str,Kimberly 46344 25656 18838739 18654851 9/6/2009 IN129602 PAID EBT PETALS FLORIST (A WALKER) 10941 9/6/2009 11/6/2009 29/05/2009 SUNDRY HO 666.90 Minister Dlamini Zuma The Late Makhumalo Ndlela 288,Willowfontein 46344 25656 18838739 18654851 9/6/2009 IN129603 PAID EBT PETALS FLORIST (A WALKER) 10941 9/6/2009 11/6/2009 29/05/2009 SUNDRY HO 666.90 Minister Dlamini Zuma The Sipho Toli Mafikeng 46350 25656 18838739 18654851 9/6/2009 IN129663 PAID EBT PETALS FLORIST (A WALKER) 10941 9/6/2009 11/6/2009 3/6/2009 SUNDRY HO 1,425.00 Minister Dlamini Zuma Nonzame Myaka 907B Partyshond 46865 25893 18838739 14618249 17/06/2009 IN129746 PAID EBT PETALS FLORIST (A WALKER) 10941 17/06/2009 18/06/2009 9/6/2009 SUNDRY HO 649.80 Minister Dlamini Zuma Minister of Home Affairs 120 Plein Street, 46865 25893 18838739 14618249 17/06/2009 IN129747 PAID EBT PETALS FLORIST (A WALKER) 10941 17/06/2009 18/06/2009 9/6/2009 SUNDRY HO 946.20 Minister Dlamini Zuma Minister of Home Affairs 5 De Lacaille Avenue, Newlands 47038 26227 18838739 14618249 19/06/2009 IN129839 PAID EBT PETALS FLORIST (A WALKER) 10941 19/06/2009 22/06/2009 17/06/2009 SUNDRY HO 649.80 Minister Dlamini Zuma Minister of Home Affairs 120 Plein Street, Cape Town 47038 26227 18838739 14618249 19/06/2009 IN129842 PAID EBT PETALS FLORIST (A WALKER) 10941 19/06/2009 22/06/2009 17/06/2009 SUNDRY HO 946.20 Minister Dlamini Zuma Minister of Home Affairs 5 De Lacaille Avenue, Newlands 48442 27271 18838739 14618249 6/7/2009 IN129970 PAID EBT PETALS FLORIST (A WALKER) 10941 6/7/2009 7/7/2009 29/06/2009 SUNDRY HO 570.00 Minister Dlamini Zuma The Mosana Family Calling @ 8:30am 48442 27271 18838739 14618249 6/7/2009 IN129972 PAID EBT PETALS FLORIST (A WALKER) 10941 6/7/2009 7/7/2009 29/06/2009 SUNDRY HO 946.20 Minister Dlamini Zuma Minister Dlamini Zuma 120Plein Street 49503 27595 18838739 18576401 14/07/2009 IN129858 PAID EBT PETALS FLORIST (A WALKER) 10941 14/07/2009 17/07/2009 18/06/2009 SUNDRY HO 666.90 Minister Dlamini Zuma Minister G.Mahlangu Nkabinde 345 Galtonia Str,Siniville 49503 27595 18838739 18576401 14/07/2009 IN129878 PAID EBT PETALS FLORIST (A WALKER) 10941 14/07/2009 17/07/2009 18/06/2009 SUNDRY HO 552.90 Minister Dlamini Zuma Ms Shirley Kekana 270 Maggs Str,Waltloo 49503 27595 18838739 18576401 14/07/2009 IN129911 PAID EBT PETALS FLORIST (A WALKER) 10941 14/07/2009 17/07/2009 18/06/2009 SUNDRY HO 649.80 Minister Dlamini Zuma Minister Dlamini Zuma 120 Plein Street 52397 29102 18838739 18654851 13/08/2009 IN130117 PAID EBT PETALS FLORIST (A WALKER) 10941 13/08/2009 13/08/2009 9/7/2009 SUNDRY HO 609.90 Minister Dlamini Zuma Mr Ronnie Mamoepa 20Dryenie Str,Eldoraigne 52397 29102 18838739 18654851 13/08/2009 IN130180 PAID EBT PETALS FLORIST (A WALKER) 10941 13/08/2009 13/08/2009 9/7/2009 SUNDRY HO 552.90 Minister Dlamini Zuma Ms Mavivi Myakayaka Tzaneen 53700 30341 18838739 14618249 26/08/2009 IN130404 PAID EBT PETALS FLORIST (A WALKER) 10941 26/08/2009 31/08/2009 15/08/2009 SUNDRY HO 666.90 Minister Dlamini Zuma The Nkosi Family 12B Mount Str,Bryanston 53700 30341 18838739 14618249 26/08/2009 IN130585 PAID EBT PETALS FLORIST (A WALKER) 10941 26/08/2009 31/08/2009 15/08/2009 SUNDRY HO 666.90 Minister Dlamini Zuma Ms Doris Sikosana 23 windorah Flat,Morningside 53700 30341 18838739 14618249 26/08/2009 IN130587 PAID EBT PETALS FLORIST (A WALKER) 10941 26/08/2009 31/08/2009 15/08/2009 SUNDRY HO 666.90 Minister Dlamini Zuma The Late Mr Victor Moche 327 Aquila Lane,waterkloof 55857 31319 18838739 14618249 10/9/2009 IN130872 PAID EBT PETALS FLORIST (A WALKER) 10941 10/9/2009 18/09/2009 4/9/2009 SUNDRY HO 666.90 Minister Dlamini Zuma Funeral of the Late Mrs B Lan Living Waters Church,Durban 55857 31319 18838739 14618249 10/9/2009 IN130874 PAID EBT PETALS FLORIST (A WALKER) 10941 10/9/2009 18/09/2009 4/9/2009 SUNDRY HO 609.90 Minister Dlamini Zuma The Jili Family Calling 61366 33967 18838739 14618249 30/10/2009 IN131603 PAID EBT PETALS FLORIST (A WALKER) 10941 30/10/2009 30/10/2009 24/10/2009 SUNDRY HO 666.90 Minister Dlamini Zuma Minister Cwele 19 Berea close,Port Shepstone 62930 35031 18838739 14618249 10/11/2009 IN130877 PAID EBT PETALS FLORIST (A WALKER) 10941 10/11/2009 18/11/2009 5/9/2009 SUNDRY HO 666.90 Minister Dlamini Zuma Lillengiwe Mkhize House 14,Witkoppen 62930 35031 18838739 14618249 10/11/2009 IN130930 PAID EBT PETALS FLORIST (A WALKER) 10941 10/11/2009 18/11/2009 5/9/2009 SUNDRY HO 649.80 Minister's office Minister Dlamini Zuma 120 Plein Street 63557 35031 18838739 18576401 17/11/2009 IN131901 PAID EBT PETALS FLORIST (A WALKER) 10941 17/11/2009 18/11/2009 13/11/2009 SUNDRY HO 684.00 Minister Dlamini Zuma The Kasrils family 48 Upper Quaterdeck Road 64138 36194 18838739 14618249 25/11/2009 IN131995 PAID EBT PETALS FLORIST (A WALKER) 10941 25/11/2009 30/11/2009 20/11/2009 SUNDRY HO 666.90 Minister Dlamini Zuma Chanda Family 6869 Pandora close,Katlehong 64138 36194 18838739 14618249 25/11/2009 IN131996 PAID EBT PETALS FLORIST (A WALKER) 10941 25/11/2009 30/11/2009 20/11/2009 SUNDRY HO 666.90 Minister Dlamini Zuma The Mthwesi family 414 Radebe Section,Katlehong 64138 36194 18838739 14618249 25/11/2009 IN131988 PAID EBT PETALS FLORIST (A WALKER) 10941 25/11/2009 30/11/2009 20/11/2009 SUNDRY HO 666.90 Minister Dlamini Zuma The Ngobeni family C/O Magadiba Funeral underta 64138 36194 18838739 14618249 25/11/2009 IN131989 PAID EBT PETALS FLORIST (A WALKER) 10941 25/11/2009 30/11/2009 20/11/2009 SUNDRY HO 666.90 Minister Dlamini Zuma The Tompane Family C/O B3 Undertakers The Family Of the Late Min. Manto 67791 37584 23123702 18576401 23/12/2009 IN132387 PAID EBT PETALS FLORIST (A WALKER) 10941 23/12/2009 24/12/2009 17/12/2009 SUNDRY HO 666.90 Minister Dlamini Zuma Tshabalala Msimang 321 Derrick Avenue 67791 37584 23123702 18576401 23/12/2009 IN132423 PAID EBT PETALS FLORIST (A WALKER) 10941 23/12/2009 24/12/2009 17/12/2009 SUNDRY HO 666.90 Minister Dlamini Zuma Comm.Tokwe and Staff Cnr Troy & Park Str 67791 37584 23123702 18576401 23/12/2009 IN132424 PAID EBT PETALS FLORIST (A WALKER) 10941 23/12/2009 24/12/2009 17/12/2009 SUNDRY HO 666.90 Minister Dlamini Zuma Staff @ Durban VIP Lounge Durban Itn Airport 67791 37584 23123702 18576401 23/12/2009 IN132422 PAID EBT PETALS FLORIST (A WALKER) 10941 23/12/2009 24/12/2009 17/12/2009 SUNDRY HO 666.90 Minister Dlamini Zuma Staff @ Durban VIP Lounge Durban Itn Airport 69060 38410 23122978 14618249 13/01/2010 IN132504 PAID EBT PETALS FLORIST (A WALKER) 10941 13/01/2010 14/01/2010 24/12/2009 SUNDRY HO 666.90 Minister Dlamini Zuma The Mpumlwana Family C/O Maselwa Undetakers 69607 39146 18838739 14618249 18/01/2010 IN132547 PAID EBT PETALS FLORIST (A WALKER) 10941 18/01/2010 28/01/2010 15/01/2010 SUNDRY HO 666.90 Minister Dlamini Zuma The Tshangela Family Umtata 69607 39146 18838739 14618249 18/01/2010 IN132693 PAID EBT PETALS FLORIST (A WALKER) 10941 18/01/2010 28/01/2010 15/01/2010 SUNDRY HO 723.90 Minister Dlamini Zuma The Ngubane Family C/O Dudu,Dept Of Corp.Gov 70667 39996 18838739 16897269 29/01/2010 IN132486 PAID EBT PETALS FLORIST (A WALKER) 10941 29/01/2010 3/2/2010 28/01/2010 SUNDRY HO 780.90 Minister Dlamini Zuma Deputy Minister Gigaba 286 Albertus Str,Erasmusrand 70667 39996 18838739 16897269 29/01/2010 IN132487 PAID EBT PETALS FLORIST (A WALKER) 10941 29/01/2010 3/2/2010 28/01/2010 SUNDRY HO 780.90 Minister Dlamini Zuma Dr A Ntsaluba 460 soutpansberg,Rietondale 70667 39996 18838739 16897269 29/01/2010 IN132488 PAID EBT PETALS FLORIST (A WALKER) 10941 29/01/2010 3/2/2010 28/01/2010 SUNDRY HO 666.90 Minister Dlamini Zuma Ms Linda Mabusa 60 Margate Str,Garsfontein 88443 48416 18839738 14734796 12/7/2010 IN134592 PAID

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