District Rural Health Society, District TB Control Programme, Simdega .;l List of Crndldntes ns rer Aruointment - Advertlsement Letter No. 30 dnted 08.02.2016 after decision of Selection Committee Advertisement Post Sl. No. - 1 Name of Post - Medical Officer - DTC (MO-DTC) Conftactual No. of Post - I (One) (Unreserved-1) Total Applications Received - 1 (One) Elisible Cqndidates SL App. SI. Sathsr'o.i Address for Home hlame Husband's Objectisn / Remarks Ns, No, Connmunication District N*mp Vrjay Bernard Late Hilarius At Vill. Fanueltoli, PO. 1 1 Dunedufts Dunsdune Gotra Dist. SimCeqa InelieiFle Candid*les Father's / SL App. Sl. Address for Home ltT Name Husband's Objection / Bemarks l1u.^ F[o. CommuniCation District Neme l{It ttn\^64^ *,,ufr;' W -81 tt)i District TB Officer, CS cum CMO' Simdega Simdega Page I of I * District Rural Health Society, District TB Control Programme, Simdega ..: LIst of Candidrtes as per Armintment - Advertlsement Letter No. 30 dated 08.02.2016 after decision of Selection Committee Advertisement Post Sl. No. - 2 Name of Post - District Programme Coordinator (DPC) (Contractual) No. of Post - I (One) (Unreserved-1) Total Applications Received - 29 (Twenty Nine) Elisiblg Candidates &PP' Father'c sl. I Address for Home SL Name Ilusband's Ohjs*tion / Reinnrks No, Communication Ilistrict No- Name Vill. Pandripani PO. .l Prakash Chandra Kesharv Chandra Khijri PS. Thethai I 21 Sirndega Prasad Prasad Tanger Dist, Simdega g o,)Aal)r.1, t65 ltiatraj Gali, Jhulan Singh n Shrikant Anant Kumar .4. 23 Chowk, Simdega PO. & Simdega Sriwastava Sriwastava Dist. Simdega 83 5223 Ineiieible Candidates App. Father's / sl. Address for Home SL Name Ilusband's Sbjectian / Rcrnarks No. Communication District No, N*.rne , h{arnta Medical Haltr, R.esiCential Certificate is for Edusational Purpose. Subroto Kumar Sapan Kumar 1 1 Niche Bazar, Simdega t- I Simdega MHA Conversion Chart (from Institution) of Saha Saha PO. & Dist. Simdega CCiPA hfarks not attached. *75??,7 Bariatu Basti, Ranehi Z 2 S. Tabraj Ahmad S. Nasim Ahmad Resiiientiai Ceniticate not attached. 834009 ReqUifed qualificatiott i16t preseiit. As pel C/o Rina Devi NotificationNo. 14lTeTrfiqilr fifr*14-01 /zots * Jharkhand AIDS Control sess Mar.2o1o Department of Personnel, J 3 Dhiraj Ram Jay Prakash Ram Ranchi fu-dt of Society, Sadar Hospital Administrative Reforms & Rajbhasha, Jharkhand, Campus, R.anchi 8340C I hence Ineligible / Non Resident of Sirndega T-li nfrir.t Resielential Certifieate is for Educational Fuqpose. Clo .{it Kumar fu per }.{otification No. t+/en*urrr Late Rajendra Choudhary, Bank l.1' t"*.l rt {fr-14*01 zals ssse fui-# 14.0r.2010 of 4 4 Amadeet Kumar \JITIIll(t ,t - Choudhary Colony, Dundurita, Department of Personnel, Administrative Reforms fi I .1 /a F t- f\F, uurriia 6s3zu i & Rajbhasha, Jharkhand, hence lneligible i Non D ooi.{,'tr* nf Qir.r..lo.r"r T\i c'frin.| Kapileshwar At PO. Bharno Dist. 5 5 Rohit Sarangi Residential Certificate not attached. Saransi Gumla 835203 As per Notification No. r+rrerr*errr Vill. Jamundih PO. 14-01 zots ssga ft.ri-d 14.07.2010 Dhruw Narayan *fr- / - of 6 6 Ashutosh Kumar Phulang P.S. Lesliganj Palamau Tiwary D0partment of Personnel, Administrative Retbrms I)ist, Palamau & Rajbhasha, Jharkhand, hence Ineligible / Ncn Ilecidpnf nf (irndcrrc Tlicfrinf Page I af j ffi,^./tr Ineligiblp Ca.nsidates App' Fathsr'o SI. I Address for Home sl. Narne Husband's Objection / R*marks Ns, Communicntion Ilistrict No- Name A ^ * ^- lf.T^riC,^^r.'-^-. \T^ / , ./- --$-- AS pSI I\ULIIIUAUUII l\U. 14 / \<4l.1lqfll vill. utrBkiPfi. ry #-a1 / 201s - $sse futrrEF 14.0?.a01e cf 7 7 Ravindra Kumar Dukhi Lal Baidakala PS. Patan Palamau Department of Fersonnel, Administrative Reforms, Dist. Paiarnau 822123 & Rajbhasha, JharHiand, herice Ineligible / Ni,n R rneir{r"nt nf Sintdeoq f}ietrir** Residential Certificate is for Educational Purpose. FIB R.oad, By I-ane As per Notification No. r+/Eerfrqflr Plaza Cinema, Surendra Kumar *fr-t+-01,/20'rs sssa 14.*?.za1a of I I Amit Kumar Loirakocha, ].[ear Shiv Ranchi - ffis Sharma Department' of Personnel, Admini strative Reforms Hanurnan lvIandir, Rajbhasha, Jharkhand, hence Ineligible I Non Ranchi 834001 & P pc'irlprtt nf (itmr{orra T)ictr{nf Gouri Shankar Near SBI Road, I 9 Rajana Kumari Simdega Required qualification not present. Prasad Simdesa 835223 Sadar Hospital Campus, Required qualification not present. Residential 1'0 10 Md. Haidar Alarn Ahmed Hussain Simclega Sirndega 83 5??3 Certificate is f,or Educatianal Purpase. Required qualification not present. As per Notification No. t+/qp;rfiqtn frfr- M-u zarc Vill. Basaha PO. Basaha / - Sushil Kumar Jawahar Lal ss3a frqim M.lr.zo1o of Department ofPersonnel, 11 1l rr"!:-- _- FS- Pa{ori Dist. Deoghar Tiwari l. iwAI-: i Administrative Reforms Rajbhasha, Jharkh Deoghar 814146 & and, henee Ineligible l Non Resident of Simdega Ajeet Kumar, B-45 CTI Ram Suresh t2 t2 A"feet Kumar Colony'. Dhurw'a, Ranchi Residential Certificate not attached. Singh 834004 Clo Kasim Advocate Abu Imran Pyan 13 13 Central Steet, Hind Piri Residential Certificate not attached. Hashmi Mohammad Rnnchi MBA First Year Marksheet not attached. Conversion Chart af ts.Sc. IT not attached. Qr No. B-82, Sector Residential Certificato is for Educatisnal Purpose. Bageshwar One, PO. Dhurwa PS. per t4 t4 Ajeet Kumar Ranchi As lt[otification No. r+/wn*qrr Tiwary Jagannathpur Dist. *fr=l4-Qt / ic.le - s aB REf'# 14.0?.2clto pf Ranchi 834004 D epartment of Personnel, Adnnini strative Reforms & Rajbhasha, Jharkhand, hence Ineligible / Non I)^^ij^n* n€ Ci*J^^^ T\i^+.".i^* Ratii Road, Devi Mandap, Hesal Near Required qualification not present. Residential i5 15 Gautam Dutta Gourango Dutta Officer's Bank Culuny, Certifieate nat attaetrcd, Ranchi R?4On{ At Kolebira PO. 16 16 Pankaj Kumar Dindayal Prasad Kolebira Dist. Simdega Simdega Residential Certificate is for Educatianal Purpose. 8352 I 1 Qr. No . 286, Sector 3lB, .t F, Dr. Prabhas rv t1 Ramashish Singh Bokaro Steel Rssidential Certifieate nnt attached. Kurnar City, Rokarn 827{l$? Vill. ManCaj Kalan (Lala Ajay Kumar Akshay Kumar Muhalla) PO. Date of Birth Certificate (Matriculation) not t8 18 Sinha Lai Reformatory School, attached. Residential Certificate not attached. Dist. Hasarihaeh 8253 19 wt,,l P*ge d *f 3 * {qqligible $an{i$ateS App* / sl. F'athgr's" Address for Home Nn sl" Name Husband's 0bjection / Remar.ks Jtlrt Communication Ilistricf No- Name Semartoli Near CIP .t l-\ IY 19 Danish tolehdi Anis Mehdi Colony, Kanke, Itanchi R"esidential Certificate not attached. Dist. Ranchi 834006 Residential Certificate is for Educational Purpose. As per Notification No. r+rzwnftuen Shanti Nagar, East Sylvester {rfr-14-01 * sesa k{rd M.or.zl1o of ZA ?a Komal Khalkho Garhatow, Kokar PO. Latehar /zsts Khalkho Department af Perscnnel, Administrative Refcrms GPO Ranciri 834001 & Rajbha,sha, ry-tkland, hence Ineligibie i Non P r"oir{anf nf Ritrrlr"rrq I"Ii cfrir.f As per Notification No. r+/wt*ffir Qr. No. 8/569, Sector II frfr--14-01 sssa frl=Tm M.ll.za1o of Anmot Kant /zarc - 2l 22 Dasrath Mahto , PO. Dhurwa Dist. Ranchi Department of Personnel, Administrative Reforms Mahto u Ranciri 834U04 & Rajbhasha, Jharkhand, hence Ineligible I Non Residpnf nf Sinndeoq T)i$rief At Tukupani Schooltoli, Arup Samir 22 24 Deonis Kerketta Tapudega, Pandripani Simdega Required qualitication not present. Kerketta Dsit. Simdega 83 5223 As per Notificatiori I.Io. t+/wrr*eif,r At PO. Kamta PS. *fr-14-01 * se3o frrlis 14.or.zo1o of Arhioh Kurner /zots 23 25 Krishna Keshri Chandu,a Dist. Latehar Latehar Administrative Reforms Keshri Department of Personnel, 8292C3 & Rajbhasha, Jharkhand, hence Ineligible i l.tron Rn'aidenf nf {irndetrq T)ietrir"f A+ Tiri.r'+ir Df-l Avr.rrla t4a l It r rl".triELry(t", I- Lr r lllrLl(l. CGPA Camersion nat attashed. Residential /,+ to Arjun Das Chhote Lal Das PS. Khar.sarryan 833101 Certificate not attached. As per Notification No. r+/qqrfrtrflr C/o N.C. Vishwakarma *ft-14-01 /zsts * sssa ft-{-iffi 14.frTlm10 of I\E .,Fl Master Para Durga ZJ LI Sumit Grssa] Nalcul Ghosal Dhanbad T)enerftnenf nfi/l rPerqnnnei vr rJvrur*.L) / AlYlrsluylr rirnini stratirrew&l 7 !/ llv^vlllrsR einrms Manciir Roari, Dhanbaci -a-r-irlrtaa !ii.vii! A ?A henee Ineligible / Non ' & Rajbhasha, Jharkhanrl, UZbUU I P eqir{6'nt nf Sirndpoe T)ic,fric} H. No. Z7&", Vill & PO. Pradeep Kumar Tarkeshwar Lacharagarh PS. 26 28 Simdega CGPA Conversion Chart not attached. Singh Singh Kolebira Dist. Simdega R3 {?O 1 CCFA Conrrersion Chart not siibmitted. As per Notification No. r+/wvfrq-61 *fr-14-01 zarc * PO. Barkakana PS. / Gar,'in Ishan Biren Kumar nsrs l+.ur.zuto Department of Personnel, 27 29 Patratu Dist. Ramgarh Gumla frqiq of Guria Guria Administrative Reforms Rajbhasha, Jharkhand, 829142 & hence Ineligible / Non Resident of Simdega rrinf l4 tq W,lr,\ Disfrict TB'Officer, CS cum CMO, Simdega Simdega ?wse I *f $ District Rural Health Sociefy, District TB Control Programme; Simdega List of Candidntes as per Aniiointment - Advertisement Letter No. 30 dated 08.02.2016 after decision of Selection Committee Advertisement Post Sl. No. - 3 Name of Post - District Public-Private Mix Coordinator (Conffactual) No. ofPost - I (One) (Jnreserved-l) Total Applications Received - 14 @ourteen) Utiqiblg Canqidaffi Appliwt SL Father's I Address for Home ion Sl. Name Objection / Remarla No, Husband's Naroe Communication No- -District it{atraj Gali, ihulan Chowk, Shrikant Anant Kishor 1 1 t Simdega PO. & Dist. Simdega Shriwastava Siriwastava Simdeqa 83 5223 Inelisihle Candidates SI Applicat lJ.lc Father's / Address for Home ion SI. hlnme Objeetion I R.emarla No. Husband's Name Communication District Nn^ As per Notiflcation No.
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