GENERAL AGREEMENT ON TARIFFS AND TRADE RESTRICTED ACCORD GENERAL SUR LES TARIFS DOUANIERS ET LE COMMERCE GPR/Spec/67/Rev.1 5 November 1993 ACUERDO GENERAL SOBRE ARANCELES ADUANEROS Y COMERCIO (93- 1944) Informal Working Group on Negotiations on Government Procurement NEGOTIATIONS ON GOVERNMENT PROCUREMENT Offer Revision Attached is a copy of the revised offer' from Norway in the negotiations on the improvement, expansion and broadening of the Agreement on Government Procurement, which was earlier circulated to you informally on 25 October 1993. This redistribution is limited to the participants in the Informal Working Group on Negotiations. Groupe de travail informel des negociations sur les marches publics NEGOCIATIONS SUR LES MARCHES PUBLICS Offre Revision On trouvera ci-joint copie de l'offre' revis6e que la Norvyke a faite dans le cadre des negociations stir l'amelioration, I'extension et l'elargissement de l'Accord relatif aux marches publics et qui a ete distribute a titre informel le 25 octobre 1993. Cette nouvelle distribution est destinee exclusivement aux participants au Groupe de travail informel des negociations. Grupo de Trabajo Informal de las Negociaciones sobre Compras del Sector Nblico NEGOCIACIONES SOBRE COMPRAS DEL SECTOR PUBI,ICO Oferta Revisi6n Adjunta figura la oferta' revisada presentada por Noruega en las negociaciones sobre la mejora, expansion y ampliaci6n del Acuerdo sobre Compras del Sector Publico, que se distribuy6 informalmente el 25 de octubre de 1993. Esta redistribuci6n se limita a los participantes en el Grupo de Trabajo Informal de las Negociaciones. 'English only/Anglais seulement/Ingl- solamente. GPR/Spec/67/Rev.1 Page 2 NORWAY'S OFFER IN THE NEGOTIATIONS OF THE GATT CODE ON GOVERNMENT PROCUREMENT Norway reserves the right to modify or withdraw its offer depending on the outcome of the negotiations, including response of the other parties. Entities listed are offered on the basis of reciprocity. GPR/Spec/67/Rev. 1 Page 3 ANNEX 1 CENTRAL GOVERNMENT ENTITLES UNDERTAKING PROCUREMENT IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PROVISIONS OF THIS AGREEMENT Name of Country: NORWAY Supplies: Threshold: SDR 130.000 List of Entities: Norway offers full coverage of central government entities, including any local sub- divisions, provided that they lo not have an industrial or commercial character. Services: (other than the construction services specified in annex 5) Threshold: 130.000 SDR List of Entities: Same as for supply contracts Specification of services covered in annex 4 Works: Threshold: SDR 4.500.000 List of Enitities: Same as for supply contracts Specification o, construction services covered in annex 5 AN ENTITY LIST IS PROVIDED BELOW, BUT IS NOT EXCLUSIVE: Statsministerens kontor Office of the Prime Minister Administrasjonsdepartementet: Ministry of Government Administration: Fylkesmannskontorene: County Governor Offices: Fylkesmannen i 0stfold Fylkesmannen i Oslo og Akershus Fylkesmannen i Hedmark Fylkesmannen i Oppland Fylkesmannen i Buskerud Fylkesmannen i Vestfold Fylkesmannen i Telemark Fylkesmannen i Aust-Agder Fylkesmannen i Vest-Agder Fylkesmannen i Rogaland Fylkesmannen i Hordaland Fylkesmannen i Sogn og Fjordane Fylkesmannen i More og Romsdal Fylkesmannen i S0r-Trondelag Fylkesmannen i Nord-Tr0ndelag GPR/Spec/67/Rev.1 Page 4 Fylkesmannen i Nordland Fylkesmannen i Troms Fylkesmannen i Finnmark Prisdirektoratet The Price Directorate Statens Forvaltningstjeneste Government Administration Services Statens Informasjonstjeneste Norwegian Central Information Service Statskonsult Directorate of Public Management Barne - og familiedepartemeiALet: Ministry of Children and Family affairs: Barneombudet Commissioner for Children Forbrukerombudet Consumer Ombudsman Forbrukerrddet Consumer Council Likestillingsombudet Equal Status Ombud Likestillingsradet Equal Status Council Statens Adopsjonskontor Government Adoption Office Statens Institutt for Forbruksforskning National Institute for Consumer Research Finans- og tolldepartementet: Ministry of Finance: Kredittilsynet The Banking, Insurance and Securities Commision of Norway Skattedirektoratet Directorate of Taxes Olieskattekontoret Petroleum Tax Office Toll- og avgiftsdirektoratet Directorate of Customs and Excise Fiskeridepartementet: Ministry of Fisheries: Fiskeridirektoratet Directorate of Fisheries Havforskningsinstituttet Institute of Marine Research Kystdirektoratet Coast Directorate Forsvarsdlepartementet*: Ministry of Defence: Forsvarets Forskningsinstitutt* Norwegian Defence Research Establishment Forsvarets Overkommando* Headquarters Defence Command Norway HTrens Forsyningskommando* Army Material Command Luftforsvarets Forsyningskommando* Airforce Material Command Sj0forsvarets Forsyningskomrnmando* Navy Material Command Forsvarets Sanitet* Norwegian Defence Medical Service Justis- og politidepartementet Ministry of Justice (and the Police) Br0nn0ysundregisterene The Br0nn0ysund Register Centre Datatilsynet The Data Inspectorate GPR/Spec/67/Rev.1 Page 5 Direktoratet for sivilt beredskap The Directorate for Civil Defence and Emergency Planning Riksadvokaten Director General of public prosecutions Statsadvokatembetene: Office of the Public Prosecutor in: -Eidsivating -Vestfold og Telemark -Agder -Rogaland -Hordaland -M0re og Romsdal, Sogn og Fjordane -Trondheim -Nordland -Troms og Finnmark Politiet Police Services Kirke,- utdannings- og Ministry of Education, Research and forskningsdepartementet Church Affairs Det norske meteoroligiske institutt Norwegian Meterological Institute Kirkerddet National Council of the Church of Norway Lararutdanningsrddet Teacher Training Council Mellomkirkelig rad Church of Norway Council on Foreign Relations Norsk Utenrikspolitisk Institutt Norwegian Institute of International Affairs Norsk Voksenpedagogisk Norwegian Institute of Adult Education Forskningsinstitutt Riksbibliotektjenesten National Office for Research and Special Libraries Samisk Utdanningsrad Sami Education Council Kommunal- og arbeids- Ministry of Local Government and departementet Labour Arbeidsdirektoratet Directorate of Labour Arbeidsforskningsinstituttet Work Research Institute Arbeidstilsynet Directorate of Labour Inspection Direktoratet for Brann og Directorate for Fire and Explosion Prevention Eksplosjonsvern Produktregisteret The Product Register Statens Bygningstekniske Etat National Office of Building Technology and Administration Utlendingsdirektoratet Directorate of Immigration GPR/Spec/67/Rev.1 Page 6 Kulturdepartementet Ministry of Cultural Affairs Norsk Filminstitutt National Film Board Norsk Kulturrad Norwegian Cultural Council Norsk Sprdkrad Norwegian Language Council Riksarkivet National Archives of Norway Statsarkivene i National Archives in: - Oslo - Hamar - Kongsberg - Kristiansand - Stavanger - Bergen - Trondheim - Troms0 Rikskonsertene Norwegian State Foundation for National Promotion of Music Statens Bibliotektilsyn Norwegian Directorate of Public and School Libraries Statens Filmkontroll National Board of Film Censors Statens Filmsentral National Film Board Landbruksdepartementet Ministry of Agriculture Norsk Institutt for Skogforskning Norwegian Forest Research Institute Reindriftsadministrasjonen Directorate for Reindeer Husbandry Statens forskningsstasjoner i Landbruk Norwegian State Agricultural Research Stations Statens Naturskadefond National Fund for Natural Disaster Assistance Statens Naeringsmiddeltilsyn The Norwegian Food Control Authority Statens Tilsynsinstitutsjoner for National Agricultural Inspection Services Landbruket Veterinerinstituttet National Veterinary Institute Milj0verndepartementet Ministry of the Environment Direktoratet for Naturforvaltning Directorate of Nature Management Norsk Polarinstitutt Norwegian Polar Research Institute Riksantikvaren Directorate for Cultural Heritage Statens Forurensingstilsyn State Pollution Control Authority Statens Kartverk Norwegian Mapping Authority Naerings-og energidepartementet Ministry of Industry and Energy Direktoratet for Maleteknikk Directorate of National Service of Legal Metrology GPR/Spec/67/Rev.1 Page 7 Norges Geologiske Unders0kelse Geological Survey of Norway Norges Vassdrags- og Energiverk Norwegian Water Resources and Energy Administration Oljedirektoratet Norwegian Petroleum Directorate Statens Veiledningskontor for oppfinnere Norwegian Government Consultative Office for Inventors Styret for det industrielle rettsvern Norwegian Patent Office Samferdselsdepartementet Ministry of Transport and Communication Postdirektoratet Directorate of Postal Services Vegdirektoratet Directorate of Public Roads Sosialdepartementet Ministry of Health and Social Affairs Statens Institutt for Folkehelse National Institute of Public Health Helsedirektoratet Directorate of Health Rikshospitalet National Hospital Rikstrygdeverket National Insurance Administration Rusmiddeldirektoratet Directorate for the Prevention of Alcohol and Drug Problems Statens Helseunders0kelser National Health Screening Service Statens Institutt for alkohol- og National Institute for Alcohol and Drug narkotikaforskning Research Statens Legemiddelkontroll Norwegian Medicines Control Authority Statens Strdlevern Norwegian Radiation Protection Authority Statens Tobakkskaderad National Council on Smoking and Health Utenriksdepartementet Ministry of Foreign Affairs Direktoratet for utviklingshjelp Directorate for Development Cooperation Norimpod Norwegian Import Promotion Office for Products from Developing Countries Sj0fartsdirektoratet Norwegian Maritime Directorate Stortinget The Storting Stortingets
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