http://kentarchaeology.org.uk/research/archaeologia-cantiana/ Kent Archaeological Society is a registered charity number 223382 © 2017 Kent Archaeological Society ( 158 ) GENERAL INDEX. A Basock, John, Official of Rochester, Abergavenny, William Lord, 138. 56. Abbey Wood, Co-operative Estate Bassingbourne arms in Herne at, xlii. Church, 97. Accounts, xlvi-xlix. Batt, Edward, 22. Aelfstan, Abbot, 77, 80. Beacon Hill, Ightharn, 19. Aethelbeorht, King, 25. bear presented to Christ Church Alan de Bokeland, brother of Priory, 4. Stephen, 39. Beaufort, Cardinal Henry, 5, 7; Aldham, Manor of, 17. bequest to Christ Church, 8, 9, 10; .Aldon arms in Home Church, 97; death of, 9; Edmund, Earl of of Boughton Aluph, 82, 83. Dorset, 7; Sir John, Earl of Alen, Roberto, 5. Somerset, buried in Canterbury Alkhe.m, Thomas de, 43. Cathedral, 96. All Saints, Hoc, 39. " Beck " find recalled, 157. Alleyn, John, 86. Beckenham, John Marsham or AI'work and Chittenden, Messrs., Martham rector of, 52; Toots Hon. Auditors, =civil. Wood, xlv. altar, portable, explanation of, 52. Belcesbourne, Manor of, JO; account Andrews, Thomas, 109. relating to, in Christ Church Annual Report and Accounts for Priory accounts, 2; provides ship 1989, xxxiii-xlix. for Margaret of Anjou, 2. Apuldrefield, arms in Herne Church, Bellingham (1), arms in Herne 84, 98; Elizabeth, 88, 89, 98. church, 97. Arteys, John, 12. Benedict de Wouldham, 39. Arundel, Archbishop, arms in Herne Berde, John, 12. Church, 82. Boreal), Manor of, 39. Ash, Hiile's or HeIle's Court, by Berham, de, family, 45; Edmond W. P. D. Stabbing, 101-108. Digges do, Official of Rochester, Ash Church, excursion to, xli. 45, 46. Asheford, John, 13. Bernet, W., 15. atte Sea family, see Sea family. Barton, Richard, minstrel of the Austin Friars of Canterbury, 88. Archbp. of Canterbury, 7. Aylesford, 43; bridge, 18; church Bingley, James, map-maker, 109. and dispute between Rochester Birchington, 72; Church, 157; and Canterbury monks, 38; lathe Major Powell-Cotton, 156. of, 17; stones found at, xliv. Bisemare, see Bysmare. Bishopsbourne, the Bournes of, 48. Bishopston, John de, rector of Clyffe Badlesmere, Bartholomew de, 43. at Hoo, 47. Baldwin, Archbishop, 29; Widow, Blackheath, xlii. 139. Breen woods, 26. Baldwyn, H., 22. Blore, Christopher, 89; Elizabeth, Bamborough, John, High steward of 89. Christ Church Priory, 6, 11. 13Iunt's briclifield, Sheldon, 72. Bamburgh, John, 14. Booland, Stephen de, 38. Barrharn, Mildred, 99. Boclund, Stephen do, institution as Barrning, 60. rector of Colsterworth, Lincoln, Barton,Ifiss M., " Tunbridge Wells," 38, 30. 138. Bohemia arms in Home Church, 96. GENERAL INDEX. 159 13okeland, Nicholas de, Official of Buclthurst, Lord, 139; Park, 139. Rochester, 39, 40; Stephen de, Buckingham, Duke of (Humphrey Official of Rochester, see Soclund. Stafford), 7. Bolton, Mr. J. Herbert, xxxvi. Bursvash, Bartholomew de, 48. Boniface, Arehbp., 30, Bishop, 50. Bushe-Fox, Mr., j.P., 144. Borough Green, Tile Kiln at, 141. Buxton, Miss V. E., and fuld at Bottisham (Bottlesham), William de, Fawke Common, Sevenoaks, 50. Byllyngton, WiLlo, 15. Bottlesham, William, Bishop of Bysmaxe, Robert, 95; William, 95. Rochester, Si; John, 51. Boughton Aluph, 82, 83. Bourne, Robert de, rector of South- fleet, 40; Vicar-General of Cornfield, Ann, 137. Rochester, 48, 40. Cornfields of Groonabridge, 137. Bowes, Dr. T. Armstrong, xxxvii. Candour, Thomas, Official of Bowra, Cecil A. V., Note on John Rochester, 58. Bowra, 137-140; Edward, 137. Candover, Thomas, 866 Candour, Bowra, John, Land Surveyor and Thomas. Cartographer, by C. A. V. Bowra, Canterbury, 85; A.R.P. Control 137.140; born at Groombridge, Room, 109; Archreological Society 137; born at Sevenoaks, 137; and Roman Kiln, 111; area map-maker, 138; trade-card, 140; covered by Roman city, 115; Thomas, chirurgion, of Sevenoaks, arms of Halle in cloister, 86; 137; Rev. William, 137. Castle used as County Jail, 144; Boxley, Robert de Bourne, desires Cathedral. 90; Municipal Offices, burial at, 49. 109; Museum, 119, 146; Norman Boynton arms in Herne Church, 95. gate-house unique, 144; Note on Boys arms in Herne Church, 93; stamped tile at, 145.146; priory, John, 98; Sara, 91, 92; Thomas, 88. 91, 92. Canterbury, Notes on Discovery of Brabourne Church, Scott monuments Foundations of Norman Castle, by in, 99. Graham Webster, 143.145. Braboume, Lord, death of, xxxvi. Canterbury, Notes on the Inner Life Bradboume Estate, Savannahs, seal and Domestic Economy of the matrix found, xliii. Priory of Christ Church, in the Bradfield, John, 40. 15th Century, by C. Eveleigh Bradwell, John, rector of Shoreham, Woodruff, 1-16. 46. Canterbury, Roman Pottery Kiln, by Brayton, Hannah, wife of Major Graham Webster, 109-110; Note Powell-Cotton, 157. on Structure, by R. F. Jessup, 117; Brenchley Church, 36. Pottery, by J. S. Kirkman, 118-120; Brett, Stephen, 27. Additional Notes, by Graham Brick House Parra, Frensbury, 139. Webster, 134-136; Sherd Register, bridge money, 17, 18. by J. S. Kirkman, 122-133; plan Brintone, Thomas de, Bishop of of kiln, 112; plan of site, 110; Rochester, 49. sketch of kiln, 114. Bromley, Manor of, 42, 44. Canterbury's Roman site similar to Brooke arms in Herne Church, 94; London, 115. illustration facing page 94. Canterbury, See of, arms in Herne Brooke, Robert, of Margate, 94. Church, 82; Visit of King Henry Broomfield, Home, 85; Hall, 90. 6th, 8. Broomhill, Old, a liberty of Romney, "Care of Churches," review, 149- 66. 154. Brotherton arms in Home Church, 94. Castle Down, Herne, 86. Browne, Rev. A. L., The Medieval Cott, William, 22. Officials-Principal of Rochester, 29- Cavanagh, Col., 154. 61. Chalk, 72. Buchanan, "Memorials of Herne," Chalke, William, 59. 81. Challock Church, 08. 160 GENERAL INDEX. Chart Bottom, Ightham, 19, 20. Cotton, Dr. Charles, death of, cvi. Chartham, 41; Manor House, 7, 11 ; Cotton, Major P. H. G. Powell, William, 15. obituary, by W. P. D. Stebbing, Chatham Church, 44. 156-157. Chelsfield, Rector of, 54. Councer, C. It., Heraldic Notices of Cheyne, Sir John, 4. the Church of St. Martin, Herne, Chichele, Archbishop, benefactor to 81-100. Christ Church, Canterbury, 10, 52. Councer, Mr. C. R., xxxvi. Chiddingstone, farm in, 140. Cowdhara Church, 49. Children, John, 139; Richard, land- Cowling Castle, 5. owner, 138. Criol (Icyrell), Sir John, 4. Chislehurst Rectory, given to Crippenden in Cowden, 85. Edmund Digges de Berham, 45; Croker, Rev. Temple Henry, rector William de Honington, rector of, of Ightlaam, 20, 21, 23. 45. Cross, Elizabeth, 148. Chislet, lands in, 95. Crundale, human bones found, xliii. choirboys at Christ Church, Canter- Cruttenden, Martha, of Maidstone, bury, games for, 15. 137. Christ Church, Canterbury, Notes on Cryall, Lord Bertram de, 26. the Inner Life and Domestic Cumberland, A., Note on Saxon Economy of the Priory of, In the Cemetery at Horton Kirby, 142. 15th Century, by C. EveIeigh Curling, Jane, of Ramegate, will, Woodruff, 1-16. 146-147; John, 146, 147. Christ Church, Canterbury, 77, 88; Curteys, John, 13. Ere in Audit House, 2; font sent Curtis, Mr., 139. to London for Royal baptisms, 12; Curtneys, John, 6. visit of King Henry 6th, 8. Cuxton Church, 35. " Churches, care of," review, 149-164. Churchill, Dr. Irene J., xxxvii. churchwardens' accounts, Ightharn, 17. Dagmar House, Canterbury, 109. Chylham, John, 16. dairy-farms, 24. Clere, Elizabeth, 88, 89; William, 89. Denison, William, 139. Cliffsend, 68, 70, 72, 74. Dane John, Canterbury, a Roman Clinton family of Folkestone, 96. barrow, 115. Clye, Simon de, 39. Darenth Roman Villa Site, xliii. Clyffe at Hoo, John de Bishopsten, Dartford, 58; Alexander de Wodere, rector, 47. of, 43; Andrew Sanders, vicar of, Coboham Bury, 32. 53; Chantry of B.V.M. at, 32; Cobham, 55; College, 49; Lady District Antiquarian Society, xliv ; Joan, 6. gallows outside, 57; John Honey, Cock, Dr. F. William, xxxvi. vicar of, 57; John Warren, vicar coins found in Canterbury Roman of, 56; lands in, 41; Littlebrook kiln, 116. Marshes, xliii; visits of bishops, Coleman, Mr. T. S., of Goshall, Ash, 33. 101. Davington Court, Faversham, 93; Colepepper arms in Herne Church, Priory, 93. 93; Sir Cheney, of Leeds Castle, 93. de Cryall, Lord Bertram, 26. CoRingwood, Prof. R. G., 146. de Berhexo family, see Barham, de. Collins, 148. Deal, 72, 74, 76; will of Mrs. Jane Corabwell, Prior of, 4. Wraight of, 147-148. Consaunt, 92; arms in Herne Dehane, Jacob, 148; Mary, 147. Church, 97, 98; Margery, 87, 97. Den of Goose, Romney Marsh, 27. Contents, v-vi. Denge Marsh, 27; Manor of, 26. Cooke, Mr. Richard, xxxvii. Derville, Major M. Teiohman, elected CJookestone, 51. President, xxxvi. Cooldestone, rector of, 42, 60. Digges, Edmond, Official of Cornwall, John, Baron of Eanhope, Rochester, 45, 46; James, 89, 99; 13. John, 89, 99. GENERAL INDEX. 161 Disbrowe, Samuel, 93. Parnaby, Sir Thomas, lanai! in Dorman Long, Messrs., 74, 80; Severtoaks, 139. borings at Stoner, 70. Farningham, Chapel. Field, xliii. Dorset, Earl of (Edmund Beaufort), Faversham 26; Abbey, 88. 7. Fawke Common, Sevenoaks, Dover, 74, 80; Cinque port harbour, Fenkin, Elizabeth, 148; Mary, 148. of, 66 • Estuary, mill at mouth, Ferrara arms in Earns Church, 95. 77; load bridge at, 65; Roesia ffarles, Elizabeth, john, Isabella, of, ; Straits of, 68, 76, 80. 146; Sibella-, 146. Dowker, George, 74, 77. Fisher, Mr. C. E., end find of pottery Drew, Dr. A. J. IC., of Ramsgate, at MaidErtone, Fitzalan, arms in Herne Church, 94. Dudxnanswike, Hope All Saints, 27. Fletcher, Richard, rector of St. Duncomb, "History and antiquities Mary's, Hoo, 60. of Reculver and Herne," 81. Foche, John, 4. Dungeness, 66. roderingeye, John de, Official of Dunning, Mr. G. C., acknowledge- Rochester, 42-45; "Scribe of the ments to, 120. Acts," archdiocese of Canterbury, Durant, Richard, rector of Kemsing, 42, etc. 45. Follcesland at Moddingharn, 37. foodstuff prices at Christ Church If Priory, 3.
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