SCfl li THE WASHINGTON TDIES. WEDNESDAY. IAY 20, 1914. i LIVE SPORTS JZS3., I Griffs Hospital List Includes Johnny Bentley, Pitcher NAPS' CRACK TWIRLER JACK MINES ROBS EGAN FINISHES HE'S PLAYING GOOD BALL MM BENTLEY IS 1 MINCE PIE $&&$ A LITTLE OF EVERYTHING. HONGU CICOTTE OF RECORD TRAINING FOR BOUT By "BUGS" BAER. Seems that Travcrs putts re-- fused to stay put. Vomising Young Southpaw Chunky White Sox Twirler Is Washington's Veteran Promises Complains of Chills and Within Step of Equaling Cy to Give Young McCue the The English polo team loses all it'i practice games. The Athletics Young's Work. Beating of His Life. also r Fever and Can't Twirl. lose all their practice games. Hope tht Britishers aren't stealing Connie thunder. PHILADELPHIA. May 20.-E- ddie That Kid Egan is sparing no pains to BIRMINGHAM PLANS OFFENSE Clcotte was robbed of a no-hi- t. no-ru- n, prepare himself for his fifteen-roun- d game yesterday battle with Youn McCue tomorrow Outside of J50,000, Willie Ritchii when Jack Mclnnes stung him for a night at Ardmore, was shown today doesn't want a thing for fighting Fred- eighth the Washington featherweight die Welsh. May Roy Wood single in the inning. Until then when Play at First and after, as well, the stunted White boxed sixteen hard rounds with his Sox flinger was simply invincible. In sparrlnc partners and finished without And Victoriano Suerta only rtjatrn a Base Today Because Doc the nine frames only twenty-eig- ht men even breathing; fast. mrcsly 990,000,000 for the lease of Hag' faced him. and he had no trouble win- "I'm ready now,' said he, "and I'll dalena lay. Johnston Can't Swat. ning, 3 to 0. rest now until the moment for entering "Sorry, old man," said Mclnnes to Move that Willie light Victoriano. and Cicotte, as the ring. If I don't hand a lacing to tht the little Mackman landed winner meet Doc Cook for hopbtid champion-shi- p on first base, "but I Just had to do it. McCue I'll quit boxing forever. He'll Perhaps the next time, you'll get the weigh more than I do, but I'll make up of the world. LINE-UP- . record." the difference with my speed. He's In PROBABLE "Yes, I'm young yet," replied Cicotte, for a fine whipping, take It from me." RABID RUDOLPH SAYS with a grin, but he was greatly disap- The announcement that Hermann HAPLANDERS. 'GRIFFMEN. pointed at his failure. Schaefer will referee the preliminary Cicotte's performance) was remarkable. bout between Karl 'Hera and Kid Chinn cf. WoeHer, Leibold, if. Only four balla were driven beyond the has stirred ud the baseball fans, and "Even if we donl Turner, 3b. Foster, 3b. infield, and only one or two of the they are sure to be at the ringside chances were difficult. The when the Griff men's comedian strips win the pennant, it'i Grancy, If. Milan, cf. White Sox inner quartet fielded bril- for action. They are In for some fun, too. for Schaefer Is some referee. Jackson, rf. Gandil, ib. liantly. Bob Shawkey was hit haid, some satisfaction ti and had to give wai- - to Rube Bresslnr. All details have been completed for ' Lajoie, b. Shanks, If. score: R. H. E. the evening's entertainment. Kid Egan know The and Young McCue will weigh in at 126 that we'n Johnston, ib, Morgan, sb. White Sox 000 021 000- -3 12 0 pound at 6 o'clock at Pete Baum's gone Mackmen 000 000 UO- O-0 1 1 on street, through all tht Olson, ss. McBride, ss. gymnasium, Thirteenth and Batteries White Sox, CIcotto and go Immediately to Ardmore. The pre- motions.? Carisch, c. Henry, c. Schaik; Mackmen. Shawkey, Brcssler liminary battle will start at 8:50. bring- and Lapp. ing the final, on about an hour later. Bassler, c Williams, & Gregg, p. Johnson, p. !: Hagerman, p. Engcl, p. The peach crop has escaped th frott. wherein It differ vastly from Eddie Foster's Collamore, p. BINGLES AND BUNTS batting average. Game p m. at 3:30 By GRANTLAND RICE. With Jack Coombs again in uniform Clark Griffith will, show good juagmem The Kidnaper. no-h- lt games to their credit, but with a in sending a mediator to Niagara, Falls By THOMAS KIRBY. brief pull of luck a number of things Spring, you old vagabond, what do As soon as one player sets out that would have happened quite differently If Onlmet loses the golf tounumsat is you mean In this bizarre world. England. ambulance, another top-rc- s Sir Thomas Upton wins the enpk. riffithian Calling me off from the work I am Here's "Little Nemo" Leibold, the Nap's Midget Centerfielder, Who Ir Rated and Willie Iloppe gets In. Here Is Vean Gregg, Joe Birmingham's Crack Southpaw. When In Shape trimmed at bUIlardi. doing? The One Sure Tip. Araone the Best Gardeners in the League. He Is Back in the then, of course, it won't be such a abode to Johnny Bentley complained last even- - Comes Close Being Beat Lefthander in the American League. Just He To the you observe my purse is The betting Is now nt 5 to 3 for tee cC Looey still out of last place In Oc- ng he was not feeling well and Can't that listed Game After an Injury That Threatened to Keep Him on the Bench For tober. that He Has Been Suffering From a Weak Arm This Spring, However, and still lean, America in the coming polo carnival. hen the roll was called at morning - Many Weeks. His Right Name Is Harry and He Isn't a Bit Delighted today. Bentley was missing, Keeds a Lot of Warm Weather Before Striking His Best Stride. That I must still be achieving, pur- We might be inclined to risk a kopeck ractlce fciiinr? or two If the dope did not favor Amer- With the "Little Nemo" Stuff. sending word that he was unable to ica to win. Our system has always Nothing remarkable of. at- - Washington is Suite has a more consistent or reliable Sec here, you loafer, I'm wise to your purl- about cave his bed. He is victim an club received at that been to forecast the result via the Howard scoring of chills and fever and, while 344. Southern Building. quartet than these four, threa.of whom stutt; ing dope and then bet the other way. Shanks from ack have been developed since Griffith be- goes any game you Leonard Stops Tigers Cardinals Slaughter second on an infield out. case is not 'considered serious, it manager Barring possibly Beat it before I get peevish and rough. And this for care 'he Being convinced through the perform- came here. to ring In, with only Brickley and We've seen Oscar Stanage reg- "ill probably mean the elimination of ance of Jim Shaw yesterday that he Chicago, no club has anything on the Baker barred. And They Lose Another Rucker and Wagner he silent twirler for a few days. has a dependable four. Griffith today contingent here. Xix on that chatter of mashic3 and ister from third cfn one of sent out numerous telegrams with the cleeks, BOSTON. Mass.. Mav 20. Just as the ST. LOUIS, Mo May 20. The Car- Sam Crawford's short bunts The club physician's roster now is: idea of placing some of his surplus Tor the first time since being Injured The Pirate Jinx. Tigers were getting too familiar with against Ain-cml- with the dinals came to life yesterday and the right field fence. ohn Henry, bruised Sneer: Kd mound material. Ed A'nsmilh was n uniform yesterday. What Unless the Pirates can disperse the Hugh Bedient's curves. Bill Carrigan arm: Dick Williams, sore v be ho tuition; slaughtered Nap Rucker and Bill broken There are now here ten pitchers John- It ill at least two weeks before upon home sod they dcrricked him and shoved "Dutch" Do-la- wcc'-'S.- Giant Jinx their Wagner, the Robins' twlrlers. Al n arm; "Cube" Acosta, sprained ankle;' son, Boehling. Ayers, Shaw. Engel, Is able to work. He had a new cast You say ihc day is the finest in are up against another splash of Leonard into the battle. The young Karry Harper, sore arm; and Johnny placed on the fractured arm yesterday. - led with the stick, cracking out Cashion, Gallia, Bentley, Williams and You bay the course is in perfect con- trouble and disaster. southpaw stopped those jungaiecrs coin. four hits, while Hugglns got three. Bentley, fever. Harper and It is impossible to give ilWinn' In three frames they got but one hit off The score: thorn sufficient to keep thtm in he was not hard hit. Willie This Jinx has or have practically score: R. II. E. Earl Hamilton Stops Kuhn, the Chicago catch- work Wlile Oh, of course, if you that him. The R.ILE. In addition. condition. The first four will be worked M'tchfll was too wavering for Birming- well, put it subdued the Pirates for a run of four Tigers E1 100 000--1 8 2 Robins 010 000 7 3 er, is under the physician's care, with in closing innings ha wav seasons. In years play - 300 002 1- 0- 10 3 0012 Frank Chance's Yanks finger in order from now on, so that all the ham and the four at Pitts- Red Sox Cardinals 000 220 2 Ox 6 13 1 a shattered bone in the index others have to do has been to changed his battery, sending, Bvwrnan uurgn.
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