22 eeptembre 1948 m5 188- .8anee p16ol8re HUNDRED AND TBIRTY.EIGH'ffi CENT.TRENTE-HUlTIEME SEANCE PLENARY MEETING PLENIERE Chail~)t~ Pari,~ Ckaillot~ Pari,~ lTT Held at the Palai, de Tenuo au Palai, de on J1'"dne,Jay~ 22 September 1948~ (It 10.90 aim. le mercrodi 22 'optembre1948 ~ a10 h. 90. ,de. ,ft.. Pren'dent: Mr. H. V. En.'I'T (Australia). President: M. H. V. EVATT (Australie). moo 9. Election of the Vice-Presidents 9. Election des Vice-Presidents de ~ra The PRESIDENT requested the General Assembly Le PRESIDENT invite l'AssembIee generale it pro­ iUX to proceed to the election of its seven Vice-Pre­ ceder ai'election de ses sept Vice-Presidents. n sidents. He reminded the Assembly that, accord­ rappelle que, aux termes des articles 27 et 33 ~es ing to rules 27 and 33 of the rules of proce­ du reglement interieur, les Vice-Presidents de u~s dure, the Vice-Presidents of the General Assem­ l'AssembIee generale et les Presidents des six se bly and the Chairmen of the six Main Commit­ grandes Commissions sont choisis ~ de faQon a rer tees should be ehosen ~ on the basis of ensuring assurer le caractare representatif du Bureau". the representative character of the General Enfin, I'Australie, la Belgique, le Canada, le la Committee". The following countriefj" having ehili, I'Iran, le Liban et le Panama, etant deja i la b~en already elected to the General Committee, repr'esenMs au Bureau1 ne sont pas eligibles. es­ would not be eligible : Australia, .Belgium, er­ Canada, Chile, Iran, Lebanon and Panama. ~er At the invitation qfthe President ~ Mr. Van Roijm A la demande du President~ M. Van Roijen (Pay,.. (Netherland,)~ and Mr. T/wrn (New Zealand)~ acted BaI) et M. T/wrn (Nouvelle-Zelande) alBUmen' le, tu teller,. Jonctions de 8crutateura. A vote WaB taken by ,ecret ballot ~ aI follows : 11 est prorMe au vote au scrutin 8ecret : Number of votes CaBt ~ 54. Nombre de bulletins d6p0s68~ 54. Invalid votes ~ 1. Bulletin nul~ 1. Valid vote8~ 53. Suffrage8 ea;prim88 ~ 53. Simple majority ~ 27. MajantS ab801U8~ 27 . ..¥umber of votes obtained: Nombre de Ma; obtenUtJ8 : China, 46. Chine, 46. France, 44. France, 44. on Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, 41. Union des Republiques socialistes sovie- tiques, 41. United Kingdom, 41. R0Y'aume-Uni, 41. rles United States of America, 41. Etats-Unis d'Amerique, 41. tifs Mexico, 29. Mexique, 29. ,lee Poland, 28. ~si­ Pologne, 28. l'hilippines, 25. PhilIppines, 25. [1 a India, 8. inde, 8. de Denmark, 6. Danemark, 6. Belgium, 4. Belgique, 4. ley • Czechoslovakia, 4. Tchecoslovaquie, 4. :or- Greece, 4. Grace, 4. ent Norway, 3. Norvage, 3. Itre Yugoslavia, 3. Yougoslavie, 3. du Cuba, 2. Cuba, 2. en­ Egypt, 2. Egypte, 2. ldA. New Zealand, 2• Nouvelle-Zelnnde, 2. alll Syria, 2. Syrie, 2. ;tre Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic, 2. ReE.ubliqlle socialiste 80vietique d'Ukraine, Argentina, 1. Argentine, 1. :lec- Brazil, 1. BresH, 1. Burma, 1. Birmanie, 1. Costa Rica, 1. Costa-Rica, 1. ... 188th plenary meetlnl go 22 September 1948 13 Ethiopia, 1. Ethiopia, 1. Guatemala, 1. Guatemala, 1. sell Haiti, 1. Haiti, 1. Pakistan, 1. Pakistan, 1. Siam, 1. Siam, 1. Union of South Africa, 1. Union Sud-Mricaine, 1. Venezuela, 1. Venezuola, 1. The f6pre8entatives qf the jollowine countries ~ Ayant obtenu la majoritJ ab801ue~ le8 repres6ntanf.$ Aamng received a simple maiority ~ were elected as iles pay' mivantB lont elu8 Vice-President8 : Chine Vice-Presidents : Cktna~ France~ Union of Soviet France ~ lT1~ion de, Republiqu6s lodaliste8 8ovietique8 ~ Sociali8t Republics~ United Kinedom~ United States Royaume-Uni, Etatl-llni8 ri'Am6rique" Mexique, Po­ of America~ Mexico and Poland. loene• on : 10. Compolition of the General 10. Composition du Bureau Committee The PRESIDENT stated that the election of Vice.. Le PRESIDEN.,! indique que l'election des Vice­ Presidents, which had just been held, completed Presidents qui vient d'avoir lieu complete la the composition of the General Committee of composition dn Bureau de I'Assemblee tene the Assembly as laid down under rule 33 of the qu'elle est prevue al'article 33 du reglement rules of procedure. The composition of the interieur. Le Bureau se trouve donc ainsi con.. General Committee was therefore as follows : stitue : 1 Ass, (a) The Presiilmt of the GeMral A88embly : a. Le President de I'AS8emb16e senerale : em) Mr. H. V. Evatt, Australia. M. H. V. Evatt, AustraHe. rep: ber (b) The 8even Vice-Presidents: b. Le., sept Vice-Presidents: Chll Mr. Wang Shih-chieh, China. M. Wang Shih-chieh, Chine. 1 Mr. Robert Schuman, France. M. Robert Schuman, France. ofl Mr. Andrei Y. Vyshinsky, Union 0: Soviet M. Andrei Y. Vychinsky, Union des Republi... Ub Socialist Republics. ques socialistes sovietiques. Bur Mr. Ernest Bevin, United Kingdom. M. Ernest Bevin, Royaume-Uni. Ub Mr. George C. Marshall, United States of M. George C. MA1'shall, Etats-Unle d'Ameri.. Che America. que. Mr. Luis Padilla Nervo, Mexico. M. Luis Padilla Nervo, Mexique. T Mr. Zygmunt Modzelewski, Poland. M. Zygmunt Modzelewski, Pologne. mit1 deh (c) TIte Presidents of the six Main Committees: c. Les Pf'osidents des sift erandes Commi8sion8 • po" Mr. Paul-Henri Spaak, Belgium. M. Paul-Henri S:>aak, Belgique. fort Mr. Hernan Santa Cruz, Chile. M. Hernan Santa Cruz, Chili. mer Mr. Charles Malik, Lebanon. M. Cliarles Malik, Liban. hIy' Mr. Nasrollah Entezam, Iran. M. Nasrollah Entezam, Iran. werl Mr. L. Dana Wilgress, Canada. M. L. Dana Wilgress, Canada. A Mr. Rieardo J. Alfaro, Panama. M. Ricardo J. Alfaro, Panama. Bra: Can Cull Rep 11. Programme of coming meetings 11. Programme des procludnes lieanCe& Grel The PRESIDENT announced that the General Le PRESIDENT annonce que le BWt'eau, constitue Lux Committee, in the form just indicated, would ainsi qu'il vient d'Mre indique, se reunira le Zeal meet on Wednesday, 22 September, at 3 p.m. mercredi 22 septembre a 15 heures. L'Assem­ lipp The General Assembly would hold two plenary bIee generale tiendra le jeudi 23 septembre tlie 1 meetings on Thursday, 23 September, at 10.30 deux seances plenieres, rune a 10 h. SO et ofB a. ID. and at 3 p. m. when the Assembly would I'autre a15 heures. L'Assemblee 8lbordera alors Kinf begin its general debate. He would ask all the le debat general. Le President dem.ande atoutes Venl delegations which wished to take part in this les delegations qui desirent prenillre la parole Tl debate to inform the Secretary-General's Exe... au cours de ce debat de bien vouloir en informer the cutive Office as Boon as possible. He hoped the le ph3 rapidement possible le cP.bi.net du Seere- pro~ 8 18 .eptembre 1948 2'7 13,. seance pllnlftoe general debate could be concluded this week. taire general. Le president espere que le debat gene~al pOlUTa se terminer au cours de cette semame. The meeting rOBe at 11.45 a. m. La seance est levee a11 h. 4. a. HUNDRED AND THIRTY·NlNTII CENT.TRENTE-NEUVIEME sEANCE PLENARY MEETING PLENIERE Held at tke Palais de Chaillot, Pari., Tent«! au Palai. de Chaillot, Pari" on Thursday, 29 Septemher 1948, at 10.90 a.m. 18 feudi 29 septemhre 1948, d 10 h. 90. President: Mr. H. V. EVATT (Australia). President: M. H. V. EVATT (Australie). 12. Report of the Credentials 12. Rapport de la Commis.lou Committee de verification des pouvoirs ca- ~Rep la Mr. TABASENKO (Ukrainian Soviet Socialist M. TABASElUO ublique socialiste sovietique ,ne Republic) read the report of the Credentials d'Ukraine) donne lecture du rapport de la Com­ ~nt Committee as follows. mission de verification des pouvoirs, dont voici >n- la teneur : The Committee appointed by the General La Commission etablie par l'AssembIee gene­ Assembly, at its first plenary meeting on 21 Sept­ rale au cours de sa premiere seance pleniere, le ember 1948, to examine the credentials of 21 septembre 1948, en vue de verifier les pou­ represen~atives met at 11 a.m. on 22 Septem­ voirs des representants, s'est reunie le 22 sep­ ber 194.8 in conference room 9 of the Palcld de tembre 1948, a11 heur,es, au Palais de Chaillot, ChaiUot. dans la salle de conference n° 9. The Committee consisted of the representatives La Commission se composait des representants of Brazil, Canada, Ecuador, France, Iran, Sweden, des pays suivants : Bresil, Canada, Equateur, >li- Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic, Union of France, Iran, Suede, RepubIique socialiste Bovie­ Burma, and Yemen. The representative of the tique d'Ukraine, Union Birmane et Yemen. Le Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic was elected representant de la Repuhlique sociaIiste Bovie­ Chairman of the Committee. ti~u~ d'Ukraine a ete elu President de la Com­ mISSlon. The Committee examined the documents sub­ La Commission a examine les documents pre­ mitted to the Secretttriat with respect to fiftY-I~ight sentes au Secretariat et relatifs am: cinquante­ delegations. The Committee found that the huit delegations. Elle a constate que les pou­ powers conferred upon the representatives of voirs conferes aux representailts de quarante­ forty-six Member States fully satisfied the require­ six Etats Memhres satisfont pleinement aux condi­ ments of Article 23 of the General Assem­ tions prevues aI'article 23 du raglement inte­ hly's rules Jf procedure. The States concerned rieur (le l'Assemhlee generaIe. Ces Etats Mem­ were the f.ollowing : bres sont les suivants : Mghanistan, .Argentina, Australia, Belgium, Mghanistan, Argentine, Australie, Belgique, Brazil, ByelorusBian Soviet Socialist Republic, Bresil, Repuhlique sociaIiste sovietique de Bielo­ Canada, Chile, China, Colombia, Costa Rica, russie, Canada, Chili, Chine, Colombie, Costa­ Cuba, Czechoslovllkia, Denmark, the Dominican Rica, Cuba, Tchecoslovaquie, Danemark, Repu­ Republic, Egypt, El Salvador, Ethiopia, France, blique Dominicaine, Egypte, Salvador, Ethiopie, ~es Greece, Haiti, Honduras, Iceland, Iran, Liberia, France, Greee, HaIti, Honduras, IsIande, Iran, tue Luxembourg, Mexico, the Netherlands, New Liberia, Luxemhourg, Mexique, Pays-Bas, Nou­ .
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