FEATURED ADVERTISERS A COORDINATED CARE EXPERIENCE MATTERS. Our powerful healthcare solutions deliver the interoperability that gives providers access to all the patient data they need, when they need it. We’re working to keep providers and patients on the same page, because connected care is the best care. Learn more at InterSystems.com/Healthcare for the better Your number one goal is to help build a healthy community. At CPSI, we share that goal. With a KNOW focus on creating a stronger future for communities like yours, we’ve worked hard to build lasting industry how to get more people partnerships and alliances that allow us to spot trends, encourage innovation and proactively create tools for your success. turning left instead of right. With a common purpose and working together with the right people, we help you provide healthcare that’s for the better of all — healthcare amplified. Learn more about working together Visit cpsi.com/healthcareamplified athenahealth partners with hospital and ambulatory clients to drive results. We offer network-enabled medical record, revenue cycle, patient engagement, care coordination, and population health services. athenahealth.com cpsi.com The CPSI family of companies MOST INFLUENTIAL WOMEN IN HEALTH IT: Meet the winners of the 2017 HIMSS award. They see it not just as a badge of honor, but a call to action to change culture, norms and expectations. PAGE 16 Published in partnership with www.HealthcareITNews.com THE NEWS SOURCE FOR HEALTHCARE INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Q APRIL 2017 HIMSS Media / Vol. 14 No. 4 HEALTH IT TREND LINES From population health to precision medicine, EHRs to AI – a look back at what we learned at HIMSS17 and expect to see for the year going forward. PAGE 4 Hospitals moving to the cloud Could on-site datacenters be Next steps for extinct in five years? federal IT policy PAGE 15 At a pivotal moment, it’s time to reform regulatory See our ad on page 40 approaches, says John Halamka, MD. PAGE 14 A COORDINATED CARE EXPERIENCE MATTERS. Our powerful healthcare solutions deliver the interoperability that gives providers access to all the patient data they need, when they need it. We’re working to keep providers and patients on the same page, because connected care is the best care. Learn more at InterSystems.com/Healthcare April 2017 | Healthcare IT News | www.HealthcareITNews.com CONNECT 3 BLOG FEATURED EVENT A challenge to $IFDLPVU)*.44 .FEJBT1SJWBDZ healthcare execs 4FDVSJUZ'PSVN LJDLJOHPGGJO4BO *OBUJNFPGQPMJUJDBMVODFSUBJOUZBSPVOEUIF 'SBODJTDPPO.BZ "GGPSEBCMF$BSF"DUBOEUIFGBUFPGIFBMUI SFGPSNJO"NFSJDB -ZHFJB3JDDJBSEJTBZTIFBMUI *5QSPGFTTJPOBMTTIPVMEOUIJEFUIFJSPQJOJPOT CALENDAR OF EVENTS BCPVUXIBUTIBQQFOJOHJO8BTIJOHUPO ------------------------------------------------ APRIL )*.44.FEJB#JH%BUB http://bit.ly/2ngyy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bit.ly/republican-health bit.ly/HIMSS17-Insights bit.ly/Boehner-HIMSS17 WHAT’S INSIDE GOLIC PBUS INESJ .BLJOHQSPHSFTT "*BOE&)3 "U0/$ XPSLPOIFBMUI*5DPOUJOVFTBNJEUIF /VBODF &QJDQBSUOFSUPIFMQJNQSPWFDBSFGPS ;XkXZ\ek\ij4[f[fj6 5SVNQBENJOJTUSBUJPOUSBOTJUJPO WFUFSBOTXJUIEJTBCJMJUJFT Prominent healthcare ")$"PQQPTJUJPO /FXGSPOUJFST executives are predicting a "NFSJDBO)PTQJUBM"TTPDJBUJPO "NFSJDBT&TTFOUJBM /55%BUBBOE0SBDMFDPMMBCPSBUFUPTIPPU drastic shift from on-premise )PTQJUBMT PUIFSTDPNFPVUBHBJOTU(01CJMM IFBMUIDBSF#JH%BUBJOUPUIFDMPVE IT infrastructure into the cloud. That includes INSIGHK;8K8 electronic health records, clinical decision support and $MBSJUZXBOUFEGSPN%$ #FUUFSJOUFHSBUJPOOFFEFE 1PMJDZNBLFSTPXFJUUPIFBMUI*5QSPGFTTJPOBMTUPCF 0WFSDPNJOHUIFIVSEMFTTMPXJOHUIFVTFPG analytics. Could the hospital HFOPNJDEBUBJODMJOJDBMXPSLGM XT datacenter be extinct within DMFBSBOEUSVUIGVMJOUIFJSNFTTBHJOH five years? Some think so. /FYUTUFQTGPSIFBMUI*5 &BTZNBSLT “The onsite datacenter of the +PIO)BMBNLB .% PGGFSTIJTQPMJDZTVHHFTUJPOT )BDLFS,FWJO.JUOJDLPOUIFEBOHFSTPGIVNBO future will have only two GSPNDBSFDPPSEJOBUJPOUPBOBUJPOBMQBUJFOU*% GBDUPSTGPSIFBMUIEBUBTFDVSJUZ employees: a man and a dog,” said one informatics LIN ICAL professional. “The man will : be there to feed the dog; the "MMIBOETPOEFDL dog will be there to guard CORRECTION: In the March 2017 issue, we *UTOPUKVTU$*0TBOE$*40T$.*0TIBWFDFOUSBM incorrectly identified the name of products that against the man messing SPMFJOQSPUFDUJOHDZCFSTFDVSJUZ UPP 3M Health Information Systems announced at with the datacenter.” HIMSS17. The company offered more details on $MJOJDBM1BUIXBZT its Performance Matrix, unveiled Unstructured 1"(& Data Mining and debuted a system for provider- "MMTDSJQUT /BOU)FBMUIUFBNXJUI$BODFS5SFBUNFOU based coding. The error occured on page 28 in $FOUFSTPG"NFSJDBUPDPNCJOFEFDJTJPOTVQQPSU the 3M Verily blurb. 4 COVER STORY www.HealthcareITNews.com | Healthcare IT News | April 2017 POST-HIMSS17 From pop health to precision medicine, EHRs to AI, a look back at what we learned in Orlando By Healthcare IT News staff April 2017 | Healthcare IT News | www.HealthcareITNews.com COVER STORY 5 FD<+)#'''?EACK?CAI< and technology professionals breaches and ransom- of surveys showing clinicians’ intense dissatisfaction with EHRs returned home from HIMSS17 in Orlando a month ago, ware attacks dominating – never mind the evolving strategic goals the systems need to ready to put the insights they learned there to work. the headlines in recent help attain – it’s little wonder more hospitals are putting money S As spring gets under way, it’s worth looking back on months offers little doubt into making them better. the trends and topics of discussion that dominated the annual as to why. At HIMSS17, there was an array of education sessions on opti- conference and promise to be top of mind for health IT pros in Individual healthcare mization topics such as enabling better EHR analytics, fixing the months ahead, from basic (but no less challenging) goals such data, once sedentary if usability problems that could impact patient safety and strategies mastering analytics tools to population health management, to not necessarily secure, is for integrating genomics data. more exotic and envelope-pushing technology applications like now in constant motion There was even a half-day User Experience Forum, with artificial intelligence, blockchain and beyond. – and exposed to more experts discussing the ways UX can be improved for care teams people, in more places to create a more transparent, intuitive way of care delivery. POPULATION HEALTH and in more ways – At it, Lorraine Chapman, senior director of healthcare at Effective population health management is essentially what we’re medical and IoT devices, Macadamian, a UX design and development firm, noted that all after, after all. And the perennially popular – if often hard smartphones, laptops – “healthcare is late to the game in terms of user experience.” to define – topic was much buzzed about in Orlando, from the than ever before, accord- Suzanne Cogan For any patients put-off by impersonal-feeling portals, or pro- enlightening education sessions to the jam-packed exhibit floor ing to the report. viders frustrated by ungainly user interfaces and counterintuitive HIMSS17’s Population Care Management Knowledge Center, Despite those risks, 60 percent of poll respondents said their workflows, that sentiment might be something of a no-brainer. for instance, was revised to focus more on care management, care organizations were deploying to environments with inadequate But beyond the obvious benefit to clinical end users, good UX coordination and the transitions of care, the better to help provid- security safeguards. The healthcare industry also is adopting has ROI for vendors, said Chapman, who noted that for every ers gain perspective on maintaining quality while controlling costs some of these technologies for sensitive data use – with 69 per- $100 spent up front in product development, “the cost of fixing in the service of value- based care. cent of U.S. respondents leveraging software-as-a-service, 59 issues later doubles, if not triples.” Smart UX strategies “save That’s no small feat, said Shelley Price, director of payer and percent big data, 46 percent mobile and 35 percent Internet of you from wasted product development cycles, and ensure that life sciences for HIMSS North America. “Organizations face the Things environments. what you produce is meeting a need,” she said. challenge of exchanging an unprecedented amount of clinical and Encryption is increasingly popular for data
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