whatzup WEB SIGHTS ART & MUSEUMS GARRETT HERITAGE DAYS PINK DROYD WWW .GARRETTHERITAGEDAYS .COM HTTP ://PINKDROYD .COM More Pixar Pixie Dust ARTLINK THREE RIVERS FESTIVAL REMNANTS WWW .ARTLINKFW .COM WWW .THREERIVERSFESTIVAL .ORG WWW .REMNANTSBAND .COM Tops at the Box: Disney and NORTHSIDE GALLERIES KARAOKE/DISC JOCKEYS RENEGADE Pixar’s latest big budget animated WWW .NORTHSIDEGALLERIES .COM WWW .FTW -RENEGADE .COM children’s crossover flick, Brave, ScreenTime CINEMA AMERICAN IDOL KARAOKE paul NEW STEWART scored reasonably big beaux at WWW .FACEBOOK .COM /AMERICALIDOLKARAOKE WWW .REVERBNATION .COM /PAULNEWSTEWART the box office this past weekend, GREG W. LOCKE FORT WAYNE CINEMA CENTER SWING TIME KARAOKE entertainMENT THE SUM MORZ WWW .CINEMACENTER .ORG WWW .SWINGTIMEKARAOKE .COM WWW .SUMMORZ .COM selling just under $67 million over UNLIKELY ALIBI its first three days. Reviews thus talked-about male stripper flick, DANCE MEDIA WWW .MYSPACE .COM /UNLIKELYALIBI far are mixed, with most of the Magic Mike, starring Channing FORT WAYNE BALLET FORT WAYNE MUSIC URBAN LEGEND big name critics giving the movie Tatum. Looks like a fun time to WWW .FORTWAYNEBALLET .ORG WWW .FORTWAYNEMUSIC .COM WWW .1URBANLEGEND .COM safe, three-star equivalent reviews. us and will surely have all of So- FORT WAYNE DANCE COLLECTIVE LOCL.NET WHAT SHE SAID Peter Travers, one of my least derbergh’s usual snappy style WWW .FWDC .ORG WWW .LOCL .NET WWW .MYSPACE .COM /WHATSHESAIDBAND and spunk. Will it do big dollars, WBYR 98.9 THE BEAR RETAIL trusted, though most-read writers DINING & NIGHTLIFE WWW .989THEBEAR .COM gave the movie an 88/100, calling though? Probably not. Maybe a 3 RIVERS CO-OP WHATZUP 3 RIVERS CO-OP NATURAL GROCERY & DELI it a “rousing, gorgeously animated $40-$60 million movie at best. WWW .3RIVERSFOOD .COOP WWW .WHATZUP .COM WWW .3RIVERSFOOD .COOP good time.” Roger Ebert, who Next up is the proper directori- AFTER DARK WXKE ROCK 104 SPORTS & RECREATION tends to be mostly accurate with al debut of Seth McFarlane (“The WWW .MYSPACE .COM /AFTERDARKFW WWW .ROCK 104RADIO .COM Family Guy” creator) in Ted, a THE ALLEY SPORTS BAR CREEARE RANCH his scores, gave the film three out WWW .PROBOWLWEST .COM MUSIC SERVICES & SUPPLIES WWW .CREEARERANCH .COM of four stars, calling it a … oh, who raunchy man-child comedy star- BEAMER’S SPORTS GRILL DIGITRACKS THEATER & DANCE cares. We’ve seen the trailers, and, ring Mark Wahlberg, Mila Kunis, WWW .MYBEAMERS .COM WWW .DIGITRACKSRECORDING .COM well, it looks like another piece of Giovanni Ribisi and Joel McHale. CALHOUN STREET SOUPS, SALADS & SPIRITS FORT WAYNE MUSICIANS ASSOCIATION ALL FOR ONE PRODUCTIONS visual Pixar magic to us. Probably funny, dirty, forgettable WWW .MYSPACE .COM /CALHOUNSOUPSSALADSSPIRITS HTTP ://FWMA .US WWW .ALLFORONEFW .ORG Also at the Box: Madagascar stuff. Prolly. CHAMPIONS SPORTS BAR SWEETWater SOUND FIRST PRESBYTERIAN THEATER WWW .CHAMPIONSFORTWAYNE .COM WWW .SWEETWATER .COM WWW .FIRSTPRESBYTERIANTHEATER .COM 3: Europe’s Most Wanted, written Rounding out the week’s new CHECKERZ BAR & GRILL WOODEN NICKEL MUSIC STORE FORT WAYNE CIVIC theatre by ScreenTime hero Noah Baum- releases are Alex Kurtzman drama WWW .CHECKERZBAR .COM WWW .WOODENNICKELMUSICFORTWAYNE .COM WWW .FWCIVIC.ORG bach, took the No. 2 spot at the box People Like Us – starring Mark COLUMBIA STREET WEST FORT WAYNE YOUTHEATRE office over the movie’s third week- Duplass, Chris Pine, Olivia WIl- WWW .COLUMBIASTREETWEST .COM PERFORMERS WWW FORTWAYNEYOUTHEATRE ORG . / end, selling another $20.2 million, de, Elizabeth Banks, Jon Favreau DEER PARK IRISH PUB ALLAN & ASHCRAFT IPFW DEPT. OF THEATRE WWW .DEERPARKPUB .COM WWW .ALLANANDASHCRAFT .COM WWW .IPFW .EDU /THEATRE upping the flick’s 17-day take to a and Michelle Pfeiffer – and Tyler DON HALL’S FACTORY ALMOZT ALICE JAM THEATRICALS whopping $157 million. Terrible Perry’s latest masterpiece of me- WWW .DONHALLS .COM /LOCATIONS .ASP ?ID=30 WWW .MYSPACE .COM /SLIPKITTYBAND WWW .FWEMBASSYTHEATRE .ORG /EVENTS _BROADWAY .HTM reviews for the most part, though diocrity, Tyler Perry’s Madea’s DON HALL’S TRIANGLE PARK AUTOVATOR many have given Baumbach’s Witness Protection. Very likely the WWW .DONHALLS .COM /LOCATIONS .ASP ?ID=38 VENUES WWW .AUTOVATOR .COM paycheck writing the thumbs up. worst movie of the year. Maybe FIREFLY COFFEE HOUSE BACKWATER ALLEN CO. PUBLIC LIBRARY Kangaroo WWW .FIREFLYCOFFEEHOUSEFW .COM WWW .BACKWATERBAND .NET WWW .ACPL .LIB .IN.US Alt-history horror-thriller Abra- the worst movie since THE GIN MILL BIFF & THE CRUISERS ANDERSON PARAMOUNT THEATRE ham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter Jack, or at least since Perry’s last WWW .GINMILLLOUNGE .COM WWW .BIFFANDTHECRUISERSBAND .COM WWW .ANDERSONPARAMOUNT .ORG took the No. 3 spot at the box, sell- piece of dock. LATCH STRING BAR & GRILL MIKE CONLEY C2G MUSIC HALL ing just under $17 million over its More excitingly, two very WWW .MYSPACE .COM /LATCHSTRING WWW .MIKECONLEY .NET WWW .C2GMUSICHALL .COM first three days. Reviews? Terrible. promising new indies will start LUCKY LADY DOWNSTAIT EMBASSY THEATRE to screen in the U.S.: Beasts of WWW .WWW .ALUCKYLADY .NET WWW .MYSPACE .COM /DOWNSTAIT WWW .FWEMBASSYTHEATRE .ORG Terrible. As they probably should MAD ANTHONY BREWING CO. ELEPHANTS IN MUD FORT WAYNE PARKS & REC. DEPT. be. Looks like an all-around miss the Southern Wild and Sarah Pol- WWW .MADBREW .COM WWW .ELEPHANTSINMUD .BANDCAMP .COM WWW .FORTWAYNEPARKS .ORG to the ScreenTime staffers. ley’s Take This Waltz. Both look PIERE’S entertainMENT CENTER THE FREAK BROTHERS FORT WAYNE PHILHARMONIC Rounding out the Top 5 last incredible to us. But hey, neither WWW .ITSTHEPARTY .COM WWW .FREAKBROTHERSONLINE .COM WWW .FWPHIL .ORG weekend were Ridley Scott’s Pro- will play outside NYC and L.A. RUSTY SPUR SALOON TIM HARRINGTON BAND HONEYWELL CENTER for weeks or even months, so just WWW .RUSTYSPURBAR .COM WWW .MYSPACE .COM /TIMHARRINGTONBAND WWW .HONEYWELLCENTER .ORG metheus at No. 4, selling another SHOWGIRL III THE JAENICKE CONSORT INC. NISWONGER PERFORMING ARTS CTR. $10 million, and Adam Shank- buck up and go watch Channing WWW .SHOWGIRL 3.NET WWW .JCONSORT .COM WWW .NPACVW .ORG man’s Rock of Ages which sold $8 and the boys strip down in Magic SNICKERZ COMEDY BAR JOE JUSTICE PHILMORE ON BROADWAY million over its second weekend, Mike. WWW .SNICKERZCOMEDYCLUB .BIZ WWW .JOEJUSTICELIVE .COM WWW .PHILMOREONBROADWAY .COM upping the movie’s 10-day total to Home Video: Out this past WRIGLEY FIELD BAR & GRILL JUNK YARD BAND WAGON WHEEL THEATRE Prometheus Tuesday, June 26: Mirror Mirror, WWW .WRIGLEYFIELDBARANDGRILL .COM WWW .THEJUNKYARDBAND .NET WWW .WAGONWHEELTHEATRE .ORG just under $29 million. The Artist, A Thousand Words, EVENTS KILLNANCY has now sold $108 million in the WWW .KILLNANCY .COM U.S. over its first 17 days; add to The Perfect Family, Wrath of the BREW HAVEN KILL THE RABBIT WEB SIGHTS listings are a valued-add- that another $152 million over- Titans, 21 Jump Street and season HTTP ://BREWHAVEN .TRIONTAVERN .COM WWW .KTRROCKS .COM ed service provided at no additional cost seas, and Scott has another big hit four of the excellent “Damages.” to contracted whatzup advertisers. BUSKERFEST LEFT LANE CRUISER on his hands. Good flick, too, if New to home video this coming WWW .DOWNTOWNFORTWAYNE .COM WWW .MYSPACE .COM /LEFTLANECRUISER Facebook pages may be linked on what- Tuesday, July 3: The Hunter, God CHARLEY CREEK ARTS FEST MARSHALL LAW zup’s site, but are not published in the you’ve not yet seen it. Flawed, but WWW .CHARLEYCREEKARTSFEST .ORG WWW .ROGERMARSHALLBAND .COM print edition of whatzup. great regardless. Bless America, Jesus Henry Christ FANDANA Festival MIKE MOSES For information on this and other whatzup New This Week: Four new and Mac & Devin Go to High WWW .FANDANAFESTIVAL .COM HTTP ://MIKEMOSESPRESENTS .COM advertising programs, call 260-691-3188 big studio films will hit screens School. So, mostly, 21 Jump Street FORT WAYNE PRIDE FEST MY LOST TRIBE or e-mail [email protected]. nationwide this weekend, includ- and Patty Hewes. WWW .FWPRIDE .ORG /ABOUT .HTML WWW .MYLOSTTRIBE .NET ing Steven Soderbergh’s much- [email protected] The Whole Music & Arts Scene in the Palm of Your Hand Sign up for whatzup2nite and access whatzup’s calendars from your smart phone or other device. Plus you can win free tickets and stuff. Sign up today at www.whatzup.com, 30 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- www.whatzup.com ------------------------------------------------------------------- June 28, ’12.
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