R. W. ASHLEY & F. OBEBKIRCH. WIRE WHEEL. APPLICATION FILED AUG-1.19M. Patented‘ Apr. 13, 1915. 3 SHEETS-SHEET 1. IIIImIAIIIé”. 1/4 A,‘h an.‘ EF 11...’? 00 “151% 1514200 on : I or“ ‘ R. W. ASHLEY 8; F. OBERKIRCH. WIRE WHEEL. - APPLICATION FILED AUG. 1, 1913 P a .% d A p PM 1 om, l 9 1 Rd. 3 s H. E E T 8 ..° H E E T am win/l Av - R. W. ASHLEY & F. OBERKIRCH. WIRE WHEEL. APPLICATION FILED AUG. 1, 1913. 1L 9 131%m Patented Apr. 13, 1915. 3 SHEET8~SHEET 3. WITNESSES .' - \ “FILQEERT W. ASHLEE? AND FRANK OZBERKIRCH, OF YORK, N. Y., ASSIGNOR-‘S TQ GENERAL IRXM COMPANY, A CORPORATION OF NEW’ YORK. ‘WIRE WHEEL. Speci?cation of Letters Patent. Patented Apr. 13}, i915. Application ?led August 1, 1913. Serial No. 782,336. To all whom it may] concern .' opposed in their diagonally inclined planes, Bed-t known that We, Roiirnr ll/hillsHLnY and the fourth or lesser acute series of and linens. 'OBERKIRCH, citizens of the spokes tulres cure of a substantial portiomoi United States, and residents of New York hearing, outward and inward transverse 5 city, in the county of New York and State thrust, us well usnssisting in all the other not New York, have ini'ented certain new and positions the first, second and third series useful improvements in Wire Wheels, oi’ of spokes. By setting" up a wheel of this which the following is a speci?cation. type under tension a satisfactory, reliable, The invention relates .to improvements in light ,aud durable suspension wheel is had, Wire wheels and has particular reference to the result being the reduction to form and 65 :1 wire .wheel of the type provided with a se; practice of a true and correct four point ries of interloced Wire spokes under tension, suspension Wheel. the Wheel rim thereof being so formed as to Another object of the invention is the pro viding‘ of a hub designed to take the stand constitute n Wheel fellyhsnd as well as a de 70 l5 mountulole rim supporting member. _ By ard bearing! spindles and sleeves having cost constructing n Wire Wheel in the manner as integrally therewith u ?ange adapted ‘to ' is hereinafter‘described it is "found that the have mounted therein two separate series 0i.’ Wheel telly o1‘ demountehle vrim supporting spokes, and a rcceptionhead adapted to re base will take diverse types of demountahle ceive driving; means't'orming part of udriw 24) rims comprisingthe individual straight side ing axle, the body of suid'liub being ar type of rim, the individual clencher bend ranged to take the other or remaining series type of rim and the universal reversible of spokes. The type and manner of string ?anged type of rim; ing the spokes comprised in the structure The object oi? the invention is the provid disclosed herein may be mounted between a 25 ing of e wheel rim folly, and n standard deinountable rim ands hub shell so that it hearing huhuhsving' suspended. under ten~ may be utilized in connection with either the sion between said rim and hub ‘in separate demountahle rim type of structure or it may alinement four series of spokes in four (lliE' be utilized in a structure wherein the Wheel in its entirety is demountable. ferei'lt positions, namely, ?rst, from ‘the rear 85 of the huh to the rear of the rim, (the ver Another and further object of the inven tical or right angle series), second, from the tion is the providing of a Wheelfelly rim re rear of the hub to approximately the ‘front inforced onbofh of its edges so that the some may be constructed of a light body of of the rim, (the obtuse-series of spokes), steel, such reinforcement heingso arranged third, from approximately the rear of the 90 r rim to the front of the hub, (one of the acute as to take means for receiving and locking series of spokes oppositely, opposed to ‘the thereto a demounteble rim of any type car-v obtuse series of spokes), the second {ind rying'means to also take any type ‘of cushion or pneumatic tires. The hub structure is so third series of spokes crossing one another arranged that the spoke supporting ?ange at a point substantially on a plane with the 95 center tread line of the Wheel, and fourth, may be readily bolted to- the brake drum of from the front of the rim to the front of the at motor car, (wherein the rear ‘wheel struc hub (the secondary acute series of spokes of ture is used, the front Wheel hub structure a lesser inclination than the ?rst mentioned being also of a. standard type) obviating the acute series of spokes). By stringing :1 Wire ‘necessity of changing any of the standnrd 00 Wheel in this manner the ?rst or vertical ‘parts on n motor car when one is desirous of series of spokes takes care of the vertical changing from :1 Wooden or artillery wheel and driving thrust, the second or obtuse se~ type of equipment to the wire Wheel type oi.‘ ries takes care of the outward transverse equipment. - _ t In the following is described, in connec thrust and. assists sni'dt‘ '. series of spokes in 10-5 5 taking care of th igg'ht susnining and tion with the ‘accompanying drawings, the traction sustnini s. the third series or embodiment of the invention the features ?rst mentioned acute ' es of spokes takes thereof, h '7 more particularly pointed out care of the inward. tr thrust desist~ hereii'iaiter ' 1 r ' ing the ohtuse series oi? spokes in that these the u"; l. is u. vertical (Ii CH intermediate series of spokes are oppositely Wheel type oil: 1,135,424 structure illustrating the position of the , mounted from the forward portion of the four point spoke suspension 'wherein the hub in single alinement to the back of rim four series of spokes are mounted in two (10) in the same alinement as the series of lines of contact on both the hub and rim; spokes (12), (acute series of spokes B). ‘Fig. 2. is a vertical sectional view of the rear Said series of spokes (12) described, (acute 70 wheel structure illustrating the manner in series B.) cross the series of spokes (11) on ~ which the four series of spokes are mounted approximately the tread center line of’ the in four lines of contact on the hub and two wheel and in weight and force resistance lines of contact on the rim and also the are oppositely opposed to said spokes se 10 means of attaching the structure as a whole ries (11). > 75 to the brake drum, forming part of a motor (13) designates a series of acute spokes vehicle; Fig. 3. is a side elevation partly in strung from the forward portion of the hub diagran'nnatical illustration of the wheel in the same alinement as the series of spokes showing the type of suspension spoke inter (12) to approximately the forward portion 15 lacing; Fig. L1. is a face elevation of the rear of the rim (10) in the same alinement at the 80 hub structure; Fig. 5. is a cross section of rim point as the series of spokes (11), said the wheel felly rim illustrating in connec series of spokes (13) (acute series of spokes tion therewith the position a clencher type A.) are of a lesser acute angle than of the of demountable‘ rims assumes thereon; Fig. series of spokes (12). The series of spokes 6. is a further cross section of the wheel fell'y (7) takes care of the vertical or driving rim illustrating the straight side type of de thrust and series of spokes 11 takes care of mountable rim thereon and Fig. 7. is a dia~ the outward transverse thrust assisted by grammatical illustration of a standard hub the series of spokes (12) to which they are structure illustrating the manner in which oppositely opposed, which takes care of the 25 the four series of spokes are supported inward transverse thrust, which assists and 90 thereon, the lines of support being substan , equalizes the distributi n of the vcrticle and tially at right angles thereto, and further both inward and outward transverse thrusts. more approximately at right angles to the and the series of spokes (18) takes care of 3 ozllf‘iexact.. position of the obtuse and acute series the bearing thrust as well as assisting in of spokes‘ equalizing the forces upon all of the afore Similar numerals of reference indicate mentioned series of spokes. 95,, similar parts throughout the several views. Him (10) has formed on one edge a de In drawings (1) indicates the hub of the pending channei (14-) for reinforcing same front wheel type of structure provided in ternally thereof with bearing shell cavities at that point and on its back edge a recep tion beading (14“) for reinforcing that edge, 100 (2) and at its rear edge with a circular thereby permitting a wheel folly rim for ?angc (3) which is so arranged as to take a ieavy types of cars to be constructed out speedometer sprocket of any ty ' e‘ The shell of comparatively a light sheet stecl,‘thereby portion of hub (1) at the rear t iereof is pro providing a wheel that is light in its super 40 vided with a raised beading (4t) and at the structure and one that will actually increase 105 front edge with a' similar bead (5), the ex the life of a tire used upon it, as the life of treme outer edge of said hub being exter a tire used upon a wire wheel of this type is nally threaded to take a suitable hub cap due to the absorption of shock on the sus (6).
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